Der erste Glossenapparat zum Dekret:
1971 |
Weigand, Rudolf 1929-1998 |
Zur Geschichte und Benutzbarkeit der Handschriftensammlung des Kölner Doms:
1973 |
Schönartz, Wilhelm 1910-1988 |
Zur Vorgeschichte der Dekretale X 3.17.3:
1974 |
Lohrmann, Dietrich |
Le "quaestiones disputatae" di Uguccione Borromei:
1977 |
Briacca, Giuseppe |
Antonio Augustin's edition of the Compilationes antiquae:
1977 |
Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996 |
Gandulphusglossen zum Dekret Gratians:
1977 |
Weigand, Rudolf 1929-1998 |
Johannes de Ancona: Ein Jurist des 13. Jahrhunderts:
1977 |
Bertram, Martin 20XX- |
cumulative Index 1955/1983:
1984 |
Analecta canonistica:
1986 |
Mordek, Hubert 1939-2006 |
Quaestiones Aschaffenburgenses:
1986 |
Fransen, Gérard 1915-1995 |
Die Rezension C der Sammlung des Anselm von Lucca:
1986 |
Landau, Peter 1935-2019 |
Les sources civilistes et la datation des Sommes de Rufin et d'Etienne de Tournai:
1986 |
Gouron, André 1931-2009 |
Varia (Notes):
1986 |
Somerville, Robert 1940- |
Alfonso de Soto y Antonio Agustin e el MS. Vat. Lat. 8185:
1987 |
Bernal Palacios, Arturo |
Annual Report:
1987 |
Die Kanonessammlung der Handschrift Rom, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, B. 89:
1987 |
Hartmann, Wilfried 1942- |
Die kanonistische Überlieferung der falschen Investiturprivilegien (Ivo, Panormia 8.135 und 136; D. 63 c. 22 und 23):
1987 |
Märtl, Claudia 1954- |
A New Version of Pope John VIII.'s Decree on Sacrilege (Council of Troyes, 878):
1987 |
Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996 |
Quaestionum fragmentum Sedunense:
1987 |
Fransen, Gérard 1915-1995 |
La tradition manuscrite de la Panormie d'Ives de Chartres:
1987 |
Fransen, Gérard 1915-1995 |
The "lost" papal gloss on Si quis suadente (C. 17 q. 4 c. 29). John Salisbury and the canonical tradition of the twelfth century:
1988 |
Christensen, Katherine |
The "Summa de penitentia" of John of Kent:
1988 |
Goering, Joseph Ward 1947- |
An interpolation at D.12 c.6:
1988 |
McManus, B. J. |
At the crossroads of law and politics: William Durant the Younger's "Freatisse" on Councils:
1988 |
Fasolt, Constantin 1951- |
Cardianl Jean Lemoine and the authorship of the glosses to Unam Sanctam:
1988 |
Johannessen, R. M. |
Manuscripts of canon law in Hungary: An index to Peter Erdö's article in Appolinaris:
1988 |
Kuttner, Stephan 1907-1996 |
Medieval legal texts in the manuscripts of S. Scolastica, Subiaco:
1988 |
Izbicki, Thomas M. 1945- |
'Non veni Corinthum': Ivo of Chartres, Lanfranc, and 2. Corinthians 1.16-17,23:
1991 |
Brasington, Bruce C. 1957- |
The Declaratio on John XXII's decree Execrabilis and the early history of the Rota:
1991 |
Bishop, Julie 1914-2001 |
Glosa Urgellensis:
1991 |
Fransen, Gérard 1915-1995 |
A new canonistic text on indulgences: De quantitate indulgenciarum of John of Dambach O.P. (1288-1372):
1991 |
Schaffern, Robert W. |
"The Papal Revolution in Law"? Rückfragen an Herald J. Berman:
1998 |
Schieffer, Rudolf 1947-2018 |
Canon Law and Liturgical Exposition in Durand's Rationale:
1998 |
Thibodeau, Timothy M. |
Chancen und Probleme einer baldigen kritischen Edition der ersten Redaktion des Dekrets Gratians:
1998 |
Weigand, Rudolf 1929-1998 |
Distinctiones 'si mulier eadem ora' seu monacenses. Problemi di edizione:
1998 |
Sorice, Rosalba 1966- |
A Note on Two Panormnia-Derivative Collections:
1998 |
Brasington, Bruce C. 1957- |
The Consilia and Questiones of Oldradus de Ponte:
1999 |
McManus, Brendan |
The decretist Rufinus - a well-known person?:
1999 |
Deutinger, Roman 1970- |
For a History of Women's Monastic Institutions. The Abbess: Role, Functions and Administration:
1999 |
Guerra Medici, Maria Teresa |
Mittelalterliche Offizialate in Ungarn und in Polen:
1999 |
Erdő, Péter 1952- |
Versuch einer neuen, differenzierten Liste der Paleae und Dubletten im Dekret Gratians:
1999 |
Weigand, Rudolf 1929-1998 |
Die Überlieferung Ps.-Beda De Remediis Peccatorum in der Würzburger HS. M.P.J.Q. 2. Ein weiteres Zeugnis der Vorstufe des Paenitentiale additivum Ps.-Beda-Egberti:
1999 |
Landau, Peter 1935-2019 |
Die "Glossa ordinaria" zur Bibel als Quelle von Gratians Dekret:
2000 |
Lenher, Titus |
Decretals and the Schools? The Collectio Francofurtana:
2000 |
Drossbach, Gisela |
Fils ou frere? Sur la manuscrit 17 de Lons le Saunier (Archives Départementales de Jura):
2000 |
Lefebvre-Taillard, A. |
The Fragment of a Collection of Boniface VIII's Extravagantes and a Gloss to Unam Sanctam from Carlisle:
2000 |
Clarke, Peter D. |
Gratian's Causa VII and the Multiple Recension Theories:
2000 |
Sommar, Mary E. 1953- |
The Legal Persona of the Child in Gratian's Decretum:
2000 |
Goldberg, Jessica |
Bernhard von Pavia und die Collectio Anselmo Dedicata. Zugleich zur Überlieferung der Kanones des Konzils von Ravenna 898:
2002 |
Landau, Peter 1935-2019 |
Grosse Synodalbücher mitteleuropäischer Kirchenprovinzen (Gnesen, Prag, Salzburg):
2002 |
Erdő, Péter 1952- |
Ivo of Chartres' pastoral canon law:
2002 |
Rolker, Christof 1979- |
Magister P. Note sur les maîtres parisiens du début du XIIIe siècle:
2002 |
Lefebvre-Teillard, Anne 1940- |
A note on selected glosses to the collection in V books (Vat. Lat 1339):
2002 |
Brasington, Bruce C. 1957- |
Validità, novità e carattere della decretale "Vergentis in senium" di Innocenzo III (25 marzo 1199):
2002 |
Meschini, Marco 1972- |
Zur textlichen Grundlage der Imputationslehre Gratians:
2002 |
Genka, Tatsushi |
Un curieux temoin de l'ecole de Petrus Brito: Le manuscrit Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale latin 9632:
2004 |
Lefebvre-Teillard, Anne 1940- |
The evolution of Gratian's Tractatus de penitentia:
2004 |
Larson, Atria A. |
From law to list:
2004 |
Riisøy, Anne Irene 1965- |
Recent work on the making of Gratian's Decretum:
2004 |
Winroth, Anders 1965- |
Zur Redaktionsgeschichte von C.23 q.5 in der '1. Rezension' von Gratians Dekret: 'The Making of a Quaestio':
2004 |
Lenherr, Titus 1864-1927 |
Collectio Sangallensis:
2007 |
León, Enrique de 1956- |
The Council of Poitiers (1078) and some legal considerations:
2007 |
Rennie, Kriston R. 1978- |
Early stages of Gratian's Decretum and the Second Lateran Council: a reconsideration:
2007 |
Larson, Atria A. |
La edición crítica del Decreto de Graciano:
2007 |
Larrainzar, Carlos |
A reconsideration of St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek 673 (Sg) in light of the Sources of Distinctions 5-7 of the De penitentia:
2007 |
Wei, John |
St. Gall Stiftsbibliothek 673 and the early redactions of Gratian's Decretum:
2007 |
Eichbauer, Melodie Harris |
An "Abbreviatio" of the First Recension of Gratian's "Decretum" in Munich?:
2012 |
Larson, Atria A. |
'May a man marry a man?'. Medieval canon lawyers and theologians analyze same-sex unions:
2014 |
Reid, Charles J. Jr. |
Cicerón y Graciano:
2014 |
Viejo-Ximénez, José Miguel |
Gratian and Compurgation. An Interpolation:
2014 |
Pennington, Kenneth 1941- |
Gratian and the Jews:
2014 |
Pennington, Kenneth 1941- |
Gratian's De penitentia in Twelfth-Century Manuscripts:
2014 |
Larson, Atria A. |
Islam in medieval Hungary. Judicial power over Muslims as evidence for the christian-muslim 'convivenza':
2014 |
Stulrajterová, Katarína |
Ockham, the Sanctity of Rights, and the Canonists:
2014 |
Robinson, Jonathan |
Silentium perpetuum et absolutio ab impetitione. L'expression de la sentence définitive et de la requête irrecevable dans la procédure canonique des XIIe et XIIIe siècles:
2014 |
Roumy, Franck |
Una raccolta di minute autografe di consilia di Alessandro Tartagni (1423/24-1477):
2014 |
Murano, Giovanna |
How old was the old law? Talking about change in the history of medieval church law:
2015 |
Austin, Greta |
Icelandic church law in the Vernacular 1275-1550:
2015 |
Magnúsardóttir, Lára |
La decretale "Maiores" di Innocenzo III e la competenza del Romano Pontefice "ratione fidei":
2015 |
Jamin, Jürgen |
The origin of the Regula iuris 'Quod omnes tangit' in the anglo-norman school of canon law during the twelfth century:
2015 |
Landau, Peter 1935-2019 |
A proposito della Summa in Decretum di Simone da Bisignano edita da Pier V. Aimone Braida:
2015 |
Condorelli, Orazio 1966- |
Reform in 1215. Magna Carta and the Fourth Lateran Council:
2015 |
Pennington, Kenneth 1941- |
A twelfth-century treatise on proof. Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis:
2015 |
Brasington, Bruce C. 1957- |
Alle origini dell'università die Bologna: L'insegnamento di Irnerio:
2016 |
Padovani, Andrea 1947- |
Beyond the Penitentials : Early Medieval Discourse on Penance:
2016 |
Firey, Abigail |
The Commentaries on the Tridentine Decrees in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The First Remarks on a Category of 'Probibited' Works:
2016 |
Sinisi, Lorenzo |
La diffusion de la collection de Gilbert l'Anglais dans la France du Nord:
2016 |
Lefebvre-Teillard, Anne 1940- |
Ecclesiastical Liberty on the Eve of the Reformation:
2016 |
Pennington, Kenneth 1941- |
A Note on the Authorship of the Collectio Seguntina:
2016 |
Lincoln, Kyle C. |
Stephan Kuttners's last Discovery on Walter of Coutances: A Commemoration 110 Years after Kuttner's Birthday:
2016 |
Landau, Peter 1935-2019 |
La summa Quoniam in omnibus y las primeras summae de la Escuela de Bolonia:
2016 |
Viejo-Ximénez, José Miguel |
Transmissibility of Delictual Claims:
2016 |
Dondorp, Harry 1956- |
Anglo-Norman Canonical Views on Clerical Marriage and the Eastern Church:
2017 |
Perisanidi, Maroula |
Gratian North of the Alps: New Evidence of the First Recension in the Archdiocese of Salzburg:
2017 |
Burden, John |
Le leggi del creato e la normatività morale: La legge di natura nel trattato De legibus attribuito a Giovanni de la Rochelle:
2017 |
Saccenti, Riccardo 1981- |
Legista sine canonibus parum valet, canonista sine legibus nihil:
2017 |
Pennington, Kenneth 1941- |
Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Arbeit an der Edition des Sendhandbuchs Reginos von Prüm:
2017 |
Hartmann, Wilfried 1942- |
Roman Law Sources and Canonical Collections in the Early Middle Ages:
2017 |
Fiori, Antonia |
Singularia - eine fast vergessene Gattung der juristischen Literatur:
2017 |
Woelki, Thomas 1977- |
Sull'uso del metodo questionante nel Decretum: Un contributo:
2017 |
Padovani, Andrea 1947- |
The Two Anonymous Liber extra Commentaries in Paris, BNF lat. 3966:
2017 |
Reno, Edward A. III |