Zusammenfassung: | Ten-year hourly recorded wind meteorological data at six sites along the coastline of Pakistan at two heights (10 and 50 m) were extrapolated to two higher heights (80 and 100 m). Monthly and seasonal analysis of variation in air density (ρ), wind speed, Weibull parameters (K and C), wind power density, and wind energy density with height was investigated. Analysis shows that wind shear coefficient is highest in winter and lowest in summer. ρ, wind speed, wind power density, and wind energy density all increase with increasing hub height, with the most prominent increment in winter and the lowest in summer. With increasing height, K has been found to decrease slightly while C increases. Techno-economic feasibility analysis of annual energy production using 15 turbines was carried out which shows that capacity factor alone cannot render a turbine feasible but also economic assessment is mandatory to evaluate the feasibility of turbines. G1 and G2 turbines have been found the best options while B5 and V2 as the worst. Comparison among sites shows that Karachi is the most potential site with cost of energy of $0.017/kW h while Jiwani is the worst site with cost of energy of $0.039/kW h both at 100 m height.