"Hard Travelin": Die 'Old Left' und 'Folk Music' im 'New Deal':
2012 |
Brändle, Fabian |
"Hard Travelin": Die 'Old Left' und 'Folk Music' im 'New Deal':
2012 |
Brändle, Fabian |
"Nicht die Hautfarbe macht den Indigenen". Eine Diskursanalyse der Bedeutungsgebung des Ethnischen in der zapatistischen Bewegung:
2012 |
Lange, Karina |
"Nicht die Hautfarbe macht den Indigenen". Eine Diskursanalyse der Bedeutungsgebung des Ethnischen in der zapatistischen Bewegung:
2012 |
Lange, Karina |
100 Jahre Bergbau am linken Niederrhein. Stefan Moitra: Tief im Westen. Ein Jahrhundert Steinkohlenförderung am linken Niederrhein. Von Friedrich Heinrich zum Bergwerk West, Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum 2012:
2012 |
Gawehn, Gunnar |
100 Jahre Bergbau am linken Niederrhein. Stefan Moitra: Tief im Westen. Ein Jahrhundert Steinkohlenförderung am linken Niederrhein. Von Friedrich Heinrich zum Bergwerk West, Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum 2012:
2012 |
Gawehn, Gunnar |
[Kritik/Critique] Renaissance des Bürgertums? Gunilla Budde/Eckart Conze, Cornelia Rauh (Hg.): Bürgertum nach dem bürgerlichen Zeitalter. Leitbilder und Praxis seit 1945, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2010:
2012 |
Seidel, Hans-Christoph |
[Kritik/Critique] Renaissance des Bürgertums? Gunilla Budde/Eckart Conze, Cornelia Rauh (Hg.): Bürgertum nach dem bürgerlichen Zeitalter. Leitbilder und Praxis seit 1945, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2010:
2012 |
Seidel, Hans-Christoph |
Approaches to transnational industrial relations history:
2012 |
Fetzer, Thomas |
Approaches to transnational industrial relations history:
2012 |
Fetzer, Thomas |
Arbeitswelten, Migration, sozialer Protest und Globalisierung im Kupferbergbau zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Der chilenische Kleine Norden im Vergleich mit dem Mansfelder Land:
2012 |
Zachäus, Alf |
Arbeitswelten, Migration, sozialer Protest und Globalisierung im Kupferbergbau zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Der chilenische Kleine Norden im Vergleich mit dem Mansfelder Land:
2012 |
Zachäus, Alf |
Besinnen auf die eigene Kraft. Rainer Holze/Siegfried Prokop (Hg): Basisdemokratie und Arbeiterbewegung. Günter Benser zum 80. Geburtstag, Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Kaiser, Gerd |
Besinnen auf die eigene Kraft. Rainer Holze/Siegfried Prokop (Hg): Basisdemokratie und Arbeiterbewegung. Günter Benser zum 80. Geburtstag, Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Kaiser, Gerd |
Class and Social Movements in Scandinavia since 1945:
2012 |
Mikkelsen, Flemming |
Decade of Equality: Employment, Pay and Gender in Finland in the 1970s:
2012 |
Bergholm, Tapio |
Deutschlandpolitik im Gewerkschaftshaus. Jens Hildebrandt: Gewerkschaften im geteilten Deutschland. Die Beziehungen zwischen DGB und FDGB vom Kalten Krieg bis zur Neuen Ostpolitik 1955 bis 1969, St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2010:
2012 |
Remeke, Stefan |
Deutschlandpolitik im Gewerkschaftshaus. Jens Hildebrandt: Gewerkschaften im geteilten Deutschland. Die Beziehungen zwischen DGB und FDGB vom Kalten Krieg bis zur Neuen Ostpolitik 1955 bis 1969, St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2010:
2012 |
Remeke, Stefan |
Doing their own Thing: Squatting Movements in Copenhagen and Stockholm during the 1970s:
2012 |
Vall, Natasha |
Editorial: Vom Mitteilungsblatt zum Journal - Rückblicke und Ausblicke. From Mitteilungsblatt to Journal - Looking Back and Forward:
2012 |
Berger, Stefan |
Editorial: Vom Mitteilungsblatt zum Journal - Rückblicke und Ausblicke. From Mitteilungsblatt to Journal - Looking Back and Forward:
2012 |
Berger, Stefan |
Eugenics as a Science and as a Social Movement: The cases of Denmark and Norway 1900Ü0:
2012 |
Redvaldsen, David |
An Explorative Study of the Impact of Local Political Opportunity. Structures on the Electoral Mobilisation of the Far-Right Movement in Sweden:
2012 |
Peterson, Abby |
Female Workers but not Women: Paradoxes in Women's Conditions and Strategies in Swedish Trade Unions, 1900-1925:
2012 |
Uppenberg, Carolina |
For Equality or Against Foreign Oppression? The Politics of the Left in Iceland Leading up to the Cold War:
2012 |
Kristjánsdóttir, Ragnheiður |
Freizeitvergnügen städtischer Unterschichten in Südamerika. Sönke Hansen: Die Arbeiterschichten von Lima (1940-1960). Eine Kultur- und Freizeitgeschichte, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Brändle, Fabian |
Freizeitvergnügen städtischer Unterschichten in Südamerika. Sönke Hansen: Die Arbeiterschichten von Lima (1940-1960). Eine Kultur- und Freizeitgeschichte, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Brändle, Fabian |
Für Stalins deutsche Opfer ein Denkmal aus Moskau. Alexander Vatlin: "Was für ein Teufelspack". Die Deutsche Operation des NKWD in Moskau und im Moskauer Gebiet 1936 bis 1941, Berlin: Metropol Verlag 2013:
2012 |
Mensing, Wilhelm |
Für Stalins deutsche Opfer ein Denkmal aus Moskau. Alexander Vatlin: "Was für ein Teufelspack". Die Deutsche Operation des NKWD in Moskau und im Moskauer Gebiet 1936 bis 1941, Berlin: Metropol Verlag 2013:
2012 |
Mensing, Wilhelm |
Gestapo und kommunistischer Widerstand im Rheinland. Thomas Gebauer: Das KPD-Dezernat der Gestapo Düsseldorf, Hamburg: disserta Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Eumann, Ulrich |
Gestapo und kommunistischer Widerstand im Rheinland. Thomas Gebauer: Das KPD-Dezernat der Gestapo Düsseldorf, Hamburg: disserta Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Eumann, Ulrich |
Guilt by Association. Julius Barmat and German Democracy:
2012 |
Zatlin, Jonathan |
Guilt by Association. Julius Barmat and German Democracy:
2012 |
Zatlin, Jonathan |
Industriedenkmalpflege und Industriekultur im Saarland:
2012 |
Gawehn, Gunnar |
Industriedenkmalpflege und Industriekultur im Saarland:
2012 |
Gawehn, Gunnar |
Industriedenkmalpflege und Industriekultur im Saarland:
2012 |
Gawehn, Gunnar |
2012 |
Redvaldsen, David |
Jugend zwischen Krieg und Frieden. AlexanderJ. Schwitanski: "Nie wieder Krieg!" Antimilitarismus und Frieden in der Geschichte der Sozialistischen Jugendinternationale, Essen: Klartext Verlag 2012:
2012 |
Heith, Holger |
Jugend zwischen Krieg und Frieden. AlexanderJ. Schwitanski: "Nie wieder Krieg!" Antimilitarismus und Frieden in der Geschichte der Sozialistischen Jugendinternationale, Essen: Klartext Verlag 2012:
2012 |
Heith, Holger |
Ein jüdisch-amerikanischer Gewerkschafter in Hitlers Berlin. Catherine Collomp/Bruno Groppo (Hg.): An American in Hitlers Berlin. Abraham Plotkin's Diary, 1932-1933, Urbana u.a.: University of Illinois Press 2009:
2012 |
Tosstorff, Reiner |
Ein jüdisch-amerikanischer Gewerkschafter in Hitlers Berlin. Catherine Collomp/Bruno Groppo (Hg.): An American in Hitlers Berlin. Abraham Plotkin's Diary, 1932-1933, Urbana u.a.: University of Illinois Press 2009:
2012 |
Tosstorff, Reiner |
Mass Dictatorship - A Transnational Formation of Modernity:
2012 |
Lim, Jie-Hyun |
Mass Dictatorship - A Transnational Formation of Modernity:
2012 |
Lim, Jie-Hyun |
Neue soziale Bewegungen und politisches System in Nordeuropa. Frauke Rubart: Politisches Engagement in Nordeuropa. Parteien und soziale Bewegungen in Skandinavien und Deutschland. Eine Anthologie politologischer Landeskunde von den 1970er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart:
2012 |
Adamski, Jens |
Neue soziale Bewegungen und politisches System in Nordeuropa. Frauke Rubart: Politisches Engagement in Nordeuropa. Parteien und soziale Bewegungen in Skandinavien und Deutschland. Eine Anthologie politologischer Landeskunde von den 1970er Jahren bis zur Gegenwart:
2012 |
Adamski, Jens |
Norway Then and Now: A Comparison of Norwegian Society in the Late 1960s and Today:
2012 |
Archer, Clive |
Politische Vorfeldorganisationen und Demokratienetzwerke: Parteistiftungen im Blickfeld. Monika Fassbender: "... auf der Grundlage des Liberalismus tätig". Die Geschichte der Friedrich-Naumann Stifiung, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2009; Andreas Wille/Klaus-Peter Treydte/:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Politische Vorfeldorganisationen und Demokratienetzwerke: Parteistiftungen im Blickfeld. Monika Fassbender: "... auf der Grundlage des Liberalismus tätig". Die Geschichte der Friedrich-Naumann Stifiung, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2009; Andreas Wille/Klaus-Peter Treydte/:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
The Role of Non-Profit Organisation in the Develop and Provision of Weifare Services in Iceland:
2012 |
Kristmundsson, Omar H. |
Die Rolle der Arbeitsbeziehungen im Ringen um Demokratie und Republik in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Petra Weber: Gescheiterte Sozialpartnerschaft - Gefährdete Republik? Industrielle Beziehungen, Arbeitskämpfe und der Sozialstaat. Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich?, München: Oldenburg Verlag: 2010:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Die Rolle der Arbeitsbeziehungen im Ringen um Demokratie und Republik in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Petra Weber: Gescheiterte Sozialpartnerschaft - Gefährdete Republik? Industrielle Beziehungen, Arbeitskämpfe und der Sozialstaat. Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich?, München: Oldenburg Verlag: 2010:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Social movements in the Nordic countries since 1900:
2012 |
Sozialdemokratisierung der Republik. Bernd Faulenbach: Das sozialdemokratische Jahrzehnt: Von der Reformeuphorie zur Neuen Unübersichtlichkeit. Die SPD 1969-1982, Bonn: J WH. Dietz Nachf. 2012:
2012 |
Berger, Stefan |
Sozialdemokratisierung der Republik. Bernd Faulenbach: Das sozialdemokratische Jahrzehnt: Von der Reformeuphorie zur Neuen Unübersichtlichkeit. Die SPD 1969-1982, Bonn: J WH. Dietz Nachf. 2012:
2012 |
Berger, Stefan |
Zwischen Konsum- und Stilhistoriografie: Perspektiven der Tourismusforschung als Gesellschaftsforschung. Till Manning: Die Italiengeneration. Stilbildung durch Massentourismus in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren, Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Zwischen Konsum- und Stilhistoriografie: Perspektiven der Tourismusforschung als Gesellschaftsforschung. Till Manning: Die Italiengeneration. Stilbildung durch Massentourismus in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren, Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag 2011:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Öffentliche Meinung, Europawahlen und Referenden in der Europäischen Union. Guido Tiemann/Oliver Treib/Andreas Wimmel: Die EU und ihre Bürger,Wien: facultas.wuv, 2011:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Öffentliche Meinung, Europawahlen und Referenden in der Europäischen Union. Guido Tiemann/Oliver Treib/Andreas Wimmel: Die EU und ihre Bürger,Wien: facultas.wuv, 2011:
2012 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Die 1970er Jahre als Umbruchsphase der bundesdeutschen' Disability History?' Eine Mikrostudie zu Selbstadvokation und Anstaltskritik Jugendlicher:
2013 |
Lingelbach, Gabriele |
[Themenschwerpunkt] Space, Culture and Labour. Brazilian Urban Workers in the Twentieth Century:
2013 |
Brazilian Labour History - Recent Trends and Perspectives: An Introduction:
2013 |
Fontes, Paulo |
Conference Report: Workers' Participation at Plant Level - An International Comparison: Historical Development, Contemporary Structures, Actor Constellations,:
2013 |
Abebrese, Joyce |
2013 |
Berger, Stefan |
The Latin American Social Movement Repertoire: How It Has Changed, When, and Why:
2013 |
Eckstein, Susan |
Looking Through the Window: Prostitutes and Their Neighbours (Rio de Janeiro, Early Twentieth Century):
2013 |
Schettini, Cristiana |
More than Exception: Categories and the Problem of "Nature" in the Ruhr:
2013 |
Angelo, Hillary |
New Publications on the History of Social Movements:
2013 |
Berger, Stefan |
Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: An Experience in Democratic Innovation and its Historical Background:
2013 |
Fortes, Alexandre |
Peter Kropotkin and His Influence on Czech Anarchism:
2013 |
Rovnà, Lenka Anna |
A Political Economic View of Social Movements: New Perspectives and Open Questions:
2013 |
Zajak, Sabrina |
The Presence of Labour in the Urban Culture of Santos:
2013 |
Teixeira da Silva, Fernando |
Review Article: Capitalism - Describing an Elite Movement:
2013 |
Boeselager, Franziskus von |
Space, culture and labour:
2013 |
Space, Culture, and Labour in Santa Catarina, 1900-1960:
2013 |
Duarte, Adriano Luiz |
The Strength of Working-Class Social Memory in a Northeast-Brazilian Deindustrialised Town:
2013 |
Leite Lopes, Jose Sergio |
Walking on Sand - Politics, Coexistence and Land Conflict in Salvador (Bahia, Brazil, 1945-1949):
2013 |
Negro, Antonio Luigi |
Workers of Flexible Factories: Region, Trade union and Class in Brazil's Automotive Industry:
2013 |
Ramalho, José Ricardo |
"A Tempest in a Glass of Water": Stalin the Underground Revolutionary and the Conflicts within Bolshevism:
2014 |
Suny, Ronald |
"Colourless, Dry and Dull": Why British Trade Unionists Lack Biographers and What (if Anything) Should be Done About it:
2014 |
Morgan, Kevin |
'Nostra Patria é il Mondo Intero': Libertarian Internationalism in the Era of Mass Migration and the Development of the South American:
2014 |
Wätzold, Tim |
[Themenschwerpunkt: Lives on the Left] Introduction: Isaac Deutscher and the Biographer's Dilemma:
2014 |
LaPorte, Norman |
[Review Article] What's New in the History of Social Movements?:
2014 |
Berger, Stefan |
An Autobiographical Pact: The Memoirs of Marshal Georgy Zhukov:
2014 |
Roberts, Geoffrey |
Avantgarde einer egalitŕen Bewegung: Anarchosyndikalisten in Deutschland in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts:
2014 |
Nelles, Dieter |
Bertrand Russell: The Committed Sceptic in Public Life:
2014 |
Callaghan, John |
Between German and Eternal Spirit: Kohl's Politics of Historical Memory in Biographical Perspective:
2014 |
Wicke, Christian |
Chinesische Begriffe der Gesellschaft zwischen der ausgehenden Qing-Zeit und den 1920er Jahren: Einige Beobachtungen und Überlegungen:
2014 |
Sachsenmaier, Dominic |
Ernst Thälmann: The Making of a German Communist, 1886-1921:
2014 |
LaPorte, Norman |
Fixing the Facts: The Rise of New Public Management, the Metrification of "Quality" and the Fall of the Academic Professions:
2014 |
Lorenz, Chris |
From Son of the Bourgeoisie to Servant of the Revolution: The Roots of Daniel Guérin's Revolutionary Socialism:
2014 |
Berry, David |
Human Rights Challenged by European Policy Responses to Irregular Migration:
2014 |
Dreyer, Domenica |
Joseph Berger: Communist Activist in Palestine and Victim of Stalinism (1904-1978):
2014 |
Kessler, Mario |
Joseph Berger:
2014 |
Keßler, Mario 1955- |
Lives on the left:
2014 |
A Loser: Octave Mirbeau's Evolution from Populist Right to Libertarian Left:
2014 |
Gemie, Sharif |
The Position of Women in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia and Their Role in Political Decision-Making Processes: Between Social Movements,:
2014 |
Gondorová, Eva |
Review article:
2014 |
Graf, Rüdiger 1975- |
Robert Dißmann: Zwischen Metallarbeitergewerkschaft und linker Sozialdemokratie:
2014 |
Tosstorff, Reiner |
Socialist Parties' Agenda-Setting in European Community Development Aid Policy in the early 1970s: Objectives, Strategies and Limits of Implementation:
2014 |
Salm, Christian |
West German Trade Unions and the Policy of 'Détente' (1969-1989):
2014 |
Müller, Stefan |
Yrjö Mäkelin's Choice:
2014 |
Saarela, Tauno |
"Guest Workers" and Trade Union Politics in the Ruhr Coalfield from the Late 1950s to the Early 1980s:
2015 |
Seidel, Hans-Christoph |
"Nothing About Us Without Us": Disability Rights Activism in European Countries - A Comparative Analysis:
2015 |
Waldschmidt, Anne |
[Themenschwerpunkt] Disability Movements: National Policies and Transnational Perspectives. Introductory Remarks:
2015 |
Stoll, Jan |
A Blind Spot of a Guiding Country? Human Rights and Dutch Disability Groups Since 1981:
2015 |
Trigt, Paul van |
Climate Change and the International Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement:
2015 |
Rosenow-Williams, Kerstin |
Conference Report: Summer School: Social Movements in Global Perspectives - Past, Present and Future:
2015 |
Gondorová, Eva |
Conflicting Visions: The Shaping of Industrial Relations in Japan and the Founding of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Asian Labour Institute:
2015 |
Heideck, Christian |
Disability movements:
2015 |
2015 |
Berger, Stefan |
The German Disability Movement as a Transnational, Entangled New Social Movement:
2015 |
Stoll, Jan |
Governing Madness - Transforming Psychiatry: Disability History and the Formation of Cultural Knowledge in West Germany in the 1970s and 1980s:
2015 |
Klein, Anne |
Informal Networks, International Developments and the Founding of the First Interest-Representing Associations of Disabled People in Hungary in the Late Socialist Period (1970s-1980s):
2015 |
Baár, Monika |
Refashioning Women's Self and Mining: Homemakers and Producers on the South African Mines, 1976-2011:
2015 |
Nite, Dhiraj Kumar |
Review Article: Disability Movements - A Growing Field of Research?:
2015 |
Weinert, Sebastian |
Subpolitics and the Campaign against Barclays' Involvement in South Africa:
2015 |
Skovgaard, Jakob |
What's New in the History of Social Movements?:
2015 |
Berger, Stefan |
"Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue": Recent Literature in Communist Studies:
2016 |
LaPorte, Norman |
[Themenschwerpunkt: The Internationalism of Social Movements] The Internationalism of Social Movements - an Introduction:
2016 |
Berger, Stefan |
Beyond the Buttocks as a Political-Geographical Model - A Praxeological Approach to West Germany's National Revolutionaries:
2016 |
Sepp, Benedikt |
Comparative Study of Two Protest Marches for Disabled People's Rights (Spain 1933-Bolivia 2011):
2016 |
Brégain, Gildas |
The Ecological Movement and Internationalism:
2016 |
Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef |
Emancipation from Slavery and Serfdom, and Land Rights. The Americas and Eastern Europe Compared:
2016 |
Lago, Enrico Dal |
From Wyhl to Wall Street. Occupation and the Many Meanings of "Single-Issue" Protest:
2016 |
Milder, Stephen |
The internationalism of social movements:
2016 |
On "Events Heard" - Researching and Re-using Industrial Soundscapes:
2016 |
Gutkowski, Konrad |
Peace Movements and Internationalism:
2016 |
Nehring, Holger |
The Practice of Socialist Internationalism during the Twentieth Century:
2016 |
Imlay, Talbot |
Protestantism and the Trade Union Movement in the 20th Century - from Ideological Confrontation to Socio-Political Cooperation:
2016 |
Jähnichen, Traugott |
Some Thoughts on Communist Internationalism:
2016 |
Wirsching, Andreas |
Through the Iron Curtain. West German Activists and the 1961 San Francisco to Moscow Walk for Peace:
2016 |
Donnelly, Jared R. |
What is New in the History of Social Movements?:
2016 |
Berger, Stefan |
The Women's Movement and Internationalism in the 20th Century:
2016 |
Cowman, Krista |
Workshop Report. First Workshop of the Working Group 'Stadt/Raum' of the Institute for Social Movement Studies: What ist the "Urban" in Urban Social Movements?:
2016 |
Beier, Raffael |
Darwin goes to Sarajevo: Evolutionary Theories Underlying a Century of Historiography on the Outbreak of the First World War:
2017 |
Fernández, Juan L. |
Marginalised Neo-Rurals and Alternative Trailerists: Self-made Housing as a Counter Concept of the 1970s and 1980s in Germany and France:
2017 |
Möller, Matthias |
Transnational humanitarian action:
2017 |
What is New in the History of Social Movements?:
2017 |
Berger, Stefan |
Willi Münzenberg's 'Last Empire': 'Die Zukunft' and the 'Franco-German Union', Paris, 1938-1940. New Visions of Anti-Fascism and the:
2017 |
Bayerlein, Bernhard H. |
Workers' Activism and Industrial Democracy in Denmark in the 20th Century:
2017 |
Mikkelsen, Flemming |
'Compañeras de la calk': Sex Worker Organising in Latin America:
2018 |
Hardy, Kate |
[Articles] Fictional Academies as Strategy of Artists' Institutional Critique: Jörg Immendorffs LIDL-academy (1968-1970) and Gérard Gasiorowski's Académie Worosis Kiga (1976-1982):
2018 |
Nisters, Theresa |
[Editor's Introduction] Introduction: Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s:
2018 |
Schregel, Susanne |
[Editor's Introduction] Prostitutes' Movements - the Fight for Workers' Rights:
2018 |
Heying, Mareen |
[Interview] Activism for Sex Workers in the Netherlands: Interview with Jan Visser about Foundation and End of De Rode Draad, 1976 to 2012:
2018 |
Gilges, Giovanna |
[Reviews] Markus Tauschek (Hrsg.): Macht, Politische Kultur, Widerstand. Studentischer Protest an der Universitat Kiel, Münster/New York: Waxmann 2016:
2018 |
Sepp, Benedikt |
[Themenschwerpunkt] Sex Workers' Fights - Prostitutes' Rights Movements in European and American Countries:
2018 |
[Themenschwerpunkt] Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s:
2018 |
Alternative Legal Publicism? Four Legal Publications from the Long 1970s and Their Reception in Legal Studies and Legal Practice:
2018 |
Löhnig, Martin |
[Further Article] Against Japanese and Italian Imperialism: The Anti-War Campaigns of Communist International Trade Union Organizations, 1931-1936:
2018 |
Weiss, Holger |
The German Prostitutes' Movement: 'Hurenbewegung'. From Founding to Law Reform, 1980-2002:
2018 |
Heying, Mareen |
Governance, Politics, and Environmentalism in the Age of Mass Recreation: The Campaign Against 'Village Lake Louise':
2018 |
Ingram, Darcy |
'Project Studies!' Reform Experiments in Academic Learning and Teaching in the 1960s and 1970s:
2018 |
Rudloff, Wilfried |
Service Learning as an Alternative Academic Trend in U.S. Higher Education from the late-1960s to the mid-1980s: A Case Study from Michigan State University:
2018 |
Wellner, Anna |
The Sex Worker Rights Movement in Canada: Challenging Legislation:
2018 |
Beer, Sarah |
Sex workers' fights:
2018 |
Social movements, protest, and academic knowledge formation:
2018 |
Still We Rise - The Contemporary Sex Worker Movement in Europe in the Context of Neo-Abolitionism and Repressive Policies:
2018 |
Hofstetter, Joana Lilli |
Svea Koischwitz: Der Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft in den Jahren 1970-1976: Ein Interessenverband zwischen Studentenbewegung und Hochschulreform, Wien/Köln/Weimar: Bohlau Verlag 2017:
2018 |
Keim, Michaela |
[Review] What is New in the History of Social Movements?:
2018 |
Berger, Stefan |
'It has almost been an underground movement'. The Development of Grassroots Football in Regional Ireland: the Case of the Donegal League, 1971-1996:
2019 |
Curran, Conor |
[Articles] Researching the History of Grassroots Football in England: Sources and Opportunities:
2019 |
Porter, Dilwyn |
[Editor's Introduction] Defining, Interpreting and Comparing Small Worlds of Football:
2019 |
Naglo, Kristian |
[Themenschwerpunkt] Small Worlds: Football at the Grassroots in Europe:
2019 |
Core Activity, Event and Crisis: Making the Small Worlds of Amateur Football:
2019 |
Zifonun, Darius |
Cultures of Physical and Political Work in 19th-Century Germany:
2019 |
Schmidt, Jürgen |
The Language of Student Power and Space: Building a Spatialised Social Movement Identity in East Pakistan, 1948-1954:
2019 |
Christiansen, Samantha |
Of Swadeshi, Self-Reliance and Self-Help: A Study of the Arya Samaj in Colonial Punjab, 1890-1920s:
2019 |
Raj, Richa |
Problematic Possibilities and Choosing between Courses of Action: Findings of an Ethnographic Study on the Parents of Pre-Adolescent, Non-Professional Soccer Players:
2019 |
Kotthaus, Jochem |
[Review] Protests and Social Movements in Football as an Emerging Field of Research: A Review on Sport Politics Studies between the Local and the Global:
2019 |
Mittag, Jürgen |
Small worlds:
2019 |
Talking Football: Challenging Discrimination and Homophobia:
2019 |
Degele, Nina |
[Review] What's New in the History of Social Movements: a Review Article:
2019 |
Berger, Stefan |
'1968' and the Women's Liberation Movement in Britain:
2020 |
Nava, Mica |
'1968' in Britain:
2020 |
[Laudation] Social History as Commitment. On the Occasion of Klaus Tenfelde's 75th Birthday:
2020 |
Kocka, Jürgen |
[Review] A Decade of Research on the Second International: New Insights and Methods:
2020 |
Callahan, Kevin J. |
Challenging the Myths of the Scottish Sixties: Student Protests in the Wake of '1968' at the University of Stirling:
2020 |
Nehring, Holger |
Collective and Democratic Experiments in the Politics of Knowledge in Britain since 1968: Reflections on Cultural Studies, History Workshop and Feminism:
2020 |
Gwinn, Ian |
Connecting with the First or the Third World?: Two Paths Toward the Transnational Network Building in the Japanese Global Sixties:
2020 |
Takata, Kei |
Cross movement mobilisation:
2020 |
Cross-Movement in Latin America: Lessons from the Mercosur Confederation of Family Farming Organisations (Coprofam):
2020 |
Luiz, Juliana R. |
[Guest Editor's Introduction] Cross-Movement Mobilization and New Modes of Solidarity in Times of Crisis inthe Global North and South:
2020 |
Zajak, Sabrina |
[Guest Editor's Introduction] The Short and the Long 1968 in Britain: An Introduction:
2020 |
Berg, Sebastian |
Feminism, Food Sovereignty and Cross-Movement Mobilisation Against NeoliberalGlobalisation in Latin America: Intertwined Genealogies:
2020 |
Conway, Janet M. |
Ferenc Eckhart: Pioneer of Social and Constitutional History Writing in Hungary:
2020 |
László Dávid Törő |
It Was More Than 12 Months:
2020 |
Barnett, Anthony |
2020 |
Barrow, Logie |
Nothing Compares to the Past: Industrial Decline and Socio-Cultural Change in Asturias:
2020 |
Vega, Rubén |
The Role of Britain in the Historiography of 1968: A Review of Discourse(s):
2020 |
Viol, Claus-Ulrich |
Small Business in Distress: Aspects of Petit-Bourgeois Collective Action in Postwar Greece:
2020 |
Dimanopoulos, Spyros |
Solidarities in and through Resistance: Rethinking Alliance-Building through Protests in Plantations in India:
2020 |
Banerjee, Supurna |
[Review] Studies of Growth and Decline: New Books on the History of the Western Working Class:
2020 |
Reick, Philipp |
Toward a History of Urban Social Movements:
2020 |
Reick, Philipp |
The (Trans)National Mobilisation of Sami Women in Norway:
2020 |
Halsaa, Beatrice |
Voices of 1968 Fifty Years On:
2020 |
Berg, Sebastian |
[Review] What is New in the History of Social Movements: a Review Article:
2020 |
Berger, Stefan |
[Obituary] Past Intensities. An Obituary for Alf Lüdtke (1943-2019):
2021 |
Müller, Philipp |
Anti-Immigration Propaganda in the Northern League and the Freedom Party of Austria: Discursive Changes with Reference to Gender, Muslim Migrants, Ethnicity and Class:
2021 |
Tekin, Carter |
"The Ballot Humbug": Anarchist Women and Women's Suffrage:
2021 |
Lundström, Markus |
Beyond Egalitarianism: Statistical Knowledge and Social Inequality in the German Democratic Republic:
2021 |
Lorke, Christoph |
A Bridge with Three Pillars. Soldierly Masculinity and Violence in Media Representation in Germany:
2021 |
Beck, Dorothee |
Dealing with Violent Protest in West Germany and the Netherlands: Societal Dynamics of Left-Wing Political Violence in the 1960s and 1970s:
2021 |
Pekelder, Jacco |
[Guest Editor's Introduction] Introduction: How do Right-Wing Populists come to Terms with Gender Today?:
2021 |
Tekin, Carter |
Framing in a Multicultural Social Movement: The Defence of the San Pedro Mezquital River (Mexico):
2021 |
Rea Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael |
Gender, Populism and Anti-Immigration: Ethno-Sexist, Femonationalist and Femoglobal Alliances:
2021 |
Roth, Julia |
The History of Historiography as a Form of Disciplinary Self-Reflection. In Memoriam: Georg G. Iggers (1926-2017):
2021 |
Antolovic, Michael |
[Special Issue: Introduction] Unwelcome Participation: Ostracizing Public Protest in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century:
2021 |
Gotto, Bernhard |
[Review] Nature, Knowledge, and Protest. A Review of Recent Publications on the History of Environmentalism:
2021 |
Kellershohn, Jan |
Non-Citizens Protests in Germany since the 1980s:
2021 |
Alexopoulou, Maria |
Performances of Populist Radical Right and Political Masculinities:. A Comparative Study of Orban and Wilders:
2021 |
Sayan-Cengiz, Feyda |
"Protest? Bollocks!" On Public Perceptions of Punk in West Germany:
2021 |
Röbel, Yvonne |
Right-wing populist movements and gender:
2021 |
Taking Nativism to the Streets. Historical Perspectives on Right-Wing. Extremist Protest Campaigns against Immigration in Germany:
2021 |
Botsch, Gideon |
Unwelcome participation: ostracizing public protest in the second half of the twentieth century:
2021 |
[Review] What's New in the History of Social Movements:
2021 |
Berger, Stefan |
[Obituaries] Stuart Macintyre (1947-2021): New Left Historian of Australia and Britain:
2022 |
Scalmer, Sean |
[Obituaries] Thomas Welskopp (1961-2021): From Social History to the Cultural History of Society:
2022 |
Berger, Stefan |
Capitalism, Communism, and Democracy: Theory and Practice in European Communism, 1917-1956:
2022 |
Morgan, Kevin |
Capitalism, Democracy and the History of Political Ideologies:
2022 |
Fascism and Capitalism:
2022 |
Bauerkämper, Arnd |
“For Your Freedom and Ours”: Polands Solidarność and the British Left, 1980-1989:
2022 |
Palmer, Tom |
[Special Issue: Introduction] Political Ideologies and their Relationship to Capitalism and Democracy:
2022 |
Berger, Stefan |
“It Even Makes the Animals Laugh”: Contesting Henry Bergh and the Animal Protection Movement in Nineteenth-Century New York:
2022 |
Ingram, Darcy |
Liberalism and Capitalism since the Eighteenth Century: A Relationship of Conjunctions and Divergences:
2022 |
Leonhard, Jörn |
A New Organizational Paradigm? Comparing the Organization and Resources of Historical and Contemporary Social Movements in Denmark, 1960—2020:
2022 |
Jorgensen, Jesper |
Rediscovering Revolutionary Socialism in America: The Marxism of Victor Berger at the Height of the Second International:
2022 |
Stratford, Will |
Social Democracy, Democracy and Capitalism:
2022 |
Berger, Stefan |
[Review] The European Far Right: A Review of Recent Literature:
2022 |
Brunner, Max Manuel |
[Review] What’s New in the History of Social Movements? A Review Article:
2022 |
Berger, Stefan |
The “@Prussian Way” versus the “Third Road”: Peasant-History in Hungary in the 1950s and 1960s—the Case of Istvan Szabó:
2022 |
Eros, Vilmos |
African Labour's Cold War:
2023 |
Taratko, Carolyn |
African Labour’s Cold War: The Conflict Over Trade Union Independence in Ghana, 1950s-1966:
2023 |
Taratko, Carolyn |
Between “Slave Labour” and “More Freedom” in Working Life: Debating Leiharbeit in Germany from the Weimar Era to the End of the Boom:
2023 |
Keim, Anna Elisabeth |
Beyond Wage Labour: Livelihood Activities and Lebenslage as Complementary. Tools for a Cross-Epochal and Global History of Work:
2023 |
Tomaszewski, Marco |
Changing Degrees of ‘Openness’: Some Considerations on the Development of the Notion of ‘Work’ in Argentinean Labour Historiography:
2023 |
Mayer, David |
Information for subscribers:
2023 |
[Special Issue: Introduction] Conceptualizing the Relationship between the Freedom of Labour and Capitalism:
2023 |
Bänziger, Peter-Paul |
The Meaning of Free Labour after the Second World War: Worker Protest Against. Arbeitsverpflichtung and mobilisation civile in Postwar Germany and Belgium:
2023 |
De Graaf, Jan |
On the freedom of labour in capitalism:
2023 |
A Return to the Grandmother of Modern Activism: The Myth of the Larzac Struggle as the Symbol of French Collective Action:
2023 |
Drent, Janneke |
The Shadow Economy and Ideas of Freedom: Debates and Policies on Informal Work in 1970s and 1980s West Germany and Beyond:
2023 |
Marti, Sibylle |
State Formation from Below: Subsidiarity and the Origins of Coordinated Capitalism in Nineteenth-Century Germany:
2023 |
Nickel, Carsten |
Trust Through Publicity? Some Reflections and Research Perspectives on Political Discourse from the Enlightenment to the Twentieth Century:
2023 |
Owetschkin, Dimitrij |
Unconditioned Freedom: The Abolition of Serfdom as Discursive Context of the Ideal of Free Labour:
2023 |
Röth, Sibylle |