2004 |
Section 0: Contents of the Full Paper Version of The International Newsletter of Communist Studies IX (2004), no 17 [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section I: The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Current Contents of Communist Studies Newsletters [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section II: Archival Problems, Files, Institutions, Projects [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section III: Projects - Work in Progress [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section IV: Materials and Studies (Biographical and Regional) [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section V: New Publications - Reports and Reviews [stark verkürzte Version]:
2004 |
Section I: The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Communist Studies Newsletters - New Issues. Selected Items; Communist History Network Newsletter, Manchester.; Estudos sobre o Comunismo, Lisbon.; HNet Discussion Network: H-HOAC. History of American Communism, Washington D.C.; International Institute of Social History. News Service, Amsterdam.; Aktuelles aus der DDR-Forschung. Ein Newsletter der Stiftung Aufarbeitung der DDR-Diktatur, Berlin.; Newsletter of Historians of American Communism, Washington D.C.:
2005 |
Section II: Archival Problems, Files, Institutions, Projects.; COMINTERN ONLINE now available in more dian 6 countries.; Declassified Archival Materials from CPSU Central Committee Plenums.; International Institute of Social History Archives: Communistische Partij Holland (CPH).; Publikationen des sozialistischen Exils und EXILPRESSE ONLINE.; International Institute of Social History. Communist Parties of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Iran.; Socialist Power in the GDR. Microfiche Edition form the Federal Archives, Germany.:
2005 |
Section III: Projects - Work in progress; The Communist International and Mexico. A publication of documents (D. Spenser, R. Ortiz).; Proletarian Internationalism and the Czechoslovak Crisis of 1968-1969 (M. Bracke).; Ein Lexikon Berliner Widerstandskmpfer in 10 Bnden.; The Brazilian Left: PhD-Thesis at the University of S~ao Paulo (D. Karepovs).; Socialism and Sexuality Discussion list (SandS).:
2005 |
Section IV: Materials for Biographical and Regional Studies; The first Biographical Dictionary of Latin America and the Comintern (L. and V. Jeifets, P. Huber).:
2005 |
Section IX: Links-Links-Links. An Updated List of Interesting Websites for Communist Studies:
2005 |
Section V: New Publications - Reports and Reviews; Alter L. Iitvin, John L. H. Keep: Stalinism. Russian and Western Views at the Turn of the Millenium, Abingdon, UK-New York, Roudedge, 2005.; Dokumente zur Chinapolitik der Sowjetunion und der Komintern J. Krger).; Moshe Lewin: The Soviet Century, London-New York, Verso, 2005 (B. Bayerlein); Die Rote Armee in sterreich. Sowjetische Besatzung 1945-1955 (ed.: S. Karner, B. Stelzl-Marx), Graz/Wien /Mnchen: Oldenbourg, 2005 (M. Uhl).; Jean-Jacques Marie: Staline, Paris, Fayard, 2001 (B. Bayerlein).; Jelica Kurjak: Political changes in Russia (Politi<<cke promene u Rusiji 1990-1996. Begrade/Beograd (Institut za medjunarodnu politiku i privredu). (A. Lesnik); Martin Mevius: Agents of Moscow. The Hungarian Communist Party and the Origins of Socialist Patriotism 1941-1953, Oxford-New York, Clarendon Press, 2005.:
2005 |
Section VI: International Meetings and Conferences Concerning Communist Studies:
2005 |
Section VII: Historical Communist Studies - New publications update. Compiled by Bernhard H. Bayerlein and John Earl Haynes:
2005 |
Section VIII: Directory of Periodicals for Historical Communist Studies and Connected Areas:
2005 |
Section X: Miscellaneous:
2005 |
Section I: The Newsletter of the Newsletters: Communist Studies. Selected Items.:
2006 |
Section II: Archival Problems, Files, Institutions, Projects.:
2006 |
Section IV: Materials for Biographical, Regional and Institutional Studies:
2006 |
Section IX: Links-Links-Links. Updates of Interesting Websites for Communist Studies.:
2006 |
Section V: New Publications - Reports and Reviews.:
2006 |
Section VI: Meetings, Conferences and Events Concerning Communist Studio 2005/2006.:
2006 |
Section VII: The International Bibliography of Communist Studies. Issue 2005.:
2006 |
Section VIII: Directory of Periodicals for Historical Communist Studies and Connected Areas: Conventional, Electronic Journals, Newsletters, Discussion Lists, Bulletins.:
2006 |
Section X: Miscellaneous, Personalia.:
2006 |
Selection III: Projects - Work in progress.:
2006 |
"Archival counterrevolution" or archival progress? Russian periodicals on the state of Russian archives:
2007 |
"Kultintern - Cultintern - [kyr.]". Beiträge zur Allunions-Gesellschaft für kulturelle Zusammenarbeit (VOKS), zum Internationalen Frauensekretariat der Komintern, zur Liga gegen den Imperialismus und zur Roten Sportinternationale:
2007 |
"We are no Visionaries and Utopian Dreamers" - The Network of the Axis League against Imperialism, Comintern, and the Anti-Imperialist Struggle, 1924-1933:
2007 |
Petersson, Fredrik |
Aktuelles aus der DDR-Forschung. Ein Newsletter der Stiftung Aufarbeitung der DDR-Diktatur, Berlin:
2007 |
Bayerlein, Bernhard H.: "Der Verräter, Stalin, bist Du!". Vom Ende der linken Solidarität. Sowjetunion, Komintern und kommunistische Parteien im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1941. [...] Berlin, Aufbau, 700 p.:
2007 |
Bolshevik Gold. The Nature of a Forgotten Problem:
2007 |
McMeekin, Sean |
"Le Brahmane du Komintern". New documentary on M. N. Roy:
2007 |
Bulgaria: more communist archives declassified:
2007 |
Comintern-Online, Moscow-Amsterdam: 100000 additional pages digitized:
2007 |
Communist History Network Newsletter, Manchester:
2007 |
Communist Regimes research programme, Sweden:
2007 |
Datta Gupta, Sobhanlal: Comintern and the Destiny of Communism in India. 1919-1943. Dialectics of real and a possible History, Calcutta, Seribaan, 2006. XXI, 329 p.:
2007 |
Droit, Emmanuel; Kott, Sandrine (eds.): Die ostdeutsche Gesellschaft. Eine transnationale Perspektive, Berlin, Ch. Links, 2006. 299 p.:
2007 |
Hürtgen, Renate |
Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Erstellung russischer Dokumentenpublikationen:
2007 |
Kozlov, Vladimir P. |
Estudos sobre o Comunismo, Lisbon:
2007 |
Foitzik, Jan; Timofejewa, Natalja P. (Bearb.): Die Politik der Sowjetischen Militäradministration; in Deutschland (SMAD). Kultur, Wissenschaft und Bildung 1945-1949. [...] München, KG. Sauf, 2005, 468 p.:
2007 |
Hartmann, Anne |
Forschungsschwerpunkt "Geschichte der Sowjetunion" am Deutschen Historischen Institut Moskau:
2007 |
Forthcoming Reviews:
2007 |
Gorja?ev, Ju.V. (ed.): Central'nyj komitet KPSS, VKP(b), RKP(b), RSDRP(b). Istoriko-biografi?eskij spravo?nik, Moskva, Parad, 2005. 496 p.:
2007 |
Otte, Robert |
The Guidebook on the Archives in Russia: new archival database:
2007 |
HNet Discussion Network: H-HOAC. History of American Communism, Washington D.C.:
2007 |
IDC Publishers, Amsterdam: Comintern files concerning Mexico released:
2007 |
Individualisierte Erinnerung und politische Bewegung. Die Autobiographik des Allgemeinen Jüdischen Arbeiterbunds:
2007 |
Wolff, Frank |
Das Internationale Frauensekretariat und die Frauenabteilung des Exekutivkomitees der Kommunistischen Internationale:
2007 |
Bayerlein, Bernhard H. |
Internationalismus nach dem Krieg. Die Beziehungen zwischen deutschen und französischen Kommunisten (1918-1923):
2007 |
Schröder, Joachim |
Kondakova, I.A. (ed.): Otkrytyj archiv-2. Spravo?nik sbornikov dokumentov, vysedsich v svet V ote?estvennych izdate?stvach v 1917-2000 gg., Moskva, ROSSPEN, 2005. 432 p.:
2007 |
Albert, Gleb |
Krekola, Joni: Stalinin lyhyt kurssi. Suomalaiset Moskovan Lenin-koulussa 1926-1938, Helsinki, SKS, 2006. 445 p.:
2007 |
The League against Imperialism: The Most Valuable Organizational Tool for Bolshevik Propaganda in the "Imperialist" and Colonial World during the Interwar Era?:
2007 |
Petersson, Fredrik |
"Das Leben der Anderen". Movie about the Stasi becomes Golden Globe nominee:
2007 |
London Socialist Historians Group Newsletter, London:
2007 |
Meetings and Conferences 2007:
2007 |
Meetings and Conferences 2008:
2007 |
Microfilms for Communist Studies at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek:
2007 |
Litten, Freddy |
Movie on Malayan communist leader gets banned in Malaysia:
2007 |
Murphy, Kevin: Revolution and Counterrevolution. Class Struggle in a Moscow Metal Factory, New York, Berghahn, 2005. 234 p. (International Studies in Social History. 6):
2007 |
Albert, Gleb |
Nachtrag zur Biographie Dmitrij Moiseenko:
2007 |
Neuer Online-Katalog des Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquier-das en la Argentina, Buenos Aires:
2007 |
New film on the Katyn massacre by Andrzej Wajda in production:
2007 |
Newsletters and Blogs:
2007 |
NS archive in Bad Arolsen to be opened for researchers:
2007 |
Olga Benario honored in Brazilian movie and opera:
2007 |
Opera about Karl Radek premiered in Austria:
2007 |
Le Parti communiste yougoslave et la Guerre civile espagnole (1936-1939):
2007 |
Lesnik, Avgust |
Past Meetings and Conferences 2006:
2007 |
Renkama, Jukka: Ideology and Challenge of Political Liberalisation in the USSR. 1957-1961j Otto Kuusinen's "Reform Platform", the State Concept and the Path to the 3rd CPSU Prog} gramme, Helsinki, SKS, 2006. 396 p.:
2007 |
Saarela, Tauno |
2007 |
Die Rote Sportinternationale:
2007 |
Gounot, André |
Saarela, Tauno: Kansan Tahto. Pohjolan työtätekevien lehti, Jyväskylä, Gummerus Oy, 2006. 448 p.:
2007 |
Sacco and Vanzetti. New documentary coming up:
2007 |
Selezneva, G.N. e.a. (eds.): Rasstre?nye spiski. Moskva 1935-1935. Donskoe kladbis?e (Donskoj krematorij). Kniga pamjati zertv politiceskich repressij. Obs?estvo Memorial, Moskva, Izd. Zvenja e.a., 2005. 596 p.:
2007 |
Otte, Robert |
Vademekum Contemporary History Hungary published by Stiftung Aufarbeitung, Berlin:
2007 |
Victor-Serge-Library in Moscow reopens:
2007 |
La VOKS. La Société pour les échanges culturels entre l'URSS et l'étranger:
2007 |
Fayet, Jean-François |
Weissman, Susan: Dissident dans la révolution. Victor Serge. Une biographie politique, Paris, Syllepse, 2006. 440 p.:
2007 |
Wettig, Gerhard: Chruschtschows Berlin-Krise 1958 bis 1963. Drohpolitik und Mauerbau, München, Oldenbourg, 2006, 312 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte. 67):
2007 |
Steininger, Roll |
Wilhelm-Reich-Archive to be opened late 2007:
2007 |