Palestine/Israel and State Criminality: Exception, Settler Colonialism and Racialization

This article critically engages with Israel's settler-colonial racial regime in Palestine as an Agambenian state of exception. The first part reiterates the author's argument that the Israeli state extends its laws to rule occupied and besieged Palestine while excluding itself and its Jewi...

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Veröffentlicht in:World Review of Political Economy. - Pluto Journals. - 5(2016), 1, Seite 32-50
Format: Online-Aufsatz
Veröffentlicht: 2016
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:World Review of Political Economy
Schlagworte:Israel Palestine Agamben settler colonialism race Weheliye History Political science Behavioral sciences Law Social sciences