Variorum collected studies series : CS

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Format: Schriftenreihe
Veröffentlicht: London New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 1970-
London : Variorum Reprints, anfangs
Farnham Burlington, Vt. : Ashgate, -2015
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Variorum collected studies series
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Studies on Byzantine Italy: 1970 Guillou, André
Byzantine, Norman, Swabian and later institutions in Southern Italy: 1972 Marongiu, Antonio 1902-1989
Histoire de l'Europe occidentale XIe-XIVe s: 1973 Labande, Edmond René 1908-1992
Spiritualité et vie littéraire de l'occident, X. - XIV. siècles: 1974 Labande, Edmond René 1908-1992
The care of books: 1975 Clark, John Willis 1833-1910
The Spanish military order of Calatrava and its affiliates: 1975 O'Callaghan, Joseph F. 1928-
The papacy and political ideas in the Middle Ages: 1976 Ullmann, Walter 1910-1983
Religion popular and unpopular in the early Christian centuries: 1976 Frend, W. H. C. 1916-2005
Etudes sur l'économie et la société de l'Occident médiéval: 1977 Mollat, Michel 1911-1996
Les relations entre l'Orient et l'Occident au Moyen Age: 1977 Richard, Jean 1921-2021
Byzantium and the World Around it: 1978 Lopez, Robert Sabatino 1910-1985
The Hospitallers in Cyprus, Rhodes, Greece and the west 1291 - 1440: 1978
The social history of Italy and Western Europe, 700-1500: 1978 Herlihy, David 1930-1991
Dark Age numismatics: 1979 Grierson, Philip
Gouvernement et vie de l'Église au moyen-âge: 1979 Foreville, Raymonde 1904-2002
Later medieval numismatics (11th-16th centuries): 1979 Grierson, Philip 1910-2006
Religious life and thought (11. - 12. centuries): 1979 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
Société et économie à Gênes <XIVe-XVe siècles>: 1979 Heers, Jacques 1924-2013
Structures politiques du monde franc (VIe-XIIe siècles): 1979 Werner, Karl Ferdinand 1924-2008
Cluniac studies: 1980 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
La formation du droit canonique médiéval: 1980 Gaudemet, Jean 1908-2001
The history of ideas and doctrines of canon law in the Middle Ages: 1980 Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996
La société ecclésiastique dans l'Occident médiéval: 1980 Gaudemet, Jean 1908-2001
Culture and censorship in late Renaissance Italy and France: 1981 Grendler, Paul F. 1936-
La France au XIVe et XVe siècles: 1981 Contamine, Philippe 1932-2022
Hommes et institutions de l'Italie normande: 1981 Ménager, Léon Robert 1925-1993
Instruction et vie religieuse dans le haut Moyen Age: 1981 Riché, Pierre 1921-2019
Structure sociale, famille, chrétienté à Byzance: 1981 Patlagean, Évelyne 1932-2008
Thomas Becket dans la tradition historique et hagiographique: 1981 Foreville, Raymonde 1904-2002
Eglise et hérésie en France au XIII. siècle: 1982 Dossat, Yves
The English church and its laws: 1982 Cheney, Christopher R. 1906-1987
La noblesse dans l'Occident médiéval: 1982 Genicot, Léopold 1914-1995
The papacy and England, 12th - 14th centuries: 1982 Cheney, Christopher R. 1906-1987
Päpste, Kaiser, Könige und die mittelalterliche Herrschaftssymbolik: 1982 Elze, Reinhard 1922-2000
The rise of Christian Russia: 1982 Poppe, Andrzej 1926-2019
Civilisation et société dans l'Occident médiéval: 1983 Grâbôys, Aryé 1930-
Croisés, missionnaires et voyageurs: 1983 Richard, Jean 1921-2021
Kreuzzüge und lateinischer Osten: 1983 Mayer, Hans Eberhard 1932-2023
Probleme des lateinischen Königreichs Jerusalem: 1983 Mayer, Hans Eberhard 1932-2023
Anglo-Saxon Northumbria: 1984 Hunter Blair, Peter 1912-1982
Early Christianity and the Roman empire: 1984 Barnes, Timothy D. 1942-
Eglise et société en Occident au Moyen Age: 1984 Gaudemet, Jean 1908-2001
Medieval society in Southern France and Catalonia: 1984 Lewis, Archibald Ross 1914-1990
La science du droit dans le midi de la France au moyen age: 1984 Gouron, André 1931-2009
Doctrines politiques et structures ecclésiastiques dans l'Occident médiéval: 1985 Pacaut, Marcel 1920-2002
Holiness and politics in early medieval thought: 1985 Morrison, Karl F. 1936-
Political life and culture in late Roman society: 1985 Matthews, John 1940-
Vie canoniale en France aux Xe-XIIe siècles: 1985 Becquet, Jean 1917-2003
Visigothic Spain, Byzantium and the Irish: 1985 Hillgarth, Jocelyn N. 1929-
Culture et spiritualité en Espagne du IVe au VIIe siécle: 1986 Fontaine, Jacques
Le droit savant au moyen âge et sa vulgarisation: 1986 Feenstra, Robert 1920-2013
Studies in Italian Renaissance diplomatic history: 1986 Ilardi, Vincent 1925-
Autour de la France capétienne: 1987 Fawtier, Robert 1885-1966
Enforcing morality in early modern Europe: 1987 Monter, Edward William 1936-
Etudes sur la diffusion des doctrines juridiques médiévales: 1987 Gouron, André 1931-2009
Histoire du haut Moyen Age et de l'Italie médiévale: 1987 Toubert, Pierre 1932-
Ireland and the culture of early Medieval Europe: 1987 Bieler, Ludwig 1906-1981
Vie conciliaire et collections canoniques en Occident, IVe-XIIe siècles: 1987 Munier, Charles 1922-2011
Archaeology and history in the study of Early Christianity: 1988 Frend, W. H. C. 1916-2005
Ecrits juridiques du Moyen Age occidental: 1988 Legendre, Pierre 1930-2023
Latin learning in mediaeval Ireland: 1988 Esposito, Mario 1887-1975
Law and jurisdiction in the Middle Ages: 1988 Ullmann, Walter 1910-1983
Law and society in early Medieval Europe: 1988 Drew, Katherine Fischer
The monarchy, the estates and the aristocracy in Renaissance France: 1988 Major, James Russell 1921-1989
Monks, hermits and crusaders in Medieval Europe: 1988 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
Tradition et actualité chez Isidore de Séville: 1988 Fontaine, Jacques 1922-2015
Cash, credit and crisis in Europe: 1989 Miskimin, Harry A.
Droit de l'Eglise et vie sociale au Moyen Age: 1989 Gaudemet, Jean 1908-2001
Structure et évolution du capitalisme européen, XVIe - XVIIe siècles: 1989 Sayous, André-Emile 1873-1941
Institutions de l'eglise et canonistes au moyen age de Strasbourg à Cracovie: 1990 Vetulani, Adam Joachim 1901-1976
Papacy, councils, and canon law in the 11th-12th centuries: 1990 Somerville, Robert 1940-
Studies in the history of medieval canon law: 1990 Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996
Sur Gratien et les Décrétales: 1990 Vetulani, Adam Joachim 1901-1976
Un temps, une ville, une Réforme: 1990 Lienhard, Marc 1935-
Autorité épiscopale et sollicitude pastorale: 1991 Munier, Charles 1922-2011
The Crusades, holy war, and canon law: 1991 Brundage, James A. 1929-2021
Heresy and orthodoxy in the early church: 1991 Chadwick, Henry 1920-2008
The monarchy of Capetian France and royal ceremonial: 1991 Brown, Elizabeth A. R. 1932-
Politics and institutions in Capetian France: 1991 Brown, Elizabeth A. R. 1932-
Recherches sur l'histoire de la France médiévale: 1991 Bautier, Robert-Henri 1922-2010
Sur l'histoire économique de la France médiévale: 1991 Bautier, Robert-Henri 1922-2010
Anciens systèmes de poids et mesures en Occident: 1992 Hocquet, Jean-Claude 1936-
Carolingian learning, masters and manuscripts: 1992 Contreni, John J.
Christian chronicles and Byzantine history: 1992 Croke, Brian 1951-
Croisades et états latins d'Orient: 1992 Richard, Jean 1921-2021
The culture of science in France, 1700-1900: 1992 Fox, Robert
Etudes sur la France capétienne: 1992 Bautier, Robert-Henri 1922-2010
Formula and context: 1992 Abramowski, Luise 1928-2014
Féodalités et droits savants dans le Midi médiéval: 1992 Giordanengo, Gérard
Signs and wonders: 1992 Ward, Benedicta 1933-
Sorcellerie et justice criminelle: 1992 Soman, Alfred
Technology, industry and trade: 1992 Ashtor, Eliyahu 1914-1984
Vie chrétienne et culture dans l'Espagne du VIIe au Xe siècles: 1992 Díaz y Díaz, Manuel Cecilio 1924-2008
War and society in Habsburg Spain: 1992 Thompson, I. A. A.
"Artes" and Bible in the medieval West: 1993 Gibson, Margaret T. 1938-1994
Armies and Politics in the Early Medieval West: 1993 Bachrach, Bernard S. 1939-
Aspects de la vie monastique en France au Moyen Age: 1993 Dubois, Jacques 1478-1555
Britons and Anglo-Saxons in the Early Middle Ages: 1993 Dumville, D. N. 1949-
Canon law in the age of reform, 11th-12th centuries: 1993 Gilchrist, John T. 1927-1992
Education et culture dans l'Occident médiéval: 1993 Riché, Pierre 1921-2019
Enacting the Reformation in Germany: 1993 Strauss, Gerald 1922-2006
Form and order in medieval France: 1993 Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte 1953-
The Late Roman West and the Vandals: 1993 Clover, Frank M. 1940-
Popes, canonists and texts: 1993 Pennington, Kenneth 1941-
La prédication au XIIIe siècle en France et Italie: 1993 Bataillon, Louis-Jacques 1914-2009
Bede, the schools and the Computus: 1994 Jones, Charles Williams 1905-1989
Books, scribes, and learning in the Frankish Kingdoms, 6th-9th centuries: 1994 McKitterick, Rosamond 1949-
La connaissance de l'Islam dans l'Occident médiéval: 1994 Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d' 1903-1991
Law and liturgy in the Latin church, 5th - 12th centuries: 1994 Reynolds, Roger E. 1936-2014
Military orders and crusades: 1994 Forey, Alan 1933-
Precious metals and commerce: 1994 Prakash, Om 1940-
Pères saints et culte chrétien dans l'Eglise des premiers siècles: 1994 Saxer, Victor 1918-2004
Sacred and secular: 1994 Markus, R. A. 1924-2010
Textiles, towns and trade: 1994 Munro, John H. A. 1938-2013
Britain and early Christian Europe: 1995 Sims-Williams, Patrick
Cycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe: 1995 Stevens, Wesley M.
History and literature in late antiquity and the early medieval West: 1995 Wright, Neil
Innocent III: 1995 Bolton, Brenda
The limits of absolutism in ancien régime France: 1995 Bonney, Richard 1947-
Portugal, Spain, and the African Atlantic, 1343 - 1490: 1995 Russell, Peter Edward 1913-2006
State-building in medieval France: 1995 Bachrach, Bernard S. 1939-
Books and libraries in early England: 1996 Gneuss, Helmut 1927-2023
Britain, France and international commerce: 1996 Crouzet, François 1922-2010
Latin letters in early Christian Ireland: 1996 Herren, Michael W. 1940-
Luther and German humanism: 1996 Spitz, Lewis William 1922-1999
Studies in early mediaeval Latin glossaries: 1996 Lindsay, Wallace Martin 1858-1937
Trade, urbanisation and the family: 1996 Nicholas, David 1939-2020
Church, empire and world: 1997 Headley, John M. 1929-2017
Géographie et culture: 1997 Gautier Dalché, Patrick 1949-
Histoire et historiographie en Occident aux IVe et Ve siècles: 1997 Duval, Yves-Marie 1934-2007
Ships and shipping in the North Sea and Atlantic, 1400-1800: 1997 Unger, Richard W. 1942-
Status, authority and regional power: 1997 Martindale, Jane
The writing of history and the study of law: 1997 Kelley, Donald R. 1931-
Canon law, the expansion of Europe, and world order: 1998 Muldoon, James 1935-
Decretals and the creation of "new law" in the twelfth century: 1998 Duggan, Charles 1921-1999
Gospel books and early Latin manuscripts: 1998 McGurk, Patrick
Liturgical calenders, saints, and services in medieval England: 1998 Pfaff, Richard W. 1936-
Papal reform and canon law in the 11th and 12th centuries: 1998 Blumenthal, Uta-Renate 1935-
Anglo-Saxon glosses and glossaries: 1999 Lendinara, Patrizia
Clerical orders in the Early Middle Ages: 1999 Reynolds, Roger E. 1936-2014
Clerics in the early Middle Ages: 1999 Reynolds, Roger E. 1936-2014
Conquerors and churchmen in Norman Italy: 1999 Loud, G. A. 1953-
The Hospitaller state on Rhodes and its western provinces, 1306 - 1462: 1999 Luttrell, Anthony 1932-
Kingdoms of the crusaders: 1999 Edbury, P. W. 1947-
Lutherans and Calvinists in the age of confessionalism: 1999 Nischan, Bodo 1939-2001
Rulers and ruling families in early medieval Europe: 1999 Nelson, Janet L. 1942-2024
Cluny from the tenth to the twelfth centuries: 2000 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
Cyprus, the Franks and Venice, 13th-16th centuries: 2000 Arbel, Binyāmîn 1945-
Eschatology and Christian nurture: 2000 Gatch, Milton McC.
Juristes et droits savants: 2000 Gouron, André 1931-2009
Mediterranean encounters, economic, religious, political, 1100 - 1550: 2000 Abulafia, David 1949-
Montecassino and Benevento in the Middle Ages: 2000 Loud, G. A. 1953-
Popes and church reform in the 11th century: 2000 Cowdrey, H. E. J. 1926-2009
Abelard and his legacy: 2001 Mews, Constant J. 1954-
Production and consumption in the Low Countries, 13th - 16th centuries: 2001 Van Uytven, Raymond 1933-
Friendship and faith: 2002 McGuire, Brian Patrick 1946-
Guns and men in medieval Europe, 1200 - 1500: 2002 De Vries, Kelly 1956-
Heresy, philosophy and religion in the medieval West: 2002 Leff, Gordon 1926-2020
Patronage in sixteenth and seventeenth century France: 2002 Kettering, Sharon 1942-2011
The processes of politics and the rule of law: 2002 Linehan, Peter 1943-2020
The revival of planetary astronomy in Carolingian and post-Carolingian Europe: 2002 Eastwood, Bruce S. 1964-
Scholars and courtiers: Intellectuals and society in the medieval west: 2002 Jaeger, Charles Stephen 1940-
Baltic commerce and urban society, 1500-1700: 2003 Bogucka, Maria 1929-2020
Between France and England: 2003 Jones, Michael
Essays on early medieval mathematics: 2003 Folkerts, Menso 1943-
Francs et orientaux dans le monde des croisades: 2003 Richard, Jean 1921-2021
Peasants and Jews in medieval Germany: 2003 Toch, Michael 1946-
Theodulf of Orléans: 2003 Freeman, Ann
Word, image and experience: 2003 Nie, Giselle de 1938-
The profession and practice of medieval canon law: 2004 Brundage, James A. 1929-2021
Rulership in France, 15th-17th centuries: 2004 Giesey, Ralph E. 1923-2011
Feuding and peace-making in eleventh-century France: 2005 White, Stephen D.
Latin Christian writers in late antiquity and their texts: 2005 Vessey, Mark
The Low Countries in the sixteenth century: 2005 Tracy, James D. 1938-
Medieval Narbonne: 2005 Caille, Jacqueline 1939-
Re-thinking kinship and feudalism in early medieval Europe: 2005 White, Stephen D.
The development of mathematics in medieval Europe: 2006 Folkerts, Menso 1943-
East Rome, Sasanian Persia and the end of antiquity: 2006 Howard-Johnston, James 1942-
Franks, Muslims and oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: 2006 Ḳedar, Binyamin Zeʾev 1938-
Gender, family and the legitimation of power: 2006 Stafford, Pauline 1946-
Renaissance education between religion and politics: 2006 Grendler, Paul F. 1936-
Studies in Hiberno-Latin literature: 2006 Esposito, Mario 1887-1975
Carolingian coinage and the Vikings: 2007 Coupland, Simon
Popes, church and Jews in the Middle Ages: 2007 Stow, Kenneth R.
Travellers and cosmographers: 2007 Rubiés, Joan Pau
War, government, and society in the medieval Crown of Aragon: 2007 Kagay, Donald J. 1944-
The art of words: 2008 Meyvaert, Paul 1921-2015
Councils of the Catholic Reformation: 2008 Minnich, Nelson H. 1942-
Crusaders and settlers in the Latin East: 2008 Riley-Smith, Jonathan Simon Christopher 1938-2016
From Arabian tribes to Islamic Empire: 2008 Crone, Patricia 1945-2015
Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: 2009 Burnett, Charles 1951-
Barbarians, maps, and historiography: 2009 Goffart, Walter A. 1934-
Image making in Byzantium, Sasanian Persia, and the early Muslim world: 2009 Cutler, Anthony 1934-2024
Latins, Greeks and Muslims: 2009 Jacoby, David 1928-
Literacy and identity in pre-Islamic Arabia: 2009 Macdonald, Michael C. A.
Ritual, ceremony and the changing monarchy in France 1350 - 1789: 2009 Bryant, Lawrence M.
Church and society in late antique Italy and beyond: 2010 Sotinel, Claire
Travellers from Europe in the Ottoman and Safavid Empires, 16th - 17th centuries: 2010 Brentjes, Sonja 1951-
Astrolabes from medieval Europe: 2011 King, David A. 1941-
Law and religion between Petra and Edessa: 2011 Healey, John F. 1948-
Learning and culture in Carolingian Europe: 2011 Contreni, John J.
On the military orders in medieval Europe: 2011 Sarnowsky, Jürgen 1955-
The Bayeux tapestry: 2012 Owen-Crocker, Gale R. 1947-
Byzantine chronicles and the sixth century: 2012 Scott, Roger 1938-
The Middle Ages without feudalism: 2012 Reynolds, Susan 1929-2021
Power and its problems in Carolingian Europe: 2012 Airlie, Stuart
Early medieval exegesis in the Latin West: 2013 O'Loughlin, Thomas 1958-
Frankish history: 2013 Fouracre, Paul
Jewish culture and society in Medieval France and Germany: 2014 Marcus, Ivan G. 1942-
Warfare, crusade and conquest in the middle ages: 2014 France, John 1941-
Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France: 2015 Knecht, Robert J. 1926-
Medieval monasticism: 2017 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
Medieval thought and historiography: 2017 Constable, Giles 1929-2021
Gratian and the schools of law, 1140-1234: 2018 Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996