Classica et mediaevalia : Danish journal of philology and history

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Weitere Verfasser: Dansk selskab for oldtids- og middelalderforskning
Format: Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 1938-2015
Copenhague Leipzig [u.a.] : Libr. Gyldendal, anfangs
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Classica et mediaevalia
Schlagworte:Mittelalter Zeitschrift Antike Griechisch Latein Mittelgriechisch Mittellatein Literatur Klassische Philologie Dänemark Philologie
Titel Veröffentlicht von
Die Handschrift: Roma Biblioteca Angelica 549 und Boethius de Dacia: 1967 Pinborg, Jan 1937-1982
Two Aspects of "Memoria" in Eleventh and Twelfth Century Writings: 1971 Evans, Gillian 1944-
The scientific writings of Lawrence of Lindores (D. 1437): 1987 Moonan, Lawrence
(Meta)theatre as therapy in Terence's Phormio: 1996 Frangoulidis, Stavros A.
Antiplatonism in the Renaissance and the middle ages: 1996 Hankins, James
The Avernian Sibyl's cave: from military tunnel to Mediaeval spa: 1996 Clark, Raymond J.
Classical metrics in medieval and Renaissance poetry: some practical considerations: 1996 Leonhardt, Jürgen
Classical metrics in medieval and Renaissance poetry: 1996 Leonhardt, Jürgen 1957-
Four Republican senators: 1996 Ryan, Francis Xavier
Hegemony and democracy at the Panathenaia: 1996 Wohl, Victoria
The manuscripts of Greek classics in the middle ages and Renaissance: 1996 Wilson, N.G.
Medieval and Renaissance commentaries in Greek on classical Greek texts: 1996 Smith, Ole L.
Notes on the Latin anthology: 1996 Watt, W.S.
Ole L. Smith in memoriam: 1996 Johansen, Holger Friis
Plotinus on motion and personal identity in time and space: 1996 Ousager, Asger
A poem by Theognis, part III 4. The collection and the corpus: 1996 Johansen, Holger Friis
La presence des auteurs classiques dans l'historiographie des pays romans (XIIIe au XVe siècles): 1996 Leeker, Joachim
Saltuarius: a Latin job title: 1996 Carlsen, Jesper
Some textual and lexical notes on Cyranides "books five and six": 1996 Bain, David
Storm and stress. The natural and the unnatural in De Sodoma and DeIona: 1996 Pavlovskis-Petit, Zoja
Tissaphernes' dealings with the Greeks: 1996 Aidonis, Tasos
'Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam': 1997 Christiansen, Erik
After 300 years: A new, critical edition of the Greek Life of St. Antony: 1997 Hägg, Tomas
Against fundamentalism in Hippocratic hermeneutics: A study of ....: 1997 Sigurdarson, Eirikur Smári
Aulus Gellius als Literaturkritiker: Impressionist oder Systematiker?: 1997 Jensen, Jens Peter
Callixtus II consecrated the cathedral of Piacenza in 10.23?: 1997 Møller Jensen, Brian
Celebrating the pot-feast in the company of Aeschylus An approach to an interpretation of The Exeter Pelike Beazley, ARV2 1516, 80. fig. 1A & B: 1997 Madsen, Ellen A.
Con1ribution sur l'authenticité de l'homélie chrysostomienne De Chananaea (CPG 4529): 1997 Persiani, Giuseppe
Demosthenes, Dionysius and the dating of six early speeches: 1997 Fox, Robin Lane
Diomedes, Aphrodite, and Dione: Background and function of a scene in Homer's Iliad: 1997 Andersen, Øivind
Euripides' Bakkhai and maenadism: 1997 Bouvrie, Synnøve Des
The fall of Troy in Plautus' Bacchides: 1997 Skafte Jensen, Minna
Holger Friis Johansen 29.4.1927-2.11.1996: 1997 Thomsen, Ole
Kritische Beiträge zum alkmanischen Digamma: 1997 Hinge, George
De morbo sacro and De ae͏̈re aquis locis: 1997 Bruun, Henriette
One hundred and sixty theses about Athenian democracy: 1997 Hansen, Mogens Herman
P. Ventidius and Sallust: 1997 Leisner-Jensen, Mogens
Ulysses and Aeneas in Ovid: 1997 Steen Due, Otto
'Der Buckelige' als Spottname in der griechisch-romischen Antike und im Mittelalter: 1998 Bruun, Christer
The Azanians of Northern Arkadia: 1998 Heine Nielsen, Thomas
Correction: 1998 Lane Fox, Robin
Iulius Paris, an epitomator at work - or the importance of an epitome of Valerius Maximus' Memorable Deeds and Words: 1998 Bramming Hansen, Susanne
The looting of the estate of the elder Demosthenes: 1998 Burke, Edmund M.
Notes sur les deux antiques versions latines de l'homélie chrysostomienne De Chananaea (cpg 4529): 1998 Persiani, Giuseppe
Ovids Phaedra in der mythologischen Tradition Ep. Her. 4 - der Brief einer Persona Delirans: 1998 Torresin, Giuseppe
The rogation ceremonies of late antique Gaul Creation, transmission and the role of the bishop: 1998 Nathan, Geoffrey
Roman generals and the vowing of temples, 500-100 B.C: 1998 Weigel, Richard D.
Veiled allusions: Aeneas, Augustine, and Dante at Ostia: 1998 Spence, Sarah
Veiled Allusions: 1998 Spence, Sarah 1954-
'Ambrosianum illud' in the Letters of Herbert Losinga: 1999 Wahlgren-Smith, Lena
'Should One Marry?': 1999 Harsting, Pernille
Die Antithese Physis-Nomos als rhetorische Problemstellung im Dialog Gorgias: 1999 Østergaard, Kristian
The Chronology of the Poems of Dracontius: 1999 Bright, David F.
Classical Scholarship in Denmark: Eight Examples Introductory Note: 1999 Jensen, Minna Skafte
Die Dauer der gesetzlichen Befreiung von der Trierarchie: 1999 Karvounis, Christos
Editing Numerals: The Toledan Tables, 13th Century: 1999 Pedersen, Fritz S.
Hypothetical Method in the Charmides and in the Elenchus: 1999 Ostenfeld, Erik Nis
Learned Communication: 1999 Petersen, Erik
Mende, a City-State in Northern Greece: 1999 Flensted-Jensen, Pernille
Musical Notation and Oral Transmission of Byzantine Chant: 1999 Troelsgård, Christian
Narrative Technique in Xenophon's Cyropaedia: 1999 Due, Bodil
The Naval Records from the Athenian Agora: 1999 Gabrielsen, Vincent
Notes on Ovid: 1999 Watt, W.S.
Passages in Juvenal Four and Ten: 1999 Edgeworth, Robert J.
Propaganda oder 'Verbreitung': 1999 Jacobsen, Torsten Cumberland
Senecan Tragedy: Back on Stage?: 1999 Kragelund, Patrick
Some Notes on the Understanding of Terence, Heauton timorumenos 6: 1999 Dunsch, Boris
Sudden Death as an Apoplectic Sign in the Hippocratic Corpus: 1999 Bruun, Henriette
The Vestal Virgins' Ritual Function in Roman Religion: 1999 Wildfang, Robin Lorsch
Zu Tisch mit der schönen Galatee: 1999 Schneider, Werner J.
Aeschylus and the Third Actor - Some Early Discussions: 2000 Glucker, John
Beware of the Danger: A Homeric Motif in Fifth Century Drama: 2000 Davidson, John
Dante's Ambivalence Towards Julius Caesar and Frederick II: 2000 Weigel, Richard
The Date of Chariton's Chaereas and Callirhoe Revisited: 2000 Cueva, Edmund P.
Ein umstrittener Metamorphosenvers im pseudoovidischen Epos de vetula: 2000 Gärtner, Thomas
The Elegiac Components of the De Consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius: 2000 Brazouski, Antoinette
Enkomion, Biographie und die 'unbeweglichen Statuen'. Zu Isokrates Euagoras 73-76 und Plutarch Perikles 1-2: 2000 Alexiou, Evangelos
Ennodius and His Editors: 2000 Kennell, Stefanie A.H.
Herodotos and the 'Parties' of Attika: 2000 Lavelle, Brian M.
Leser und Benutzer. Überlegungen zu Athenaios: 2000 Hansen, Dirk U.
Narrative Discontinuity and Segment Marking at Iliad 3-4, 7-8, and 10-11, and Odyssey 4-5, 17-18, and 23-24: 2000 Heiden, Bruce
A Note on Style in Lucan's Episode of Brundisium, Pharsalia 2.610-79: 2000 Saylor, Charles
Passages in Juvenal Three and Four: 2000 Edgeworth, Robert J.
The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC: 2000 Gabrielsen, Vincent
Zum Gebrauch der präpositionalen Umschreibungen bei Herondas: 2000 Tzamali, Ekaterini
The Eschatological Aspects of Porphyry's Anti-Christian Polemics in a Chaldaean-Neoplatonic Context: 2002 Simmons, Michael B.
Germanicus as an Alexander Figure: 2002 Gissel, Jon A.P.
Heraclitus' Theology: 2002 Drozdek, Adam
The Little Grey Horse: Henry V's Speech at Agincourt and the Battle Exhortation in Ancient Historiography: 2002 Hansen, Mogens Herman
The Moretum Decomposed: 2002 Horsfall, Nicholas
The Return of Nicholas I Mystikos to the Patriarchate: The evidence of the Chronicle of the Logothete once more: 2002 Wahlgren, Staffan
Socrates and Love: 2002 Thomsen, Ole
The Text and the Tapestry: Three Remarks on the Composition of the Catulli Veronensis Liber: 2002 Iversen, Gunilla
A Theocritean Echo in Achilles Tatius: 2002 Fountoulakis, Andreas
Thucydides' Conception of the Peloponnesian War I: Imperialism: 2002 Rasmussen, Anders Holm
The Tooth of Time: A Poetic Metaphor from Simonides to Shakespeare -- And Beyond: 2002 Pontani, Filippomaria
The Vestals and Annual Public Rites: 2002 Wildfang, Robin Lorsch
What is a Document?: An Ill-Defined Type of Source: 2002 Hansen, Mogens Herman
Alcman's Cosmogony Revisited: 2003 Rangos, Spyridon
Another Incarnation of the Phoenix: 2003 Romer, F.E.
Aristotle's Argument in Cael. 1.3-4 for the Indestructibility of Aether and Eudoxus' Theory of Homocentric Spheres: 2003 Kouremenos, Theokritos
Cretan Grants of Asylia -- Violence and Protection as Interstate Relations: 2003 Kvist, Kirsten
The Early Hoplite Phalanx: Order or Disarray?: 2003 Schwartz, Adam
Further Passages in Juvenal Three and Four: 2003 Edgeworth, Robert
Homeric Deliberations and the Gods: 2003 Lawrence, Stuart
The Homeric Formula (part of the article not published in the ASCII): 2003 Tsagalis, Christos C.
An Introduction to the Study of Catullus' Wedding Poems: The Ritual Drama of Catullus 62: 2003 Thomsen, Ole
Jupiter Latiaris and Human Blood: Fact or Fiction?: 2003 Gradel, Ittai
Megarisches Denken und seine ethische Relevanz: 2003 Göbel, Christian
Mnaseas and Mnason -- Two Elateians of the Third Sacred War: 2003 Zachos, Georgios A.
Nets, Boats and Fishing in the Roman World: 2003 Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes
Notes on Menandri Sententiae: 2003 Liapis, Vayos
Notes on the Scriptores Historiae Augustae: 2003 Watt, W.S.
Officium and Res Publica: Cicero's Political Role after the Ides of March: 2003 Blom, Henriette Van Der
On the Gortynian (part of the article not published in the ASCII) and (part of the article not published in the ASCII) of the 5th Century BC: 2003 Kristensen, Karen Rørby
Ovid in Greek: Maximus Planudes' Translation of the Double Heroides: 2003 Michalopoulos, Andreas N.
Peitho in the Iliad: A Matter of Trust or Obedience?: 2003 Stensgaard, Jakob
The Rule of Law and the Nature of the Fourth-Century Athenian Democracy: 2003 Sundahl, Mark J.
Scholien auf literarischen Papyri als Zeugnisse für philologische Tätigkeit in der Peripherie der griechisch-römischen Welt: 2003 Papathomas, Amphilochios
Schrift, Tinte und Papier. Zur buchhistorischen Beschreibung des Schriftbildes in römischer Poesie: 2003 Ishøy, Hanne
Solventur risu tabulae: Saved by Laughter in Horace (S. II.I.80-6) and Apuleius (Met. III.I-II): 2003 Plaza, Maria
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed: The Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou?: 2003 Flensted-Jensen, Pernille
Thucydides' Conception of the Peloponnesian War II: Hellas: 2003 Rasmussen, Anders Holm
Towards a Literary History of Comic Love: 2003 Konstantakos, Ioannnis M.
Ut pictura poesis: Sea-bull and Senecan Baroque (Phaedra 1035-49): 2003 Mader, Gottfried
Vis comica: Consummated Rape in Greek and Roman New Comedy: 2003 Leisner-Jensen, Mogens
Xenophon Homericus: An Unnoticed Loan from the Iliad in Xenophon's Anabasis 1.3: 2003 Tsagalis, Christos C.
Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus 1.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?: 2004 Adkin, Neil
Alcman's Cosmogony Revisited: 2004 Rangos, Spyridon
Another Incarnation of the Phoenix: 2004 Romer, F.E.
Apologetic Elements in Xenophon's Symposion: 2004 Danzig, Gabriel
Aristotle's Argument in Cael. 1.3-4 for the Indestructibility of Aether and Eudoxus' Theory of Homocentric Spheres: 2004 Kouremenos, Theokritos
Cretan Grants of Asylia -- Violence and Protection as Interstate Relations: 2004 Kvist, Kirsten
The Date of Xenophon's Poroi: 2004 Loch, David
The Homeric Formula (part of the article not published in the ASCII): 2004 Tsagalis, Christos C.
Horace on Tradition and the Individual Talent: Ars Poetica 119-52: 2004 Sørensen, Søren
L'Itinerarium Egeriae: un point de vue littéraire 1: 2004 Frandsen, Stig Ramløv
Mnaseas and Mnason -- Two Elateians of the Third Sacred War: 2004 Zachos, Georgios A.
Nemo Mecenas, nemo modo Cesar - Die Idee der Literaturförderung in der lateinischen Dichtung des hohen Mittelalters: 2004 Haye, Thomas
Nyhedskatalog 2003-2004: 2004
Officium and Res Publica: Cicero's Political Role after the Ides of March: 2004 Blom, Henriette Van Der
On the Composition of Herbert Losinga's Letter Collection: 2004 Wahlgren-Smith, Lena
Ovid in Greek: Maximus Planudes' Translation of the Double Heroides: 2004 Michalopoulos, Andreas N.
Peitho in the Iliad: A Matter of Trust or Obedience?: 2004 Stensgaard, Jakob
The Rule of Law and the Nature of the Fourth-Century Athenian Democracy: 2004 Sundahl, Mark J.
Scholien auf literarischen Papyri als Zeugnisse für philologische Tätigkeit in der Peripherie der griechisch-römischen Welt: 2004 Papathomas, Amphilochios
Schrift, Tinte und Papier. Zur buchhistorischen Beschreibung des Schriftbildes in römischer Poesie: 2004 Ishøy, Hanne
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - On Linguistic Development and School Tradition. Direct and Indirect Evidence of the Development of Late Latin: 2004 Herling, Gerd V.M.
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Some Cases of Grammaticalisation in Latin: Subordinating Conjunctions, Concessivity and Modal Lexemes: 2004 Fruyt, Michèle
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - The Evolution of Greek Nominal Paradigms from Mycenean to Modern Greek: 2004 Luraghi, Silvia
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Verb-Subject Order in Latin: The Case of Existential and Locative Sentences: 2004 Spevak, Olga
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Virtualisation by Change of Temporal Reference: The Example of Latin and Old French Conditional Clauses: 2004 Lagerqvist, Hans
Solventur risu tabulae: Saved by Laughter in Horace (S. II.I.80-6) and Apuleius (Met. III.I-II): 2004 Plaza, Maria
Trial by Riddle: The Testing of the Counsellor and the Contest of Kings in the Legend of Amasis and Bias: 2004 Konstantakos, Ioannis M.
Les trois fautes du guerrier Vladimir 1er de Kiev: 2004 Meulder, Marcel A.J.
The Vision of Augustus: Pilgrims' Guide or Papal Pulpit?: 2004 White, Cynthia
Überlegungen zur Argumentationsstruktur in Platons Protagoras: 2004 Fröhlich, Günter
The Contribution of Ars and Remedia to the Development of Autobiographical Fiction: 2005 Kenaan, Vered Lev
A Dedication to Silvanus (CIL VI.36827) in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek: 2005 Kragelund, Patrick
Epicurean Gods: 2005 Drozdek, Adam
The Habit of Subsidization in Classical Athens: Toward a Thetic Ideology: 2005 Burke, Edmund M.
How Shall We Comprehend the Roman I-Poet? A Reassessment of the Persona-Theory: 2005 Iddeng, Jon W.
Juvenal 3.146: A New Interpretation: 2005 Stickney, Laura
A Monger of Red Herrings: Plato's Method of Dead Ends in Politicus 257a-275c: 2005 Schäfer, Christian
A Note on Aristophanes, Clouds 76: 2005 Lech, Marcel L.
A Polis as a Part of a Larger Identity Group: Glimpses from the History of Lepreon: 2005 Nielsen, Thomas Heine
Stoics on Bodies, Identity and &(Part-not-in-ASCI);: 2005 Armato, Giorgio
'(O)pus est... Apolline nato': Liminality and Closure in the Aesculapius Episode in Metamorphoses 15.626-744: 2006 Papaioannou, Sophia
Aristotle on Animals in the Politics: 2006 Bloch, David
Diodoros of Sicily (32.2 and 4) and Polybios: 2006 Hau, Lisa Irene
From Mytological Parody to Political Satire: Some Stages in the Evolution of Old Comedy: 2006 Sifakis, Grigoris
From Proconsul to Saint: Sergius Paullus to St. Paul-Serge: 2006 Gray-Fow, Michael
Manuel Holobolos, Alfred of Sareshal, and the Greek Translator of ps.-Aristotle's De plantis: 2006 Fisher, Elizabeth
Maximos Planoudes: Dr. Bowdler in Byzanz? Zensur und Innovation im Späten Byzanz: 2006 Karla, Grammatiki
The New Posidippus Papyri and Propertius' Shipwreck Odes (Prop. 1.17; 3.7): 2006 Williams, Mary Frances
Unity and Difference in Dante's Universal Vision: 2006 Hede, Jesper
Valentinian I, Severa, Marina and Justina: 2006 Woods, David
What about the Greeks who went to Troy? Three Tragic Contexts and Homer: 2006 Davidson, John
Catullus 22: Suffenus iste -- A Catullan Riddle?: 2007 Robson, James
Epidoxon Kydos: Crown Victory and its Rewards: 2007 Kyriakou, Poulheria
Gorgias and the Author of the Hippocratic Treatise De arte: 2007 Spatharas, Dimos
In Defence of Seneca's Phaedra: 2007 Bloch, David
A Note on 'the Hellenic League against Persia' and the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea: 2007 Nielsen, Thomas Heine
Parchment as a Writing Material in the Late Republic and the Early Empire: 2007 Ishøy, Hanne
Prometheus and Loki: The Myth of the Fettered God and his Kin: 2007 Hansen, William
Simile and Comparison in Homer -- A Definition: 2007 Larsen, Karin Degn
Towards a New History of Byzantine Literature: The Case of Historiography: 2007 Nilsson, Ingela
Tragic Patterns in Forensic Speeches: Antiphon 1 Against the Stepmother: 2007 Apostolakis, Kostas
The War-tax (Tributum) of the Roman Republic: A Reconsideration: 2007 Mersing, Kristian Mohr
Zur Sinntendenz von Claudians Mythologischer Dichtung De raptu Proserpinae: 2007 Gärtner, Thomas
Éthopée et roman: le fragment probable d'un roman d'amour grec perdu: 2007 Amato, Eugenio
'The Example of the Saints': Reading Eugippius' Account of Saint Severin: 2008 Hammer, Carl I.
Bemerkungen zu zwei Epigrammen: 2008 Sverkos, Elias
The Date of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis Once Again: 2008 Adkin, Neil
The Golden Homer: The Geometry of the Iliad and the Homeric Question: 2008 Anghelina, Catalin
Greeks and Latins in Medieval Hungary: 2008 Nemerkenyi, Elöd
How to Present Line 136a of the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite: 2008 Taida, Ichiro
Kierkegaard and the Euthyphro Dilemma: 2008 Bloch, David
A Note on Reading Velleius Paterculus: 2008 Persson, Sebastian
Persius' Re-reading of Horace: The Case of Some Proper Names: 2008 Tzounakas, Spyridon
Roman Inscriptions from Ferrara, Mazara and Nîmes: 2008 Kragelund, Patrick
Socrates' Argumentative Strategy: 2008 Ostenfeld, Erik Nis
Tadpoles!: 2008 Sansone, David
Tired of What? A Note on Aristophanes, BIRDS 787: 2008 Lech, Marcel Lysgaard
'Reflecting (In)Justice' in the Republic's Line and Cave: Thrasymachus and Plato's Level of eikasia: 2009 Petraki, Zacharoula
Chalcidian Politicians and Rome between 208 and 168 BC: 2009 Giannakopoulos, Nikos
A Dramatic Afterlife: The Byzantines on Ancient Drama and its Authors: 2009 Marciniak, Przemyslaw
John of Salisbury, the Quadrivium and Demonstrative Science: 2009 Bloch, David
Nektanebo in the Vita Aesopi and in Other Narratives: 2009 Konstantakos, Ioannis M
Nine Unidentified Verses in the Exempla Diversorum Auctorum: 2009 Butterfield, David
Octavia and Renaissance Tragedy from Trissino to Shakespeare: 2009 Kragelund, Patrick
Quorum in the People's Assembly in Classical Athens: 2009 Epstein, Shimon
Rewriting Dido: Ovid, Vergil and the Epistula Didonis ad Aeneam (AL 71 SB): 2009 Mcgill, Scott
Seneca on Platonic Apatheia: 2009 Fournier, Michael
Tully's Late-Medieval Life: The Roots of the Renaissance in Cicero's Biography: 2009 Cook, Brad L
Varron d'Atax, Virgile et les Argonautes: 2009 Meulder, Marcel A J
Zu dem ersten Epigramm auf die Schlacht bei den Thermopylen als historischer Quelle Herodots: 2009 Parker, Victor
Eine übersehene Parallele zwischen Petron und Statius und die Datierung des Satyricon: 2009 Gärtner, Thomas
Africain Romanisé ou Romain Africanisé? L'identité culturelle de Marcus Cornelius Fronto: 2010 Degn, Jens E
Diplomacy in the Greek Poleis of Asia Minor: Mytilene's Embassy to Tarraco.: 2010 Arrayás Morales, Isaías
An Echo from Nonius Marcellus in Aldhelm's Enigmata: 2010 Meccariello, Chiara
A Fourteenth-Century Anglo-Latin Ovidian: The liber exulis in John Gower's 1381 Visio Anglie (Vox clamantis 1.1359-1592): 2010 Carlson, David R
John of Salisbury, 'John' the Translator, and the Posterior Analytics: 2010 Bloch, David
The Legendary Fate of Pontius Pilate: 2010 Grüll, Tibor
Lucan's Punic War in the Disticha Catonis: 2010 Connolly, Serena
Marginal Land, its Boundaries, and the Rupestral Horoi of Attica: 2010 Krasilnikoff, Jens A
Menstrual Blood in Ancient Rome: An Unspeakable Impurity?: 2010 Lennon, Jack
Patrons, Tribes and Elections: The Roman Senator and Politics: 2010 Muñiz Coello, Joaquin
Ein poetischer Lieferschein zu einem Tiertransport des späten 14. Jahrhunderts: Gryfus von Padua und sein Gedicht über Masthähne: 2010 Haye, Thomas
Ein poetischer Lieferschein zu einem Transport des späten 14. Jahrhunderts: Gryfus von Padua und sein Gedicht über Masthähne: 2010 Haye, Thomas 1966-
The Presence of Homer's Achilles in Lucan's Caesar: 2010 Christophorou, Irini
The Term dike in Sophocles: 2010 Papadodima, Efi
'Oxytonon goon': Goos and its Performance in Classical Athens: 2011 Papadogiannaki, Eleni
Adstante ope barbarica: A Note on Ennius, Andr. 89 Jocelyn: 2011 Scafoglio, Giampiero
Beauty and the Beast: Femininity, Animals and Humour in Middle Comedy: 2011 Foka, Anna
Des chantres castrés dans les églises de l'empire byzantin? A propos du terme (Part of the article not published in ASCI): 2011 Melidis, Konstantinos
Cicero's Italy: Identity, Oratory and Politics in the Late Republic: 2011 Johansen Meisner, Jesper
Clementia et raison d'état: l'idéal monarchique dans les Troyennes de Sénèque: 2011 de Lachapelle, Guillaume Flamerie
Eros and Psyche in Erotic Magic: 2011 Pachoumi, Eleni
Fawns and Kingfishers: 2011 Andersen, LÆrke
Ein lateinisches Klagelied über den Tod des dänischen Kanzleischreibers Anders Renteskriver: 2011 Haye, Thomas
The Magician in the Temple: Historicity and Parody in Lucian's Alexander: 2011 Rostad, Aslak
Mélancomas et Titus au gymnase de la vertu: Dion Chrysostome (Or. 28) et la Paideia du prince: 2011 Ventrella, Gianluca
Plato's Parmenides 127e: 2011 Gjørup, Ivar
Playing with the Dramatic Conventions: Demeas' Invocations in Menander, Samia 325-26: 2011 Fountoulakis, Andreas
A Pun in Vespa's Iudicium Coci et Pistoris: 2011 Jacobson, Howard
Tyndarus' Past: The Name Paegnium in Plautus' Captivi: 2011 Philippides, Katerina
Wein, Weib und Gesang: On Catullus 27: 2011 Vergados, Athanassios
(Part of the article not published in ASCI): Zum Problem des weiblichen Ruhmes in der griechischen Tragödie: 2012 Gerolemou, Maria
Ah pereant, si quos ianua clausa iuvat: Propertius 2.23 and the Revision of the Elegiac Code: 2012 Fear, Trevor
A Bronze Tablet from the Church of San Basilio: 2012 Zollschan, Linda T
The Deaths of Beowulf and Odysseus: Narrative Time and Mythological Tale-Types: 2012 Gainsford, Peter
Les diagrammes syllogistiques des scholies de Stephanos à la Rhétorique d'Aristote (CAG 21.2): 2012 Rambourg, Camille
Divination as Convention of War in Classical Greece: 2012 Sloth, Lea
Fibonacci, Zero and Wind-eggs: A Footnote to the History of Arithmetic: 2012 Drew Griffith, R
Gemina nox: Pornographic Allusion in Catullus 51: 2012 Sandin, Pär
The Late Latin coepi + Infinitive Construction: Evidence from Translated Texts: 2012 Rosén, Hannah
Petrarch's Reading of Cicero's Letters: A Ciceronian Response: 2012 Cook, Brad L
Sophistic Oratory and Styles in Roman Asia Minor: Hermogenes and the Tlos Sophist (TAM II.174): 2012 Papanikolaou, Dimitrios
Suspense and surprise in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon: 2012 Papadimitropoulos, Loukas
Sport, victory commemoration and elite identities in archaic and early classical Athens: 2014 Papakonstantinou, Zinon