This study assessed the influence of sago-based vegeculture (cultivation of sago and vegetatively propagated crops) in Seram, Maluku province, east Indonesia, on the local forest landscape. The land productivity of sago groves, dependence of local people on sago and size of shifting cultivation fiel...

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Veröffentlicht in:Journal of Tropical Forest Science. - Forest Research Institute Malaysia. - 26(2014), 1, Seite 75-83
1. Verfasser: Sasaoka, M (VerfasserIn)
Weitere Verfasser: Laumonier, Y, Sugimura, K
Format: Online-Aufsatz
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Journal of Tropical Forest Science
Schlagworte:Applied sciences Biological sciences Physical sciences
Zusammenfassung:This study assessed the influence of sago-based vegeculture (cultivation of sago and vegetatively propagated crops) in Seram, Maluku province, east Indonesia, on the local forest landscape. The land productivity of sago groves, dependence of local people on sago and size of shifting cultivation field were analysed. Field research was conducted intermittently between 2003 and 2010 in an upland community in Seram. The study found that (1) the land productivity of sago groves in the village was higher than that of upland rice fields throughout South-East Asia, (2) sago was the most important staple food in terms of energy intake and was highly valued by the local people and (3) shifting cultivation fields were very small compared with upland rice fields throughout South and South-East Asia. This type of small-scale shifting cultivation creates relatively little pressure for forest clearance, suggesting that sago-based vegeculture contributes, to some extent, to supporting the rich natural forest-dominated rural landscape in Seram. Kajian ini menilai kesan pertanian sagu dan tanaman yang dibiakkan secara vegetatif di Seram, wilayah Maluku di timur Indonesia terhadap landskap hutan tempatan. Produktiviti tanah dusun sagu, kebergantungan penduduk tempatan terhadap sagu dan saiz ladang pertanian pindah dikaji. Kerja lapangan dijalankan berjeda antara tahun 2003 dengan tahun 2010 di kalangan komuniti tanah tinggi di Seram. Kajian mendapati (1) produktiviti tanah dusun sagu di kampung lebih tinggi berbanding dengan bendang di tanah tinggi di seluruh Asia Tenggara, (2) sagu merupakan makanan ruji utama dari segi penghasilan tenaga dan ia sangat bernilai kepada penduduk tempatan dan (3) ladang pertanian pindah adalah sangat kecil berbanding dengan bendang di tanah tinggi di seluruh Asia Tenggara dan Asia Selatan. Jenis pertanian pindah kecil-kecilan ini kurang mengancam hutan. Ini mencadangkan yang pertanian sagu dan tanaman yang biak secara vegetatif menyumbang sedikit sebanyak terhadap landskap luar bandar Seram yang kaya dengan hutan asli.