Alessandro Orsini, Anatomy of the Red Brigades: The Religious Mind-Set of Modern Terrorists (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2011), 317 pp.:
2013 |
Hof, Tobias |
Andreas Papandreou: The Making of a Greek Democrat and Political Maverick:
2013 |
Nafpliotis, Alexandros |
Atomic Maverick: Romania's negotiations for nuclear technology, 19641970:
2013 |
Gheorghe, Eliza |
Battleground Africa: Cold War in the Congo, 19601965:
2013 |
Ahlman, Jeffrey |
Beyond containment? The first Bush administration's sceptical approach to the CSCE:
2013 |
Snyder, Sarah B. |
Brent Scowcroft: Internationalism and Post-Vietnam War American Foreign Policy:
2013 |
Snyder, Sarah B. |
Britain, European security and freer movement: the development of Britain's CSCE policy 19691972:
2013 |
Grenfell Bozek, Felix Jack |
Captive audience? GDR radio in the mirror of listeners' mail:
2013 |
Classen, Christoph |
Captive audience? GDR radio in the mirror of listeners' mail:
2013 |
Classen, Christoph 1965- |
The Cold War and British debates over the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics:
2013 |
Corthorn, Paul |
The Cold War and the international political economy in the 1970s:
2013 |
Sargent, Daniel |
Cold War Literature: Writing the Global Conflict (London and New York: Routledge, 2009 [pbk]), 272 pp.:
2013 |
Link, Miles |
Cold War radio and the Hungarian Uprising, 1956:
2013 |
Webb, Alban |
A complicated mission: The United States and Spanish students during the Johnson administration:
2013 |
Garcia, Oscar J. Martin |
Constructing a PostWar Order: The Rise of US Hegemony and the Origins of the Cold War (London: I.B. Tauris, 2011), 327 pp.:
2013 |
Saull, Richard |
Crisis management in the Communist bloc: Romania's policy towards the USSR in the aftermath of the Prague Spring:
2013 |
Stanciu, Cezar |
Derek C. Maus, Unvarnishing Reality: Subversive Russian and American Cold War Satire (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2011), xvi + 247 pp.:
2013 |
Drogan, Mara |
Did the RAI buy it? The role and limits of American broadcasting in Italy in the Cold War:
2013 |
Tobia, Simona |
The Dissent Papers: The Voices of Diplomats in the Cold War and Beyond:
2013 |
Lever, Paul |
Don and diplomat: Isaiah Berlin and Britain's early Cold War:
2013 |
Deighton, Anne |
Drafting for domesticity: American deferment policy during the Cold War, 19481965:
2013 |
Rutenberg, Amy J. |
Editorial Board:
2013 |
Environmental Histories of the Cold War:
2013 |
Kinkela, David |
Ethnicity, Nationalism and the European Cold War:
2013 |
Muehlenbeck, Philip |
Europe and the collapse of Yugoslavia: The Role of Non-State Actors and European Diplomacy:
2013 |
Woodward, Susan L. |
A Europe Made of Money: The Emergence of the European Monetary System:
2013 |
Warlouzet, Laurent |
Foreign Intervention in Africa: From the Cold War to the War on Terror (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), xviii + 267 pp.:
2013 |
Lopes, Rui |
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969-1976, Vol. XXVIII: Southern Africa:
2013 |
Onslow, Sue |
A hideously difficult country: British propaganda to France in the early Cold War:
2013 |
Footitt, Hilary |
Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), x + 293 pp.:
2013 |
Pedaliu, Effie G. H. |
Human Rights, Perestroika and the End of the Cold War:
2013 |
Rey, Marie-Pierre |
An intellectual offensive: The Ford Foundation and the destalinization of the Polish social sciences:
2013 |
Czernecki, Igor |
J. Edgar Hoover Goes to the Movies: The FBI and the Origins of Hollywood's Cold War:
2013 |
Culbert, David |
John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan: An American Life (New York: The Penguin Press, 2011), 762 pp. Campbell Craig and Frederik Logevall, Americas Cold War: The Politics of Insecurity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), 426 pp. Jean Edward Smith, Eisenhower in War and Peace (New York: Random House, 2012), 950 pp. Heonik Kwon, The Other Cold War (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010), 204 pp.:
2013 |
Cox, Michael |
Latin America's Cold War:
2013 |
Arnson, Cynthia J. |
Listening behind the curtain: BBC broadcasting to East Germany and its Cold War echo:
2013 |
Major, Patrick |
Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea: Freedom's Frontier:
2013 |
Choi, Lyong |
Local conflicts in a transnational war: the Katangese gendarmes and the Shaba wars of 197778:
2013 |
Larmer, Miles |
Mao, Stalin and the Korean War: Trilateral Communist Relations in the 1950s:
2013 |
Fardella, Enrico |
Mark Solovey and Hamilton Cravens (eds), Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal Democracy, and Human Nature (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012):
2013 |
Mandler, Peter |
Mental maps in the early Cold War era, 1945-1968:
2013 |
Levering, Ralph |
Moscow Prime Time: How the Soviet Union Built the Media Empire That Lost the Cultural Cold War (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2011), ix + 315 pp.:
2013 |
Somerville, Keith |
Mr. Smith goes to Vienna: Britain's Cold War in the Caribbean 19511954:
2013 |
Mawby, Spencer |
One World, Big Screen: Hollywood, the Allies and World War II:
2013 |
Maguire, Lori |
Out-of-area: NATO perceptions of the Third World, 19571967:
2013 |
Hatzivassiliou, Evanthis |
Over There: Living with the U.S. Military Empire from World War Two to the Present (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010), xviii + 453 pp.:
2013 |
Hill, Matthew Alan |
Peripheral visions: American mainline Protestants and the global Cold War:
2013 |
Preston, Andrew |
Philip E. Muehlenbeck (ed.), Religion and the Cold War: A Global Perspective (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2012), xxii + 314 pp.:
2013 |
Settje, David E. |
Radio Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War:
2013 |
Risso, Linda |
Recrimination and reconciliation: Anglo-American relations and the Yom Kippur War:
2013 |
Spelling, Alex |
The Right Kind of Revolution: Modernization, Development, and U.S. Foreign Policy from the Cold War to the Present:
2013 |
Hill, Matthew Alan |
Romania's participation in the Agricultural Conference in Moscow, 23 February 1960:
2013 |
Dragomir, Elena |
Russia's Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall:
2013 |
Pleshakov, Constantine |
Seth Jacobs, The Universe Unraveling: American Foreign Policy in Cold War Laos (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 2012), xiv + 312 pp.:
2013 |
Cesari, Laurent |
The Spiritual-Industrial Complex: America's Religious Battle Against Communism in the Early Cold War:
2013 |
Settje, David E. |
The Thatcher government's response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 19791980:
2013 |
Lahey, Daniel James |
The Transatlantic Century: Europe and America, 18902010 (New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 392 pp.:
2013 |
Hanhimaki, Jussi M. |
A very practical requirement: under-ice operations in the Canadian Arctic, 19601986:
2013 |
Lajeunesse, Adam |
Visions of the End of the Cold War in Europe, 19451990 (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012), vii + 358 pp.:
2013 |
Snyder, Sarah B. |
Voices, letters, and literature through the Iron Curtain: exiles and the (trans)mission of radio in the Cold War:
2013 |
Kind-Kovcs, Friederike |
The (really) good war? Cold War nostalgia and American foreign policy:
2014 |
Hanhimki, Jussi M. |
An almost unique isle in the sea of democratic Europe: Greek Communists' perceptions of international reality, 19441949:
2014 |
Sfikas, Thanasis D. |
Business with Beijing, dtente with Moscow: West Germany's China policy in a global context, 19691982:
2014 |
Albers, Martin |
Busting Myths Five books on The Cuban Missile Crisis in Its Fiftieth Anniversary:
2014 |
Kadercan, Burak |
Calling the bluff of the Western powers in the United Nations disarmament negotiations, 195455:
2014 |
Blavoukos, Spyros |
Chancellor Erhard's silent rejection of de Gaulle's plans: the example of monetary union:
2014 |
Schoenborn, Benedikt |
China and the Pol Pot regime:
2014 |
Ciorciari, John D. |
Le choix de la CEE par la France: L'Europe conomique en dbat de Mends France de Gaulle:
2014 |
Boyce, Robert |
Cold War historiography at the crossroads:
2014 |
Romero, Federico |
The Cold War in retrospect: too early to tell?:
2014 |
Mastny, Vojtech |
The Cold War's cultural ecosystem: angry young men in British and Soviet cinema, 19531968:
2014 |
Dumani, Marko |
The Cold War: the golden age of arms control:
2014 |
Lever, Paul |
A companion to Lyndon B. Johnson:
2014 |
Ellison, James |
2014 |
Corvaln for Bukovsky: a real exchange of prisoners during an imaginary war. The Chilean dictatorship, the Soviet Union, and US mediation, 19731976:
2014 |
Ulianova, Olga |
Defying Moscow: East German-Chinese relations during the Andropov-Chernenko interregnum, 19821985:
2014 |
Chen, Zhong Zhong |
To Die on the Steppe: Sino-Soviet-American Relations and the Cold War in Chinese Central Asia, 19441952:
2014 |
Kraus, Charles |
Editorial Board:
2014 |
Europe in the International Arena during the 1970s: Entering a Different World:
2014 |
Peter, Matthias |
The first nuclear crisis in the Korean Peninsula, 197576:
2014 |
Choi, Lyong |
The global effects of nuclear winter: science and antinuclear protest in the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1980s:
2014 |
Rubinson, Paul |
Hammarskjld: A Life:
2014 |
Rietkerk, Aaron |
Has the Cold War returned to East Asia?:
2014 |
Tang, James T.H. |
The hidden rationality of Sweden's policy of neutrality during the Cold War:
2014 |
Dalsj, Robert |
Hollywood's insidious charms: the impact of American cinema and television on the Soviet Union during the Cold War:
2014 |
Zhuk, Sergei |
How Soviet Cold Warriors viewed World War II: the inside story of the 1957 edition of the Big Three correspondence:
2014 |
Pechatnov, Vladimir |
Ideologies in the age of extremes: Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, Fascism 19141991:
2014 |
Moro, Renato |
Intelligence in the Cold War:
2014 |
Morrison, John N.L. |
Leadership transfer in the Asian revolution: Mao Zedong and the Asian Cominform:
2014 |
Shen, Zhihua |
Learning from history? From Soviet collapse to the new Cold War:
2014 |
Cox, Michael |
Looking back: a quarter of a century after the Cold War:
2014 |
Heuser, Beatrice |
Mr Putin: Operative in the Kremlin:
2014 |
Brock, Maria |
Nasser's gamble: how intervention in Yemen caused the Six-Day War and the decline of Egyptian power:
2014 |
Laron, Guy |
The NATO-Warsaw Pact competition in the 1970s and 1980s: a revolution in military affairs in the making or the end of a strategic age?:
2014 |
Palmer, Diego A. Ruiz |
Of ghosts and other spectres: the Cold War's ending and the question of the next hegemonic conflict:
2014 |
Fortmann, Michel |
Origins of the Suez Crisis: Postwar Development Diplomacy and the Struggle over Third World Industrialization (19451956):
2014 |
Stocker, James |
The Shah's dtente with Khrushchev: Iran's 1962 missile base pledge to the Soviet Union:
2014 |
Alvandi, Roham |
The socialist sixties: crossing borders in the second world:
2014 |
Dumani, Marko |
Stephen Pinker and the long peace: alliance, deterrence and decline:
2014 |
Freedman, Lawrence |
Tra diritti umani e distensione: L'amministrazione Carter e il dissenso in Urss:
2014 |
Chiampan, Andrea |
Two roads to Belgrade: the United States, Great Britain, and the first nonaligned conference:
2014 |
Rakove, Robert B. |
Untying Cold War knots: The EEC and Eastern Europe in the long 1970s:
2014 |
Romano, Angela |
US policymakers confront aerospace doctrine, 195759:
2014 |
Sambaluk, Nicholas Michael |
Virus A: kak my zaboleli vtorzheniem v Afgnanistan [Virus A: How We Caught the Disease of Intervening in Afghanistan]:
2014 |
M. Kalinovsky, Artemy |
Visit of Soviet leaders Nikita Khrushchev and Nicholas Bulganin to Britain in April 1956:
2014 |
Kapitonova, Natalia |
War and peace in Modern India: a strategic history of the Nehru years:
2014 |
Chaudhuri, Rudra |
Western anti-communism and the Interdoc network: Cold War Internationale:
2014 |
Nuti, Leopoldo |
With his back against the Wall: Gorbachev, Soviet demise, and German reunification:
2014 |
Zubok, Vladislav |
The Yugoslav Communists' Special Relationship with the British Labour Party 19501956:
2014 |
Unkovski-Korica, Vladimir |
'A practical test in the détente': International support for the Socialist Party in the Portuguese Revolution (1974-1975):
2015 |
Castaño, David |
'No protection against the H-bomb': press and popular reactions to the Coventry civil defence controversy, 1954:
2015 |
Barnett, Nicholas |
'Wean them away from French tutelage': Franco-Indian nuclear relations and Anglo-American anxieties during the early Cold War, 1948-1952:
2015 |
Sarkar, Jayita |
Active Soviet military support for Indonesia during the 1962 West New Guinea crisis:
2015 |
Easter, David |
America’s Great Game: The CIA’s Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East, Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah: The United States and Iran in the Cold War:
2015 |
Chamberlin, Paul Thomas |
Atoms, apartheid, and the agency: South Africa's relations with the IAEA, 1957-1995:
2015 |
van Wyk, Jo-Ansie |
Books Received:
2015 |
Building their own Cold War in their own backyard: the transnational, international conflicts in the greater Caribbean basin, 1944-1954:
2015 |
Moulton, Aaron Coy |
Callaghan, the British Government and the N-Bomb Controversy:
2015 |
Elli, Mauro |
Cold War landscapes: towards an environmental history of US development programmes in the 1950s and 1960s:
2015 |
Robertson, Thomas |
Commemoration of a cold war: the politics of history and heritage at Cold War memory sites in Denmark:
2015 |
Farbøl, Rosanna |
2015 |
2015 |
Eating in Survival Town: Food in 1950s Atomic America:
2015 |
Tunc, Tanfer Emin |
2015 |
Euratom and the IAEA: the problem of self-inspection:
2015 |
Krige, John |
European Summer School 2013 Best Paper Prize Winner A 'Cold War European'? Helmut Schmidt and European integration, c.1945-1982:
2015 |
Haeussler, Mathias |
Forbidden and sublime forest landscapes: narrated experiences of Latvian national partisan women after World War II:
2015 |
Reinsone, Sanita |
Germany, America and the shaping of post-Cold War Europe: a story of German international emancipation through political unification, 1989-90:
2015 |
Spohr, Kristina |
2015 |
Nuti, Leopoldo |
2015 |
Nuti, Leopoldo |
Looking for the core of the Cold War, and finding a mirage?:
2015 |
Grosser, Pierre |
Mao Zedong and the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis:
2015 |
Fardella, Enrico Maria |
A matter of western civilisation: transnational support for the Salvadoran counterrevolution, 1979-1982:
2015 |
Bell, Aaron T |
Missiles have no colour: African Americans' reactions to the Cuban Missile Crisis:
2015 |
Campus, Leonardo |
Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the origins of Umkhonto we Sizwe:
2015 |
Ellis, Stephen |
No longer a client, not yet a partner: the US-Iranian alliance in the Johnson years:
2015 |
Castiglioni, Claudia |
Note on new format:
2015 |
The nuclear nation and the German question: an American reactor in West Berlin:
2015 |
Drogan, Mara |
The origins of the Brazilian nuclear programme, 1951-1955:
2015 |
Patti, Carlo |
Plausibly deniable: mercenaries in US covert interventions during the Cold War, 1964–1987:
2015 |
Voß, Klaas |
The post-Stalin Komsomol and the Soviet fight for Third World youth:
2015 |
Hornsby, Robert |
Re-thinking normalisation between the ROK and the PRC in the early 1990s: the South Korean perspective:
2015 |
Hwang, Jae-ho |
Shifting political calculation: the secret Taiwan-Soviet talks, 1963-1971:
2015 |
Zhai, Xiang |
Sino-American negotiations on Korea and Kissinger's UN diplomacy:
2015 |
Armstrong, Charles K |
The steering of the press in the socialist states of Eastern Europe: the German Democratic Republic (GDR) as a case study:
2015 |
Fiedler, Anke |
Sweden, the USSR and the early Cold War 1944-47: declassified encrypted cables shed new light on Soviet diplomatic reporting about Sweden in the aftermath of World War II:
2015 |
Matz, Johan |
Undesired Outcomes: China's Approach to Border Disputes during the Early Cold War:
2015 |
Shen, Zhihua |
Unmasking the wolf in sheep's clothing: Soviet and American campaigns against the enemy's journalists, 1946-1953:
2015 |
Fainberg, Dina |
World on fire: the politics of napalm in the Global Cold War:
2015 |
Martini, Edwin A |
‘I think we cannot refuse the order’: Britain, America, nuclear non-proliferation, and the Indian Jaguar deal, 1974–1978:
2015 |
Craig, Malcolm M |
'A great list of potential mistakes': NATO, Africa, and British efforts to limit the Global Cold War:
2016 |
Sayle, Timothy Andrews |
'A statement against the totalitarian countries of Europe': human rights and the early Cold War:
2016 |
Baudet, Floribert |
'Bitterness towards Egypt' - the Moroccan nationalist movement, revolutionary Cairo and the limits of anti-colonial solidarity:
2016 |
Stenner, David |
'I think we cannot refuse the order': Britain, America, nuclear non-proliferation, and the Indian Jaguar deal, 1974-1978:
2016 |
Craig, Malcolm M |
The appeal of appearing green: Soviet-American ideological competition and Cold War environmental diplomacy:
2016 |
Brain, Stephen |
The assassination of Eduardo Mondlane: FRELIMO, Tanzania, and the politics of exile in Dar es Salaam:
2016 |
Roberts, George |
The Atomic Marshall Plan: Atoms for Peace, British diplomacy and civil nuclear power:
2016 |
Twigge, Stephen |
Bandung as the call for a better development project: US, British, French and Gold Coast perceptions of the Afro-Asian Conference (1955):
2016 |
Gerits, Frank |
Books Received:
2016 |
Books Received:
2016 |
The CIA’s paramilitary operations during the cold war: an assessment:
2016 |
Gleijeses, Piero |
The Cold War and environmental history: complementary fields:
2016 |
Laakkonen, Simo |
Cold War landscapes: towards an environmental history of US development programmes in the 1950s and 1960s:
2016 |
Robertson, Thomas |
The Cold War, the developing world, and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1953-1957:
2016 |
Roehrlich, Elisabeth |
The Cold War, the developing world, and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1953–1957:
2016 |
Roehrlich, Elisabeth |
Contesting France: French informants and American intelligence in the dawning Cold War:
2016 |
Perlman, Susan McCall |
Divide and Rule: Israel’s Tactics Regarding the Jerusalem Question and America’s Response, 1949–1950:
2016 |
Heimann, Gadi |
Federico Romero in response to Pierre Grosser:
2016 |
Fighting the red peril in the Congo. Paradoxes and perspectives on an equivocal challenge to Belgium and the West (1947-1960):
2016 |
Gijs, Anne-Sophie |
Forbidden and sublime forest landscapes: narrated experiences of Latvian national partisan women after World War II:
2016 |
Reinsone, Sanita |
Jimmy Carter in Africa: Race and the Cold War:
2016 |
Saunders, Chris |
Kissinger, vol. 1: 1923–1968: The Idealist and Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman:
2016 |
Hanhimäki, Jussi M |
Mexico’s Cold War: Cuba, the United States, and the Legacy of the Mexican Revolution:
2016 |
Booth, William A |
Nelson Mandela, the South African Communist Party and the origins of Umkhonto we Sizwe:
2016 |
Ellis, Stephen |
New insights into Mao's initial strategic consideration towards the Korean War intervention:
2016 |
Kim, Donggil |
On the 'arcane modern science of Kremlinology' or the case of the vanishing birthdays:
2016 |
Jacobson, Zachary Jonathan |
Past, present, and future: the role of the Cold War in legitimising Danish foreign policy activism:
2016 |
Pedersen, Rasmus Brun |
People, not property: population issues and the neutron bomb:
2016 |
Tobin, Kathleen A |
Plausibly deniable: mercenaries in US covert interventions during the Cold War, 1964-1987:
2016 |
Voß, Klaas |
Re-examining the end of Mao's revolution: China's changing statecraft and Sino-American relations, 1973-1978:
2016 |
Minami, Kazushi |
Re-examining the end of Mao’s revolution: China’s changing statecraft and Sino-American relations, 1973–1978:
2016 |
Minami, Kazushi |
Reading the Cuban revolution from Bogotá, 1957-62:
2016 |
Karl, Robert A |
Reading the Cuban revolution from Bogotá, 1957–62:
2016 |
Karl, Robert A |
The Sino-Soviet Alliance: An International History:
2016 |
Friedman, Jeremy |
The Soviet Union and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency:
2016 |
Holloway, David |
The Soviet Union and the creation of the International Atomic Energy Agency:
2016 |
Holloway, David |
World on fire: the politics of napalm in the Global Cold War:
2016 |
Martini, Edwin A |
‘Socialist friends should help each other in crises’: Sino-Polish relations within the cold war dynamics, 1980–1987:
2016 |
Gnoinska, Margaret K |
The "Ideological Offensive" in Education: the Portrayal of the United States in Secondary Curricula and Textbooks in Poland during the Stalinist Period (1948-1956):
2017 |
Król, Joanna |
To 'educate' Deng Xiaoping in capitalism: Thatcher's visit to China and the future of Hong Kong in 1982:
2017 |
Mark, Chi-kwan |
'Red on White': Kim Il Sung, Park Chung Hee, and the Failure of Korea's Reunification, 1971-1973:
2017 |
Radchenko, Sergey |
'Socialist friends should help each other in crises': Sino-Polish relations within the Cold War dynamics, 1980-1987:
2017 |
Gnoinska, Margaret K |
'That mad hatters tea party on the East River': Conservative journals of opinion and the United Nations 1964-1981:
2017 |
Jurdem, Laurence R |
The Alliance for Progress and President João Goulart's Three-Year Plan: the deterioration of U.S.-Brazilian Relations in Cold War Brazil (1962):
2017 |
Loureiro, Felipe Pereira |
The Alliance for Progress and President João Goulart’s Three-Year Plan: the deterioration of U.S.-Brazilian Relations in Cold War Brazil (1962):
2017 |
Loureiro, Felipe Pereira |
The assassination of Eduardo Mondlane: FRELIMO, Tanzania, and the politics of exile in Dar es Salaam:
2017 |
Roberts, George |
Between Détente and Differentiation: Nixon's visit to Bucharest in August 1969:
2017 |
Pechlivanis, Paschalis |
Between Détente and Differentiation: Nixon’s visit to Bucharest in August 1969:
2017 |
Pechlivanis, Paschalis |
Books Received:
2017 |
China and the end of the Cold War in Europe:
2017 |
Westad, Odd Arne |
Contesting France: French informants and American intelligence in the dawning Cold War:
2017 |
Perlman, Susan McCall |
Divide and Rule: Israel's Tactics Regarding the Jerusalem Question and America's Response, 1949-1950:
2017 |
Heimann, Gadi |
The five hats of Nina Ponomareva: sport, shoplifting and the Cold War:
2017 |
Edelman, Robert |
Innocent Weapons: The Soviet and American Politics of Childhood in the Cold War:
2017 |
Baron, Nick |
Italian Public Opinion in the Atomic Age: Mass-market Magazines Facing Nuclear Issues (1963-1967):
2017 |
Ciglioni, Laura |
Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World:
2017 |
Lüthi, Lorenz |
A significant periphery of the Cold War: Italy-China bilateral relations, 1949-1989:
2017 |
Fardella, Enrico |
Sir Reader Bullard, Frank Roberts and the Azerbaijan crisis of 1945-46: Bevin's officials, perceptions and the adoption of a Cold War mentality in British Soviet Policy:
2017 |
Shaw, Alexander Nicholas |
Sir Reader Bullard, Frank Roberts and the Azerbaijan crisis of 1945–46: Bevin’s officials, perceptions and the adoption of a Cold War mentality in British Soviet Policy:
2017 |
Shaw, Alexander Nicholas |
Socialism Capitalism and Sino-European Relations in the Deng Xiaoping Era, 1978-1992:
2017 |
Albers, Martin |
The Soviet Union and China in the 1980s: reconciliation and divorce:
2017 |
Zubok, Vladislav |
A Superpower Transformed: The Remaking of American Foreign Relations in the 1970s:
2017 |
Mitchell, Nancy |
‘Red on White’: Kim Il Sung, Park Chung Hee, and the Failure of Korea’s Reunification, 1971–1973:
2017 |
Radchenko, Sergey |