Local traditions of voting behaviour and party structure in Lower Saxony (Oldenburg/Ostfriesland):
1980 |
Naßmacher, Karl-Heinz 1941- |
Hommage to Erwin K. Scheuch:
1988 |
PC-Software für die statistische Analyse in der Historischen Sozialforschung:
1995 |
20 [zwanzig] Jahre Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung Teil 2: Politik und Gesellschaft:
1997 |
20 [zwanzig]Jahre Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung Teil 1:
1997 |
Old age policies in France and Germany from the last decades of the nineteenth century to the First World War:
1997 |
Diebolt, Claude 1967- |
20 [zwanzig] Jahre Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung Teil 3: Demographie und Gesellschaft:
1998 |
Humanities-Net Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte (H-Soz-u-Kult):
1999 |
Denunziation im 20. Jahrhundert:
2001 |
Human and social capital in economic history:
2002 |
Determinanten und Muster des Heiratsverhaltens in Europa in der Neuzeit:
2003 |
Funktionseliten der DDR:
2003 |
In memoriam Erwin K. Scheuch:
2003 |
Focus: Historical information science:
2004 |
The frontiers of environmental history:
2004 |
Neue Medien in den Sozial-, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften:
2004 |
Die "Stunde der Wahrheit" und ihre Voraussetzungen:
2005 |
Schmid, Harald 1964- |
Die amerikanische TV-Serie "Holocaust" - Rückblicke auf eine "betroffene Nation":
2005 |
Back to the fifties?:
2005 |
Classen, Christoph 1965- |
DDR-Fußball und gesamtdeutsche Identität im Kalten Krieg:
2005 |
Braun, Jutta 1967- |
Die Fernsehserie "Holocaust" als Medienereignis:
2005 |
Wilke, Jürgen 1943- |
Geschwister, Eltern, Großeltern: Beiträge der historischen, anthropologischen und demographischen Forschung:
2005 |
Politik mit der Vergangenheit:
2005 |
Keilbach, Judith 1969- |
Populäres Geschichtsfernsehen vor "Holocaust":
2005 |
Kansteiner, Wulf 1964- |
Qualitative social research - methodological reflections and disciplinary applications:
2005 |
Unternehmer und Manager im Sozialismus:
2005 |
Die US-Fernsehserie "Holocaust" im Spiegel der deutschen Presse (Januar - März 1979):
2005 |
Müller-Bauseneik, Jens |
Vom "SS-Staat" zu "Auschwitz":
2005 |
Lersch, Edgar 1945- |
Von "Endlösung" zu "Holocaust":
2005 |
Uhl, Heidemarie 1956-2023 |
Bevölkerungskonstruktionen in Geschichte, Sozialwissenschaften und Politiken des 20. Jahrhunderts:
2006 |
Doing biographical research:
2006 |
Football history:
2006 |
Welt- und Globalgeschichte in Europa:
2006 |
Geburtenbeschränkung in historischer Perspektive:
2007 |
Historical disaster research:
2007 |
Neue politische Ökonomie in der Geschichte:
2007 |
Sport und Diktatur: zur politischen und sozialen Rolle des Sports in den deutschen Diktaturen des 20. Jahrhunderts:
2007 |
Discourse analysis in the social sciences:
2008 |
Elite formation in the other Europe (19th - 20th century):
2008 |
Secondary analysis of qualitative data:
2008 |
Stochastic demographic dynamics and economic growth:
2008 |
Counterfactual thinking as a scientific method:
2009 |
Linking theory and data:
2009 |
Premature death:
2009 |
Social bookkeeping data:
2009 |
Global communication:
2010 |
Integration or exclusion:
2010 |
The production of human security in premodern and contemporary history:
2010 |
Transitions - transformations:
2010 |
Change of markets and market societies:
2011 |
Fertility in the history of the 20th century:
2011 |
Methods for qualitative management research in the context of social systems thinking:
2011 |
Observing possibilities:
2011 |
John, René 1969- |
Amtspresse in Preußen:
2012 |
Hoppe, Albrecht 1962- |
Controversies around the Digital Humanities:
2012 |
Digitization of popular print media as a source for studies on visual communication:
2012 |
Rössler, Patrick 1964- |
Elite foundations of social theory and politics:
2012 |
Exploring digital yesterdays - reflections on new media and the future of communication history:
2012 |
Schwarzenegger, Christian 1980- |
Inside - outside:
2012 |
Oggolder, Christian 1967- |
Political and functional elites in post-socialist tranformation:
2012 |
Towards web history:
2012 |
Classen, Christoph 1965- |
When the present web is later the past: web historiography, digital history and internet studies:
2012 |
Brügger, Niels 1960- |
The économie des conventions:
2012 |
Security and conspiracy in history, 16th to 21th century:
2013 |
Value added, employment and capital expenditures in the East German Industry 1950 - 2000:
2013 |
Heske, Gerhard 1934- |
"Common sense is necessary":
2014 |
Steiner, André 1959- |
"The key is in our hands":
2014 |
Perović, Jeronim 1971- |
The 1973 oil crisis and the designing of a Danish energy policy:
2014 |
Rüdiger, Mogens |
Caught in transition:
2014 |
Kuiken, Jonathan |
Claiming sovereignty in the oil crisis:
2014 |
Graf, Rüdiger 1975- |
Energy diplomacy:
2014 |
Bösch, Frank 1969- |
A new understanding of the American energy crisis of the 1970s:
2014 |
Lifset, Robert 1974- |
Failed solutions to the energy crises:
2014 |
Marx, Christian 1977- |
Historical research on cultural life scripts:
2014 |
Oil and geopolitics:
2014 |
Painter, David S. 1948- |
Reacting to anticipations:
2014 |
Bösch, Frank 1969- |
Spatial analysis in the social sciences and humanities:
2014 |
Terrorism, gender, and history:
2014 |
The oil crisis of 1973 as a challenge to multilateral energy cooperation among Western industrialized countries:
2014 |
Türk, Henning 1974- |
A transatlantic shock:
2014 |
Bini, Elisabetta 1973- |
Waiting for the energy crisis:
2014 |
Madureira, Nuno Luís 1959- |
Climate and beyond:
2015 |
Football history:
2015 |
Braun, Jutta 1967- |
Football memory in a European perspective:
2015 |
Pyta, Wolfram 1960- |
Forum I: Animal politics:
2015 |
Gondwana's Promises:
2015 |
Kehrt, Christian 1971- |
History of sports medicine in Germany:
2015 |
Krüger, Michael 1955- |
Law and conventions from a historical perspective:
2015 |
A methodological framework for measuring social innovation:
2015 |
Bund, Eva 1984- |
Methods of innovation research:
2015 |
Nationalstereotype im internationalen Fußball:
2015 |
Parr, Rolf |
The path of European football:
2015 |
Barsch, Katharina |
The people’s game and the people’s war:
2015 |
Taylor, Matthew |
Siegen für Deutschland?:
2015 |
Schiller, Kay 1962- |
Soziale Marktwirtschaft und “Wirtschaftswunder“ im bundesdeutschen Berufsfußball der 1950er und 1960er Jahre:
2015 |
Havemann, Nils 1966- |
Viennese Football and the German Wehrmacht – between "duty" and evasion:
2015 |
Forster, David 1972- |
Das “Wunder von Bern“ 1954 – zur politischen Instrumentalisierung eines Mythos:
2015 |
Blecking, Diethelm 1948- |
Conventions and quantification - transdisciplinary perspectives on statistics and classifications:
2016 |
Covering social risks:
2016 |
Haßdenteufel, Sarah 1986- |
Risk as a resource:
2016 |
Thießen, Malte 1974- |
Risk as an analytical category:
2016 |
Special issue: Figurational analysis as historical and comparative method:
2016 |
Special issue: National political elites and the crisis of European integration:
2016 |
Who is responsible in winter?:
2016 |
Itzen, Peter 1975- |
Between Religion and Environment:
2017 |
Liczbińska, Grażyna |
Bezirke on Scale:
2017 |
Kuhl, Lena |
Church Affiliation and Life Course Transitions in The Netherlands, 1850-1970:
2017 |
Kok, Jan |
Denomination and Number of Children:
2017 |
Gehrmann, Rolf 1953- |
Economic and Confessional Relationships in 18th Century Travel Writing from the Rhine:
2017 |
Nebgen, Christoph 1975- |
Governance, Statehood, and Space in 20th Century Political Struggles:
2017 |
Bernhardt, Christoph 1957- |
The impact of religious denomination on mentality and behavior:
2017 |
The Impact of Religious Denomination on Mentality and Behavior:
2017 |
McQuillan, Kevin |
The Influence of Religion on Marriage Ages in Albania around 1900:
2017 |
Gruber, Siegfried |
Measurable Effects of Denominations on Narrative Patterns:
2017 |
Benz, Stefan 19XX- |
Multi-Level Governance in Hitler's Germany:
2017 |
Schaarschmidt, Thomas 1960- |
Region - Province - Municipality:
2017 |
Jansen, Christian 1956- |
Religion Mattered:
2017 |
Head-König, Anne-Lise |
Rescaling Disability:
2017 |
Rowell, Jay 1970- |
Scaling Greenpeace:
2017 |
Zelko, Frank |
Special issue: Changing power relations and the drag effects of habitus:
2017 |
Special issue: Critique and social change:
2017 |
Special issue: Markets and classifications:
2017 |
State - Municipality - Citizen:
2017 |
Mecking, Sabine 1967- |
Epistemic effects of scientific interaction:
2018 |
Borg, Annemarie 1992- |
Special issue: Agent-based modeling in social science, history, and philosophy:
2018 |
Special issue: Challenged elites - elites as challengers:
2018 |
Special issue: Economists, politics, and society:
2018 |
Special issue: Visualities:
2018 |
"Islamic Civilization" as an Aspect of Secularization in Turkish Islamic Thought:
2019 |
Dalacoura, Katerina |
'Modern' Madrasa:
2019 |
Ingram, Brannon D. |
Collective engagement in entrepreneurship:
2019 |
Family Systems and Fertility, Western Europe 1870-1960:
2019 |
Rotering, Paul |
Governing by numbers - key indicators and the politics of expectations:
2019 |
Is prose poetry a conspiracy against the noble Qur’an?:
2019 |
Schielke, Samuli 1972- |
Islamicate secularities in past and present:
2019 |
Islamicate Secularities:
2019 |
Dreßler, Markus |
Muslims as "Hui" in Late Imperial and Republican China:
2019 |
Lee, Yee Lak Elliot |
The Political Regard in Medieval Islamic Thought:
2019 |
Yavari, Neguin |
Politics of Taxonomy in Postcolonial Indonesia:
2019 |
Ramstedt, Martin 1962- |
Public debt management between discipline and creativity:
2019 |
Knoll, Lisa 1978- |
Secular Atmospheres:
2019 |
Chavoshian, Sana 1987- |
Secularity through a 'Soft Distinction' in the Islamic Ecumene? Adab as a Counterpoint to Shari'a:
2019 |
Salvatore, Armando 1965- |
Special issue: Markets, organizations, and law:
2019 |
Transnationalizing Multiple Secularities:
2019 |
Magout, Mohammad 1982- |
Validating Secularity in Islam:
2019 |
Zemmin, Florian 1981- |
Emotion, authority, and national character:
2020 |
Military & welfare state:
2020 |
Negotiating the aftermath of violence induced mobility in the wake of the Second World War:
2020 |
Social finance, impact investing, and the financialization of the public interest:
2020 |
The Warfare - welfare nexus in French African colonies in the course of the First and Second World War:
2020 |
Schmitt, Carina 1980- |
Borders as places of control:
2021 |
Conventions, health and society - convention theory as an institutionalist approach to the political economy of health:
2021 |
Erosion of solidarity in France and welfare conventions:
2021 |
Batifoulier, Philippe |
HSR forum: Caring in times of a global pandemic:
2021 |
Justifying physical activity (dis-)engagements:
2021 |
Vatter, Anne 1982- |
Positionality reloaded:
2021 |
2022 |
Peters, Dirk |
Digital transformation(s):
2022 |
Dissociation via alternative institutions:
2022 |
Chu, Sinan |
Drifting apart:
2022 |
Dembinski, Matthias 1958- |
Drifting apart:
2022 |
Forum: Transforming cities, negotiating centrality:
2022 |
Arnaud, Colin |
Iran’s dissociation from Cooperation with the West between the 1960s and 1980s:
2022 |
Bösch, Frank 1969- |
Participatory Organizations as Infrastructures of Sustainability?:
2022 |
Besio, Cristina 19XX- |
The perils of Ruxit:
2022 |
Polianskii, Mikhail 1995- |
Ruptures, transformations, continuities:
2022 |
Visibilities of violence:
2022 |
The withdrawal of the GDR from the Warsaw Pact – expectations, hopes, and disappointments in German-Soviet relations during the dissociation process:
2022 |
Maslanka, Susanne |