Zusammenfassung: | Since its discovery, the Greek prayer of Cyprian, an apotropaic prayer to ward off illness and demons allegedly written by Cyprian of Antioch, has been hastily associated with the Latin Orationes Cypriani. However, this connection cannot be justified, neither in terms of their content or structure nor in the context of their history of transmission. The Latin prayers were written when the legend of the Antiochian Cyprian was not yet known in the West. For this reason, the Latin prayers are better associated with either Cyprian of Carthage or Cyprian poeta gallus. Furthermore, if there is no direct connection between the Greek and Latin prayers, the Greek prayer's datingmust also be re-established. Even if this article does not achieve to do so, it places the Greek manuscripts of the 14th and 15th centuries in the context of a widespread renaissance of pseudo-Cyprian literature in Europe.