German studies review

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Weitere Verfasser: German Studies Association, Western Association for German Studies
Format: Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Baltimore, MD : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978-
Tempe, Az. : Western Association for German Studies, 1978-[?]
Northfield, MN : German Studies Association, früher
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:German studies review
Schlagworte:Deutschland Literatur Geschichte
Titel Veröffentlicht von
"Mein beschränkter Raum zwingt mich, auf das Selbstschauen zu verweisen.": 2014 Peters, Anja 1968-
"Welch' unbebautes und riesengroßes Feld": Turkey as Colonial Space in German World War I Writings: 2014 Krobb, Florian
Adenauer’s Foreign Office: West German Diplomacy in the Shadow of the Third Reich by Thomas W. Maulucci, Jr. (review): 2014
An Aesthetics of Narrative Performance: Transnational Theater, Literature, and Film in Contemporary Germany by Claudia Breger (review): 2014 Cornish, Matthew.
Affecting Grace: Theatre, Subject, and the Shakespearean Paradox in German Literature from Lessing to Kleist by Kenneth S. Calhoon (review): 2014 Landry, Olivia.
After the History of Sexuality: German Genealogies With and Beyond Foucault Edited by Scott Spector, Helmut Puff, and Dagmar Herzog (review): 2014 Sayner, Joanne
Agamben’s Joyful Kafka: Finding Freedom beyond Subordination by Anke Snoek (review): 2014 Abbott, Mathew.
Ashkenazi, Ofer. Weimar Film and Modern Jewish Identity: 2014 Weinstein, Valerie
Beasts Within and Beasts Without: Colonial Themes in Lothar Meggendorfer’s Children’s Books: 2014 Brian, Amanda M.
Beasts within and beasts without: 2014 Brian, Amanda M.
Bennette, Rebecca Ayako. Fighting for the Soul of Germany: The Catholic Struggle for Inclusion after Unification: 2014 Loth, Wilfried
Bielby, Clare. Violent Women in Print: Representations in the West German Print Media of the 1960s and 1970s: 2014 Trnka, Jamie H
Building a Public Judaism: Synagogues and Jewish Identity in Nineteenth-Century Europe by Saskia Coenen Snyder (review): 2014
Börnchen, Stefan, Georg Mein, and Gary Schmidt, eds. Thomas Mann. Neue kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüren: 2014 Stoicea, Gabriela
Censorship and Civic Order in Reformation Germany, 1517–1648: “Printed Poison & Evil Talk” by Allyson F. Creasman (review): 2014
Chu, Winson. The German Minority in Interwar Poland: 2014 Neander, Joachim
Citino, Robert M. The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943: 2014 Dinardo, Richard L
Colonialism, Antisemitism, and Germans of Jewish Descent in Imperial Germany by Christian S. Davis (review): 2014 Ciarlo, David
Complicity in the Holocaust: Churches and Universities in Nazi Germany by Robert P. Ericksen (review): 2014 Gallagher, Charles R.
Contemporary German Cinema by Paul Cooke (review): 2014 Dueck, Cheryl
Contested Commemorations: Republican War Veterans and Weimar Political Culture by Benjamin Ziemann (review): 2014 Goebel, Stefan.
Contributors: 2014
Contributors: 2014
Culture in the Anteroom: The Legacies of Siegfried Kracauer Edited by Gerd Gemünden and Johannes von Moltke (review): 2014
Debating German Cultural Identity since 1989 ed. by Anne Fuchs, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, and Linda Shortt (review): 2014 Segelcke, Elke.
The Defortification of the German City, 1689–1866 by Yair Mintzker (review): 2014 Marschke, Benjamin
Eduard Berend und Heinrich Meyer. Briefwechsel 1938–1972 ed. by Meike G. Werner (review): 2014
Eichmann’s Jews: The Jewish Administration of Holocaust Vienna, 1938–1945 by Doron Rabinovici (review): 2014
Emperor of the World: Charlemagne and the Construction of Imperial Authority, 800–1229 by Anne A. Latowsky (review): 2014
Evolutionary Theory and the Female Scientist in Wilhelmine von Hillern’s Ein Arzt der Seele (1869): 2014
Explaining Suicide in the Imperial German Army: 2014
The Faithful Executioner: Life and Death, Honor and Shame in the Turbulent Sixteenth Century by Joel F. Harrington (review): 2014
Der Fall Esra. Ein Roman vor Gericht. Über die neuen Grenzen der Literaturfreiheit by Uwe Wittstock (review): 2014 Niekerk, Carl.
Fallen Elites: The Military Other in Post-Unification Germany by Andrew Bickford (review): 2014
Fashion Amidst the Ruins: Revisiting the Early Rubble Films And the Heavens Above (1947) and The Murderers are Among US (1946): 2014 Ganeva, Mila
Fear and Loathing in Berlin: German Military Culture at the Turn of the 1930s: 2014 Sencer, Emre
Figurationen der Liebe in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Kultur und Gesellschaft ed. by Stefan Neuhaus (review): 2014 Lubich, Frederick Alfred.
The Fleeting Promise of Art: Adorno’s Aesthetic Theory Revisited by Peter Uwe Hohendahl, and: The Differentiation of Modernism: Postwar German Media Arts by Larson Powell (review): 2014
Formative Fictions: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism, and the Bildungsroman by Tobias Boes (review): 2014
Franz Kafkas Handschrift zum “Schloss” by Matthias Schuster (review): 2014 Kempf, Franz R.
Franz Radziwill and the Contradictions of German Art History, 1919–45 by James A. van Dyke (review): 2014 Makela, Maria Martha.
Frederick, Samuel. Narratives Unsettled: Digression in Robert Walser, Thomas Bernhard, and Adalbert Stifter: 2014 Walsh, Simon
Friedrich der Große in Europa—gefeiert und umstritten Edited by Bernd Sösemann (review): 2014
Friedrich Ritschl, Otto Jahn, Friedrich Nietzsche: 2014 Jensen, Anthony K.
Friedrich Ritschl, Otto Jahn, Friedrich Nietzsche: 2014
From Nazism to Socialism in Anna Seghers’s “Der Mann und sein Name”: 2014 Brockmann, Stephen.
Frömel, Mike. Offene Räume und gefährliche Reisen im Eis. Reisebeschreibungen über die Polarregionen und ein kolonialer Diskurs im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert: 2014 Tautz, Birgit
The Future of Holocaust Literature: German Studies Association 2013 Banquet Speech: 2014
The German Bestseller in the Late Nineteenth Century Edited by Charlotte Woodford and Benedict Schofield (review): 2014
German Expansionism, Imperial Liberalism, and the United States, 1776–1945 by Jens-Uwe Guettel (review): 2014
The German Student Movement and the Literary Imagination: Transnational Memories of Protest and Dissent by Susanne Rinner (review): 2014 Pizer, John David
Germans Going Global: Contemporary Literature and Cultural Globalization by Anke S. Biendarra (review): 2014
Germany’s Wild East: Constructing Poland as Colonial Space by Kristin Kopp (review): 2014 Poling, Kristin
Gienow-Hecht, Jessica C. E. Sound Diplomacy: Music and Emotions in Transatlantic Relations, 1850-1920: 2014 Steinhoff, Anthony J
Grieder, Peter. The German Democratic Republic: 2014 Agocs, Andreas
Grillparzers Welttheater: Modernität und Tradition by Brigitte Prutti (review): 2014 Byram, Katra A.
Heinrich von Kleist: Style and Concept: Explorations of Literary Dissonance Edited by Dieter Sevin and Christoph Zeller (review): 2014 Lützeler, Paul Michael
Hettche, Walter, and Rolf Selbmann, eds. Goethe und die Musik: 2014 Markx, Francien
Hui, Alexandra. The Psychophysical Ear: Musical Experiments, Experimental Sounds, 1840-1910: 2014 Campbell, Bruce B
Häberlein, Mark. Response to Thomas Max Safley's review of The Fuggers of Augsburg in GSR 36.3 (2013): 2014
In Memoriam: Hans-Ulrich Wehler, 1931–2014: 2014
Individuality and Modernity in Berlin: Self and Society from Weimar to the Wall by Moritz Föllmer (review): 2014 Tompkins, David G.
The Iron Princess: Amalia Elisabeth and the Thirty Years War by Tryntje Helfferich (review): 2014
Jackisch, Barry A. The Pan-German League and Radical Nationalist Politics in Interwar Germany, 1918-39: 2014 Hering, Rainer
Jaeger, C. Stephen. Enchantment: On Charisma and the Sublime in the Arts of the West: 2014 Grafetstätter, Andrea
Jewish Masculinities: German Jews, Gender, and History ed. by Benjamin Maria Baader, Sharon Gillerman, and Paul Lerner (review): 2014
Joachim Justus Breithaupt (1658–1732): Aspekte von Leben, Wirken und Werk im Kontext Edited by Reimar Lindauer-Huber and Andreas Lindner (review): 2014 Strom, Jonathan
Johnson, Christopher D. Memory, Metaphor, and Aby Warburg's Atlas of Images: 2014 McGonagill, Doris
Kafka’s Jewish Languages: The Hidden Openness of Tradition by David Suchoff (review): 2014 Block, Nick
Kakel III, Carroll P. The American West and the Nazi East: A Comparative and Interpretive Perspective: 2014 Krondorfer, Björn
Kapczynski, Jennifer M., and Michael D. Richardson, eds. A New History of German Cinema: 2014 Hales, Barbara
Karl Marx: An Intellectual Biography by Rolf Hosfeld (review): 2014
Krivanec, Eva. Kriegsbühnen. Theater im Ersten Weltkrieg. Berlin, Lissabon, Paris und Wien: 2014 Whalen, Robert
Langer, Peter. Macht und Verantwortung. Der Ruhrbaron Paul Reusch: 2014 Eugene Jones, Larry
Legacies of Stalingrad: Remembering the Eastern Front in Germany since 1945 by Christina Morina (review): 2014 Hellbeck, Jochen
Lektüren der Erinnerung: Lessing, Kant, Hegel by Peter Gilgen (review): 2014
Eine Literaturgeschichte. Österreich seit 1650 by Klaus Zeyringer and Helmut Gollner (review): 2014
Lützeler, Paul Michael, and Jennifer Kapczynski, eds. Die Ethik der Literatur. Deutsche Autoren der Gegenwart: 2014 Jenkins, Jennifer
Made in Germany: Integration as Inside Joke in the Ethno-comedy of Kaya Yanar and Bülent Ceylan: 2014
Malicious Objects, Anger Management, and the Question of Modern Literature by Jörg Kreienbrock (review): 2014 Bowles, Daniel
Maritime Wirtschaft in Deutschland: Schifffahrt—Werften—Handel—Seemacht im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Edited by Jürgen Elvert, Sigurd Hess, and Heinrich Walle (review): 2014 Bönker, Dirk
Max Frisch. Sein Werk im Kontext der europäischen Literatur seiner Zeit ed. by Régine Battiston and Margrit Unser (review): 2014
Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought: From Charisma to Canonization by Joshua Derman (review): 2014 Scaff, Lawrence A.
McEwen, Britta. Sexual Knowledge: Feeling, Fact and Social Reform in Vienna, 1900-1934: 2014 Sauerteig, Lutz
The Meaning of Working Through the East: 2014
Media as Technology and Culture: 2014
Mendelssohn Perspectives Edited by Nicole Grimes and Angela R. Mace (review): 2014
Mergenthaler, May. Zwischen Eros und Mitteilung. Die Frühromantik im Symposion der ,,Athenaeums-Fragmente": 2014 Joeres, Yvonne
Merkl, Peter H. Small Town & Village in Bavaria: The Passing of a Way of Life: 2014 Blessing, Werner K
Meyer, Beate. Tödliche Gratwanderung. Die Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland zwischen Hoffnung, Zwang, Selbstbehauptung und Verstrickung (1939-1945): 2014 Pegelow Kaplan, Thomas
Mueller, Gabrielle, and James M. Skidmore, eds. Cinema and Social Change in Germany and Austria: 2014 Frackman, Kyle
The Nazi Denaturalization of German Emigrants: The Case of Wilhelm Reich: 2014 Bennett, Philip W
The Nazi Perpetrator: Postwar German Art and the Politics of the Right by Paul B. Jaskot (review): 2014
Niemandsland: A History of Unoccupied Germany, 1944–1945 by Gareth Pritchard (review): 2014 Seipp, Adam R.
Not So Quiet on the Eastern Front: A Seminar Report from the Trenches of the 37th Annual Meeting of the German Studies Association: 2014 Perry, Heather R.
Olsen, Niklas. History in the Plural: An Introduction to the Work of Reinhart Koselleck: 2014 Jordan, Stefan
Ostalgie Revisited: The Musealization of Halle-Neustadt: 2014 Cliver, Gwyneth -- (Assistant professor)
Pan, David. Sacrifice in the Modern World: On the Particularity and Generality of Nazi Myth: 2014 Calvin, Andrew I
Phillips, Denise. Acolytes of Nature: Defining Natural Science in Germany, 1770-1850: 2014 Cahan, David
Pirholt, Mattias. Metamimesis: Imitation in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre and Early German Romanticism: 2014 Kempf, Franz R
Post-Wall German Cinema and National History, Utopianism and Dissent by Mary-Elizabeth O’Brien (review): 2014 Criser, Regine.
Postwall German Cinema: History, Film History, and Cinephilia by Mattias Frey (review): 2014 Abel, Marco
Potter, Edward T. Marriage, Gender, and Desire in Early Enlightenment German Comedy: 2014 Calian, Nicole
Princely Brothers and Sisters: The Sibling Bond in German Politics, 1100–1250 by Jonathan R. Lyon (review): 2014 Eldevik, John.
Probst, Christopher J. Demonizing the Jews: Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany: 2014 Hastings, Derek
Prüfstein Marx. Zur Edition und Rezeption eines Klassikers ed. by Matthias Steinbach and Michael Ploenus (review): 2014 Iggers, Georg G.
The Racial Yardstick: “Ethnotheism” and Official Nazi Views on Religion: 2014
Rethinking Hanslick: Music, Formalism, and Expression Edited by Nicole Grimes, Siobhán Donovan, and Wolfgang Marx (review): 2014 Korstvedt, Benjamin M.
REVIEW ESSAY - Nazi Ghettos and Concentration Camps: The Benefits and Pitfalls of an Encyclopedic Approach: 2014 Jan Van Pelt, Robert
REVIEWS - Lundin, Matthew. Paper Memory: A Sixteenth-Century Townsman Writes His World: 2014 Harrington, Joel F
[Rezension]: 2014 Landgraf, Edgar
[Rezension von: Calhoon, Kenneth Scott, Affecting grace, theatre, subject, and the Shakespearean paradox in German literature from Lessing to Kleist]: 2014 Landry, Oliver
[Rezension von: Figurationen der Liebe in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Kultur und Gesellschaft, hrsg. von Stefan Neuhaus]: 2014 Lubich, Frederick A.
[Rezension von: Frömel, Mike, Offene Räume und gefährliche Reisen im Eis, Reisebeschreibungen über die Polarregionen und ein kolonialer Diskurs im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert]: 2014 Tautz, Birgit 1967-
[Rezension von: Gilgen, Peter, Lektüren der Erinnerung, Lessing, Kant, Hegel]: 2014 Landgraf, Edgar 1967-
[Rezension von: Goethe und die Musik, hrsg. von Walter Hettche und Rolf Selbmann]: 2014 Markx, Francien
[Rezension von: Heinrich von Kleist: style and concept, explorations of literary dissonance, ed. by Dieter Sevin and Christoph Zeller]: 2014 Lützeler, Paul Michael 1943-
[Rezension von: Lundin, Matthew, Paper memory, a sixteenth-century townsman writes his world]: 2014 Harrington, Joel F.
[Rezension von: Mergenthaler, May, Zwischen Eros und Mitteilung, die Frühromantik im Symposion der Athenaeums-Fragmente]: 2014 Joeres, Yvonne
[Rezension von: Phillips, Denise, Acolytes of nature, defining natural science in Germany, 1770 - 1850]: 2014 Cahan, David
[Rezension von: Pirholt, Mattias, Metamimesis, imitation in Goethe's Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre and early German romanticism]: 2014 Kempf, Franz R.
[Rezension von: Potter, Edward T., Marriage, gender, and desire in early enlightenment German comedy]: 2014 Calian, Nicole
[Rezension von: Prutti, Brigitte, Grillparzers Welttheater, Modernität und Tradition]: 2014 Byram, Katra A.
[Rezension von: Zeyringer, Klaus; Gollner, Helmut, Eine Literaturgeschichte, Österreich seit 1650]: 2014 Pfeiffer, Peter C.
Scholtyseck, Joachim. Die Geschichte der National-Bank, 1921 bis 2011: 2014 Gross, Stephen G
The Self in Transition: East German Autobiographical Writing Before and After Unification. Essays in Honour of Dennis Tate Edited by David Clarke and Axel Goodbody (review): 2014
Shatterzone of Empires: Coexistence and Violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman Borderlands ed. by Omer Bartov and Eric D. Weitz (review): 2014 Karch, Brendan Jeffrey.
Short, John Phillip. Magic Lantern Empire: Colonialism and Society in Germany: 2014 Fitzpatrick, Matthew
Simply Reproducing Reality—: Brecht, Benjamin, and Renger-Patzsch on Photography: 2014
A Small Town Near Auschwitz: Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust by Mary Fulbrook (review): 2014 Paehler, Katrin
Socialist Escapes: Breaking Away from Ideology and Everyday Routine in Eastern Europe, 1945–1989 ed. by Cathleen M. Giustino, Catherine J. Plum, and Alexander Vari (review): 2014 Standley, Michelle.
The sound of Fatih Akin's Cinema: 2014 Gueneli, Berna
The Sound of Fatih Akın’s Cinema: Polyphony and the Aesthetics of Heterogeneity in The Edge of Heaven: 2014 Gueneli, Berna.
Steinbeck, Frank. Das Motorrad — Ein deutscher Sonderweg in die automobile Gesellschaft: 2014 Tilly, Stephanie
Störfälle: Literary Accounts from Chernobyl to Fukushima: 2014 Gerstenberger, Katharina
Tatlock, Lynne. German Writing, American Reading: Women and the Import of Fiction, 1866-1917: 2014 Redmann, Jennifer
Terror in the Balkans: German Armies and Partisan Warfare by Ben Shepherd (review): 2014
Theater at the Iron Curtain: 2014 Komska, Yuliya
Trabert, Florian. "Kein Lied an die Freude." Die Neue Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts in der deutschsprachigen Erzählliteratur von Thomas Manns Doktor Faustus bis zur Gegenwart: 2014 Hay, Shelley
The Triumph of the Obituary: Constructing Christa Wolf for the Berlin Republic: 2014 Klocke, Sonja E.
Walls, Borders, Boundaries: Spatial and Cultural Practices in Europe ed. by Marc Silberman, Karen E. Till, and Janet Ward (review): 2014 Ahonen, Pertti.
Walther Rathenau: Weimar’s Fallen Statesman by Shulamit Volkov (review): 2014 Jones, Larry Eugene.
Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy Edited by Peter E. Gordon and John P. McCormick (review): 2014
Weninger, Robert K. The German Joyce: 2014 Harman, Mark
Werner Conze: Ein deutscher Historiker im 20. Jahrhundert by Jan Eike Dunkhase (review): 2014
Wilke, Sabine, ed. From Kafka to Sebald: Modernism and Narrative Form: 2014 McCulloh, Mark
Winning and Losing on the Western Front: The British Third Army and the Defeat of Germany by Jonathan Boff (review): 2014
The Witch in the Western Imagination (Richard Lectures) by Lyndal Roper (review): 2014
The World as Metaphor in Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities: Possibility as Reality by Genese Grill (review): 2014 Martz, Brett
Zur Sache, Schätzchen: Visual Pleasure and New German Cinema: 2014 Griffith Urang, John
Zwischen Wahrheit und Dichtung: Antisemitismus und Nationalsozialismus bei Heimito von Doderer by Alexandra Kleinlercher (review): 2014
“Mein beschränkter Raum zwingt mich, auf das Selbstschauen zu verweisen.” Adele Schopenhauers Florenz-Reiseführer: 2014