A tale of two cities:
1982 |
Page, R. I. 1924-2012 |
Anglo-french Ireland and after:
1982 |
Nicholls, Kenneth W. 1940- |
Brigit in the seventeenth century:
1982 |
McCone, Kim 1950- |
Denis Bethell:
1982 |
Keen, Maurice Hugh 1933-2012 |
Hagiography and the Icelandic bishop sagas:
1982 |
Jorgensen, Jorgen Hojgaard |
Insular latin C(H)araxare (Craxare) and its derivatives:
1982 |
Herren, Michael W. 1940- |
Mo-Sinnu Moccu Min and the computus of Bangor:
1982 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
Notes on terminology in the annals of Ulster, 650-1050:
1982 |
MacDonald, A. D. S. |
Notes on the dating and attribution of anonymous latin grammars at the early middle ages:
1982 |
Law, Vivien 1954-2002 |
Pride and prejudice:
1982 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
Saints' lives in old english:
1982 |
Zettel, Patrick H. |
Saints' lives in old english:
1982 |
Cross, James E. 1920-1996 |
Some aspects of hagiography as a source for irish economic history:
1982 |
Doherty, Charles 1947- |
The guarantor list of Caín Adomnáin, 697:
1982 |
Ní Dhonnchadha, Máirín |
The Patrician documents:
1982 |
Sharpe, Richard 1954-2020 |
The purpose of Adomán's Vita Columbae:
1982 |
Picard, J. M. |
The Schaffhausen Adomnán - a unique witness to Hiberno-Latin:
1982 |
Picard, J. M. |
The Vita Columbani and merovingian hagiography:
1982 |
Wood, Ian |
Towards a methodology in early irish hagiography:
1982 |
Ó Riain, Pádraig 1939- |
Verbal usage in Vita Prima Brigitae and Bethu Brigte:
1982 |
Connolly, Seán 1924- |
Vitae S Brigitae:
1982 |
Sharpe, Richard 1954-2020 |
A charter of John, Lord of Ireland, in favour of Matthew Ua Hénni, Archbishop of Cashel:
1983 |
Nicholls, Kenneth W. 1940- |
A hiberno-isidorian etymology:
1983 |
Baumgarten, Rolf |
Auf den Spuren verlorener Traditionen:
1983 |
Brunner, Karl 1944- |
Chivalry and courtly love:
1983 |
Keen, Maurice Hugh 1933-2012 |
Donatus, Finit Amen:
1983 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
Early Irish annals from easter-tables:
1983 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
Insular grammarians:
1983 |
Herren, Michael W. 1940- |
King Alfred's prose Preface tot the old english Pastoral Care, II. 30-41:
1983 |
Orton, P. R. |
Late medieval Irish annals:
1983 |
Nicholls, Kenneth W. 1940- |
Les grammairiens hiberno-latins étaient-ils des anglo-saxons?:
1983 |
Holtz, Louis 1929- |
Monastica et onomastica:
1983 |
Byrne, Francis J. 1934- |
Motes and beams:
1983 |
Dumville, D. N. 1949- |
Semitica hiberno-latina:
1983 |
Wasserstein, David J. 1951- |
Some aspects of annalistic writing at Canterbury in the eleventh and early twelfth centuries:
1983 |
Dumville, D. N. 1949- |
Some ecclesiastical and secular insular metalwork found in norwegian viking graves:
1983 |
Wamers, Egon 1952- |
Some seigneurial archives and chronicles in fifteenth-century France:
1983 |
Daly, Kathleen |
Sticks and stones - a reply:
1983 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
The Bernician Royal dynasty and the Irish in the seventh century:
1983 |
Moisl, Hermann L. |
The gospel commentary of Máel Brigte ua Máeluanaig and its hiberno-latin background:
1983 |
Rittmueller, Jean |
The irish provenance of Bede's computus:
1983 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
The premonstratensian houses of Carrickfergus, White Abbey and Woodburn:
1983 |
McNeill, T. E. 1944- |
Twelfth- and thirteenth-century Irish annals in Vienna:
1983 |
Ó Riain-Raedel, Dagmar |
Were the Irish annals known to a twelfth-century Northumbrian writer?:
1983 |
Sharpe, Richard 1954-2020 |
Aspects of the monastery and monastic life in Adomn´an's life of Columba:
1984 |
Macdonald, A. D. S. |
Bede and the life of Ceolfrid:
1984 |
McClure, Judith |
Bede and the tonsure question:
1984 |
James, Edward 1947- |
Bede's Angli:
1984 |
Richter, Michael 1943-2011 |
Bede's ecclesiastical history in irish:
1984 |
Ní Chatháin, Próinséas 1936-2018 |
Bede, Adomnán, and the writing of history:
1984 |
Picard, Jean-Michel 1952- |
A letter from Rome to the Irish clergy, AD 640:
1984 |
Harrison, Kenneth |
The geographical orientation of Ireland in Isidore and Orosius:
1984 |
Baumgarten, Rolf |
Ireland and Spain in the seventeenth century:
1984 |
Hillgarth, Jocelyn N. 1929- |
Linguarum diversitas:
1984 |
MacManus, Damian |
Postscript to the gospels of Máel Brigte:
1984 |
Rittmueller, Jean |
Rath Melsigi, Willibrord, and the earliest Echternach manuscripts:
1984 |
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí 1954- |
Semitica hiberno-latina III:
1984 |
Wasserstein, David J. 1951- |
Some field monuments in the townlands of Clonmelsh and Garryhundon, Co Carlow:
1984 |
Fanning, Thomas |
Some problems concerning the organization of the church in early medieval Ireland:
1984 |
Sharpe, Richard 1954-2020 |
Some seventh-century hiberno-latin texts and their relationships:
1984 |
Breen, Aidan |
Some twelfth-century views of the anglo-saxon past:
1984 |
Campbell, James 1935-2016 |
A. T. Lucas, Cattle in ancient Ireland:
1994 |
Kelly, Fergus |
Aaron Gurevich, Historical anthropology of the middle ages:
1994 |
Johnston, Elva |
Art Cosgrove (ed), Marriage in Ireland:
1994 |
Sheehan, Michael M. |
Bassilica Sci Mar Inuaedritlaeum: a suggestion:
1994 |
Murphy, Kevin |
Between apathy and antipathy: the Vikings in Irish and Scandinavian history:
1994 |
Holm, Poul |
Centralism and uniformity or localism and diversity: the Virgin and native saints in the English monastic reform:
1994 |
Clayton, Mary |
The computus and the Annals of Ulster:
1994 |
McCarthy, Daniel |
A contract between king and people in early medieval Ireland: Crith Gablach on kingship:
1994 |
Charles-Edwards, T. M. |
D. Simon Evans (ed), The Welsh Life of St David:
1994 |
Mhaonaigh, Máire Ni |
David Dumville and Michael Lapidge (ed), The Annals of St Neots with Vita Prima Sancti Neoti:
1994 |
Richter, Michael |
David H. Williams, Atlas of Cistercian lands in Wales:
1994 |
Barry, Terry |
David Knowles, The evolution of Medieval thought:
1994 |
O'Loughlin, Thomas |
Donnchadh O Corráin, Liam Breatnach, Kim McCone (ed), Sages, saints and storytellers: Celtic Studies in honour of Professor James Carney:
1994 |
Lambert, P.-Y. |
The earliest Irish writers at home and abroad:
1994 |
Howlett, David |
Etienne Rynne (ed), Figures from the past: studies on figurative art in christian Ireland in honour of Helen M. Roe:
1994 |
Edwards, Nancy |
Francois Kerlouégan, Le De excidio Britanniae de Gildas Les destinees de la culture latine dans l'Île de Bretagne au Vle siècle:
1994 |
Picard, J.-M. |
Goliardic rhythm with special reference to the Play of Daniel, the Dublin Sepulchre Drama, and the Carmina Burana:
1994 |
Wulstan, David |
Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards (trans), Knytlinga saga: the history of the kings of Denmark:
1994 |
Sayers, William |
Is the first commentary on Mark an Irish work? Some new considerations:
1994 |
Cahill, Michel |
J. M. Bately (ed), The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: a collaborative edition:
1994 |
George, Jodi-Anne |
K. H. Schmidt (ed), Geschichte und Kultur der Kelten:
1994 |
McCone, Kim R. |
Killaloe: a pre-Norman borough?:
1994 |
Bradley, John |
The Latin version of the Scriptures in use in Iona:
1994 |
O'Loughlin, Thomas |
The Lindisfarne scriptorium: for and against:
1994 |
O'Sullivan, William |
Marie-Thérèse Flanagan, Irish society, Anglo-Norman settlers, Angevin kingship: interactions in Ireland in the twelfth century:
1994 |
Barlow, Frank |
Mary-Catherine Bodden (ed. & trans.), The Old English Finding of the True Cross:
1994 |
Szarmach, Paul E. |
Maura Walsh and Dáibhi O Croinin (ed), Cummian's Letter De controversia paschali, together with a related Irish computistical tract De ratione conputandi:
1994 |
Charles-Edwards, T. M. |
Mette Pors (ed), The vitality of the Arthurian legend: a symposium:
1994 |
George, Jodi-Anne |
Michael W. Herren (ed), The sacred nectar of the Greeks: the study of Greek in the West in the early middle ages:
1994 |
Lynch, Kevin M. |
A Middle-Irish poem on the authors and laws of Ireland:
1994 |
Smith, Peter |
The monster in the river Ness in Vita Sancti Columbae: a study of a miracle:
1994 |
Borsje, Jacqueline |
Neil Wright (ed), The Historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. The first variant version: a critical edition, ii,:
1994 |
Scott, Brian |
Nessa Ni Shéaghdha, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the National Library of Ireland 10:
1994 |
Concheanainn, Tomás O |
Owain Tudor Edwards, Matins, lauds and vespers for St David's day: the medieval office of the Welsh patron saint in National Library of Wales, MS 20541 E:
1994 |
Schneiders, Marc |
Paul Gerhard Schmidt (ed), Die Vision des Bauern Thurkill. Visio Thurkilli mit deutscher Übersetzung:
1994 |
DePontfarcy, Yolande |
Pádraig de Brun, Láimhscribhinni Gaeilge: treoirliosta:
1994 |
Concheanainn, Tomás O |
Robert O. Crummey, The formation of Muscovy, 1304-1613:
1994 |
O'Meara, Patrick |
S. T. Driscoll and M. R. Nieke (ed), Power and politics in early medieval Britain and Ireland:
1994 |
Ryan, Michael F. |
Seán McGrail, Ancient boats in N. W. Europe: the archaeology of water transport to 1500 A. D.:
1994 |
DeCourcy Ireland, John |
W. Groenmanvan Waateringe and L. H. Wijngaarden-Bakker (ed), Farm life in a Carolingian village: a model based on botanical and zoological data from an excavated site:
1994 |
O'Connell, Michael |
A. Charles Thomas, And shall these mute stones speak? Post-Roman inscriptions in Western Britain:
1995 |
Forsyth, Katherine |
Affiliation of children: Immathchor nAilella 7 Airt:
1995 |
Corthals, Johan |
Ailbhe O Corráin, Proceedings of the third symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica:
1995 |
O Murchu, Máirtin |
Bengt Löfstedt, Sedulius Scottus: Kommentar zum Evangelium nach Matthäum:
1995 |
Brearley, Denis |
Brendan Lehane, Early Celtic christianity:
1995 |
Bitel, Lisa M. |
Charles W. Wright, The Irish tradition in Old English literature:
1995 |
Ireland, Colin |
D. R. Howlett, The book of letters of St Patrick the bishop: Liber epistolarum Sancti Patricii:
1995 |
Moyer, Ann E. |
The date of Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib:
1995 |
Mhaonaigh, Máire Ni |
E. G. Stanley, British Academy papers on Anglo-Saxon England:
1995 |
Ireland, Colin |
Egon Wamers, Frühmittelalterliche Lesefunde aus der Löhrstrasse:
1995 |
Harbison, Peter |
Elisabeth Okasha, Corpus of Early Christian inscribed stones of south-west Britain:
1995 |
O'Brien, Elizabeth |
Elizabeth M. C. Van Houts, The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis, and Robert of Torigni:
1995 |
Scott, A. Brian |
Eva-Maria Engelen, Zeit, Zahl und Bild-Studien zur Verbindung von Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Abbo von Fleury:
1995 |
Wörner, Markus H. |
Five experiments in textual reconstruction and analysis:
1995 |
Howlett, David |
The Hiberno-Latin tradition of the evangelists and the Gospels of Mael Brigte:
1995 |
O'Reilly, Jennifer |
Immortality and capital punishment: patristic concepts in Irish law:
1995 |
Bracken, Damian |
Insular Latin idama, iduma:
1995 |
Howlett, David |
Irish law: significant numbers and the law of status:
1995 |
McLeod, Neil |
Iron working from some medieval Irish sites:
1995 |
Hall, Mark E. |
John Ryan, Irish monasticism:
1995 |
Bitel, Lisa M. |
Kuno Meyer Ancient Irish poetry:
1995 |
Johnston, Elva |
Latin passages in Irish vernacular law: notes on sources:
1995 |
Bracken, Damian |
Liam de Paor, Saint Patrick's world:
1995 |
Johnston, Elva |
Lisa M. Bitel, Isle of the saints: monastic settlement and christian community in early Ireland:
1995 |
Dumville, David N. |
LLanerch reprints:
1995 |
Johnston, Elva |
The miserable beasts-animal art in the Gospels of Lindisfarne, Lichfield and St Gallen:
1995 |
Marx, Susanne |
The miserable beasts:
1995 |
Marx, Susanne 1966- |
Nancy Netzer, Cultural interplay in the eighth century: the Trier Gospels and the making of a scriptorium at Echternach:
1995 |
O@ oinin, Dáibhi |
Ostmen, Irish and Welsh in the eleventh century:
1995 |
Duffy, Seán |
Otto Prinz, Die Kosmographie des Aethicus:
1995 |
Winterbottom, Michael |
Patrick Sims-Williams, Religion and literature in western England, 600-800:
1995 |
Ireland, Colin |
The polyphonic colophon to Cormac's Psalter:
1995 |
Howlett, David |
Richard A. Geberding, The rise of the Carolingians and the Liber Historiae Francorum:
1995 |
Contreni, John J. |
Robin Chapman Stacey, The road to judgment: from custom to court in medieval Ireland and Wales:
1995 |
Kelly, Fergus |
The status of the sculptor in Old-Irish law and the evidence of the crosses:
1995 |
MacLean, Douglas |
Transforming women in Irish hagiography:
1995 |
Johnston, Elva |
The Vikings and the kingship of Tara:
1995 |
Jaski, Bart |
Virgil the Grammarian: a Spanish Jew in Ireland?:
1995 |
Herren, Michael |
Vivien Law, History of linguistic thought in the earlier middle ages:
1995 |
Herren, Michael W. |
The Wirksworth slab: an iconography of humilitas:
1995 |
Hawkes, Jane |
Andy Orchard, The poetic art of Aldhelm:
1997 |
Herren, Michael W. |
Anna Brindley & Annaba Kilfeather, Archaeological inventory of county Carlow, P. David Sweetman, Olive Alcock & Bernie Moran, Archaeological inventory of county Laois:
1997 |
Dumville, David N. |
The Annals of Ulster and the date of the meeting of Druim Cett:
1997 |
Meckler, Michael |
Astronomical observations in the Irish annals and their motivation:
1997 |
McCarthy, Daniel |
Bernhard Bischoff, Manuscripts and libraries in the age of Charlemagne:
1997 |
O Croinin, Dáibhi |
C. E. Meek and M. K. Simms (ed), 'The fragility of her sex'? Medieval Irish women in their European context:
1997 |
Johnston, Elva |
C. W. Grocock & J. E. Siberry (ed), The Historia Vie Hierosolimitane of Gilo of Paris and a second anonymous author:
1997 |
Scott, A. Brian |
Colman Etchingham, Viking raids on Irish church settlements in the ninth century:
1997 |
Jaski, Bart |
Daire Mor identified:
1997 |
Manning, Conleth |
De oratorio: Hisperica famina and church building:
1997 |
Brady, Niall |
1997 |
Hargis, A. M. |
LA DERMATOMIOSITE NEL CANE Un'affezione di origine infettiva Una malattia immunornediata correlata al Lupus Eritematoso Sisternico del cane:
1997 |
Schmeitzel, L. P. |
1997 |
Hoskins, J. D. |
1997 |
Asari, M. |
Edel Bhreathnach, Tara: a select bibliography:
1997 |
Jaski, Bart |
1997 |
Drobatz, K. J. |
1997 |
C.Bussadori |
F. R. Stephenson, Historical eclipses and earth's rotation:
1997 |
McCarthy, D. P. |
An Fheothanach, Feohanagh:
1997 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
Four minims and a quandary: Beowulf, 1382a:
1997 |
Rose, Gregory F. |
Fred C. Robinson & E. G. Stanley (ed), Old English verse texts from many sources: a comprehensive collection:
1997 |
Szarmach, Paul E. |
Hildegard L. C. Tristram (ed), (Re)Oralisierung:
1997 |
Poppe, Erich |
Hildegard L. C. Tristram, Early Insular preaching: verbal artistry and method of composition:
1997 |
O'Leary, Aideen |
Huw M. Edwards, Dafydd ap Gwilym: influences and analogues:
1997 |
Jones, Nerys Ann |
Ian Wood, The Merovingian kingdoms, 450-751:
1997 |
King, P. D. |
1997 |
Matteucci, G. |
Insular Latin writers' rhythms:
1997 |
Howlett, David |
Isidorian texts and the Hibernensis:
1997 |
Davies, Lunedd Mair |
Israelite learning in Insular Latin:
1997 |
Howlett, David |
Jonathan Wooding, Communication & commerce along the western sealanes AD 400-800:
1997 |
Gifford, Edwin W. H. |
José Carracedo Fraga (ed), Liber de ortu et obitu patriarcharum:
1997 |
Dolbeau, François |
Julia M. H. Smith, Province and empire: Brittany and the Carolingians:
1997 |
King, P. D. |
Kim McCone & Katharine Simms (ed), Progress in medieval Irish studies:
1997 |
Dumville, David N. |
Ludger Körntgen, Studien zu den Quellen der frühmittelalterlichen Bußbücher:
1997 |
Jaski, Bart |
Magne Malmanger, Laszlo Berczelly, & Signe Horn Fuglesang (ed), Norwegian medieval altar frontals and related material:
1997 |
Stalley, Roger |
Marriage and sexuality in the Hibernensis:
1997 |
O'Loughlin, Thomas |
The movement of waters as symbolised by monsters in early Irish texts:
1997 |
Borsje, Jacqueline |
1997 |
Carey, D. P. |
Old-Norse place names 1:
1997 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
Old-Norse place names II:
1997 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
Paul Leo Butzer & Dietrich Lohrmann (ed), Science in western and eastern civilization in Carolingian times:
1997 |
Contreni, John J. |
Richard Gameson (ed), The early medieval bible: its production, decoration, and use:
1997 |
O'Loughlin, Thomas |
1997 |
Millefanti, M. |
A second ogham stone at Clara:
1997 |
Manning, Conleth |
1997 |
Bernardini, M. |
The Southern Ui Néill and the political landscape of Lough Ennell:
1997 |
Karkov, Catherine E. |
Thomas Owen Clancy and Gilbert Márkus, Iona: the earliest poetry of a Celtic monastery:
1997 |
O Croinin, Dáibhi |
Three works on the Book of Kells:
1997 |
Werner, Martin |
Tir cumaile: omán 'thistle':
1997 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
1997 |
Colpo, R. |
Vivien Law, Wisdom, authority and grammar in the seventh century: decoding Virgilius Maro Grammaticus:
1997 |
Glei, Reinhold F. |
William D. McCready, Miracles and Venerable Bede:
1997 |
Brown, George H. |
Wolfgang Haubrichs, Die Anfänge: Versuche volkssprachlicher Schriftlichkeit im frühen Mittelalter (ca. 700-1050/60), Gisela Vollmann-Profe, Wiederbeginn volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit im hohen Mittelalter (1050/60-1160/70):
1997 |
Tristram, Hildegard L. C. |
Édouard Juneau (ed), John J. O'Meara & I. P. Sheldon Williams (tr), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae Periphyseon (De divisions naturae) liber quartus, Édouard Juneau (ed),Ilohannis Scotti seu Eriugenae Periphyseon liber primus, Édouard Jeauneau & Paul Edward Dutton, The autograph of Eriugena:
1997 |
Contreni, John J. |
Aldhelm's De virginitate-patristic pastiche or innovative exposition?:
1998 |
O'Sullivan, Sinéad |
Andrew Breeze, Medieval Welsh literature:
1998 |
Clancy, Thomas Owen |
Antonella degl'Innocenti (ed), Marbodo di Rennes, Vita beati Roberti:
1998 |
Ferrari, Michele C. |
The Brigitine hymn Xpistus in nostra insula:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
C. Harper-Bill (ed), Anglo-Norman Studies 20: Proceedings of the Battle Conference in Dublin 1997:
1998 |
Smith, Brendan |
Charles W. Jones, Bede, the schools and the computus:
1998 |
O Croinin, Dáibhi |
The construction of the Hibernensis:
1998 |
Charles-Edwards, T. M. |
Creating the past: the early Irish genealogical tradition:
1998 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
D. R. Howlett, The Celtic Latin tradition of biblical style:
1998 |
Grocock, Christopher |
Daire Mor and Longford Pass:
1998 |
Manning, Conleth |
Druim Cett revisited:
1998 |
Jaski, Bart |
Dáibhi O Croinin, Early medieval Ireland 400-1200:
1998 |
Doherty, Charles |
Fergus Kelly, Early Irish farming:
1998 |
McLeod, Neil |
Gerard Murphy (ed), Early Irish lyrics, eighth to twelfth century:
1998 |
Layzer, Varese |
God's and the king's good servant: Richard Poore, bishop of Salisbury, 1217-28:
1998 |
Kemp, Brian |
Hellenic learning in Insular Latin: an essay on supported claims:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
The inauguration of Tairdelbach O Conchobair at Ath an Termoinn:
1998 |
Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth |
James E. Cross [(dagger)] and Jennifer Morrish Tunberg (ed), The Copenhagen Wulfstan collection, Copenhagen Kongelige Bibliotek Gl. Kgl. Sam.1595:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
Jane Roberts and Janet L. Nelson with Malcolm Godden (ed), Alfred the Wise: studies in honour of Janet Bately on the occasion of her sixty-fifth birthday:
1998 |
Ireland, Colin |
Joachim Lerchenmueller, Keltischer Sprengstoff: eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studie über die deutsche Keltologie von 1900 bis 1945, Sabine Heinz (hg), Die deutsche Keltologie und ihre Berliner gelehrten bis 1945: Beiträge zur internationalen Fachtagun:
1998 |
O Croinin, Dáibhi |
Joseph Falaky Nagy, Conversing with angels and ancients: literary myths of medieval Ireland:
1998 |
Ireland, Colin |
Matthew Stout, The Irish ringfort:
1998 |
Edwards, Nancy |
Michael Cahill (ed), Epositio evangelii secundum Marcum:
1998 |
Löfstedt, Bengt |
Michael W. Herren (ed. and tr.), Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae carmina:
1998 |
Moran, Dermot |
Michael W. Herren, Latin letters in early christian Ireland:
1998 |
O Croinin, Dáibhi |
Notwendige Bermerkungen zu Gormans 'Critique of Bischoff s theory of Irish exegesis':
1998 |
Silagi, Gabriel |
Paul Edward Dutton and Herbert L. Kessler, The poetry and paintings of the First Bible of Charles the Bald:
1998 |
Contreni, John J. |
Rijcklof Hofman, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary:
1998 |
Passalacqua, Marina |
Scholarly contacts between the Irish and the southern English in the seventh century:
1998 |
Herren, Michael W. |
Sources of the 'World Chronicle' in the Cottonian annals:
1998 |
Maund, K. L. |
The status of the pre-Patrician Irish annals:
1998 |
Mc Carthy, Daniel |
The structure of the Liber Angeli:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
Synodus prima Sancti Patricii: an exercise in textual reconstruction:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
The Vikings in Scotland and Ireland in the ninth century:
1998 |
O Corriáin, Donnchadh |
Vita I Sanctae Brigitae:
1998 |
Howlett, David |
Wesley M. Stevens, Cycles of time and scientific learning in medieval Europe:
1998 |
O Cronin, Dáibhi |
Zur Grammatik in Paris, Bibl. nat. MS lat. 7491:
1998 |
Löfstedt, Bengt |
Acetylcholinesterase-positive innervation of the mitral valve in rats with experimentally induced diabetes:
1999 |
Lov sov, K. |
Ad Annals of the Four Masters, 823-24:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Aires Augusto Nascimento and José Francisco Meirinhos, Catálogo dos codices da Livraria de M~ao do Mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra na Biblioteca publica municipal do Porto:
1999 |
Colker, Marvin L. |
Arno Borst, Die karolingische Kalenderreform:
1999 |
McCulloh, John M. |
Barra Boydell (ed), Music at Christ Church before 1800: documents and selected anthems, A History of Christ Church, Dublin 5:
1999 |
Buckley, Ann |
Benjamin T. Hudson, Kings of Celtic Scotland, Contributions to the Study of World History 43:
1999 |
Clancy, Thomas Owen |
Brendan Smith (ed), Britain and Ireland, 900-1300: Insular responses to medieval European change:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Chlamydia pecorum, a new species of the genus Chlamydia:
1999 |
Tr vniek, M. |
Church and state in Angevin Ireland:
1999 |
Warren, W. L. |
Clinical experience with the use of tiletamine and zolazepam (preparation zoletil) in anaesthesia in cats in surgery:
1999 |
Ledecky, V. |
David Rollason (ed), Symeon of Durham: historian of Durham and the North, Studies in North-Eastern History 3:
1999 |
McGurk, Patrick |
Dicuill on the islands of the north:
1999 |
Howlett, David |
The estimating biogenic amines in raw fermented meat products by means of the HPLC method:
1999 |
Diakov, Z. |
The estimating meat-product properties based on incoming material analyses:
1999 |
Bystricky, P. |
The Eusebian apparatus in some Vulgate gospel books:
1999 |
O'Loughlin, Thomas |
Experimental implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in the anterior chamber following the intracapsular lens extraction in rabbits:
1999 |
Trbolov, A. |
The ferric-reducing activity of plasma in dairy cows at different lactation stages:
1999 |
Mudron, P. |
The influence of administering of preparation carbimazol on the morphology and function of ram testes:
1999 |
Cig nkov, V. |
The influence of the parenteral administration of zinc on the metabolism and seminal fluid of the ram:
1999 |
Mes ros, P. |
Irfan Shahîd, Byzantium and the Arabs in the sixth century, i: pt I, Political and military history; pt II, Ecclesiastical history:
1999 |
Frendo, David |
John Carey, King of mysteries: early Irish religious writings:
1999 |
Márkus, Gilbert |
Margaret Cormack, The saints in Iceland-their veneration from the conversion to 1400, Subsidia Hagiographica 78:
1999 |
Rekdal, Jan Eric |
Matthew Strickland, War and chivalry: the conduct and perception of war in England, and Normandy 1066-1217:
1999 |
Gillingham, John |
Medius as 'middle' and 'mean':
1999 |
Howlett, David |
More Israelite learning in Insular Latin:
1999 |
Howlett, David |
Omens, ordeals and oracles: on demons and weapons in early Irish texts:
1999 |
Borsje, Jacqueline |
Pathomorphological investigations into experimental lead poisoning in sheep:
1999 |
Stoev, S. |
Peptide substances of ovine and caprine amniotic fluid with cell proliferating activity:
1999 |
Blahovec, J. |
Peter Linehan, The ladies of Zamora:
1999 |
LoPrete, Kim |
Reiclés in the Irish annals to AD 1200:
1999 |
Macdonald, Aidan |
Response to Dr Christopher Grocock:
1999 |
Howlett, David |
Richard A. V. Cox, The language of the ogam inscriptions of Scotland: contributions to the study of ogam, runic, and roman alphabet inscriptions in Scotland, Scottish Gaelic Studies Monograph Series 1:
1999 |
Clancy, Thomas Owen |
The shape of the Durrow cross:
1999 |
Stevic, Robert D. |
The so-called omission of the baptismal formula in the order of baptism in the Stowe Missal:
1999 |
DeWaal, Victor |
Spoliation of the past: the destruction of monuments and treasure-hunting in nineteenth-century Ireland:
1999 |
Smith, Gillian M. |
Séamus Mac Mathuna and Ailbhe O Corráin (ed), Miscellanea Celtica in memoriam Heinrich Wagner, Studia Celtica Upsaliensia 2:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Terry Barry (ed), A history of settlement in Ireland:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Thomas O'Loughlin (ed), The scriptures in Ireland, Instrumenta Patristica 31:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Toby Barnard, Dáibhi O Cronin & Katharine Simms (ed), A miracle of learning: studies in manuscripts and Irish learning: essays in honour of William O'Sullivan:
1999 |
Charles-Edwards, T. M. |
The Turin glosses on Mark: towards a cultural profile of the glossator:
1999 |
Cahill, Michael |
Táilcentech 'the monastery of Armagh'?:
1999 |
OMuirigh, Caoimhin |
Tánaise rig: the earliest evidence:
1999 |
Dunn, Marilyn |
Ulysses and the judge of truth: sources and meanings in the Irish Odyssey:
1999 |
Hillers, Barbara |
Vikings IV: is Sceillec Old Norse?:
1999 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Vivien Law, Grammar and grammarians in the early middle ages:
1999 |
Glei, Reinhold F. |
Waiting for the registrar: appeal at the metropolitan court of Armagh:
1999 |
Sughi, M. A. |
Brian Lacey (tr), The Life of Colum Cille by Manus O'Donnell:
2000 |
Rekdal, Jan Erik |
Brigitte Pfeil, Die 'Vision des Tnugdalus'Albers von Windberg: Literatur- und Frömmigkeitgeschichte im ausgehenden 12. Jahrhundert mit einer Edition der lateinischen 'Visio Tnugdali' aus Clm 22254:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Carol A. Farr, The Book of Kells: its function and audience:
2000 |
Verkerk, Dorothy |
The chronology of St Brigit of Kildare:
2000 |
Carthy, Daniel Mc |
The coherent geometry of two Irish high crosses:
2000 |
Stevick, Robert D. |
Cu Chuimne, Ruben and the compilation of the Collectio canonum hibernensis:
2000 |
Jaski, Bart |
Dating the Irish synods in the Collectio canonum hibernensis:
2000 |
Richter, Michael |
David Keys, Catastrophe: an investigation into the origins of the modern world:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Dry-point glosses in Codex Usserianus Primus:
2000 |
O@éill, Pádraig P. |
Dublin and the reform of the Irish church: eleventh and twelfth centuries:
2000 |
Holland, Martin |
The four-symbols page in Cracow Cathedral Library MS 140: an image of unity:
2000 |
Krasnodebska-D'Aughton, Malgorzata |
Graece ... Latine: Graeco-Latin glossaries in early medieval Ireland:
2000 |
Russell, Paul |
Gregory the Great, the Vision of Fursey, and the origins of purgatory:
2000 |
Dunn, Marilyn |
H. B. Clarke, M. Ni Mhaonaigh and R. O Floinn (ed), Ireland and Scandinavia in the early Viking age:
2000 |
Valante, Mary |
Ite: patron of her people?:
2000 |
Johnston, Elva |
Jane Roberts and Christian Kay, A thesaurus of Old English:
2000 |
Remley, Paul G. |
King-making in Leinster in 835:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Martin McNamara, The psalms in the early Irish church:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Mogens Herman Hansen (ed), A comparative study of thirty city-state cultures: an investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
The oldest manuscript witness of the Collectio canonum hibernensis:
2000 |
Meens, Rob |
On 'ships in the air' in 749:
2000 |
Woods, David |
Pollen analytical investigations of the Irish landscape AD 500-1650:
2000 |
Hall, Valerie A. |
Rabies in Ireland in 776:
2000 |
OCorráin, Donnchadh |
Rita Copeland (ed), Criticism and dissent in the middle ages:
2000 |
Fletcher, A. K. |
Robert L. Thomson (ed), Ystorya Gerint uab Erbin:
2000 |
Jones, Nerys |
The see-lands of the diocese of Ardfert: an essay in reconstruction:
2000 |
MacCotter, Paul |
Settlement dynamics in Co Meath: the kingdom of Loegaire:
2000 |
Clinton, Mark |
Statuta ecclesiae antiqua and the Gallic councils in the Hibernensis:
2000 |
Davies, Luned Mair |
Sucking at the breast of Christ: a spiritual lesson in an Irish hagiographical motif:
2000 |
Bray, Dorothy Ann |
Suzanne Reynolds, Medieval reading: grammar, rhetoric and the classical text:
2000 |
Dolan, T. P. |
The transmission of the Hibernensis in Italy:tenth to the twelfth century:
2000 |
Reynolds, Roger E. |
Virgilius filius Ramoth: Irish scribes and Irish nomenclature:
2000 |
Russell, Paul |
Who was Palladius, 'first bishop of the Irish'?:
2000 |
OCroinin, Dáibhi |
Aldhelm of Malmesbury's social theology: the barbaric heroic ideal christianised:
2001 |
Dempsey, G. T. |
Ann Buckley (ed), 'Early music of Ireland', Early Music 28/2 (May 2000):
2001 |
Huglo, Michel |
Bengt Löfstedt, Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur lateinischen Sprachgeschichte und Philologie:
2001 |
Stotz, Peter |
Bernhard Maier, Die Kelten: ihre Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart:
2001 |
Färber, Beatrix |
Bonnie Blackburn and Leofranc Holford-Strevens, The Oxford companion to the year:
2001 |
Mc Carthy, Dan |
Colin A. Ireland, Old Irish wisdom attributed to Aldfrith of Northumbria: an edition of Briathra Flainn Fhina maic Ossu:
2001 |
O @Muirigh, Caoimhin |
Colmán Etchingham, Church organisation in Ireland, AD 650-1000:
2001 |
° Croinin, Dáibhi |
The development of Irish brooch forms and pins in the Viking age, c.850-1170:
2001 |
Johnson, Ruth |
The early Irish church and marriage: an analysis of the Hibernensis:
2001 |
Tatsuki, Akiko |
Eterri 'intermediate king, subordinate king'?:
2001 |
Murray, Kevin |
Frédéric Kurzawa (ed), Les moines irlandais dans la Lorraine médiévale:
2001 |
De Pontfarcy, Yolande |
Further manuscripts of Ailerán's Canon euangeliorum:
2001 |
Howlett, David |
George Broderick, Placenames of the Isle of Man: I Sheading of Glenfaba; II Sheading of Michael; III Sheading of Ayre; IV Sheading of Garff; V Sheading of Middle:
2001 |
O Ciobháin, Breandán |
George T. Dennis (tr), Maurice's Strategikon: handbook of Byzantine military strategy:
2001 |
Bachrach, Bernard S. |
Georges Declercq, Anno domini: the origins of the christian year:
2001 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Hiberno-Latin syllabic poems in the Book of Cerne:
2001 |
Howlett, David |
Ian Fisher, Early medieval sculpture in the West Highlands and Islands:
2001 |
Mac Lean, Douglas |
The image of adornment in Aldhelm's De virginitate: Cyprian and his influence:
2001 |
O'Sullivan, Sinéad |
Jacques Fontaine, Isidore de Séville: genése et originalité de la culture hispanique au temps des Wisigoths:
2001 |
Picard, Jean-Michel |
Jeremy K. Knight, The end of antiquity: archaeology, society and religion, AD 235-700:
2001 |
Mathisen, Ralph |
Kevin Kiernan et al. (ed), Electronic Beowutf on CD-ROM:
2001 |
Graff, Eric S. |
L. Brubaker, Vision and meaning in ninth-century Byzantium: image as exegesis in the homilies of Gregory of Nazianzus:
2001 |
Stephenson, Paul |
L. T. Martin (ed), Homiliarium Veronense:
2001 |
Cahill, Michael |
Little lections in Cambrian composition: Vita S. Gundeli and Vita S. Iltuti:
2001 |
Howlett, David |
Mag nEo na Sacsan: an English colony in Ireland in the seventh and eighth centuries:
2001 |
Orschel, Vera |
The maledictory psalms:
2001 |
Wiley, Dan M. |
Mark S. Hagger, The fortunes of a Norman family: the de Verduns in England, Ireland and Wales, 1066-1316:
2001 |
Smith, Brendan |
Martha Bayless and Michael Lapidge (ed), Collectanea Pseudo-Bedae:
2001 |
Bracken, Damian |
Meyer to Gaidoz: an emendation between friends:
2001 |
a Corráin, Donnchadh |
Mide maigen Clainne Cuind: a medieval poem on the kings of Mide:
2001 |
Smith, Peter J. |
The newly-identified Cambridge Apocalypse commentary and the Reference bible:
2001 |
McNamara, Martin |
North Wales, Ireland and the Isles: the Insular Viking zone:
2001 |
Etchingham, Colmán |
An ogam-inscribed stone in Ballintaggart:
2001 |
Devane, Caitriona |
On the dating of the Corpus Irish missal:
2001 |
Holland, Martin |
On the Imirce Ciaráin:
2001 |
Bourke, Cormac |
Peter Harbison, The golden age of Irish art: the medieval achievement, 600-1200:
2001 |
O'Reilly, Jennifer |
Peter Jeffery, 'Eastern and Western elements in the Irish monastic prayer of the Hours', 99-143, in Margot E. Fassler and Rebecca A. Baltzer (ed), The divine office in the Latin middle ages: methodology and source studies, regional developments, hagiography:
2001 |
Huglo, Michel |
Powerful women or patriarchal weapons? Two medieval Irish saints:
2001 |
Johnston, Elva |
The prologue to the Vita sancti Abbani:
2001 |
Howlett, David |
R. Iestyn Daniel (ed), Gwaith Casnodyn; Rhiannon Ifans (ed), Gwaith Gruffudd Llwyd a'r Llygliwiaid Eraill; M. Paul Bryant-Quin (ed), Gwaith leuan Brydydd Hir:
2001 |
Rodway, Simon |
Seán a Luing, Celtic studies in Europe, and other essays:
2001 |
a Croinin, Dáibhi |
Simon Keynes (ed), The Liber vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey Winchester, British Library Stowe 944, together with leaves from British Library Cotton Vespasian A. VIII and British Library Cotton Titus D.XXVII:
2001 |
Gerchow, Jan |
Some cruxes in Crith gablach:
2001 |
O Corráin, Donnchadh |
St Brigit in a medieval Welsh poem:
2001 |
Young, Simon |
Tadhg O'Keeffe, Medieval Ireland-an archaeology, 459:
2001 |
O'Conor, Kieran |
Three sculpted scenes on a stone from Brycheiniog:
2001 |
Howlett, David |
Were there British bishops at the council of Serdica, AD 343?:
2001 |
Sharpe, Richard |
'Tres linguae sacrae' and threefold play in Insular Latin:
2002 |
Howlett, David |
Authority and duty: Columbanus and the primacy of Rome:
2002 |
Bracken, Damian |
Belach Conglais: one or two?:
2002 |
ÓMurchadha, Diarmuid |
The bible and Alcuin's interpretation of current events:
2002 |
Garrison, Mary |
Cairrecan Tempuill Solman:
2002 |
Bourke, Cormac |
The chronological apparatus of the Annals of Ulster, AD 82-1019:
2002 |
Carthy, Daniel Mc |
Compensation for fingers and teeth in early Irish law:
2002 |
McLeod, Neil |
Confraternity letters of Irish Observant Franciscans and their benefactors:
2002 |
Gribbin, Joseph A. |
La definición gramatical: elemento característico de ]as artes grammaticales irlandesas:
2002 |
Martínez, Cristina Sánchez |
An Eriugenian miscellany in a Munich manuscript?:
2002 |
ÓCróinín, Dáibhí |
Fate in early Irish texts:
2002 |
Borsje, Jacqueline |
The first Middle-Irish metrical tract: two notes:
2002 |
ÓhAodha, Donncha |
Four notes on Adomnán's Vita Columbae:
2002 |
Woods, David |
Iberian addenda to Fleuriot's Toponymes:
2002 |
Young, Simon |
Inis Teimle, between Uí Chennselaig and me Déssi:
2002 |
NíDhonnchadha, Máirín |
An interpolation in the text of Gildas's De excidio Britanniae:
2002 |
Woolf, Alex |
Medieval senses of classical words:
2002 |
White, Carolinne |
Metropolitan ambitions and politics: Kells-Mellifont and Man and the Isles:
2002 |
Beuermann, Ian |
A miracle of Maedóc:
2002 |
Howlett, David |
On Loch Uachtair (Lough Oughter, Co Cavan):
2002 |
226#2OMórdha, Eoghan |
On the Irish peregrini in Italy:
2002 |
Young, Simon |
The Pelagian controversy in Britain and Ireland:
2002 |
Bonner, Gerald |
Peritia: 16.2002.
2002 |
The prophecy of Saxon occupation in Gildas's De excidio Britanniae:
2002 |
Howlett, David |
Reconstructing the past: the Chronicle of Marianus Scottus:
2002 |
Verbist, Peter |
Salmon of knowledge:
2002 |
Mohr, Thomas |
Speaking Brittonice: vowel quantities and musical length in ?165lfric's Grammar:
2002 |
Menzer, Melinda J. |
St Ninian's Isle: the inscription on the chape:
2002 |
Howlett, David |
St Patrick and Clovis:
2002 |
Young, Simon |
Synodus II Patricii and vernacular law:
2002 |
ÓCorráin, Donnchadh |
The Uí Briúin Bréifni genealogies and the origins of Bréifne:
2002 |
ÓMórdha, Eoghan |
The Uí Néill 695-743: the rise and fall of dynasties:
2002 |
Charles-Edwards, Thomas |
The Würzburg Matthew: status quaestionis:
2002 |
Cahill, Michael |
Acoms, the plague, and the 'Iona Chronicle':
2003 |
Woods, David |
Adomnán Cumméne Ailbe, and the Picts:
2003 |
Fraser, James E. |
The alternation of the kingship of Tara 734-944:
2003 |
Warntjes, Immo |
Bonnie Millar, The 'Siege of Jerusalem' in its physical, literary and historical contexts:
2003 |
Grocock, Chris |
Brendan Smith, Colonisation and conquest in medieval Ireland: the English in Louth, 1170-1330:
2003 |
Ellis, Steven G. |
A Briton in twelfth-century Santiago de Compostela:
2003 |
Young, Simon |
Carole Hough & Kathryn A. Lowe (ed), 'Lastworda bestst': essays in memory of Christine E. Fell, with her unpublished writings:
2003 |
Ireland, Colin |
Catherine Marie O'Sullivan, Hospitality in medieval Ireland 900-1500:
2003 |
Gleeson, Angela |
Clancy: Diarmait sapientissimus: the career of Diarmait, dalta Daigre, abbot of Iona:
2003 |
Owen, Thomas |
Co nómad n-ó: an early Irish socio-legal timescale:
2003 |
Baumgarten, Rolf |
The composition of Adomnán Vita Columbae:
2003 |
Stansbury, Mark |
The date and origin of Liber de ordine creaturarum:
2003 |
Smyth, Marina |
David Edwards, The Ormond lordship in county Kilkenny, 1515-1642: the rise and fall of Butler feudal power:
2003 |
Canny, Nicholas |
Dáibhí O Cróinín, Early Irish history and chronology:
2003 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Early Insular Latin poetry:
2003 |
Howlett, David |
Ernesto S. N. Mainoldi (ed. & tr.), De praedestinatione liber, dialettica e teologia all'apogeo della rinascenza carolingia:
2003 |
Ó Cíobháin, Breandán |
The expulsion of the Ostmen, 1169-71: the documentary evidence:
2003 |
Purcell, Emer |
Faith Wallis (tr), Bede: the reckoning of time:
2003 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
The genealogical section of the Psalter of Cashel:
2003 |
Jaski, Bart |
The homily on the epiphany in the Catechesis cracouiensis:
2003 |
Krasnodb̜ska-D'aughton, Małgorzata |
In gentibus dispersisti nos: the British diaspora in Patrick and Gildas:
2003 |
Young, Simon |
Iona and the kingship of Dál Riata in Adorandn's Vita Columbae:
2003 |
Tanaka, Miho |
James Lydon (ed), Law and disorder in thirteenth-century Ireland: the Dublin parliament of 1297:
2003 |
Holden, Brock W. |
Jane Hawkes, The Sandbach crosses: sign and significance in Anglo-Saxon sculpture:
2003 |
Harbison, Peter |
John R. Kenyon & Kieran O'Conor (ed), The medieval castle in Ireland and Wales: essays in honour of Jeremy Knight:
2003 |
Stalley, Roger |
lan Fisher, Early medieval sculpture in the West Highlands and Islands:
2003 |
Harbison, Peter |
The making of the Canons of Theodore:
2003 |
Flechner, Roy |
The marriage of Childeric H and Bilichild in the context of the Grimoald coup:
2003 |
Hofman, Julia |
Michael Herity & Aidan Breen, The 'Cathach'of Colum Cille: an introduction:
2003 |
Graff, Eric |
Michael Ryan, Charles Horton, Clare Pollard & Elaine Wright, The Chester Beatty Library:
2003 |
Wasserstein, David J. |
Nathalie Stalmans, Saints d'Irlande: analyse critique des sources hagiographiques (VIIe-IXe siècles):
2003 |
Bray, Dorothy Ann |
Numerical punctilio in Patrick's Confessio:
2003 |
Howlett, David |
The obscurantists and the sea-monster: reflections on the Hisperica famina:
2003 |
Carey, John |
Old Irish cétemnide Latin centuingeminus:
2003 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
On the Ballach Damnatan:
2003 |
Bourke, Cormac |
The prologue to the Collectio canonum hibernensis:
2003 |
Howlett, David |
Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Julius Pokorny, 1887-1970: Germans, Celts and nationalism:
2003 |
@O Cróinín, Dáibhí |
R. Gryson (ed), Baedae presbyteri Expositio Apocalypseos:
2003 |
McNamara, Martin |
R. Gryson (ed), Variorum Auctorum commentaria minora in Apocalypsin Johannis, scilicet Apringi Pacensis Tractatus firagmenta, Cassiodori senatoris Complexiones, Pauca de Monogramma excerpta, Incerti auctoris Commemoratorium, De enigmatibus ex Apocalypsi, Commemoratorium a Theodulpho auctum:
2003 |
McNamara, Martin |
Royal succession in earlier medieval Ireland: the fiction of tanistry:
2003 |
McGowan, Megan |
Scribe as artist, not monk: the canon tables of Ailerán 'the Wise' and the Book of Kells:
2003 |
Lean, Douglas Mac |
Searching for St Benedict in the legacy of St Gregory the Great:
2003 |
Clark, Francis |
Vikings and saints-encounters vestan um haf:
2003 |
Rekdal, Jan Erik |
The Vikings in Southern Uí Néill until 1014:
2003 |
Downham, Claire |
'Divide and rule' factionalism as royal policy in the Lordship of Ireland, 1171-1265:
2005 |
Crooks, Peter |
A newly discovered Irish computus: Computus Einsidlensis:
2005 |
Warntjes, Immo |
A true companion to die Corpus iuris hibernici:
2005 |
McLeod, Neil |
An 'earthquake' in Britain in 664:
2005 |
Woods, David |
Book-worm or entomologist? Aldhelm's Enigma XXXVI:
2005 |
Forbes, Helen Foxhall |
Bruce Eastwood &Gerd Grafihoff, Planetary diagrams for Roman astronomy in medieval Europe, ca. 800-1500:
2005 |
Graff, Eric |
Catherine E. Karkov &Fred Orton (ed), Theorizing Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture:
2005 |
Ireland, Colin |
Collectanea Pseudo-Bedae:
2005 |
Howlett, David |
Dagán, Columbanus, and the Gregorian mission:
2005 |
Flechner, Roy |
Daniel P. Me Carthy &Aidan Breen (ed &tr), The ante- Nicene Christian pasch, De ratione paschali. The paschal tract of Anatolius, bishop of Laodicea:
2005 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Fled Bricrenn and tales of terror:
2005 |
Borsje, Jacqueline |
Functions of the cantred in medieval Ireland:
2005 |
MacCotter, Paul |
Further evidence for the influence of the Hibernensis in southern Italy:
2005 |
Reynolds, Roger E. |
Further on white red-eared cows in fact and fiction:
2005 |
Bray, Dorothy Ann |
Helen Phillips (ed), Robin Hood: medieval and post-medieval:
2005 |
Keen, Maurice |
Hibero-Latin, Hiberno-Latin, and the Irish foundation legend:
2005 |
Howlett, David |
Jacinta Prunty, Maps and map-making in Irish local history:
2005 |
Margey, Annaleigh |
Jean Rittmueller (ed), Liber questionum in euangeliis:
2005 |
Matter, E. Ann |
John McGurk, Sir Henry Docwra, 1564-1631: Derry's second founder:
2005 |
Lacey, Brian |
Kerstin Springsfeld, Alkuins Einfluß auf die Komputistik zur Zeit Karls des Großen:
2005 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Michael M. Gorman, The manuscript traditions of the works of St Augustine:
2005 |
Bonner, Gerald |
The 'pig and vine gloss' and the Lives of St. Brigit:
2005 |
Baumgarten, Rolf |
The source of the Prologue to the Laws of Alfred:
2005 |
Carella, Bryan |
The synod of Kells in MS BL, Add. 4783:
2005 |
Holland, Martin |
Three poems about Monenna:
2005 |
Howlett, David |
Virgilius Maro Grammaticus, Opera omnia, edidit Bengt Löfstedt:
2005 |
Glei, Reinhold F. |
Writing an icon of the land the Mabinogi as a mystagogy of landscape:
2005 |
Siewers, Alfred K. |
A fragment of an Iron- Age quern and an ogham stone:
2008 |
Eogan, George |
A pre-Romanesque church at Slane:
2008 |
Manning, Conleth |
An ogham-inscribed antler handle from Clonmacnoise:
2008 |
King, Heather A. |
Antiquity, authority, and religion in the Epitomae and Epistolae of Virgilius Maro Grammaticus:
2008 |
Naismith, Rory |
Columbanus, charisma and the revolt of the monks of Bobbio:
2008 |
Dunn, Marilyn |
Early medieval houses in Ireland: social identity and dwelling spaces:
2008 |
Ο'Sullivan, Aidan |
Early medieval sentinel warrior burials:
2008 |
O'Brien, Elizabeth |
Fahan, Tory, Cenél nÉogain and the Picts:
2008 |
Lacey, Brian |
Hiberno-Latin in medieval Hungary:
2008 |
Nemerkényi, Elöd |
Longphort, dún, and dúnad in the Irish annals of the Viking period:
2008 |
Maas, John |
On the new edition of Anatolius' De ratione paschali:
2008 |
Howlett, David |
Paschal lunar calendars up to Bede:
2008 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Richard Pococke (1704-65), antiquarian:
2008 |
Ireland, Aideen |
Sulpicius Severus and the medieval Vita Martini:
2008 |
Hewish, Juliet |
The decline of the cow: agricultural and settlement change in early medieval Ireland:
2008 |
McCormick, Finbar |
The dove and the star enduring ideas from seventh-century Ireland:
2008 |
Smyth, Marina |
The Viking-age silver hoard from Kilmacomma, Co Waterford: a Woodstown connection?:
2008 |
Sheehan, John |
Wilbrord's autobiographical note and the 'Versus Sybillae de iudicio Dei':
2008 |
Howlett, David |
A newly discovered prologue of AD 699 to the Easter table of Victorius of Aquitaine:
2010 |
Warntjes, Immo |
Agnes Graceffa, Les historiens et la question franque: le peuplement franc et les Mérovingiens dans I'historiographie française et allemande des XIXe-XXe siècles:
2010 |
Wood, Ian |
Alixe Bovey, Monsters and grotesques in medieval manuscripts:
2010 |
McCormack, Frances |
Allen J. Frantzen & John Hines (ed), Cædmon's Hymn and material culture in the world of Bede:
2010 |
Ireland, Colin |
Archaeology of early medieval baptism: St Mullins, Co Carlow:
2010 |
Ó Carragáin, Tomás |
Benjamin C. Withers & Jonathan Wilcox (ed), Naked before God: uncovering the body in Anglo-Saxon England:
2010 |
Ireland, Colin |
Books from Ireland, fifth to ninth centuries:
2010 |
Sharpe, Richard |
Brian Murdoch, The apocryphal Adam and Eve in medieval Europe: vernacular translations and adaptations of the Vita Adae et Evae:
2010 |
Carey, John |
Caitlin Corning, The Celtic and Roman traditions: conflict and consensus in the early medieval church:
2010 |
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc |
Catherine E. Karkov & George Hardin Brown (ed), Anglo-Saxon styles:
2010 |
Ireland, Colin |
Catherine E. Karkov & †Nicholas Howe (ed), Conversion and colonization in Anglo-Saxon England:
2010 |
Ireland, Colin |
Christophe Archan, Les chemins du jugement: procédure et science du droit dans l'Irlande médiévale:
2010 |
Lauronson-Rosaz, Christian |
Claudia di Sciacca, Finding the right words: Isidore's Synonyma in Anglo-Saxon England:
2010 |
Russell, Paul |
Darren McGettigan, Red Hugh O'Donnell and the Nine Years War:
2010 |
Power, Gerald |
Decreta of late eleventh-century Irish bishops-elect:
2010 |
Holland, Martin |
Helen Fulton (ed), Medieval Celtic literature and society:
2010 |
Isaac, G. R. |
Hiberno-Latin poems on the Eusebian Canons:
2010 |
Howlett, David |
Iestyn Daniel, Marged Haycock, Dafydd Johnston, Jenny Rowland (ed), Cyfoeth y Testun: Ysgrifau ar Lenyddiaeth Gymraeg yr oesoedd canol:
2010 |
Isaac, G. R. |
Iohannis celsi rimans misteria caeli:
2010 |
Howlett, David |