The social structure of nutrition:
1968 |
Wyczanski, A |
Le mouvement socialiste en Europe et le problème de la résurrection d'un État polonais indépendant:
1969 |
Czubiński, Antoni |
Polandʹs economy against the background of world economy, 1913-1938 (General remarks):
1969 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
The Union of Poles in Germany and its attitude to problems of consciousness of nationality, 1922-1939:
1969 |
Wrzesiński, Wojciech |
The birth of the parliamentary system in Poland after World War I:
1970 |
Pietrzak, Michał |
Die Entstehung des mittelalterlichen Staates und die Entwicklung der polnischen Kultur:
1970 |
Labuda, Gerard |
Les mouvements paysans en Pologne aux 18e-19e siècles:
1970 |
Bobińska, Celina |
The national minorities in Poland in 1918-1939:
1970 |
Drozdowski, Marian Marek |
Nationality conflicts in the German-Slavic borderland in the 13th - 14th centuries and their social scope:
1970 |
Zientara, Benedykt |
Polish Seym in the light of recent research:
1970 |
Czaplinski, Władysław |
The rate of growth of the economy of Peopleʹs Poland:
1970 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
The role of Silesia in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries:
1970 |
Zielińska, Henryk |
Some conditions and regularities of development of the Polish working class movement:
1970 |
Tych, Feliks |
Les sources psychologiques et sociales du fascisme:
1970 |
Ryszka, Franciszek |
Les transformations paramilitaries de la science dans le Ille Reich:
1970 |
Tyrowicz, Stanisław |
Les transformations sociales en Pologne Populaire:
1970 |
Słabek, Henryk |
The international communist movement and the trade unions:
1971 |
Kochański, Aleksander |
La paysannerie dans la vie politique polonaise dans les années 1918-1939:
1971 |
Borkowski, Jan |
The emergence of the system of national states in Central Europe, 1918:
1972 |
Żarnowski, Janusz |
Naissance de l'émigration politique Russe:
1972 |
Śliwowska, Wiktoria |
National minorities in the Baltic States 1919-1940:
1972 |
Łossowski, Piotr 1925- |
Le retour de la Pologne sur l'Odra, la Nysa lusacienne et la Baltique:
1972 |
Orzechowski, Marian |
The social and political background of the Silesian uprisings:
1972 |
Zieliński, Henryk |
Les transformations de la structure sociale en Pologne au 18e siècle:
1972 |
Kowecki, Jerzy |
La démographie historique polonaise, 17e-18e siècle:
1973 |
Gieysztor, Irena |
Politische Wissenschaft und Geschichtswissenschaft:
1973 |
Ryszka, Franciszek |
Research on the economic emigration:
1973 |
Janowska, Halina |
Review of works on the economic history of the Second:
1973 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Comparative research on the long-range economic growth of Poland (A proposal concerning the selection of states for comparison):
1974 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Bibliographie des travaux des historiens polonais en langues étrangères, parus dans les années 1969-1973:
1975 |
Skwirowska, Stefania |
Creative processes of the formation of socialist society in Poland, 1944-1974:
1975 |
Topolski, Jerzy |
Les facteurs sociaux dans lʹévolution démographique de la Pologne dans les années 1945-1970:
1975 |
Piesowicz, Kazimierz |
Le contrôle administratif du bâtiment dans la Pologne du siècle des lumières en tant que moyen d'amélioration de l'État des villes royales:
1976 |
Trzebiński, Wojciech |
Mining towns in Central-Eastern Europe in feudal times:
1976 |
Molenda, Danuta |
National income in historical research:
1976 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Quelques problèmes de la sociotographie des villes les plus grandes de Pologne aus 16. -17 siècles:
1976 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Quelques problèmes de la sociotopographie de la ville européenne à l'époque des Lumières:
1976 |
Wojtowicz, Jerzy |
La recherche à l'Institut d'Historie de l'Université Silésienne de Katowice:
1976 |
Chlebowczyk, Józef |
Small towns in 16th and 17th-century Poland:
1976 |
Wyrobisz, Andrzej |
Les transformations spatiales des villes polonaises à l'époque de la Renaissance et du Baroque:
1976 |
Zare̜bska, Teresa |
[Besprechung von:] Miȩdzy feudalizmem a kapitalizmem. Studia z dziejów gospodarczych i społecznych. Prace ofiarowane Witoldowi Kuli. (Between feudalism and capitalism. Studies in economic and social history, offered in tribune to Witodl Kula). Wroclaw 1976:
1977 |
Hass, Ludwik |
[Besprechung von:] Modzelewski, Karol: Organizacja gospodarcza Państwa Piastowskiego X-XIII wiek. Wrocław, 1975:
1977 |
Russocki, Stanisław |
[Besprechung von:] Polska Ludowa 1944-1950. Przemiany społeczne. Wrocław 1975:
1977 |
Zieliński, Henryk |
[Besprechung von:] Stemplowski, Ryszard: Zależność i wyzwanie. Argentyna wobec rywalizacji mocarstw anglosaskich i III Rzeszy. Warszawa 1975:
1977 |
Janulewicz, Zdzisław |
Adam Gurowski's road to abolitionism:
1977 |
Stasik, Florian |
La famille et le statut familial des ouvrièrs et des domestiques dans le Royaume de Pologne au déclin du XIXe siècle:
1977 |
Żarnowska, Anna |
Impact of the May 1926 coup on the state of Polish economy:
1977 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Some problems of the capital formation and investment in the capitalist societies of East-Central Europe:
1977 |
Tomaszewski, Jerzy |
[Besprechung von:] Boockmann, Hartmut: Johannes Falkenberg, der Deutsche Order und die polnische Politik, Untersuchungen zur politischen Theorie des späten Mittelalters, m. Anh. Göttingen 1975.:
1978 |
Biskup, Marian |
[Besprechung von:] Chlebowczyk, Józef: Procesy narodotwórcze we wschodniej Europie środkowej w dobie kapitalizmu, od schyłku 18 do poczatków 20 w. (Nationenbildende Prozesse im östlichen Mitteleuropa zur Zeit des Kapitalismus, vom Ende des 18. bis zum Beginn des 20. Jh.) Warszawa, Kraków 1975:
1978 |
Grabski, Andrzej F. |
[Besprechung von:] Estudios latinoamericanos:
1978 |
Kieniewicz, Jan |
[Besprechung von:] Maternicki, Jerzy: Idee i postawy. Historia i historycy polscy 1914-1918. Studium historiograficzne. (Ideals and attitudes. Polish history and historians, 1914-1918. An historiographical study.) Warszawa 1975:
1978 |
Wierzbicka, Maria |
La classe ouvrière polonaise à la charnière des XIXe et XX ss.:
1978 |
Żarnowska, Anna |
La classe ouvrière polonaise, objet de recherches:
1978 |
Kalabiński, Stanisław |
The extent of cartelization of industries in Poland, 1918-1939:
1978 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Les fonctions des petites villes en Pologne au bas moyen age:
1978 |
Lalik, Tadeusz |
L' Institut Historique de l'Université de Wrocław:
1978 |
Zieliński, Henryk |
The Jamaican roots of the Garvey ideology:
1978 |
Nowicka, Ewa |
The national consciousness of the Polish ethnic group in the United States, 1854-1939:
1978 |
Brožek, Andrzej |
Neue, die Geschichte Volkspolens betreffende Forschungen und Veröffentlichungen (in der westeuropäischen und amerikanischen Forschung):
1978 |
Kersten, Krystyna |
Die neuzeitliche europäische Kodifikation (16.-17. Jahrhundert):
1978 |
Salmonowicz, Stanisław |
Poland in postwar German historical cartography:
1978 |
Pałucki, Władysław |
La Révolution française aux yeux des révolutionnaires:
1978 |
Baszkiewicz, Jan |
Study of workers' political attitudes by quantitative methods:
1978 |
Hass, Ludwik |
The Polish conservative idea after 1918:
1979 |
Rudnicki, Szymon |
Were banks nationalized in Peopleʹs Poland?:
1979 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
Wirtschaftliche Grundlagen des frühmittelalterlichen Staates in Mitteleuropa (Böhmen, Polen, Ungarn im 10.-11. Jahrhundert):
1979 |
Krzemieńska, Barbara |
Determinants of the political activity of the working class in the Polish territories on the turn of the 19th century:
1980 |
Żarnowska, Anna |
Economic relations of South-Eastern Europe between the two world wars:
1980 |
Romanow-Bobińska, Klara |
Great Polandʹs power elite under Sigismund III, 1587-1632:
1980 |
Opaliński, Edward |
War Jagiellonische Ostmitteleuropa eine Wirtschaftseinheit?:
1980 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
Directions of agrarian development in South-Eastern Europe in 16th-18th centuries:
1981 |
Żytkowicz, Leonid |
Industrial recession in Poland 1924-1925:
1981 |
Landau, Zbigniew |
The political role of big business circles in Poland between the two world wars:
1981 |
Kofman, Jan |
Le réseau urbain Grande-Pologne aux XIIIe-XVIe siècles:
1981 |
Wiesiołowski, Jacek |
The social role of magnates' courts in Poland (From the end of the 16th up to the 18th century):
1981 |
Pośpiech, Andrzej |
The General Union of Jewish Workers (Bund) in Poland 1918-1939:
1982 |
Tomicki, Jan |
Le rôle du gage dans la politique de disposition du domaine royal des Jagellons:
1982 |
Matuszewski, Jacek S. |
[Besprechung von:] Encyklopedia historii gospodarczej Polski do 1945 r. (Encyclopaedia of the economic history of Poland up to 1975) Vol. 1. 2. Warszawa 1981:
1983 |
Rusiński, Władysław |
Die mittelalterlichen Stände als Kategorie der Gesellschaftsschichtung:
1983 |
Russocki, Stanisław |
[Rezension von: Stark, Walter, Untersuchungen zum Profit beim hansischen Handelskapital in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts]:
1987 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Die Sozialismusvorstellungen in der polnischen Arbeiterbewegung:
1987 |
Tomicki, Jan |
La théorie économique ... après vingt ans:
1987 |
Kochanowicz, Jacek |
Die steile Karriere der Familie von Wobbermin:
1988 |
Piskorski, Jan M. |
L' histoire de la revolution de 1789 dans les manuels scolaires sous le consulat et l'empire:
1989 |
Senkowska, Monika 1925-2022 |
The family in 18th century Warsaw:
1990 |
Kuklo, Cezary |
Das Finanzwesen der Adelsrepublik unter Sigismund III. (1587-1632):
1991 |
Filipczak-Kocur, Anna 1944- |
Zur Genese des Begriffs "Der deutsche Michel":
1991 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
Andrzej Zahorski (15 VII 1923 -- 15 XII 1992):
1993 |
Kadziela, Lukasz |
The Church and Folk Culture in Late Medieval Poland:
1993 |
Bylina, Stanislaw |
Colloque polono-israe͏̈lien à l'occasion du bicentenaire du project de loi "Le Statut du peuple juif au sein de la nation polonaise" dont fut saisie il y a deux siècles la Diète dite Grande:
1993 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Educational Aspirations of Women in the Kingdom of Poland at the End of the Nineteenth Century:
1993 |
Szwarc, Andrzej |
Genuflection in Medevial Western Culture: the Gesture of Expiation -- the Praying Posture:
1993 |
Mrozowski, Przemyslaw |
Gottfried Lengnich und die polnische Staatspolitik in Danzig:
1993 |
Cieslak, Edmund |
II richiamo ambivalente. Immagini del Turco nella memorialistica polacca del Cinquecento:
1993 |
Matuszewski, J. |
The Local Diets and Religious Tolerance in the Polish Commonwealth (1587-1648):
1993 |
Opalinski, Edward |
The Lords' Jews Magnate-Jewish Relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth During the 18th Century:
1993 |
Rosman, M.J. |
1993 |
Overseas Migration from East-Central and South-Eastern Europe 1880-1940:
1993 |
Stola, Dariusz |
Les particularités culturelles de la cour royale aux XIVe et XVe siècles Luxe au nécessité?:
1993 |
Wilska, Malgorzata |
The Political History of Poland 1864-1918:
1993 |
Wereszycki, H. |
Rituels, symboles at contextes èvocatoires du pouvoir suzerain du Xe au XVe siècles. La Pologne et les pays voisins:
1993 |
Kowalewski, Krzysztof |
Robbery in the Polish Lands During the Second Half of the 16th and the First Half of the 17th Century:
1993 |
Kamler, Marcin |
Social Structures and Custom in Early Modern Poland:
1993 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Society of Jesus. History of the Vilno Academy:
1993 |
Piechnik, Ludwik |
Le voyage -- sa situation dans la conscience sociale des XVI e) -- XVIIe siècles:
1993 |
Dziechcinska, Hanna |
"Dux Regni Poloniae" and "Haeres Regni Poloniae" The Titles of Polish Rulers in the 13th-14th Centuries:
1994 |
Swiezawski, Aleksander |
1994 |
The Attitude of Great Britain and the United States in the Governmental Crisis in Czechoslovakia in February 1948:
1994 |
Kaminski, Marek K. |
Attitudes et comportements politiques des Polonais sous l'occupation allemande en Pologne (1939-1945):
1994 |
Chrobaczynski, Jacek |
The Baltic Zone, 16th-18th Centuries:
1994 |
Bogucka, M. |
Baroque -- the Epoch of Contradictions:
1994 |
Pelc, J. |
La chasse en Pologne sous les Piast et les Jagellon:
1994 |
Samsonowicz, Agnieszka |
The Clientele. The Informal Systems of Power in Poland and Europe from the 16th to the 18th Centuries:
1994 |
Maczak, A. |
Concessions conditionnelles de terres et centralisation des monarchies du Centre-Est de l'Europe au bas Moyen Age:
1994 |
Russocki, Stanislaw |
Control and Repression. The Authority and Society in Late Medieval Florence:
1994 |
Manikowska, H. |
The Criminal World in 16th and 17th Century Poland:
1994 |
Kamler, Marcin |
La dénazification des écoles supérieures dans la zone d'occupation française en Allemagne (1945-1948):
1994 |
Kotarski, Slawomir |
L'Europe face à la révolution en Belgique et en Pologne en 1830-1831:
1994 |
Zajewski, Wladyslaw |
The Foundations of the Old Polish World: Patriarchalism and the Family. Introduction into the Problem:
1994 |
Bogucka, Maria |
La France au carefour 1943-1944. Lutte pour la couleur d'une France de demain:
1994 |
Zamojski, Jan E. |
Friedensaktionen in den Anfangen des I. Weltkriegs:
1994 |
Pajewski, Janusz |
Henryk Samsonowicz Ce que nous héritons du Moyen Age. Mythes et réalités:
1994 |
Bardach, Juliusz |
Hussite Prague in the Political Literature and Propaganda of the Period:
1994 |
Iwanczak, Wojciech |
Integrative Factors and Conflicts in Modern European Societies (15th-17th Centuries):
1994 |
Bogucka, M. |
Kirche als Bestattungsort. Die Sepulkralkunst in Danzig (15-18 Jh.), "La longue durée" des Epitaphs:
1994 |
Cieslak, K. |
Die Luftangriffe auf Warschau im Zweiten Weltkrieg:
1994 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
Mieszko II., König von Polen (1025-1034). Die Umbruchszeit in der Geschichte des polnischen Staates:
1994 |
Labuda, G. |
1994 |
1994 |
Une oeuvre de trois éminents historiens:
1994 |
Szwarc, Andrzej |
The Petty Bourgeoisie in Poland, Its Economic Functions and Models of Culture in the Nineteenth Century:
1994 |
Kowalska-Glikman, Stefnania |
Die Polen über die Deutschen. Meinungen und Auseinadersetzungen aus den Jahren 1945-1948:
1994 |
Dmitrow, Edmund |
Le principe fédéraliste et le principe unitaire dans la légalisation de la Diète polono-lituanienne de Quatre Ans (1788-1792):
1994 |
Bardach, Juliusz |
La responsabilité constitutionnelle en Pologne:
1994 |
Pietrzak, Michal |
Die schlesischen Epitaphien und Grabmäler der Reformationszeit:
1994 |
Harasimowicz, J. |
The Separatist Tendencies in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 17th Century:
1994 |
Wojcik, Zbigniew |
The Spatial Horizons of Various Social Groups in Sixteenth-Century Poland:
1994 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
Spectacles of Life: Birth--Marriage--Death. Polish Customs in the 16th-18th Centuries:
1994 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Tadeusz Manteuffel (1902-1970): l'intellectuel face au totalitarisme:
1994 |
Tazbir, Janusz |
The Trap of Obviousness. The Post-mortem Inventories of the Great Poland Nobility's Movables in the 17th Century:
1994 |
Pospiech, Andrzej |
The Urbanization of the Periphery, Landowners and Small Towns in Early Modern Norway and Northern Europe:
1994 |
Eliassen, Finn-Einar |
La vie quotidienne en Mazovie sous l'occupation 1939-1945:
1994 |
Lewandowska, S. |
"Wunder" im Amsterdamer Zuchthaus, Zur Geschichte der Disziplinierung der Gesellschaft an der Schwelle zur Neuzeit:
1995 |
Bogucka, Maria |
18th International Congress of Historical Sciences:
1995 |
1995 |
The Administrative Structure of Poland in the Eleventh and Twelfth Century:
1995 |
Bogucki, Ambrozy |
Bibliographie sélective des traveaux des historiens polonais parus en langues étrangères dans les années 1988-1993:
1995 |
Gasiorowski, Stefan |
Bildnisepitaphien in Danzig 15.-17. Jahrhundert:
1995 |
Cieslak, Krystyna |
Changes in the Occupation and Social Status of Women in Poland since the Industrial Revolution till 1939:
1995 |
Zarnowska, Anna |
The CIHEC Congress:
1995 |
A Contribution to the Establishment and Activity of the American Slav Congress during World War II:
1995 |
Fertacz, Sylwester |
La cour en tant que centre de pouvoir et de culture, XV e)-XVIIes:
1995 |
Wilska, Malgorzata |
La diversité ethnique au Moyen Age: le cas polonais:
1995 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
East-Central Europe in the Middle Ages 1000-1500:
1995 |
Sedlar, J.W. |
En rang serré, les intellectuels d'Europe? La fonction des congrès mondiaux d'intellectuels:
1995 |
Madajczyk, Czeslaw |
Entre la libération et l'assujettissement, la Pologne 1944-1956:
1995 |
Kersten, K. |
The Florentine Communal Prison -- Le Stinche -- In the Fourteenth Century:
1995 |
Manikowska, Halina |
L'homme et l'au-delà. Visions des peines posthumes en Pologne médiévale:
1995 |
Bylina, Stanislaw |
In the Shadow of Peril. The Foreign Policy of the Polish Republic 1918-1939:
1995 |
Kamiriski, Marek K. |
Kultur an der Periferie des Habsburger Reiches. Die Geschichte des Bildungswesen und der kulturellen Einrichtungen in Lemberg von 1772 bis 1848:
1995 |
Röskau-Rydel, I. |
Königsberg and Poland Collected work:
1995 |
Biskup, Marian |
De la nation politique à la nation ethnique dans le Centre-Est de l'Europe:
1995 |
Bardach, Juliusz |
Law and Crime in Poland in Early Modern Times:
1995 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Legacy of Sophie, duchess of Brunswick (1575 - 1672):
1995 |
Pirozynski, Jan |
Legacy of Sophie, Duchess of Brunswick (1575-1672):
1995 |
Pirozynski, Jan |
Local and Neighbours' Communities in the Towns of Old Poland-Lithuania:
1995 |
Sowina, Urszula |
Mennonites in Gdansk, Elblag and the Vistula Lowlands in the Second Half of the 17th and the 18th cc. A Study in History of a Small Religious Community:
1995 |
Kizik, E. |
La naissance du parlementarisme polonais vue dans une perspective comparative:
1995 |
Russocki, Stanislaw |
National Stereotypes as the Theme of Historical Research in Poland:
1995 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
The Network of Fairs in Poland from the Thirteenth to the Eighteenth Century:
1995 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
Paris, London and Washington Observe October 1956 in Poland:
1995 |
Kula, M. |
Patterns of the Family and Woman in Old Poland:
1995 |
Wyrobisz, Andrzej |
Penalties for Common Crimes in Polish Towns 1550-1650:
1995 |
Kamler, Marcin |
The Policy of the Second Republic Towards the Balkan States:
1995 |
Znamierowska-Rakk, Elzbieta |
Polish Private Homelands and the Concept of a Polish National Territory on the Eve of the Independence:
1995 |
Wapinski, Roman |
The Role of Cistercian Monasteries in the Shaping of the Cultural Identity of Silesia in Modern Times:
1995 |
Harasimowicz, Jan |
Sieur de Beauplan, A Description of Ukraine:
1995 |
Le Vasseur, Guillaume |
Town and Countryside in Penal Judicature and Criminality: Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1914:
1995 |
Kaczyriska, Elzbieta |
Ukrainische Arbeiter zwischen der nationalen und sozialen Revolution in den Jahren 1917-1921:
1995 |
Medrzecki, Wlodzimierz |
The Union of Lublin and Integrative Traditions in East-Central Europe:
1995 |
Szady, Bogumil |
Von Wielopolski bis zur Partei der Realpolitik. Die Befürworter des Ausgleichs mit Russland, ihre Programme und ihre politische Aktivität 1864-1905:
1995 |
Szwarc, A. |
Woman and Society in the Polish Territories in the 19th Century Collected Studies:
1995 |
Zarnowska, Anna |
Women and Education in the Polish Territories in the 19th and 20th Centuries Collected Studies:
1995 |
Zarnowska, Anna |
Women and Revolutionary Violence in Russia in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries:
1995 |
Szwarc, Andrzej |
Das "gelehrte" Frauenzimmer. Zur Erziehung und Bildung der Frau im 17. Jahrhundert am Beispiel Schlesiens:
1996 |
Czarnecka, Miroslawa |
1996 |
1996 |
The Beautiful Queen:
1996 |
Komaszynski, Michal |
Between Intolerance and Persecution. Polish and Lithuanian Protestants in the 18th Century:
1996 |
Kriegseisen, Wojciech |
The Circulation of Information in 16th Century Europe. News from Poland in the Collection of Johann Jakob Wick from Zurich, 1560-1587:
1996 |
Pirozyriski, J. |
The Conception of Panslavism in the Political Thought of the Great Emigration:
1996 |
Nowak, Andrzej |
La culture politique et juridique en Pologne et en Bohême au seuil des Temps Modernes. Position du problème:
1996 |
Russocki, Stanislaw |
Documenta Copemicana:
1996 |
Kühne, Andreas |
Education of Working-Class Women in the Polish Kingdom (the 19th Century -- Beginning of the 20th Century):
1996 |
Zarnowska, Anna |
Everyday Life, a New Trend in Research into the History of Culture:
1996 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
Female Servants in Polish Towns in the Late 16th and 17th Centuries:
1996 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
Gender in the Economy of a Traditional Agrarian Society: The Case of Poland in the 16th-17th Centuries:
1996 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Gender studies:
1996 |
Hexenverfolgung und Zauberprozesse in den schlesieschen Territorien:
1996 |
Lambrecht, Karen |
In Search of the Idea of Rechtsstaat:
1996 |
Jankiewicz, A. |
Maj. Kiewitz's Mission. German Officer with the Flag of Truce in Warsaw on the Eve of Soviet Aggression:
1996 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
Medieval Imagination:
1996 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
Missgeburt im türkischen Hut. Beitrag zur Psychose "Feind aus dem Osten" an der Schwelle der Neuzeit:
1996 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Modernization Processes and Emancipation of Women in Polish Territories in the 19th Century:
1996 |
Kizwalter, Tomasz |
A New Approach to the History of Customs:
1996 |
Wyrobisz, Andrzej |
New Light on Oskar Lange as an Intermediary between Roosevelt and Stalin in Attempts to Create a New Polish Government (January-November 1944):
1996 |
Cienciala, Anna M. |
The Nobility and the Landowning Class in Pomerania in the Modern Era, 16th-20th Centuries. Changes in Internal Structures:
1996 |
Dygdala, J. |
The Oldest Code of Polish Laws:
1996 |
Matuszewski, J. |
The Patterns of Female Behaviour in the Light of 19th and Early 20th Century Moral Codes:
1996 |
Hoff, Jadwiga |
Peasant Women in the Polish Kingdom (the 19th Century -- Beginning of the 20th Century):
1996 |
Medrzecki, Wlodzimierz |
Polen und Russland:
1996 |
Zernack, Klaus |
Polen--Deutschland--die deutsche Minderheit in Grosspolen. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart:
1996 |
Sakson, A. |
The Polish Elite's Correspondence during the Reign of Stanislaus Augustus. An Analysis of Selected Political Circles:
1996 |
Jurkiewicz, W. |
Polish Parliamentary System in Contemporary Historiography:
1996 |
Bardach, J. |
The Polish-Ukrainian Conflict under Communist Rule:
1996 |
Kersten, Krystyna |
The Political Culture of the Polish Nobility, 1587-1652. The Parliamentary System and Civic Society:
1996 |
Opalinski, E. |
The Princess and the Petty Nobleman:
1996 |
Seredyka, Jan |
State Sovereignty in the Practice and Political Doctrine of the Duchy of Muscovy, 14th-16th Centuries:
1996 |
Peltz, W. |
Studies in the History of Culture and Mentality in the Early Modern Era:
1996 |
Matwijowski, K. |
Uphill to Europe. On Turkey in the Thirties and Also a Little about Contemporary Poland:
1996 |
Tymiriski, Stanislaw |
Vom Unfug der Hexenprozesse:
1996 |
Salmonowicz, Stanislaw |
Wilson--Paderewski--Masaryk. Their Visions of Independence and Conceptions of How to Organize Europe:
1996 |
Marczewska-Zagdanska, Hanna |
Woman of Petty Nobility in the Polish Kingdom During the 19th Century:
1996 |
Chamerska, Halina |
Women Among the Creators of Intellectual and Artistic Culture in Poland, 26-27 September 1995:
1996 |
Szwarc, Andrzej |
Women in Polish Towns in the Late 16th and 17th Centuries:
1996 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
Women of the Landowning Class in the Polish Kingdom During the 19th Century:
1996 |
Rzepniewska, Danuta |
Zwei Wege in der europai͏̈schen Geschichte:
1996 |
Lossowski, Piotr |
"The Black Legend" of the Jews. The Trials for Alleged Ritual Murder in Old Poland:
1997 |
Wegrzynek, Hanna |
18th Century Memoirs of Polish Jews. Memoirs of Mojzesz Wasercug from Great Poland:
1997 |
Goldberg, Jakub |
Abkürzungsverzeichnis hebräischer Grabinschriften:
1997 |
Hüttenmeister, Frowald G.I. |
1997 |
1997 |
The Beginnings of Jewish Settlement in Lower Silesia after World War 11 (May 1945 -- January 1946):
1997 |
Szaynok, Bozena |
The Centre and Periphery of Witchcraze:
1997 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Citizens or Inhabitants? The Attempt Reform The Status of the Polish Jews During the Four Years' Sejm:
1997 |
Zienkowska, Krystyna |
Cracow Jews in the 19th Century: Leaving the Ghetto:
1997 |
Malecki, Jan M. |
Demographic Changes in Gdansk in 1601-1846 in the Light of Tables of General Movements:
1997 |
Baszanowski, Jan |
Le débat polonais sur la liberté de parole dans la deuxième moitié du XIIIe siècle:
1997 |
Grzeskowiak-Krwawicz, Anna |
The Era of Revolutions and Totalitarianisms. Studies and Essays:
1997 |
Zielinski, Zygmunt |
The Expulsion of Jewish Polish Citizens from Germany on October 28-29,1938:
1997 |
Tomaszewski, Jerzy |
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Jewish Historical Institute:
1997 |
Wegrnek, Hanna |
Historischer Atlas polnischer Städte, Bd 1: Das Königliche Preussen und das Hochstift Ermland:
1997 |
Czacharowski, Antoni |
Hospitals in the City of Lwow in the Middle Ages:
1997 |
Ston, Marek |
a Jewish Heresiarch and His Messianic Doctrine:
1997 |
Doktor, Jan |
Jewish Jurisdiction's Dependence on Royal Power in Poland and Lithuania up to 1548:
1997 |
Horn, Maurycy |
Jewish Population in Warsaw in the Inter-War Period:
1997 |
Zalewska, Gabriela |
Jewish studies:
1997 |
Jewish Trade in Cracow at the End of the 16th and in the 17th Century. Selected Records from Cracow Customs Registers 1593-1683:
1997 |
Malecki, Jan M. |
Jews Among Christians during the Times of the Noblemen's Commonwealth:
1997 |
Kowalski, Waldemar |
Jews in Medieval Cracow. Selected Records from Cracow Municipal Registers:
1997 |
Wyrozumska, Bozena |
Kurland in der Frühen Neuzeit:
1997 |
Bues, Almut |
Man and Death in Old Polish Culture:
1997 |
Rok, Bogdan |
Man in Medieval Society. Professor Aleksander Gieysztor's Jubilee:
1997 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Meletij Smotryc'kyj:
1997 |
Frick, David A. |
Naval Forces and Sea-Borne Trade in Augustus II's Policy:
1997 |
Trzoska, Jerzy |
Origins of Medieval Towns in Temperate Europe:
1997 |
Urbanczyk, Przemyslaw |
Paris et Varsovie -- deux capitales sous l'occupation allemande:
1997 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
Paris et Varsovie:
1997 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
Piekarskis Versuch, König Sigismund III. zu töten:
1997 |
Leitsch, Walter |
The Pogrom of Jews in Kielce on July 4, 1946:
1997 |
Kersten, Krystyna |
Die Politik von Otto III. in neuer Beleuchtung:
1997 |
Michalowski, Roman |
Preussen. Geschichte von Staat und Gesellschaft:
1997 |
Salmonowicz, Stanislaw |
Rabbis in the Radom Province in the 19th Century (1815-1914). A Tentative Analysis:
1997 |
Penkalla, Adam |
The Religious Discourse in the Extant Warsaw Ghetto Texts:
1997 |
Leociak, Jacek |
Remarks on the Situation of the Catholic Church in the USSR in the Interwar Period:
1997 |
Patek, Artur |
Town Hall as Symbol of Power. Changes in the Political and Social Functions of Town Hall in Gdansk till the End of the 18th Century:
1997 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Trials for Ritual Murder in 16th-18th Century Poland:
1997 |
Guldon, Zenon |
The Versailles Order and the Yalta-Potsdam Settlement in the Balkans: Comparative Approach:
1997 |
Znamierowska-Rakk, Elzbieta |
The Warsaw Rising. Research and Disputes Continue:
1997 |
Duraczynski, Eugeniusz |
Who I Helped Jews During The Holocaust in Poland?:
1997 |
Prekerowa, Teresa |
1998 |
1998 |
Alltagsgeschichte der Unterschichten im Russischen Reich, 1861-1914:
1998 |
Ruslenmeyer, Angela |
The Annals of Jan Dlugosz:
1998 |
Michael, Maurice |
Die Beziehungen der Habsburger zu Polen in den Jahren 1572 bis 1574:
1998 |
Bues, Almut |
Bluestockings in 17th Century. The intellectual Aspirations of Women of Royal Court Circlcs:
1998 |
Targosz, Karolina |
Criminality in Lwow at the End of the 16th and in the 17th Cenlury:
1998 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
DISCUSSIONS - Auf dem Weg zur neuen Synthese der Geschichte Preussens:
1998 |
Salmonowicz, Stanislaw |
DISCUSSIONS - Der kleinpolnische Adel und die Interregna:
1998 |
Opalinski, Edward |
Early modern times studies:
1998 |
Everyday Life in Polish Convents in the 17th and 18th Centuries:
1998 |
Borkowska, Malgorzala |
Famille et ménage en France au XVIIe siècle:
1998 |
Fauve-Chamoux, Antoinene |
Foundations and Founders:
1998 |
Opalinski, Edward |
Gdahsk--Its Position in the Past and in Recent Times:
1998 |
Bogucka, Maria |
The Home Delegalion of the Government of the Republic of Poland:
1998 |
Grabowski, Waldemar |
An Insulting Gesture from 17th- and 18th-Century Rural Poland:
1998 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
Jozef Pilsudski:
1998 |
Suleja, Wlodzimierz |
1998 |
The Nations of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Controversial Questions:
1998 |
Litwin, Henryk |
Neue Interpretation der Beziehungen zwischen Russland, Preussen-Deulschland und Polen:
1998 |
Serczyk, Jerzy |
The Nobility and the State in the 16th-18th Centuries. The Swedish Model:
1998 |
Kopczyhski, Michal |
Das Potsdamer Abkommen, III. Teil:
1998 |
Meissner, Boris |
REVIEWS - Authority, Space, Ceremonial. The Place and Inauguration of the Ruler in Mediaeval Poland to the End of the Fourteenth Century:
1998 |
Dalewski, Zbigniew |
REVIEWS - Beschreibung derer vornähmesten Gebäude in der Stadt Danzig:
1998 |
Ranisch, Bartel |
REVIEWS - Chanceries of Private Towns Owned by Noblemen in the Lublin Voivodeship from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century:
1998 |
Losowski, Janusz |
REVIEWS - Die Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg. Höhepunkte und Bedeutung:
1998 |
Rothe, Hans |
STUDIES - "Private Citizens": A Forgotten Episode from the Prehistory of the Polish Intelligentsia:
1998 |
Hass, Ludwik |
STUDIES - "Truth Is Not Only a Fine Adornment of History but Its Very Soul". Szymon Starowolski in Polish Historiography:
1998 |
Topolski, Jerzy |
STUDIES - Great Disputes Over Woman in Early Modern Times:
1998 |
Bogucka, Maria |
STUDIES - L'enfer revolutionnaire. Le diable et les enfers dans la litérature politique francaise des années 1789-1799:
1998 |
Milewska, Monika |
STUDIES - Old Age Gives No Joy? Old People in the Kujawy Countryside at the End of the 18th Century:
1998 |
Kopczytiski, Michal |
STUDIES - The Beginnings of the Cominform. The Policy of the Soviet Union towards European Communisl Parties in Connection with the Political Initiatives of the United States of America in 1947:
1998 |
Zacharias, Michal Jerzy |
STUDIES - The Problem of Generations in 19lh and 20th Century Polish Social History:
1998 |
Wapinski, Roman |
STUDIES - The Pupil, the Master, and Death. The Funeral in the Daily Life of a School in a Hanseatic Town (from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century):
1998 |
Kizik, Edmund |
STUDIES - Was Poland Affected by the Late-medieval Crisis of Feudalism?:
1998 |
Wyrozumski, Jerzy |
Stände und Landesherrschaft in Ostmitteleuropa in der frühen Neuzeit:
1998 |
Weczerka, Hugo |
Women and Religion in the Early Modern Period:
1998 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Überlieferung und Kritik: zwanzig Jahre Barockforschung in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel:
1998 |
Kosman, Marceli |
1999 |
Kizik, E |
1999 |
1999 |
Beiträge der polnischen Stipendiaten der Herzog August Bibliothek zur Philosophie, Geschichte und Philologie:
1999 |
Pirozynski, Jan |
British Attempts to Make the Polish Government Capitulate in Face of Soviet Claims (January-February 1944):
1999 |
Kazimierz Kaminski, Marek |
British Memoranda on Changing the Curzon Line in 1944:
1999 |
Tebinka, Jacek |
Capitulare de villis and the Bible. On the Economic Programme of Charlemagne:
1999 |
Dygo, Marian |
Care for orphans in nineteenth century Warsaw:
1999 |
Mazur, E |
Care for Orphans in Nineteenth Century Warsaw:
1999 |
Mazur, Elzbieta |
Child in Wealthy Warsaw Bourgeois Family. Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Century:
1999 |
Siennicka, Mariola |
Child in wealthy Warsaw bourgeois family:
1999 |
Siennicka, M |
Childhood and youth in historical perspective:
1999 |
The Conference on Benedykt Zientara's Place in Polish Historiography:
1999 |
Skwierczynski, Krzysztof |
Crises in Polish-Russian Relations during the Early Modern Era:
1999 |
Zielinska, Ewa |
Das Danziger Bürgertum:
1999 |
Salmonowicz, Stanislaw |
Death In Hanseatic Towns in the 16th-18th Centuries. A Study In Early Modern Funeral Culture:
1999 |
Kizik, Edmund |
The death of a child in old Polish culture:
1999 |
Zerek-Kleszcz, H |
The Death of a Child in Old Polish Culture:
1999 |
Zerek-Kleszez, Hanna |
DISCUSSIONS - "Polnische Wirtschaft":
1999 |
Tomala, Mieczyslaw |
DISCUSSIONS - Une histoire de l'alimentation:
1999 |
Wyczanski, Andrzej |
Dispute over the sex education of children and young people during the inter-war years:
1999 |
Gawin, M |
Dispute over the Sex Education of Children and Young People during the Inter-War Years:
1999 |
Gawin, Magda |
Educational Programmes of Polish Elites in the Saxon Period:
1999 |
Zieliriska, Teresa |
Educational programmes of Polish elites in the Saxon period:
1999 |
Zielinska, T |
A history of food:
1999 |
Wyczanski, A |
The History of the Press in Great Poland:
1999 |
Kosman, Marceli |
Ideological Approach to Children's Education in Poland (1948-1956). Words and Deeds:
1999 |
Jarosz, Dariusz |
Ideological approach to children's education in Poland (1948-1956):
1999 |
Jarosz, D |
IN MEMORIAM - Aleksander Gieysztor 17.07.1916 - 9.02.1999:
1999 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
IN MEMORIAM - Jerzy Topolski 20.9.1928-21.12.1998:
1999 |
Wyczariski, Andrzej |
Kindelbier. Taufreier in den Städlen des Königlichen Preussens im 16.-18.Jh.:
1999 |
Kizik, Edmlmd |
The Knighting of Polish Dukes in the Early Middle Ages: Ideological and Political Significance:
1999 |
Dalewski, Zbigniew |
Marriages of wards of Rome's Holy Spirit hospital in the 17th and 18th centuries:
1999 |
Surdacki, M |
Marriages of Wards of Rome's Holy Spirit Hospital in the 17th and 18th Centuries:
1999 |
Surdacki, Marian |
La mentalité religieuse du Danemark au XVe siècle:
1999 |
Riis, Thomas |
My Gracious Silence. Women in the Mirror of the 16th Century Printing In Western Europe:
1999 |
Erdmann, Axel |
NEWS - Charitas. Clarity and Welfare Work in the Ideology, Norms of Conduct and Practice of Various Denominations in the 16th-18th Centuries:
1999 |
Kroll, Piotr |
NEWS - Political Culture in the Past and Now:
1999 |
Kosman, Marceli |
An Outline of Its History:
1999 |
Zielinski, Zygmunt |
Polish and Lithuanian Culture in History. Identity and Coexistence:
1999 |
Kosman, Marceli |
Polish Workers from Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreussen (the Gdansk-Western Prussia Region) In Organisation Todt In Finland and Norway, 1942-1945:
1999 |
Denkiewicz-Szezepaniak, Emilia |
Polish Workers from Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreußen (the Gdańsk-Western Prussia Region) in Organisation Todt in Finland and Norway:
1999 |
Denkiewicz-Szczepaniak, Emilia 1947- |
REVIEWS - Artushöfe im Ostseeraum. Ritterlichhöfische Kultur in den Städten des Preussenlandes im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert:
1999 |
Selzer, Stephanl |
REVIEWS - Der polnische Humanismus und die europäischen Sodalitäten. Akten des polnisch-deutschen Symposions vom 15.-19. Mai 1996 im Collegium Maius der Universität Krakau.:
1999 |
Eussel, Stephan |
REVIEWS - Kunst als Glaubensbekenntnis. Beiträge zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der Reformationszeit:
1999 |
Harasimowicz, Jan |
REVIEWS - Old Polish Culture--European Culture. Studies dedicated to Janusz Tazbir on His 70th Birthday.:
1999 |
Kosman, Marceli |
REVIEWS - People. Contacts. Culture, 16th-18th Centuries. Studies dedicated to Profesor Maria Bogucka:
1999 |
Kowecki, Jerzy |
REVIEWS - Popular Preacher of the Late Middle Ages:
1999 |
Dobrowolski, Pawel T. |
The shaping of the personality of peasant youth and its start in life in central Poland, 1864-1939:
1999 |
Medrzecki, W |
The Shaping of the Personality of Peasant Youth and Its Start in Life in Central Poland, 1864-1939:
1999 |
Medrzecki, Wlodzimierz |
Studien zur Geschichte der deutsch-polnischen Kulturbeziehungen vom Mittelalters bis zum 19. Jahrhundert:
1999 |
Pirozynski, Jan |
Three Studies on Germans' Fate after 1945:
1999 |
Madajczyk, Piotr |
The upbringing of children in the light of old Polish pedagogical theory:
1999 |
Zoladz-Strelczyk, D |
The Upbringing of Children in the Light of Old Polish Pedagogical Theory:
1999 |
Zoladz-Strzelczyk, Dorota |
The Upbringing oF the Young Radziwills in the 17th c:
1999 |
Augustyniak, Urszula |
The upbringing of the young Radziwills in the 17th century:
1999 |
Augustyniak, U |
War, Children and Youth. The Impact of the First World War upon Changes in the Position of Children in the Peasant Family and Community:
1999 |
Molenda, Jan |
War, children and youth:
1999 |
Molenda, J |
Women and culture in Poland in early modern times:
1999 |
Bogucka, M |
Women and Culture In Poland In Early Modern Times:
1999 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Women in Old Poland. Females In Polish Society from the 16th to the 18th Century In Comparison with Other Countries:
1999 |
Bogucka, Maria |
19th International Congress of Historical Sciences:
2000 |
2000 |
The Baltic Area In History - Gdansk on the Economic Map of Early Modern Europe:
2000 |
Trzoska, Jerzy |
The Baltic Area In History - The Culture of Eastern Pomerania at the Threshold of the Modern Era:
2000 |
Salmonowicz, Stanislaw |
Between Memory and Anticipation. Temporal Consciousness of Mazovian Society, the 12th- the Mid-16th Century:
2000 |
Mysliwski, Grzegorz |
East-Central Europe, a Periphery of "Genuine Europe"?:
2000 |
Zarnowski, Janusz |
Family, Marriage and Property Rights - Marriage in Early Modern Poland:
2000 |
Bogucka, Marta |
Family, Marriage and Property Rights - Married to a Foreigner. Wives and Daughters of German Knights in Silesia During the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century:
2000 |
Jurek, Tomasz |
Family, Marriage and Property Rights - Noblewomen's Property Rights in 16th-18th c. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth:
2000 |
Zielinska, Teresa |
The Federation Issue in the Balkans and the Danube Basin after World War II:
2000 |
Koryn, Andrzej |
Historical Journals Editors' Conference In Trent:
2000 |
Hamanowa, Monika |
The History of Disease - Misericordia pestis tempore. Attitudes and Behaviour During Pestilences in Early Modern Poland (16th-18th Centuries):
2000 |
Wyrobisz, Andrzej |
The History of Disease - The "Fire" Disease and the Anthoites in Medieval Western and Central Europe:
2000 |
Rutkowska-Plachcinska, Anna |
Johannes a Lasco Redivivus:
2000 |
Lindenberg, Krystyna |
Memory and Collective Identity: How Do Societies Construct and Administer Their Past? - Gdansk in Polish Political Mythology - the Formation of PoIlLical Consciousness:
2000 |
Wapinski, Roman |
Memory and Collective Identity: How Do Societies Construct and Administer Their Past? - Myths in Research into the Past:
2000 |
Topolski, Jerzy |
Memory and Collective Identity: How Do Societies Construct and Administer Their Past? - The Origin of Poland, or Images of Our Own Beginnings:
2000 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
Neue Forschungen über die Geschichte der Baltendeutschen:
2000 |
Biskup, Marian |
New Perspectives on Gender:
2000 |
Bogucka, Maria |
NEWS - Residences in Medieval and Modern Times:
2000 |
Opalinski, Edward |
The Openning of Archives and the History of Communism - Polish Issues in Newly Opened Resources of Post-Soviet Archives:
2000 |
Materski, Wojciech |
Peasant Funerals in Early Modern Poland:
2000 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
REVIEWS - "Studia Judaica":
2000 |
Gasiorowski, Stefan |
REVIEWS - A Suburb of Europe. Nineteenth-Century Polish Approaches to Western Civilization:
2000 |
Micinska, Magdalena |
REVIEWS - Bäuerliche Alttagsstrategien in der Belarussischen SSR (1921-1941). Die Zerstörung patriarchascher Famillenwirtschaft:
2000 |
Medrzecki, Wlodzimierz |
REVIEWS - Church and Culture In Seventeenth-Century France:
2000 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
REVIEWS - Popular Religion In Sixteenth-Century England. Holding Their Peace:
2000 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
REVIEWS: "Questiones medit aevi novae", vol. 3. 1998. Foreign experts:
2000 |
Bogucka, Maria |
REVIEWS: Crisis and Reform. The Kylvan Metropolitanate, the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Genesis of the Union of Brest:
2000 |
Gudziak, Borys A. |
REVIEWS: Decades of Crisis: Central and Eastern Europe before World War II:
2000 |
Berend, Iván T. |
REVIEWS: Die Ostgebiete der Zweiten Polnischen Republik. Staatsmacht und öffentliche Ordnung in einer Minderheitenregion 1918-1939:
2000 |
Benecke, Werner |
REVIEWS: Polen, Deutsche und Juden In Lodz 1820-1939. Eine schwierige Nachbarschaft:
2000 |
Hensel, Jürgen |
REVIEWS: Polish Freemasons at Home and Abroad 1821-1999. A Biographical Dictionary:
2000 |
Hass, Ludwik |
REVIEWS: Studies on the 17th-18th Century Peasant Family In Poland:
2000 |
Kopczynski, Michal |
REVIEWS: The Latifundia of the Lubomirskis in the 17th Century. Their Foundation, Development and Division:
2000 |
Diugosz, Jozef |
REVIEWS: The Peasants, the Nation, Independence - The Emergence of the Peasants' National and Civic Attitudes in Galicia and the Polish Kingdom on the Eve of Poland's Rebirth:
2000 |
Molenda, Jan |
Tartar Conveyors - vectores et aurigae - in the Polish-Lithuantan State, the 16th - the First Half of the 17th Century:
2000 |
Tyszkiewicz, Jan |
Third World War in the Plans of the Polish Emigration in Great Britain In 1945-1956:
2000 |
Zacminski, Andrzej |
2001 |
2001 |
The Church In Town. Medieval Poland and East-Central. Europe,:
2001 |
Slon, Marek |
DISCUSSIONS - New Outlook on the History of the Polish Intelligentsia. On the Book of Ludwik Hass, The Polish Intelligentsia in Weal or Woe. The 19th and 20th Centuries:
2001 |
Zarnowski, Janusz |
DISCUSSIONS - Quellen zum Leben von Copernicus:
2001 |
Biskup, Marian |
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Culture and Economy In the 16th-Early 19th Centuries:
2001 |
Wisner, Henryk |
NEWS - New Publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
2001 |
Bogucka, Maria |
NEWS - The Needs and Perspectives of Medieval Studies in Poland:
2001 |
Starnawska, Maria |
Polish-Scottish Relations, 15th-18th Centuries:
2001 |
Bogucka, Maria |
Prostitution in Congress Poland:
2001 |
Sikorska-Kulesza, J |
REVIEWS - A Study In the History of the Protestant Nobility in Little Poland in the First Half of the 17th Century:
2001 |
Opalinski, Edward |
REVIEWS - Die Töchter der geschlagenen Helden. "Frauenfrage", Feminismus und Frauenbewegung in Polen 1863-1919:
2001 |
Stegmann, Natali |
REVIEWS - Equal Rights and Unequal Chances. Women in Inter-war Poland:
2001 |
Zarnowska, A. |
REVIEWS - Johannes a Lasco 1499-1560. On the Five Hundredth Anniversary of His Birth. Materials of a Conference Organized by the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw University and the Evangelical-Reformed Church Consistory in the Republic of Poland:
2001 |
Kriegseisen, W. |
REVIEWS - Krakau, Prag und Wien. Funktionen von Metropolen im frühmodernen Staat:
2001 |
Dmitrieva, M. |
REVIEWS - Polish Territories in the Tenth Century and Their Importance for the Shape of a New Europe:
2001 |
Samsonowicz, H. |
REVIEWS - Struggle Against an Invisible Enemy. Epidemics of Contagious Diseases in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the 16th to the 18th Century and Their Demographic, Economic, Social and Cultural Consequences:
2001 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
REVIEWS - The Area and Society of Torun from the End of the 14th to the Beginning of the 18th Century - 1596-1655:
2001 |
Mikulski, Krzysztof |
REVIEWS - The Gates of Heaven, vol. 1, Wooden Synagogues in Old Poland, vol. 2, Brick and Stone Synagogues in Old Poland:
2001 |
Piechotkowie, Kazimierz |
REVIEWS - The Heritage of One Who Rests in God. The Movables of Middle-Class Inhabitants of Elblag and Gdansk in the 17th Century:
2001 |
Klonder, Andrzej |
REVIEWS - The History of Central-Eastern Europe:
2001 |
Kloczowski, J. |
REVIEWS - The Influx of Polish Nobility into Ukraine in 1569-1648:
2001 |
Litwin, Henryk |
REVIEWS - Woman and Work:
2001 |
Zarnowska, A. |
REVIEWS - Woman in Cracow in 1880 in the Light of the Census. A Demographic Study:
2001 |
Zyblikiewicz, Lidia A. |
STUDIES - Between the Ideal and Reality. Polish Woman in the 16th-18th Centuries:
2001 |
Bogucka, Maria |
STUDIES - British and Polish Intelligence Services in the 20th Century. Co-operation and Rivalry:
2001 |
Tebinka, Jacek |
STUDIES - Decentralization Tendencies in the Political System of Yugoslavia in the 1960s:
2001 |
Jerzy Zacharlas, Michal |
STUDIES - Die Gründung der Metropolitanorganisation der polnischen Kirche auf der Synode in Gnesen am 9. und 10. März 1000:
2001 |
Labuda, Gerard |
STUDIES - Hitler über Pilsudski. Der deutsche Besatzer gegenüber dem Kult des polnischen Marschalls:
2001 |
Szarota, Tomasz |
STUDIES - Hospital and Old Age in Late-Medieval Wroclaw:
2001 |
Slon, Marek |
STUDIES - Jewish Street (Platea Judeorum) in Cracow: the 14th-the First Half of the 15th C:
2001 |
Zaremska, Hanna |
STUDIES - Kings and Gossipmongers. Lampoon, Libel and Slander as Political Weapons in the 16th Century:
2001 |
Grzybowski, Stanislaw |
STUDIES - Moldavie et Pologne: la fin de la vassalité:
2001 |
Pippidi, Andrei |
STUDIES - Power Struggle in the Polish United Workers' Party (July 1967 -- November 1968) in the Opinions of the American Embassy's Informants:
2001 |
Tyszkiewicz, Jakub |
STUDIES - Prostitution in Congress Poland:
2001 |
Sikorska-Kulesza, Joanna |
STUDIES - Some Aspects of the Democratization of Political Life in Congress Poland at the Beginning of the 20th Century:
2001 |
Zarnowska, Anna |
STUDIES - The litterati Burghers In Polish Late Medieval Towns:
2001 |
Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka |
STUDIES - The Mass Protests in People's Poland - A Continous Process or Single Events?:
2001 |
Kersten, Krystyna |
STUDIES - The Old and the New Roles of the Intelligentsia in Poland:
2001 |
Zarnowski, Janusz |
STUDIES - The Wardship of the Mentally III In the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Second Half of the 18th C:
2001 |
Mazek, Dorota |
STUDIES - Women in Politics. The Case of Poland in the 16th-18th Centuries:
2001 |
Bogucka, Maria |
The wardship of the mentally ill in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in the second half of the 18th c:
2001 |
Mazek, D |
Weddings, Christenings and Funerals In the 16th-18th Centuries. Life and Death Culture:
2001 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
2002 |
2002 |
DISCUSSIONS - Languages of Witchcraft:
2002 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
DISCUSSIONS - Witch-Hunts in Poland, 16th-18th Centuries:
2002 |
Pilaszek, Malgorzata |
NEWS - Professor Gerard Labuda's Jubilee:
2002 |
Kosman, Marceli |
NEWS - The Renaissance in Northern Mazovia:
2002 |
Bogucka, Maria |
REVIEWS - A Concise History of Poland:
2002 |
Lukowski, Jerzy |
REVIEWS - And Here Are the News From Warsaw... Letters to Elzbieta Sleniawska From the Years 1710-1720:
2002 |
Rafalowiczowna, Jadwiga |
REVIEWS - Beiträge zur Geschichte des Paulinerordens:
2002 |
Elm, Kaspar |
REVIEWS - Deutschbaltische SS-Führer und Andrej Vlasov, 1942-1945:
2002 |
Schröbder, Matthias |
REVIEWS - Die Briefkopialbücher des Flensburger Kaufmanns Christian Dethleffsen von 1775 bis 1792:
2002 |
Bogucka, Maria |
REVIEWS - Entdeckung des Ich. Die Geschichte der Individualisierung vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart:
2002 |
Dülmen, Richard van |
REVIEWS - Frauen in der europäischen Geschichte. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart:
2002 |
Bock, Gisela |
REVIEWS - Hospitals in Old Poland:
2002 |
Dabrowska, Maria |
REVIEWS - October 1956 -- A Point of Reference. A Mosaic of Facts and Views. Historical Impressions:
2002 |
Kistelewski, Tadeusz |
REVIEWS - Poland and Her Neighbours in the Late Middle Ages:
2002 |
Ozog, Krzysztof |
REVIEWS - Social Communication in Old Polish Culture. Studies in the History of the Forms and Contacts of Social Communication in the Noblemen's Commonwealth:
2002 |
Maliszewski, Kazimierz |
REVIEWS - The Bibliography of 19th and 20th c. History of Poland:
2002 |
Sokolowska, Stefania |
REVIEWS - The PUWP and Enterprise. Party Supervision of Industrial Plants 1956-1970:
2002 |
Tyminski, Maciej |
REVIEWS - Wilno's Young Poland:
2002 |
Romanowski, Andrzej |
STUDIES - I Controversies About "Everyday Life" - Profile of Research Definition:
2002 |
Bogucka, Maria |
STUDIES - II Middle Ages - On Behaviour at the Table -- Instructions:
2002 |
Abdalla, Michael |
STUDIES - III Early Modern Times: The Nobles - A Polish Lord's Table:
2002 |
Kowecka, Elzbieta |
STUDIES - III Early Modern Times: The Nobles - The Polish Provincial Gentry in 17th Century. People -- Objects - Everyday Life:
2002 |
Pospiech, Andrzej |
STUDIES - IV Early Modern Times: The Townspeople - Poor and Abundant Diet in the Towns of Royal Prussia in the 17th Century:
2002 |
Klonder, Andrzej |
STUDIES - IV Early Modern Times: The Townspeople - Übertretungen der Hochzeits-, Tauf- und Begräbnisordnungen vor dern Danziger Wettegericht im XVII. und XVIII. Jh:
2002 |
Kizik, Edmund |
STUDIES - Jüdinnen in der Habsburger Monarchie und Emanzipation:
2002 |
Koestler, Nora |
STUDIES - Martin Gruneweg's Magic World. Remarks on the Early Modern Mentality:
2002 |
Bogucka, Maria |
STUDIES - New Patterns of the Polish Middle Class Home Interiors in the Inter-war Period:
2002 |
Sieradzka, Anna |
STUDIES - Old Age and Longevity in Medieval Poland Against a Comparative Background:
2002 |
Mysliwski, Grzegorz |
STUDIES - The Lithuanian-Soviet Treaty of October 1939:
2002 |
Lossowski, Piotr |
STUDIES - V Early Modern Times: The Clergy - Everyday Life of a Parish Priest of Nowa Cerkiew in the Light of an Inventory from 1750:
2002 |
Jellonnek, Justyna |
STUDIES - V Early Modern Times: The Clergy - Luxury, "Modest but Satisfactory Conditions", Appropriateness. Clergy's Life in the Plock Diocese in the Second Half of the 18th Century:
2002 |
Glowka, Dariusz |
STUDIES - V Early Modern Times: The Clergy - The Living Conditions of the Clergy in the Polish Lutheran Parish in Königsberg. 16th-18th Centuries:
2002 |
Fijalkowski, Pawel |
STUDIES - VI Modern and Recent Times - Czajka. Diet Patterns in 19th-20th C. School Manuals:
2002 |
Landau, Anna |
STUDIES - VI Modern and Recent Times - Everyday Life in Poland in the Light of Letters to the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party, 1950-1956:
2002 |
Jarosz, Dariusz |
STUDIES - VI Modern and Recent Times - Gentlewomen in the Towns of the Kingdom of Poland at the End of the 19th Century:
2002 |
Rzepniewska, Danuta |
STUDIES - VI Modern and Recent Times - Travelling by Railway in the Second Half of the 19th C.:
2002 |
Opalinski, Dariusz |
Studies on everyday life:
2002 |
2003 |
2003 |
DISCUSSIONS - Failure of Witch-Hunts in 16th-18th Century Europe? (On Witches & Neighbours. The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft by Robin Briggs, London 1996):
2003 |
Pilaszek, Malgorzata |
IN MEMORIAM - Antoni Maczak, 30.03.1928 - 6.03.2003:
2003 |
Tygielski, Wojciech |
IN MEMORIAM - Stanislaw Russocki, 11.04.1930 - 20.07.2002:
2003 |
Samsonowicz, Henryk |
NEWS - Sexuality and Culture. Social and Cultural Conditions of Sexual Education, Selection of Marriage Partners and Transformation of Marriage Patterns in the 19th and 20th Centuries:
2003 |
Sierakowska, Katarzyna |
NEWS - The Culture of the Jagiellonian and Related Courts:
2003 |
Wislicz, Tomasz |
NEWS - The House in Medieval and Early Modern Towns in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Silesia:
2003 |
Karpinski, Andrzej |
NEWS - The Roots of Central-European and Upper-Silesian Economic Culture:
2003 |
Trojnar, Andrzej |