Die Handschrift: Roma Biblioteca Angelica 549 und Boethius de Dacia:
1967 |
Pinborg, Jan 1937-1982 |
Two Aspects of "Memoria" in Eleventh and Twelfth Century Writings:
1971 |
Evans, Gillian 1944- |
The scientific writings of Lawrence of Lindores (D. 1437):
1987 |
Moonan, Lawrence |
(Meta)theatre as therapy in Terence's Phormio:
1996 |
Frangoulidis, Stavros A. |
1996 |
Antiplatonism in the Renaissance and the middle ages:
1996 |
Hankins, James |
The Avernian Sibyl's cave: from military tunnel to Mediaeval spa:
1996 |
Clark, Raymond J. |
Classical metrics in medieval and Renaissance poetry: some practical considerations:
1996 |
Leonhardt, Jürgen |
Classical metrics in medieval and Renaissance poetry:
1996 |
Leonhardt, Jürgen 1957- |
Four Republican senators:
1996 |
Ryan, Francis Xavier |
Hegemony and democracy at the Panathenaia:
1996 |
Wohl, Victoria |
The manuscripts of Greek classics in the middle ages and Renaissance:
1996 |
Wilson, N.G. |
Medieval and Renaissance commentaries in Greek on classical Greek texts:
1996 |
Smith, Ole L. |
1996 |
Notes on the Latin anthology:
1996 |
Watt, W.S. |
Ole L. Smith in memoriam:
1996 |
Johansen, Holger Friis |
Plotinus on motion and personal identity in time and space:
1996 |
Ousager, Asger |
A poem by Theognis, part III 4. The collection and the corpus:
1996 |
Johansen, Holger Friis |
La presence des auteurs classiques dans l'historiographie des pays romans (XIIIe au XVe siècles):
1996 |
Leeker, Joachim |
Saltuarius: a Latin job title:
1996 |
Carlsen, Jesper |
Some textual and lexical notes on Cyranides "books five and six":
1996 |
Bain, David |
Storm and stress. The natural and the unnatural in De Sodoma and DeIona:
1996 |
Pavlovskis-Petit, Zoja |
Tissaphernes' dealings with the Greeks:
1996 |
Aidonis, Tasos |
'Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam':
1997 |
Christiansen, Erik |
1997 |
After 300 years: A new, critical edition of the Greek Life of St. Antony:
1997 |
Hägg, Tomas |
Against fundamentalism in Hippocratic hermeneutics: A study of ....:
1997 |
Sigurdarson, Eirikur Smári |
Aulus Gellius als Literaturkritiker: Impressionist oder Systematiker?:
1997 |
Jensen, Jens Peter |
Callixtus II consecrated the cathedral of Piacenza in 10.23?:
1997 |
Møller Jensen, Brian |
Celebrating the pot-feast in the company of Aeschylus An approach to an interpretation of The Exeter Pelike Beazley, ARV2 1516, 80. fig. 1A & B:
1997 |
Madsen, Ellen A. |
Con1ribution sur l'authenticité de l'homélie chrysostomienne De Chananaea (CPG 4529):
1997 |
Persiani, Giuseppe |
Demosthenes, Dionysius and the dating of six early speeches:
1997 |
Fox, Robin Lane |
Diomedes, Aphrodite, and Dione: Background and function of a scene in Homer's Iliad:
1997 |
Andersen, Øivind |
Euripides' Bakkhai and maenadism:
1997 |
Bouvrie, Synnøve Des |
The fall of Troy in Plautus' Bacchides:
1997 |
Skafte Jensen, Minna |
Holger Friis Johansen 29.4.1927-2.11.1996:
1997 |
Thomsen, Ole |
Kritische Beiträge zum alkmanischen Digamma:
1997 |
Hinge, George |
De morbo sacro and De ae͏̈re aquis locis:
1997 |
Bruun, Henriette |
One hundred and sixty theses about Athenian democracy:
1997 |
Hansen, Mogens Herman |
P. Ventidius and Sallust:
1997 |
Leisner-Jensen, Mogens |
Ulysses and Aeneas in Ovid:
1997 |
Steen Due, Otto |
'Der Buckelige' als Spottname in der griechisch-romischen Antike und im Mittelalter:
1998 |
Bruun, Christer |
1998 |
The Azanians of Northern Arkadia:
1998 |
Heine Nielsen, Thomas |
1998 |
Lane Fox, Robin |
Iulius Paris, an epitomator at work - or the importance of an epitome of Valerius Maximus' Memorable Deeds and Words:
1998 |
Bramming Hansen, Susanne |
The looting of the estate of the elder Demosthenes:
1998 |
Burke, Edmund M. |
Notes sur les deux antiques versions latines de l'homélie chrysostomienne De Chananaea (cpg 4529):
1998 |
Persiani, Giuseppe |
Ovids Phaedra in der mythologischen Tradition Ep. Her. 4 - der Brief einer Persona Delirans:
1998 |
Torresin, Giuseppe |
The rogation ceremonies of late antique Gaul Creation, transmission and the role of the bishop:
1998 |
Nathan, Geoffrey |
Roman generals and the vowing of temples, 500-100 B.C:
1998 |
Weigel, Richard D. |
Veiled allusions: Aeneas, Augustine, and Dante at Ostia:
1998 |
Spence, Sarah |
Veiled Allusions:
1998 |
Spence, Sarah 1954- |
'Ambrosianum illud' in the Letters of Herbert Losinga:
1999 |
Wahlgren-Smith, Lena |
'Should One Marry?':
1999 |
Harsting, Pernille |
1999 |
Die Antithese Physis-Nomos als rhetorische Problemstellung im Dialog Gorgias:
1999 |
Østergaard, Kristian |
The Chronology of the Poems of Dracontius:
1999 |
Bright, David F. |
Classical Scholarship in Denmark: Eight Examples Introductory Note:
1999 |
Jensen, Minna Skafte |
Die Dauer der gesetzlichen Befreiung von der Trierarchie:
1999 |
Karvounis, Christos |
Editing Numerals: The Toledan Tables, 13th Century:
1999 |
Pedersen, Fritz S. |
Hypothetical Method in the Charmides and in the Elenchus:
1999 |
Ostenfeld, Erik Nis |
Learned Communication:
1999 |
Petersen, Erik |
Mende, a City-State in Northern Greece:
1999 |
Flensted-Jensen, Pernille |
Musical Notation and Oral Transmission of Byzantine Chant:
1999 |
Troelsgård, Christian |
Narrative Technique in Xenophon's Cyropaedia:
1999 |
Due, Bodil |
The Naval Records from the Athenian Agora:
1999 |
Gabrielsen, Vincent |
Notes on Ovid:
1999 |
Watt, W.S. |
Passages in Juvenal Four and Ten:
1999 |
Edgeworth, Robert J. |
Propaganda oder 'Verbreitung':
1999 |
Jacobsen, Torsten Cumberland |
Senecan Tragedy: Back on Stage?:
1999 |
Kragelund, Patrick |
Some Notes on the Understanding of Terence, Heauton timorumenos 6:
1999 |
Dunsch, Boris |
Sudden Death as an Apoplectic Sign in the Hippocratic Corpus:
1999 |
Bruun, Henriette |
The Vestal Virgins' Ritual Function in Roman Religion:
1999 |
Wildfang, Robin Lorsch |
Zu Tisch mit der schönen Galatee:
1999 |
Schneider, Werner J. |
2000 |
Aeschylus and the Third Actor - Some Early Discussions:
2000 |
Glucker, John |
Beware of the Danger: A Homeric Motif in Fifth Century Drama:
2000 |
Davidson, John |
Dante's Ambivalence Towards Julius Caesar and Frederick II:
2000 |
Weigel, Richard |
The Date of Chariton's Chaereas and Callirhoe Revisited:
2000 |
Cueva, Edmund P. |
Ein umstrittener Metamorphosenvers im pseudoovidischen Epos de vetula:
2000 |
Gärtner, Thomas |
The Elegiac Components of the De Consolatione Philosophiae of Boethius:
2000 |
Brazouski, Antoinette |
Enkomion, Biographie und die 'unbeweglichen Statuen'. Zu Isokrates Euagoras 73-76 und Plutarch Perikles 1-2:
2000 |
Alexiou, Evangelos |
Ennodius and His Editors:
2000 |
Kennell, Stefanie A.H. |
Herodotos and the 'Parties' of Attika:
2000 |
Lavelle, Brian M. |
Leser und Benutzer. Überlegungen zu Athenaios:
2000 |
Hansen, Dirk U. |
Narrative Discontinuity and Segment Marking at Iliad 3-4, 7-8, and 10-11, and Odyssey 4-5, 17-18, and 23-24:
2000 |
Heiden, Bruce |
A Note on Style in Lucan's Episode of Brundisium, Pharsalia 2.610-79:
2000 |
Saylor, Charles |
Passages in Juvenal Three and Four:
2000 |
Edgeworth, Robert J. |
The Rhodian Peraia in the Third and Second Centuries BC:
2000 |
Gabrielsen, Vincent |
Zum Gebrauch der präpositionalen Umschreibungen bei Herondas:
2000 |
Tzamali, Ekaterini |
2002 |
The Eschatological Aspects of Porphyry's Anti-Christian Polemics in a Chaldaean-Neoplatonic Context:
2002 |
Simmons, Michael B. |
Germanicus as an Alexander Figure:
2002 |
Gissel, Jon A.P. |
Heraclitus' Theology:
2002 |
Drozdek, Adam |
The Little Grey Horse: Henry V's Speech at Agincourt and the Battle Exhortation in Ancient Historiography:
2002 |
Hansen, Mogens Herman |
The Moretum Decomposed:
2002 |
Horsfall, Nicholas |
The Return of Nicholas I Mystikos to the Patriarchate: The evidence of the Chronicle of the Logothete once more:
2002 |
Wahlgren, Staffan |
Socrates and Love:
2002 |
Thomsen, Ole |
The Text and the Tapestry: Three Remarks on the Composition of the Catulli Veronensis Liber:
2002 |
Iversen, Gunilla |
A Theocritean Echo in Achilles Tatius:
2002 |
Fountoulakis, Andreas |
Thucydides' Conception of the Peloponnesian War I: Imperialism:
2002 |
Rasmussen, Anders Holm |
The Tooth of Time: A Poetic Metaphor from Simonides to Shakespeare -- And Beyond:
2002 |
Pontani, Filippomaria |
The Vestals and Annual Public Rites:
2002 |
Wildfang, Robin Lorsch |
What is a Document?: An Ill-Defined Type of Source:
2002 |
Hansen, Mogens Herman |
2003 |
2003 |
Alcman's Cosmogony Revisited:
2003 |
Rangos, Spyridon |
Another Incarnation of the Phoenix:
2003 |
Romer, F.E. |
Aristotle's Argument in Cael. 1.3-4 for the Indestructibility of Aether and Eudoxus' Theory of Homocentric Spheres:
2003 |
Kouremenos, Theokritos |
Cretan Grants of Asylia -- Violence and Protection as Interstate Relations:
2003 |
Kvist, Kirsten |
The Early Hoplite Phalanx: Order or Disarray?:
2003 |
Schwartz, Adam |
Further Passages in Juvenal Three and Four:
2003 |
Edgeworth, Robert |
Homeric Deliberations and the Gods:
2003 |
Lawrence, Stuart |
The Homeric Formula (part of the article not published in the ASCII):
2003 |
Tsagalis, Christos C. |
An Introduction to the Study of Catullus' Wedding Poems: The Ritual Drama of Catullus 62:
2003 |
Thomsen, Ole |
Jupiter Latiaris and Human Blood: Fact or Fiction?:
2003 |
Gradel, Ittai |
Megarisches Denken und seine ethische Relevanz:
2003 |
Göbel, Christian |
Mnaseas and Mnason -- Two Elateians of the Third Sacred War:
2003 |
Zachos, Georgios A. |
Nets, Boats and Fishing in the Roman World:
2003 |
Bekker-Nielsen, Tønnes |
Notes on Menandri Sententiae:
2003 |
Liapis, Vayos |
Notes on the Scriptores Historiae Augustae:
2003 |
Watt, W.S. |
Officium and Res Publica: Cicero's Political Role after the Ides of March:
2003 |
Blom, Henriette Van Der |
On the Gortynian (part of the article not published in the ASCII) and (part of the article not published in the ASCII) of the 5th Century BC:
2003 |
Kristensen, Karen Rørby |
Ovid in Greek: Maximus Planudes' Translation of the Double Heroides:
2003 |
Michalopoulos, Andreas N. |
Peitho in the Iliad: A Matter of Trust or Obedience?:
2003 |
Stensgaard, Jakob |
The Rule of Law and the Nature of the Fourth-Century Athenian Democracy:
2003 |
Sundahl, Mark J. |
Scholien auf literarischen Papyri als Zeugnisse für philologische Tätigkeit in der Peripherie der griechisch-römischen Welt:
2003 |
Papathomas, Amphilochios |
Schrift, Tinte und Papier. Zur buchhistorischen Beschreibung des Schriftbildes in römischer Poesie:
2003 |
Ishøy, Hanne |
Solventur risu tabulae: Saved by Laughter in Horace (S. II.I.80-6) and Apuleius (Met. III.I-II):
2003 |
Plaza, Maria |
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed: The Odyssey and O Brother Where Art Thou?:
2003 |
Flensted-Jensen, Pernille |
Thucydides' Conception of the Peloponnesian War II: Hellas:
2003 |
Rasmussen, Anders Holm |
Towards a Literary History of Comic Love:
2003 |
Konstantakos, Ioannnis M. |
Ut pictura poesis: Sea-bull and Senecan Baroque (Phaedra 1035-49):
2003 |
Mader, Gottfried |
Vis comica: Consummated Rape in Greek and Roman New Comedy:
2003 |
Leisner-Jensen, Mogens |
Xenophon Homericus: An Unnoticed Loan from the Iliad in Xenophon's Anabasis 1.3:
2003 |
Tsagalis, Christos C. |
2004 |
2004 |
Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus 1.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?:
2004 |
Adkin, Neil |
Alcman's Cosmogony Revisited:
2004 |
Rangos, Spyridon |
Another Incarnation of the Phoenix:
2004 |
Romer, F.E. |
Apologetic Elements in Xenophon's Symposion:
2004 |
Danzig, Gabriel |
Aristotle's Argument in Cael. 1.3-4 for the Indestructibility of Aether and Eudoxus' Theory of Homocentric Spheres:
2004 |
Kouremenos, Theokritos |
Cretan Grants of Asylia -- Violence and Protection as Interstate Relations:
2004 |
Kvist, Kirsten |
The Date of Xenophon's Poroi:
2004 |
Loch, David |
The Homeric Formula (part of the article not published in the ASCII):
2004 |
Tsagalis, Christos C. |
Horace on Tradition and the Individual Talent: Ars Poetica 119-52:
2004 |
Sørensen, Søren |
L'Itinerarium Egeriae: un point de vue littéraire 1:
2004 |
Frandsen, Stig Ramløv |
Mnaseas and Mnason -- Two Elateians of the Third Sacred War:
2004 |
Zachos, Georgios A. |
Nemo Mecenas, nemo modo Cesar - Die Idee der Literaturförderung in der lateinischen Dichtung des hohen Mittelalters:
2004 |
Haye, Thomas |
Nyhedskatalog 2003-2004:
2004 |
Officium and Res Publica: Cicero's Political Role after the Ides of March:
2004 |
Blom, Henriette Van Der |
On the Composition of Herbert Losinga's Letter Collection:
2004 |
Wahlgren-Smith, Lena |
Ovid in Greek: Maximus Planudes' Translation of the Double Heroides:
2004 |
Michalopoulos, Andreas N. |
Peitho in the Iliad: A Matter of Trust or Obedience?:
2004 |
Stensgaard, Jakob |
The Rule of Law and the Nature of the Fourth-Century Athenian Democracy:
2004 |
Sundahl, Mark J. |
Scholien auf literarischen Papyri als Zeugnisse für philologische Tätigkeit in der Peripherie der griechisch-römischen Welt:
2004 |
Papathomas, Amphilochios |
Schrift, Tinte und Papier. Zur buchhistorischen Beschreibung des Schriftbildes in römischer Poesie:
2004 |
Ishøy, Hanne |
2004 |
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - On Linguistic Development and School Tradition. Direct and Indirect Evidence of the Development of Late Latin:
2004 |
Herling, Gerd V.M. |
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Some Cases of Grammaticalisation in Latin: Subordinating Conjunctions, Concessivity and Modal Lexemes:
2004 |
Fruyt, Michèle |
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - The Evolution of Greek Nominal Paradigms from Mycenean to Modern Greek:
2004 |
Luraghi, Silvia |
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Verb-Subject Order in Latin: The Case of Existential and Locative Sentences:
2004 |
Spevak, Olga |
SELECTED PAPERS ON GREEK AND LATIN - Virtualisation by Change of Temporal Reference: The Example of Latin and Old French Conditional Clauses:
2004 |
Lagerqvist, Hans |
Solventur risu tabulae: Saved by Laughter in Horace (S. II.I.80-6) and Apuleius (Met. III.I-II):
2004 |
Plaza, Maria |
Trial by Riddle: The Testing of the Counsellor and the Contest of Kings in the Legend of Amasis and Bias:
2004 |
Konstantakos, Ioannis M. |
Les trois fautes du guerrier Vladimir 1er de Kiev:
2004 |
Meulder, Marcel A.J. |
The Vision of Augustus: Pilgrims' Guide or Papal Pulpit?:
2004 |
White, Cynthia |
Überlegungen zur Argumentationsstruktur in Platons Protagoras:
2004 |
Fröhlich, Günter |
The Contribution of Ars and Remedia to the Development of Autobiographical Fiction:
2005 |
Kenaan, Vered Lev |
A Dedication to Silvanus (CIL VI.36827) in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek:
2005 |
Kragelund, Patrick |
Epicurean Gods:
2005 |
Drozdek, Adam |
The Habit of Subsidization in Classical Athens: Toward a Thetic Ideology:
2005 |
Burke, Edmund M. |
How Shall We Comprehend the Roman I-Poet? A Reassessment of the Persona-Theory:
2005 |
Iddeng, Jon W. |
Juvenal 3.146: A New Interpretation:
2005 |
Stickney, Laura |
A Monger of Red Herrings: Plato's Method of Dead Ends in Politicus 257a-275c:
2005 |
Schäfer, Christian |
A Note on Aristophanes, Clouds 76:
2005 |
Lech, Marcel L. |
A Polis as a Part of a Larger Identity Group: Glimpses from the History of Lepreon:
2005 |
Nielsen, Thomas Heine |
Stoics on Bodies, Identity and &(Part-not-in-ASCI);:
2005 |
Armato, Giorgio |
'(O)pus est... Apolline nato': Liminality and Closure in the Aesculapius Episode in Metamorphoses 15.626-744:
2006 |
Papaioannou, Sophia |
2006 |
Aristotle on Animals in the Politics:
2006 |
Bloch, David |
Diodoros of Sicily (32.2 and 4) and Polybios:
2006 |
Hau, Lisa Irene |
From Mytological Parody to Political Satire: Some Stages in the Evolution of Old Comedy:
2006 |
Sifakis, Grigoris |
From Proconsul to Saint: Sergius Paullus to St. Paul-Serge:
2006 |
Gray-Fow, Michael |
Manuel Holobolos, Alfred of Sareshal, and the Greek Translator of ps.-Aristotle's De plantis:
2006 |
Fisher, Elizabeth |
Maximos Planoudes: Dr. Bowdler in Byzanz? Zensur und Innovation im Späten Byzanz:
2006 |
Karla, Grammatiki |
The New Posidippus Papyri and Propertius' Shipwreck Odes (Prop. 1.17; 3.7):
2006 |
Williams, Mary Frances |
Unity and Difference in Dante's Universal Vision:
2006 |
Hede, Jesper |
Valentinian I, Severa, Marina and Justina:
2006 |
Woods, David |
What about the Greeks who went to Troy? Three Tragic Contexts and Homer:
2006 |
Davidson, John |
Catullus 22: Suffenus iste -- A Catullan Riddle?:
2007 |
Robson, James |
Epidoxon Kydos: Crown Victory and its Rewards:
2007 |
Kyriakou, Poulheria |
Gorgias and the Author of the Hippocratic Treatise De arte:
2007 |
Spatharas, Dimos |
In Defence of Seneca's Phaedra:
2007 |
Bloch, David |
2007 |
A Note on 'the Hellenic League against Persia' and the Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea:
2007 |
Nielsen, Thomas Heine |
Parchment as a Writing Material in the Late Republic and the Early Empire:
2007 |
Ishøy, Hanne |
Prometheus and Loki: The Myth of the Fettered God and his Kin:
2007 |
Hansen, William |
Simile and Comparison in Homer -- A Definition:
2007 |
Larsen, Karin Degn |
Towards a New History of Byzantine Literature: The Case of Historiography:
2007 |
Nilsson, Ingela |
Tragic Patterns in Forensic Speeches: Antiphon 1 Against the Stepmother:
2007 |
Apostolakis, Kostas |
The War-tax (Tributum) of the Roman Republic: A Reconsideration:
2007 |
Mersing, Kristian Mohr |
Zur Sinntendenz von Claudians Mythologischer Dichtung De raptu Proserpinae:
2007 |
Gärtner, Thomas |
Éthopée et roman: le fragment probable d'un roman d'amour grec perdu:
2007 |
Amato, Eugenio |
'The Example of the Saints': Reading Eugippius' Account of Saint Severin:
2008 |
Hammer, Carl I. |
Bemerkungen zu zwei Epigrammen:
2008 |
Sverkos, Elias |
The Date of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis Once Again:
2008 |
Adkin, Neil |
The Golden Homer: The Geometry of the Iliad and the Homeric Question:
2008 |
Anghelina, Catalin |
Greeks and Latins in Medieval Hungary:
2008 |
Nemerkenyi, Elöd |
How to Present Line 136a of the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite:
2008 |
Taida, Ichiro |
Kierkegaard and the Euthyphro Dilemma:
2008 |
Bloch, David |
2008 |
A Note on Reading Velleius Paterculus:
2008 |
Persson, Sebastian |
Persius' Re-reading of Horace: The Case of Some Proper Names:
2008 |
Tzounakas, Spyridon |
Roman Inscriptions from Ferrara, Mazara and Nîmes:
2008 |
Kragelund, Patrick |
Socrates' Argumentative Strategy:
2008 |
Ostenfeld, Erik Nis |
2008 |
Sansone, David |
Tired of What? A Note on Aristophanes, BIRDS 787:
2008 |
Lech, Marcel Lysgaard |
'Reflecting (In)Justice' in the Republic's Line and Cave: Thrasymachus and Plato's Level of eikasia:
2009 |
Petraki, Zacharoula |
Chalcidian Politicians and Rome between 208 and 168 BC:
2009 |
Giannakopoulos, Nikos |
A Dramatic Afterlife: The Byzantines on Ancient Drama and its Authors:
2009 |
Marciniak, Przemyslaw |
John of Salisbury, the Quadrivium and Demonstrative Science:
2009 |
Bloch, David |
2009 |
Nektanebo in the Vita Aesopi and in Other Narratives:
2009 |
Konstantakos, Ioannis M |
Nine Unidentified Verses in the Exempla Diversorum Auctorum:
2009 |
Butterfield, David |
Octavia and Renaissance Tragedy from Trissino to Shakespeare:
2009 |
Kragelund, Patrick |
Quorum in the People's Assembly in Classical Athens:
2009 |
Epstein, Shimon |
Rewriting Dido: Ovid, Vergil and the Epistula Didonis ad Aeneam (AL 71 SB):
2009 |
Mcgill, Scott |
Seneca on Platonic Apatheia:
2009 |
Fournier, Michael |
Tully's Late-Medieval Life: The Roots of the Renaissance in Cicero's Biography:
2009 |
Cook, Brad L |
Varron d'Atax, Virgile et les Argonautes:
2009 |
Meulder, Marcel A J |
Zu dem ersten Epigramm auf die Schlacht bei den Thermopylen als historischer Quelle Herodots:
2009 |
Parker, Victor |
Eine übersehene Parallele zwischen Petron und Statius und die Datierung des Satyricon:
2009 |
Gärtner, Thomas |
Africain Romanisé ou Romain Africanisé? L'identité culturelle de Marcus Cornelius Fronto:
2010 |
Degn, Jens E |
Diplomacy in the Greek Poleis of Asia Minor: Mytilene's Embassy to Tarraco.:
2010 |
Arrayás Morales, Isaías |
An Echo from Nonius Marcellus in Aldhelm's Enigmata:
2010 |
Meccariello, Chiara |
A Fourteenth-Century Anglo-Latin Ovidian: The liber exulis in John Gower's 1381 Visio Anglie (Vox clamantis 1.1359-1592):
2010 |
Carlson, David R |
John of Salisbury, 'John' the Translator, and the Posterior Analytics:
2010 |
Bloch, David |
The Legendary Fate of Pontius Pilate:
2010 |
Grüll, Tibor |
2010 |
Lucan's Punic War in the Disticha Catonis:
2010 |
Connolly, Serena |
Marginal Land, its Boundaries, and the Rupestral Horoi of Attica:
2010 |
Krasilnikoff, Jens A |
Menstrual Blood in Ancient Rome: An Unspeakable Impurity?:
2010 |
Lennon, Jack |
Patrons, Tribes and Elections: The Roman Senator and Politics:
2010 |
Muñiz Coello, Joaquin |
Ein poetischer Lieferschein zu einem Tiertransport des späten 14. Jahrhunderts: Gryfus von Padua und sein Gedicht über Masthähne:
2010 |
Haye, Thomas |
Ein poetischer Lieferschein zu einem Transport des späten 14. Jahrhunderts: Gryfus von Padua und sein Gedicht über Masthähne:
2010 |
Haye, Thomas 1966- |
The Presence of Homer's Achilles in Lucan's Caesar:
2010 |
Christophorou, Irini |
The Term dike in Sophocles:
2010 |
Papadodima, Efi |
'Oxytonon goon': Goos and its Performance in Classical Athens:
2011 |
Papadogiannaki, Eleni |
Adstante ope barbarica: A Note on Ennius, Andr. 89 Jocelyn:
2011 |
Scafoglio, Giampiero |
Beauty and the Beast: Femininity, Animals and Humour in Middle Comedy:
2011 |
Foka, Anna |
Des chantres castrés dans les églises de l'empire byzantin? A propos du terme (Part of the article not published in ASCI):
2011 |
Melidis, Konstantinos |
Cicero's Italy: Identity, Oratory and Politics in the Late Republic:
2011 |
Johansen Meisner, Jesper |
Clementia et raison d'état: l'idéal monarchique dans les Troyennes de Sénèque:
2011 |
de Lachapelle, Guillaume Flamerie |
Eros and Psyche in Erotic Magic:
2011 |
Pachoumi, Eleni |
Fawns and Kingfishers:
2011 |
Andersen, LÆrke |
Ein lateinisches Klagelied über den Tod des dänischen Kanzleischreibers Anders Renteskriver:
2011 |
Haye, Thomas |
2011 |
The Magician in the Temple: Historicity and Parody in Lucian's Alexander:
2011 |
Rostad, Aslak |
Mélancomas et Titus au gymnase de la vertu: Dion Chrysostome (Or. 28) et la Paideia du prince:
2011 |
Ventrella, Gianluca |
Plato's Parmenides 127e:
2011 |
Gjørup, Ivar |
Playing with the Dramatic Conventions: Demeas' Invocations in Menander, Samia 325-26:
2011 |
Fountoulakis, Andreas |
A Pun in Vespa's Iudicium Coci et Pistoris:
2011 |
Jacobson, Howard |
Tyndarus' Past: The Name Paegnium in Plautus' Captivi:
2011 |
Philippides, Katerina |
Wein, Weib und Gesang: On Catullus 27:
2011 |
Vergados, Athanassios |
(Part of the article not published in ASCI): Zum Problem des weiblichen Ruhmes in der griechischen Tragödie:
2012 |
Gerolemou, Maria |
Ah pereant, si quos ianua clausa iuvat: Propertius 2.23 and the Revision of the Elegiac Code:
2012 |
Fear, Trevor |
A Bronze Tablet from the Church of San Basilio:
2012 |
Zollschan, Linda T |
The Deaths of Beowulf and Odysseus: Narrative Time and Mythological Tale-Types:
2012 |
Gainsford, Peter |
Les diagrammes syllogistiques des scholies de Stephanos à la Rhétorique d'Aristote (CAG 21.2):
2012 |
Rambourg, Camille |
Divination as Convention of War in Classical Greece:
2012 |
Sloth, Lea |
Fibonacci, Zero and Wind-eggs: A Footnote to the History of Arithmetic:
2012 |
Drew Griffith, R |
Gemina nox: Pornographic Allusion in Catullus 51:
2012 |
Sandin, Pär |
The Late Latin coepi + Infinitive Construction: Evidence from Translated Texts:
2012 |
Rosén, Hannah |
2012 |
Petrarch's Reading of Cicero's Letters: A Ciceronian Response:
2012 |
Cook, Brad L |
Sophistic Oratory and Styles in Roman Asia Minor: Hermogenes and the Tlos Sophist (TAM II.174):
2012 |
Papanikolaou, Dimitrios |
Suspense and surprise in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitophon:
2012 |
Papadimitropoulos, Loukas |
Sport, victory commemoration and elite identities in archaic and early classical Athens:
2014 |
Papakonstantinou, Zinon |