Revue d'histoire des sciences

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Vorheriger Titel:Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications
Weitere Verfasser: Centre International de Synthèse Section d'Histoire des Sciences
Format: Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Paris : Colin, 1971-
Paris : PUF, anfangs
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Revue d'histoire des sciences
Schlagworte:Naturwissenschaften Geschichte Zeitschrift Wissenschaft Naturwissenschaft Frankreich Wissenschaftsgeschichte Rezensionen
Titel Veröffentlicht von
Célébration du centenaire de la naissance de Jean Perrin ... le mardi 13 octobre 1970: 1971
Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire pour le "bicentenaire de sa naissance": 1972
Le "De magnete" de Pierre de Maricourt: 1975 Radelet- de Grave, Patricia 1948-
Henri Ducrotay de Blainville: 1979
Georges Cuvier: 1983
[Rezension von: Huygens et la France. Paris, 1982]: 1983 Blay, Michel
[Rezension von: Neubauer, John, Symbolismus und symbolische Logik. München, 1978]: 1983 Todériciu, Doru
Notes fugitives sur l'équation du troisième degré dans la mathématique occidentale du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle: 1985 Costabel, Pierre
Deux moments de la critique du calcul infinitésimal: 1986 Blay, Michel
Noumène et différentielle dans la philosophie de Salomon Mai͏̈mon: 1986 Zac, Sylvain
Le style mathématique des "Principia" de Newton: 1986 Gandt, François de
Pourquoi ni Bothe ni les Joliot-Curie n'ont décovert le neutron: 1988 Six, Jules
Leibniz, Newton et leurs disciples: 1989 Peiffer, Jeanne
La mathématisation 1780-1830: 1989
Yvon Belaval <24 février 1908 - 19 novembre 1988>: 1989 Fichant, Michel
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe]: 1990 Blay, Michel
Pierre Costabel: 1990 Taton, René
[Rezension von: Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe. Hrsg. von d. Akad. d. Wiss. d. DDR. Reihe 3, Bd 2. Berlin, 1987]: 1990 Blay, Michel
Annexe A - K: 1991
Carlo Ruzzini aux Riformatori, Utrecht, 7 juin 1713: 1991 Ruzzini, Carlo
Conférence inaugurale d'Hermann à la chaire de Padoue, 27 novembre 1707: 1991
La conquête de la chaire de mathématiques de Padoue par les leibniziens: 1991 Robinet, André
Le décret du Sénat de Venise (28. Avril 1707): 1991
Fadella à Magliabechi, Padoue, 7 octobre 1707: 1991 Fadella, Michael Angelo
Fontenelle interprets the earth's history: 1991 Rappaport, Rhoda
G. W. Leibniz à J. C. Bothmer, 29 juillet 1712: 1991 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Hermann à Girolamo Venier, Padoue, 14 décembre 1712: 1991 Hermann, Jacob
Hermann à Leibniz, Bâle, 4 Cal. d'out 1705: 1991 Hermann, Jacob
Hermann à Magliabechi, Padoue, 5 octobre 1707: 1991 Hermann, Jacob
Johann Bernoulli à Hermann, Bâle, 20 décembre 1714: 1991 Bernoulli, Johann
Leibniz à Trevisano, Hanovre, 6 mai 1712: 1991 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Michelotti aux Riformatori, juin 1713: 1991
Michelotti aux Riformatori, Venise, 14 avril 1716: 1991
Nomination de Nicolas Bernoulli: 1991
La diffusion des sciences au XVIIIe siècle: 1992
Espèces, espaces: 1992
Etudes sur Cauchy (1789-1857): 1992
Etudes sur Galilée: 1992
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Duchesneau, François: Leibniz et la méthode de la science. Paris, 1993]: 1993 Fichant, Michel
Analyses d'ouvrages: 1993
L'approche mathématique du pont suspendu chez Marc Seguin, 1822- 1826: 1993 Cotte, Michel
Autour d'Edouard Branly: trois propositions de révision. Journée Edouard Branly (Palais de la découverte, 9 octobre 1990): 1993 Pestre, Dominique
Bibliographie concernant Edouard Branly: 1993 Blondel, Christine
Bibliographie leibnizienne: 1993 Fichant, Michel
Bibliographie leibnizienne: 1993 Fichant, Michel
La bouteille de Leyde et l'électrophore au XVIIIe siècle: des répercussions russes: 1993 Kryzhanovski, Leonid
Branly est-il l'inventeur du tube de Branly ?: 1993 Cazenobe, Jean
Branly face à l'innovation technique: un cas d'espèce ?: 1993 Blondel, Christine
Calcul de la courbe d'efficacité lumineuse spectrale de l'ceil effectué à partir des mesures des intensités des différentes couleurs du spectre solaire de Josef Fraunhofer (1817): 1993 Saillard, Michel
La caractéristique géométrique leibnizienne travail du discernement et relations fondamentales: 1993 Alcantéra, Jean-Pascal
La caractéristique géométrique leibnizienne: 1993 Alcantéra, Jean-Pascal
Concepts juridiques et probabilistes chez Leibniz: 1993 Parmentier, Marc
Concepts juridiques et probabilistes chez Leibniz: 1993 Parmentier, Marc 1959-
Du cohéreur a la science des milieux granulaires: 1993 Giraud, Guy
Edouard Branly et la TSF: 1993
Edouard Branly, la formation d'un physicien parmi d'autres: 1993 Hulin, Nicole
Empirisme rationnel et statut des universalia: le problème de la théorie de la science chez Hobbes: 1993 Bernhardt, Jean
Extraits et remarques sur le "Traité de la percussion" de Mariotte: 1993 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Ferdinand Braun et les debuts de la TSF en Allemagne: 1993 Kleinert, Andreas
Ferdinand Braun et les débuts de la TSF en Allemagne: 1993 Kleinert, Andreas
Hobbes et la science de son temps: 1993
Informations: 1993
Informations: 1993
Informations--Analyses d'ouvrages: 1993
Leibniz lecteur de Mariotte: 1993 Fichant, Michel
Leibniz lecteur de Mariotte: 1993 Fichant, Michel
Of analytics and indivisibles: Hobbes on the methods of modern mathematics: 1993 Jesseph, Douglas
A propos des mathématiques jésuites: notes et réflexions sur l'ouvrage d 'Albert Krayer, Mathematik im Studienplan der Jesuiten: 1993 Romano, Antonella
Publications recues: 1993
La question du vide chez Hobbes: 1993 Bernhardt, Jean
Recherches leibniziennes: 1993
[Rezension von: Blay, Michel, La naissance de la mécanique analytique, la science du mouvement au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles]: 1993 Russo, F.
Le tube à limaille de Calzecchi Onesti et la TSF de Marconi. Quelques reflexions sur les débuts de la TSF en Italie: 1993 Brenni, Paolo
Ward's polemic with Hobbes on the sources of his optical theories: 1993 Prins, Jan
Les étendues géométriques et la ligne droite de Roberval: 1993 Jullien, Vincent
Analyses d'ouvrages: 1994
Aux origines de la théorie des miroirs: sur l'authenticité de la Catoptrique d'Euclide: 1994 Simon, Gérard
Le cancer entre infection et hérédite: gènes, virus et souris au National Cancer Institute (1937- 1977): 1994 Gaudillière, Jean-Paul
La chirurgie de la cataracte. Institutions, techniques et modèles scientifiques de Brisseau à Daviel: 1994 Monti, Maria Teresa
Débat. Proposition 14 of Book V of the Elements: A Proposition that remained a Local Lemma: 1994 Saito, Ken
Georgette Légée (1914- 1993): 1994 Théodoridès, Jean
Informations --Analyses d'ouvrages: 1994
New Light on Geological Mapping in Auvergne during the Eighteenth Century: The Pasumot-Desmarest Collaboration: 1994 Taylor, Kenneth L.
L'organisation du livre XII des Elements d'Euclide et ses anomalies: 1994 Gardies, Jean-Louis
Pathologie, aspects génétiques: 1994 Gremke, Mirko D.
Pathologie, aspects génétiques: 1994
Populations et hérédité: à la croisée des pistes: 1994 Brunet, Guy
Une pratique de la composition des raisons dans un exercice de combinatoire: 1994 Koelblen, Sabine
La proportionnalité des grandeurs dans la doctrine de la nature d'Aristote: 1994 Caveing, Maurice
La structure du chapitre 1, 4 de l'Institution Arithmétique de Boèce et le cours d'Ammonios sur Nicomaque: 1994 Guillaumin, Jean-Yves
Thèse. Bernard Vitrac, "De quelques questions touchant au traitement de la proportionnalité dans les Eléments d'Euclide": 1994 Caveing, Maurice
Virus, provirus et cancer: 1994 Galperin, Charles
Yvette Conry (1930- 1992): 1994 Braunstein, Jean-François
<< Les maladies héréditaires >>: 18th century disputes in France-Les maladies he're'ditaires: controverses au XVIIIe siècle en France: 1995 Beltrán, Carlos Lopez
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Blay, Michel: ^Les raisons de l'infini]: 1995 Jullien, Vincent
Analyses d'ouvrages - Book reviews: 1995
Announcements: 1995
Arthur March, Werner Heisenberg, and the search for a smallest length: 1995 Kragh, Helge
Book reviews: 1995
Book reviews: 1995
Books received: 1995
The boundaries of Lavoisier's chemical revolution: 1995 Holmes, Frederic L.
Contents for volume XL VIII: 1995
Débats et chantiers actuels autour de Lavoisier et de la révolution chimique: 1995
From nature that economizes to generous forces: the principle of least action between mathematics and metaphysics, Maupertuis and Euler, 1740-1751: 1995 Panza, Marco
Haller et Buffon: à propos des Réflexions-Haller and Buffon: concerning the Reflexions .: 1995 Cherni, Amor
Informations - News: 1995
Lavoisier and the chemical revolution: Current points of debate and work in progress. Introduction: 1995 Bret, Patrice
Lavoisier and the improvement of gunpowder production: 1995 Mauskopf, Seymour H.
Lavoisier as a reader of chemical literature: 1995 Beretta, Marco
Michelle Goupil (1934-1993): 1995 Taton, Rene
Positivism's heritage in the creation of the chair in general history of sciences at the Collège de France: 1995 Petit, Annie
Roselyne Rey ( 1951-1995): 1995 Gourevitch, Danielle
Roselyne Rey (1951-1995), historienne des sciences du Siècle des lumières-Roselyne Rey (1951-1995), a historian of the Age of the Enlightenment: 1995 Fischer, Jean-Louis
Les sciences de la vie au Siècle des lumières: 1995
The study of Lavoisier's works by Russian scientists: 1995 Kritsman, Victor A.
The teaching of the new chemistry and its application in Mexico in Lavoisier's time: 1995 Aceves, Patricia
Three decades of Lavoisian studies. Addendum to Duveen's bibliographies: 1995 Bret, Patrice
Two hundred years on. A review of bicentenary publications: 1995 Fauque, Danielle
Water and measuring: Views on the intellectual itinerary of the young Lavoisier.: 1995 Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette
Zoologie et Eglise catholique dans la France du XVIIJe siècle (1670-1840): une science au service de Dieu-Zoology and the Catholic Church in the 18th century France (1670-1840): a science in God's service: 1995 Baratay, Eric
Alchemy, corpuscular philosophy and mineralogy in the John Webster's Metallographia: 1996 Clericuzio, Antonio
L'alkahest, universal solvent or when the theory make thinkable an impossible practice: 1996 Joly, Bernard
Analyses d'ouvrages-Book reviews: 1996
Art and nature in medieval alchemy: 1996 Obrist, Barbara
The astronomical correspondence between the abbé Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille and Tobias Mayer: 1996 Forbes, Eric G.
Bibliographie-Bibliography: 1996 Joly, Bernard
Book received: 1996
Book reviews: 1996
Book reviews: 1996
Boscovich's methodology: 1996 Grmek, Mirko D.
Contents for volume 49: 1996
The development of the Paris Muséum national d'histoire naturelle during the second half of the nineteenth century: << either adapt or perish >>: 1996 Schnitter, Claude
Ecology in France during the nineteenth century: resistances and singularities: 1996 Matagne, Patrick
Eirenaeus Philethes and Carl Jung: 1996 Newman, William R.
The green revolution of the Enlightenment: the two learned societies of Orléans at the end of the eighteenth century.: 1996 Hartmann, Claude
Jean Cavaillès and history: 1996 Granger, Gilles Gaston
Maurepas' influence on science: the botanist Jean Prat in New Orleans, 1735-1746: 1996 Lamontagne, Roland
R. J. Boscovich and the Paris Academy of sciences: 1996 Pappas, John
The relationship between R. J. Boscovich and Alexis-Claude Clairaut (1759-1764): 1996 Taton, René
A study of the theory of the Sun according to the Prutenic Tables: 1996 Morando, Bruno
The teaching of natural history in the écoles centrales (1795-1802): 1996 Duris, Pascal
The transmutation and the aristotelian model between theory and pratice: 1996 Vlano, Cristina
Was there an empirical movement in mid-seventeenth century France ? Experiments in Jacques Rohault's Traité de physique: 1996 McClaughlin, Trevor
When alchemy was a science. Introduction: 1996 Joly, Bernard
Additional bibliography of René-Just Haüy since 1944: 1997 Bilodeau-Guinamard, Bénédicte
Analyses d'ouvrages-Book reviews: 1997
Birth of a plan: Frédéric Joliot and French nuclear physics (august 1944-september 1945): 1997 Pinault, Michel
Book reviews: 1997
Book reviews: 1997
Le concept d'intensité dans la psychologie de Charles Bonnet-The concept of intensity in Charles Bonnet's psychology: 1997 Ratcliff, Marc James
The cristallographer René-Just Haüy: 1997 Curien, Hubert
Cristallography from Haüy to the Braggs and their successors: 1997 Guinier, André
Georges Goudaroulis (1945 - 1996): 1997 Nicolai͏̈dis, Efthymios
Haüy and electricity: From staging demonstrations to propagating a Newtonian science: 1997 Blondel, Christine
Haüy's Parisian and international relations: 1997 Touret, Lydie
Histories of practices, practices of history: 1997 Darrigol, Olivier
The hypothesis of Avogadro (1811) and Ampère (1814): The atom- molecule distinction and the theory of chemical combination: 1997 Scheidecker-Chevallier, Myriam
L'introduction en France des idées de l'écologie scientique américaine dans l'entre-deuxguerres-The introduction in France, between the two World Wars, of the ideas of American scientific ecology: 1997 Acot, Pascal
Jacques Solomon (1908-1942): Profile of a theoretical physicist in France in the 1930s: 1997 Bustamante, Martha Cecilia
Light and colour in Haüy's Traité or << the true method for arriving at explanations >> in science: 1997 Blay, Michel
The many Galens of the medieval commentators on vision-Les multiples Galien des commentateurs médiévaux de la vision: 1997 Salmon, Fernando
Paul Villard, J.-J. Thomson and the composition of cathode rays: 1997 Lelong, Benoit
Pierre Varignon and the measurement of time: 1997 Gowing, Ronald
Publications reçues-Books received: 1997
The real numbers: Frege's criticism of Cantor and Dedekind: 1997 Belna, Jean-Pierre
La renaissance de la pensée biologique de Rudolf Virchow dans l'aeuvre de Ludwig Aschoff-The rebirth of Rudolf Virchow's biological thought, in the work of Ludwig Aschof: 1997 Benaroyo, Lazare
René-Just Haüy (1743 - 1822), physicist. Introduction: 1997 Blay, Michel
René-Just Haüy (1743-1822), physicien: 1997
René-Just Haüy's manuscripts kept at the bibliotheque centrale of the Museum national d'histoire naturelle de Paris: 1997 Bilodeau-Guinamard, Bénédicte
René-Just Haüy: From the lectures of an III to the Traité élémentaire de physique: 1997 Hulin, Nicole
Table générale des matières du tome 50-Contents Sor volume 50: 1997
Two mathematical manuscripts of Buffon discovered at Montbard: 1997 Ickowicz, Pierre
Views on matter: 1997 Pasdeloup, Maurice
"Pour Descartes": 1998
<< For Descartes >>: Cartesian mathematics and physics. Introduction: 1998 Serfati, Michel
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Blay, Michel: ^Les "Principia" de Newton. Paris, 1995]: 1998 Dubois, Jacques
Book reviews: 1998
Book reviews: 1998
Book reviews: 1998
Books received: 1998
The Cartesian rules of the science of motion in Le Monde ou traité de la lumière: 1998 Blay, Michel
Contents for volume 51: 1998
The correspondence between Descartes and Fermat: 1998 Grégoire, Michèle
The cosmological debate at the end of the sixteenth century: On a book by Miguel A. Granada: 1998 Lerner, Michel-Pierre
Descartes and the establishment of symbolic mathematical writing: 1998 Serfati, Michel
Descartes et la constitution de l'écriture symbolique mathématique: 1998 Serfati, Michel
Descartes-Roberval: A tumultuous relationship: 1998 Jullien, Vincent
Descartes: Constantine Huygens's scientific correspondent: 1998 Vilain, Christiane
A discovery in Moscow: An unpublished treatise on gunpowder (1720) by a member of the Paris Académie des sciences: 1998 Malov, Vladimir N.
Enseignement et sciences naturelles au XIXe siècle: 1998
The founding of the chair of comparative embryogeny at the College de France (1844): 1998 Fischer, Jean-Louis
From the Regulae to the Géométrie: 1998 Israel, Giorgio
Galileo, courtier: On a book by Mario Biagioli: 1998 Clavelin, Maurice
The Gauls at the Paris Muséum national d'histoire naturelle: Naturalist learning and the criterion of nationality during the Romantic era: 1998 Blanckaert, Claude
Des identiques ou des coi͏̈ncidants ...: 1998 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Informations-Announcements: 1998
Introduction-Education and natural science in the 19th century: 1998 Drouin, Jean-Marc
Jean Picard and Saturn's satellites: 1998 Toulmonde, Michel
Jean Senebier (1742-1809): A dialogue between darkness and light. The art of observing at the end of the eighteenth century: 1998 Huta, Carole
The limits of Maxwellian electrodynamics: Ions and electrons in 1897: 1998 Darrigol, Olivier
A logical essay by Leibniz, << The calculus of ingredients >>: Presentation and translation: 1998 Berlioz, Dominique
The origin of Corollaries 1 and 2 of Blaise Pascal's Letter to Carcavy: 1998 Descotes, Dominique
The pedagogical ideas of Augustin-Pyramus de Candolle and Alphonse de Candolle: 1998 Drouin-Hans, Anne-Marie
The place of natural science within the 19th-century science curriculum: 1998 Hulin, Nicole
Some comments about the question of the speed of light in Descartes's works: 1998 Rodis-Lewis, Geneviève
The structure of Descartes's Géométrie: 1998 Bos, Henk J.M.
Travel instructions for the French scientific expeditions (1750-1830): 1998 Kury, Lorelai
Un essai logique de Leibniz, "Le calcul des ingrédients": 1998 Berlioz, Dominique
Announcements: 1999
Announcements: 1999
Announcements: 1999
Astral causality and the << science of images >> during the Middle Ages Some lines of thought: 1999 Weill-Parot, Nicolas
Bolzano and Cournot on mathematical explanation: 1999 Mancosu, Paolo
Bolzano's criticism of indirect proofs: 1999 Hafner, Johannes
Bolzano's theory of representation: 1999 Proust, Joe͏̈lle
Book review: 1999
Book reviews: 1999
Books received: 1999
Books reviews: 1999
Chance or memory in the discovery of radio-activity ?: 1999 Fournier, Paul
The constitution of the teaching of experimental science: Physics and chemistry in the Écoles centrales: 1999 Balpe, Claudette
Contents for volume 52: 1999
Documents - Galileo's correspondence between chronicle and history of science: 1999 Torrini, Maurizio
Documents - Real numbers and theorie of continua: On a book: 1999 Salanskis, Jean-Michel
Documents - The mathematical type of ideality in Greek thought: On a book by Maurice Caveing: 1999 Vitrac, Bernard
Form, variation and deducibility in Bolzano's logic: 1999 Sebestik, Jan
Frege's and Bolzano's rationalist conceptions of arithmetic: 1999 Chihara, Charles
Husserl's research on the philosophy of geometry: 1999 Cassou-Noguè, Pierre
The institutional construction of Spanish biochemistry (1945-1970): The role of exchanges with Northern Europe and America: 1999 Santesmases, Maria Jesus
Introduction: 1999 Sinaceur, Hourya
Logic in science: The place and status of logic in the philosophy of Jean Cavaillès: 1999 Sabatier, Xavier
Mathematical realism and logical realism in Bolzano's works: 1999 Sinaceur, Hourya
Mathématique et logique chez Bolzano: 1999
Mathématique et logique chez Bolzano: 1999
The metamorphoses of organicism in ecology: From plant community to ecosystems: 1999 Bergandi, Donato
Philosophy of mathematics: Bolzano's responses to Kant and Lagrange: 1999 Rusnock, Paul
Physical exercices and the curing of the mind during the 18th and 19th centuries: 1999 Fauché, Serge
Theory of Sets or set of theories?: 1999 Sureson, Claude
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Duchesneau, François: ^Les modèles du vivant de Descartes à Leibniz. Paris, 1998]: 2000 Grene, Marjorie
Aspects du dévéloppement dans la biologie du XXe siècle: 2000
Aspects of development in 20th century biology. Introduction: 2000 Galperin, Charles
Auguste Comte and technique: 2000 Fedi, Laurent
Book reviews: 2000
Book reviews: 2000
Book reviews: 2000
Books received: 2000
Changements de paradigme dans l'induction neurale: 2000 Gilbert, Scott F.
The concept of Bauplan: 2000 Guyader, Hervé Le
Contents for volume 53: 2000
Documents - Capturing social factors in mathematics and its history: 2000 Gispert, Hélène
Documents - The meaning of a mathematical text: 2000 Herreman, Alain
Ephestia: 2000 Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
From experimental embryology to developmental genetics: 2000 Galperin, Charles
From relative growth to allometry (1918-1936): 2000 Gayon, Jean
Gassendi and air's elasticity: 2000 Massignat, Corinne
Georges Canguilhem en son temps: 2000
Georges Canguilhem in his time - A warm-hearted stoic: 2000 Lautman, Jacques
Georges Canguilhem in his time - Canguilhem and the history of biology: 2000 Hodge, Jonathan
Georges Canguilhem in his time - Canguilhem prior to Canguilhem: 2000 Braunstein, Jean-François
Georges Canguilhem in his time - Georges Canguilhem and twentieth-century biology: 2000 Morange, Michel
Georges Canguilhem in his time - Introduction: 2000 Salomon-Bayet, Claire
Georges Canguilhem in his time - The philosophy of science of Georges Canguilhem: A transatlantic view: 2000 Grene, Marjorie
Madame Lavoisier and the French translation of Kirwan's Essay on phlogiston: 2000 Kawashima, Keiko
Measurement of the world and European representation in the 18th century: The British program to measure longitudes at sea: 2000 Despoix, Philippe
Obituary - Danielle GOUREVITCH. -- Mirko Grmek (1924-2000): 2000
Rita Levi-Montalcini and the beginning of neuroembryology: 2000 Dupont, Jean-Claude
The T complex of the mouse: 2000 Morange, Michel
Varia - Marc-Antoine Gaudin, Alexandre-Édouard Baudrimont, Auguste Laurent and the structural method in chemistry: 2000 Scheidecker-Chevallier, Myriam
Varia - Physiological interactions, as therapeutic tools in physiopathological constructions of the exophthalmic goiter: 2000 Fragu, Philippe
The work of Richard Goldschmidt: 2000 Schmitt, Stéphane
Étienne Wolff (1904-1996): 2000 Fischer, Jean-Louis
Animal electricity, animal magnetism, universal galvanism: 2001 Segala, Marco
Book reviews: 2001
Book reviews: 2001
Book reviews: 2001
Book reviews -: 2001
Books received: 2001
Contents for volume 54: 2001
The controversy over animal electricity in 18th-century Italy: 2001 Bernardi, Walter
De l'apparition subreptice des futures formules de conservation à l'occasion de l'algorithmisation de la science du mouvement au tournant des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: 2001 Blay, Michel
Determinants and elimination in Leibniz: 2001 Knobloch, Eberhard
Documents - An access to printed sources in the history of electricity and magnetism: 2001 Guillerme, André
Documents - Critical review. Image and logic: 2001 Darrigol, Olivier
Documents - Cuvier and the perfection of the perfect: 2001 Cheung, Tobias
Documents - Geometry and realities: 2001 Niderst, Alain
Démonstrations et infiniment petits dans la "Quadratura arithmetica" de Leibniz: 2001 Parmentier, Marc
Déterminants et élimination chez Leibniz: 2001 Knobloch, Eberhard
Electricity and the social institution of science. Thoughts for a conclusion: 2001 Roche, Daniel
Electricity in its first glories (1760-1820). Presentation: 2001 Guillerme, André
Experiment as rhetoric of proof: 2001 Sigrist, René
Forces and molécules: 2001 Ciardi, Marco
From Nollet to Volta: 2001 Beretta, Marco
La géométrie et les réalités: 2001 Niderst, Alain
Introduction: 2001 Blay, Michel
L'immutabilité divine comme fondement des lois de la nature chez Descartes et les éléments de la critique leibnizienne: 2001 Devillairs, Laurence
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) Divine immutability as the foundation of nature laws in Descartes and the arguments involved in Leibnizs criticism: 2001 Devillairs, Laurence
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) Documents - Unpublished papers of the Jesuit fathers R. J Boscovich and Esprit Pezenas on longitude at sea: 2001 Boistel, Guy
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) Proofs and infinitesimals in Leibniz's Quadratura arithmetica: 2001 Parmentier, Marc
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) The covert occurrence of the later formulas of conservation in connection with the algorithmization of the science of motion at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries: 2001 Blay, Michel
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) Varia - On the good use of eulogies: 2001 Fauque, Danielle
Leibnizian mathematics and physics - (2e partie) Varia - Optics and perspective: 2001 Simon, Gérard
Mathematics and logic in Leibniz: 2001 Bouveresse, Jacques
Mathematics and symbolic thought in Leibniz: 2001 Serfati, Michel
Mathématiques et logique chez Leibniz: 2001 Bouveresse, Jacques
Mathématiques et pensée symbolique chez Leibniz: 2001 Serfati, Michel
Mathématiques et physique leibniziennes: 2. partie. Mathématiques et physique leibniziennes (2e partie) = Leibnizian mathematics and physics 2001
Mathématiques et physique leibniziennes (1ere partie): 2001
Mathématiques et physique leibniziennes: 2001 Blay, Michel
Natural limits versus administrative limits: 2001 Matagne, Patrick
Rural Practice and learned pre-agronomical theories in the 18th century: 2001 Denis, Gilles
Some connections among the heroes: 2001 Heilbron, John
Type and metamorphosis in Goethe's morphology: 2001 Schmitt, Stéphane
L' électricite dans ses premir̀es grandeurs: 2001
Analyses d'ouvrages: 2002
The atomistic hypothesis in Cyrano de Bergerac's Autre Monde: 2002 Perfetti, Amalia
Book reviews: 2002
Book reviews: 2002
Book reviews: 2002
Centrifugation and the cell: The deconstruction of protoplasm between 1880 and 1910: 2002 Ghesquier, Danièle
Chimie et scepticisme: 2002 Carvallo, Sarah
The condemnation of Antoine de Villon's and Étienne de Clave's theses against Aristotle, Paracelsus and the << cabalists >>: 2002 Kahn, Didier
Documents - << Through science, for the nation >>, the French Association for the advancement of sciences (AFAS), 1872-1914: 2002 Gispert, Hélène
Documents - A letter recovered: 2002 Ernst, Germana
Documents - Girolamo Fracastoro's Syphilis sive de morbo gallico: 2002 Perfetti, Amalia
Documents - Note on some forgotten objections to atomism: 2002 Matton, Sylvain
Etudes sur l'atomisme (XVIe - XVIIe siècles): 2002
Francis Glisson's notion of confoederatio naturae in the context of hylozoistic corpuscularianism: 2002 Giglioni, Guido
Frege and projective geometry: 2002 Belna, Jean-Pierre
De la minéralogie aux sciences de la Terre: 2002 Savaton, Pierre
Laboratory totems, electron microscopes, and scientific networks: 2002 Strasser, Bruno J.
Modernity in mathematics: 2002 Sinaceur, Hourya
On Galileo's atomism: 2002 Ponzio, Paolo
Poincaré's epistemological writings: 2002 Borella, Vincent
Publications reçues: 2002
Les sels neutres de Guillaume-François Rouelle: 2002 Franckowiak, Rémi
Studies on atomism (16th-17th centuries). Introduction: 2002 Perfetti, Amalia
Table générale des matières du tome 55: 2002
The teaching of natural sciences in the 19th century in its links to other disciplines: 2002 Hulin, Nicole
An unrecognized Doppler-Fizeau effect: 2002 Bailhache, Patrice
"Expérience et raison", la science chez Huygens (1629-1695): 2003
Book reviews: 2003
Book reviews: 2003
Contents for volume 56: 2003
Documents - Huygenian bibliography: 2003 Mormino, Gianfranco
Documents - On some editorial problems regarding Christidan Huygens' complete works: 2003 Mormino, Gianfranco
Documents - The letters of Christiaan Huygens: 2003 Yoder, Joella G.
La découverte des lois du choc par Christiaan Huygens: 2003 Chareix, Fabien
Historical studies - Chronological inventory of the published works and manuscripts of father Esprit Pezenas (1692-1776), Marseilles Jesuit, astronomer, and hydrographer: 2003 Boistel, Guy
The Paris Observatory's eastern tower's equatorial refracting telescope: 2003 Véron, Philippe
La réception des Eléments d'Euclide au moyen âge et à la Renaissance: 2003
Le rôle de Dieu dans l'oeuvre scientifique et philosophique de Christiaan Huygens: 2003 Mormino, Gianfranco
THEMATIC FILES - << Experiment and thought >>: Science in the works of Huygens (1629-1695): 2003
THEMATIC FILES - Christiaan Huygens' discovery of the laws of collision: 2003 Chareix, Fabien
THEMATIC FILES - Experientia ac ratio. Christiaan Huygens' works: 2003 Chareix, Fabien
THEMATIC FILES - Huygens and music theory: 2003 Charrak, André
THEMATIC FILES - Problems of dating an occultation observed by Aristotle: 2003 Savoie, Denis
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Axiomatic presentation as a model of philosophical writing during Antiquity and the Middle Ages: 2003 Solére, Jean-Luc
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Euclid and the end of the Renaissance: 2003 Mehl, Édouard
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - From << common mathematics >> to the << hieroglyphic monad >>: 2003 Mandosio, Jean-Marc
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Greek scholia on Euclid's Elements: 2003 Vitrac, Bernard
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Mathematics and philosophy in Blasius of Parma's Questions on the Treatise on proportions of Thomas Bradwardine: 2003 Biard, Joe͏̈l
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Motion with respect to cause as opposed to motion with respect to effect in Albert of Saxony's Treatise on proportions: 2003 Celeyrerre, Jean
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Some examples of scholia in the Arab tradition of Euclid's Elements: 2003 Djebbar, Ahmed
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - The Euclidian theory of proportions in Pietro Mengoli's Geometriae speciosae elementa of 1659: 2003 Massa Esteve, Maria Rosa
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - The first evidence of teaching the Arab-Latin version of Euclid's Elements: Thierry of Chartres and the Heptateuchon: 2003 Lejbowicz, Max
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - The irrationality of the diagonal with the side of the square in Blasius of Parma's Questions on the Treatise on proportions of Bradwardine: 2003 Rommevaux, Sabine
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Introduction: 2003 Rommevaux, Sabine
THEMATIC FILES - The reception of Euclid's Elements during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance - Transmission into use: The evidence of marginalia in the medieval Euclides latinus: 2003 Murdoch, John E.
THEMATIC FILES - The role of God in Christiaan Huygens' scientific and philosophical works: 2003 Mormino, Gianfranco
THEMATIC FILES - The Universe according to Christidan Huygens: The known and the imagined: 2003 Radelet - de Grave, Patricia
Transmission into use: 2003 Murdoch, John Emery 1927-2010
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm: Hauptschriften zur Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik]: 2004 Parmentier, Marc
Book reviews: 2004
Book reviews: 2004
Books received: 2004
Books received: 2004
The concept of proprioception in the history of internal sensibility: 2004 Forest, Denis
Contents for volume 57: 2004
Documents - A European project on the history of chemistry under the auspices of the European Science Foundation (1992-1997): 2004 Fauque, Danielle
Documents - Bibliographical review: 2004 Armatte, Michel
Documents - Book reviews (on modeling): 2004
Documents - Following the 500th anniversary of Paracelsus (1993): 2004 Kahn, Didier
Documents - General bibliography: 2004 Armatte, Michel
Documents - Guillaume Le Nautonier: 2004 Mandea, Mioara
Historical studies - Einstein and the International commission for intellectual cooperation: 2004 Wünsch, Danielle
Historical studies - From Nicolas Lemery to Adolphe Wurtz: 2004 Fauque, Danielle
Historical studies - Letters from Henri Bergson to Gaston Milhaud: 2004 Milhaud-Cappe, Danielle
Historical studies - Pasteur and the philosophers: 2004 Pinet, Patrice
Models and modeling, 1950-2000 - Models and << black boxes >>: 2004 Bissell, Chris
Models and modeling, 1950-2000 - Models and modeling, 1950-2000: 2004 Armatte, Michel
Models and modeling, 1950-2000 - Models of markets: 2004 MacKenzie, Donald
Models and modeling, 1950-2000 - RAINS: 2004 Kieken, Hubert
Models and modeling, 1950-2000 - Simulation: 2004 Morgan, Mary S.
Modèles et modélisations 1950-2000: 2004
New routes leading to the introduction of Mendelism in France: 2004 Thomas, Marion
Newton as discoverer of the weight of all things: 2004 Barthélemy, Georges
Paying tribute to uncertainty: 2004 Parot, Françoise
A scientist during the Occupation: 2004 Chamak, Brigitte
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Meulders, Michel: Helmholtz]: 2005 Bienvenu, Alexis
Book reviews: 2005
Book reviews: 2005
Books received: 2005
Contents for volume 58: 2005
L' enseignement de l'histoire des sciences en France sous la Troisième République: 2005
Historical studies - Varignon and transubstantiation: 2005 Gonzalez, Solange
Historical studies - Wolfgang Doeblin's archives and manuscripts: 2005 Charmasson, Thérèse
In memory of - René Taton (1915-2004): 2005 Fauque, Danielle
The international influence of the Société zoologique d'acclimatation: Spanish participation between 1854 and 1861: 2005 Aragón, Santiago
Lamarck and the art of distinctions: 2005 Roveda, Lyndia
Obituary - Ernest Coumet (1933-2003): 2005 Blay, Michel
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - Divine immutability and human worth: Concerning the scholium on Proposition XIII of the second part of the Principles of Descartes' philosophy: 2005 Devillairs, Laurence
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - Invention and interpretation in Spinoza's rewriting of the metaphysics of the Principia philosophiae: 2005 Scribano, Emanuela
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - Rest or conspiring motion: Leibniz and articles 54 and 55 of the second part of the Principia philosophiae: 2005 Buzon, Frédéric de
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - Spinoza's Principia: 2005 Moreau, Pierre-françois
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - Suarezian roots of Cartesian metaphysics: Francesco Maria Spinelli's reading of the Principia philosophiae: 2005 Belgioioso, Giulia
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - To go too deeply and to speak of everything: The Principia philosophiae in the Pensées (a complementary note on << The disproportion of man >>): 2005 Carraud, Vincent
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae - What Pascal owes to the physics of the Principia philosophiae: 2005 Chevalley, Catherine
Reading Descartes' Principia philosophiae. Presentation: 2005 Devillairs, Laurence
Repos ou mouvement conspirant: 2005 Buzon, Frédéric de
Some contributions of Félix Savary and Jean-Firmin Demonferrand to electrodynamics (1822-1823): 2005 Guillo, Jean-marie
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - Daremberg and the beginning of history of medicine in France: 2005 Braunstein, Jean-François
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - History of science and science teaching in secondary schools under the Third Republic: 2005 Hulin, Nicole
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - Paul Langevin: 2005 Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - Positivist teaching: 2005 Petit, Annie
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - Reconciling the sciences and the humanities: 2005 Brenner, Anastasios
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic - The benefit of history of physics for the training of physicists according to Henri Bouasse: 2005 Locqueneux, Robert
THEMATIC FILES - Teaching history of science in France under the Third Republic. Presentation: 2005 Brenner, Anastasios
Varignon et la transsubstantiation: 2005 Gonzalez, Solange
Contents for volume 59: 2006
From the concept of work to that of energy: 2006 Guedj, Muriel
HISTORICAL STUDIES - A skin between two leaves: 2006 Péquignot, Amandine
HISTORICAL STUDIES - The topicality of historical philosophy of science: 2006 Bontems, Vincent
Janssen, Rayet, Cornu: 2006 Maison, Laetitia
Mathématiques et savoir à la Renaissance: 2006
Objectivity and the principle of duality: 2006 Belna, Jean-Pierre
The origins of research on symbiosis (1868-1883): 2006 Perru, Olivier
Systems: 2006 Laboulais-Lesage, Isabelle
THEMATIC FILES - Documents - A special issue of the journal Medioevo in memory of Pierre Souffrin - La rédaction: 2006
THEMATIC FILES - Documents - Pierre Souffrin: 2006 Fredette, Raymond
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - << Another order of the world >>: 2006 Angelini, Annarita
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - In memory of Pierre Souffrin: 2006 Napolitani, Pier Daniele
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - Marginalia to an edition of Ex ludis rerum mathematicarum: 2006 Furlan, Francesco
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - Mathematics and universal science in Bacon and Descartes: 2006 Gontier, Thierry
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - Mathematics, creation and humanism in Nicholas of Cusa: 2006 Vengeon, Frédéric
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - Presentation: 2006 Caye, Pierre
THEMATIC FILES - Mathematics and knowledge in the Renaissance - Scientia sine arte nihil est... Palladian architecture and mathematics II: 2006 Caye, Pierre
Use and legacy of scientific tools: 2006 Lamy, Jérôme
[Rezension von: [Rez. zu] Peano, Giuseppe; Couturat, Louis: Carteggio]: 2007 Clavelin, Maurice
Alexander Bain (1818 - 1903): 2007
Alexander Bain (1818-1903) : L'esprit et le cerveau: 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
Analyses d'ouvrages: 2007
Analyses d'ouvrages: 2007
Apparences et imaginations chez Nicole Oresme : Question III.1 sur la Physique et question sur l'apparence d'une chose: 2007 Celeyrette, Jean
Bain and centralist theories of action control and the consciousness of acting: 2007 Forest, Denis
Bain et les théories centralistes de l'action et de la conscience d'agir: 2007 Forest, Denis
Bain's reservations about Jackson's and Ferrier's theory of brain localizations: 2007 Becquemont, Daniel
Bibliographie de Gérard Simon: 2007
The Configuration of the universe : A book by al-Ḥasan ibn al-Haytham ?: 2007 Rashed, Roshdi
Contents for volume 60: 2007
Le De aspectibus d'Alhazen : Révolutionnaire ou réformiste ?: 2007 Smith, A. Mark
Documents - Biographical and bibliographical elements on Alexander Bain (1818-1903): 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
The elaboration of the notion of sound vibration: 2007 Baskevitch, François
From the science of mind to the study of character: 2007 Clauzade, Laurent
Histoire de l'optique et recherche littéraire : Le rayon visuel chez Proust: 2007 Simon, Anne
Histoire des savoirs et épistémologie: 2007 Macherey, Pierre
Indications bio-bibliographiques sur Alexander Bain (1818-1903): 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
L'optique des Voyages de Gulliver: 2007 Hamon, Philippe
L'élaboration de la notion de vibration sonore : Galilée dans les Discorsi: 2007 Baskevitch, François
De la métaphysique de la lumière à la physique de la lumière dans la perspective des xiiie et xive siècles: 2007 Federici Vescovini, Graziella
De la reconstitution de la physique allemande du xixe siècle : Les exemples de Georg Simon Ohm et Hermann Helmholtz: 2007 Pourprix, Bernard
De la science de l'esprit à l'étude du caractère : Alexander Bain et la psychologie des différences individuelles: 2007 Clauzade, Laurent
Presentation: 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
Le problème inverse de Lévi-Strauss: 2007 Simon, Gérard
La psychologie de la vision spatiale : Gérard Simon et après: 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
Les réticences de Bain face à la théorie des localisations cérébrales de Jackson et de Ferrier: 2007 Becquemont, Daniel
Savoirs et sciences selon Gérard Simon: 2007 Caveing, Maurice
Sciences, textes et contextes: 2007 Joly, Bernard
Sciences, textes et contextes: 2007
The sources and physiological implications of psychological discourse in Bain: 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
Sources et implications physiologiques du discours psychologique chez Bain: 2007 Dupont, Jean-Claude
THEMATIC FILES - Alexander Bain (1818-1903): 2007
THEMATIC FILES - Documents - Bibliography of Gérard Simon: 2007
THEMATIC FILES - Science, texts and contexts. In honor of Gérard Simon - << The sphere touches the plane in a single point >>: 2007 Rommevaux, Sabine
THEMATIC FILES - Science, texts and contexts. In honor of Gérard Simon - Alhacen's De aspectibus: 2007 Smith, A.Mark
THEMATIC FILES - Science, texts and contexts. In honor of Gérard Simon - Appearances and imaginations in Nicole Oresme: 2007 Celeyrette, Jean
THEMATIC FILES - Science, texts and contexts. In honor of Gérard Simon - Forms of knowledge and the sciences according to Gérard Simon: 2007 Caveing, Maurice
THEMATIC FILES - Science, texts and contexts. In honor of Gérard Simon - From metaphysics of light to physics of light in 13th and 14th century perspective: 2007 Federici Vescovini, Graziella