Onoma : journal of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Weitere Verfasser: International Council of Onomastic Sciences, International Committee of Onomastic Sciences, Centre International d'Onomastique
Format: Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Uppsala : ICOS, 1950-
Leuven : Centre, -2002
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Onoma
Schlagworte:Namenkunde Nomen Wortart Linguistik Zeitschrift Belgien Rezensionen
Titel Veröffentlicht von
Willy Krogmann (1905-1967): 1970 Draye, H.
Namenforschung in Niederdeutschland: 1972 Hartig, Joachim
Niedersächsische Flurnamenforschung: 1972 Wesche, Heinrich
Heinrich Wesche (1904-1978): 1979 Heßmann, P.
About Sumerian personal names: 1995 Balke, Thomas E. 1963-
Ausgewählte Ortsnamenaussprachen im südwestlichen Oberösterreich als Quelle für die dialektale Lautgeographie: 1995 Reutner, Richard
Die Besiedlung Nordtirols im Spiegel der Namen: 1995 Anreiter, Peter
Directory Of Onomastic Journals: 1995 Lawson, Edwin D.
Familiennamenforschung in Vorarlberg: 1995 Plangg, Guntram A.
Familiennamenpragmatik im spätmittelalterlichen Wien: 1995 Ernst, Peter
Finland-Swedish personal names: 1995 Blomqvist, Marianne
Identische Benennungsmotive in den Sprachschichten Westtirols,: 1995 Haslinger, Marialuise
Namenforschung in Leipzig (1995-1997): 1995 Krüger, Dietlind
Norwegische Namenforschung heute und gestern: 1995 Helleland, Botolv
L'onomastique dans les lieux de divertissement: 1995 Hidiroglou-Zahariades, Alkistis
Die Ortsnamen im Oberen Inntal: 1995 Gusenbauer, Peter
Proverbial names in Buganda: 1995 Musere, Jonathan
Recent onomastic research in Latvia (1993-1996): 1995 Balode, Laimute
La recherche onomastique dans le domaine catalan (1992-1996),: 1995 Bastardas Rufat, Maria R.
Recherches et études récentes sur les onomastiques sémitique et arabo-islamique: 1995 Meouak, Mohamed
Schwedische Namenforschung (1990-1997). Eine Literaturübersicht: 1995 Strandberg, Svante
Toponomastische Untersuchungen in Karelien: 1995 Mamontova, von Nina
Österreichische Bergnamen: 1995 Pohl, Heinz-Dieter
Ausgewählte Ortsnamenaussprachen im südwestlichen Oberösterreich als Quelle für die dialektale Lautgeographie: 1997 Reutner, Richard
Die Besiedlung Nordtirols im Spiegel der Namen: 1997 Anreiter, Peter
Directory Of Onomastic Journals: 1997 Lawson, Edwin D.
Familiennamenforschung in Vorarlberg: 1997 Plangg, Guntram A.
Familiennamenpragmatik im spätmittelalterlichen Wien: 1997 Ernst, Peter
Finland-Swedish personal names: 1997 Blomqvist, Marianne
Identische Benennungsmotive in den Sprachschichten Westtirols,: 1997 Haslinger, Marialuise
Namenforschung in Leipzig (1995-1997): 1997 Krüger, Dietlind
Norwegische Namenforschung heute und gestern: 1997 Helleland, Botolv
L'onomastique dans les lieux de divertissement: 1997 Hidiroglou-Zahariades, Alkistis
Die Ortsnamen im Oberen Inntal: 1997 Gusenbauer, Peter
Proverbial names in Buganda: 1997 Musere, Jonathan
Recent onomastic research in Latvia (1993-1996): 1997 Balode, Laimute
La recherche onomastique dans le domaine catalan (1992-1996),: 1997 Bastardas Rufat, Maria R.
Recherches et études récentes sur les onomastiques sémitique et arabo-islamique: 1997 Meouak, Mohamed
Schwedische Namenforschung (1990-1997). Eine Literaturübersicht: 1997 Strandberg, Svante
Toponomastische Untersuchungen in Karelien: 1997 Mamontova, von Nina
Österreichische Bergnamen: 1997 Pohl, Heinz-Dieter
Foreword: 1998 Gelling, Margaret
NEMOIRS - Eduard M Murzaev (1908-1998): 1998 Superanskaja, A.V.
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Anthroponymy and Culture Change in Southern Africa: 1998 Herbert, Robert K.
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Changes in the naming patterns for girls and boys in the Netherlands against the cultural background (XXth century): 1998 Gerritzen, Doreen
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Lithuanian 'patriotic' names, 1878-1991: 1998 Lawson, Edwin D.
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Silfersyerna, Beachman und Mortaigne. Der gesellschaftliche Einfluss auf den Gebrauch von Familiennamen in Schweden: 1998 Brylla, Eva
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - The Change of Cultural Values as Reflected in Modem Name-giving in Catalonia: 1998 Kohlheim, Rosa
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Vomamengebung in Deutschland und interkulturelle Kontakte. Beobachtungen zu Tendenzen in der gegenwärtigen Vornamenwahl: 1998 Gugutschkow, Sabine
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Contemporary aspect - Zur Dynamik der lettischen Personennamen lettischer Herkunft während der letzten fünfzig Jahre: 1998 Buss, Ojäs
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - Auf den Spuren abgegangener Personennamen im Dolomitenladinischen: 1998 Videsott, Paul
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - La société bas-auvergnate au prisme de la nomination (XIVe-XVe siècles): 1998 Billy, Pierre-Henri
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - Personal names in Galicia as a sign of cultural identification: Historical scope and current situation: 1998 Agrelo, Ana Isabel Boullon
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - Scottish Surnames in the Context of Scottish Culture, Historical and Contemporary: 1998 Dorward, David
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - Sprachliche, soziale und politische Aspekte der Personennamen des 3 bis 8 Jahrhunderts. Vorstellung des interdisziptinären Projekts 'Nomen et gens': 1998 Geuenich, Dieter
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - The fixation of the Danish patronymics in the 19th century and the law: 1998 Degn, Ole
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - The Names of Cantabria: 1998 Sádaba, José Luis Ramirez
PERSONAL NAMES ACROSS COUNTRIES AND CULTURES - Historical aspect - The Polish surname as a carrier of moral values and as an ethnic heritage: 1998 Kaleta, Zofia
REPORTS ON RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - La recherche onomastique dans la République Moldave: 1998 Tomescu, Domnita
Fifty Years ONOMA: 2000 Nicolaisen, W.F.H.
Foreword: 2000 Kohlheim, Volker
MEMOIRS - Giulia Anzilotti Mastrelli (1927-1999): 2000 Arcamone, M.G.
MEMOIRS - John Field (1921-2000): 2000 Gelling, M.
MEMOIRS - Willem A Grootaers (1911-1999): 2000 Kagami, A.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - Historical Aspects - A Historical Study on Nomenclature of the Persian Gulf: 2000 Malmirian, H.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - Historical Aspects - Place Names in Finland as Cultural Heritage: 2000 Paikkala, S.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - Historical Aspects - Ptolemy - The First UNGEGN Toponymist. Commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on the Standardisation of Geographical Names: 2000 Kadmon, N.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - International Names Standardisation - Introduction to Standardization of Geographical Names: 2000 Raper, P.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - International Names Standardisation - Toponymic Education and Training: 2000 Ormeling, F.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - International Names Standardisation - Wien or Viema; Kalaallit Nunaat, Grønland or Greenland? Recent work and directions in geographical names standardization through the United Nations: 2000 Kerfoot, H.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - National Names Standardisation - Current Trends in Swedish Place-name Standardization: 2000 Nilsson, L.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - National Names Standardisation - Das norwegische Ortsnamengesetz - Entstehung, Ziel und Handhabung: 2000 Helleland, B.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - National Names Standardisation - Exonyme und Standardisierung fremder geographischer Namen im Tschechischen: 2000 Harvalik, M.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - National Names Standardisation - Zur Standardisierung der ladinischen Ortsnamen in Südtirol: 2000 Videsott, P.
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISATION OF GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES - Transliteration of Geographical Names - Arabic Orthography and African Place-names in the Sudan. Can a Conflict between Diverse Solutions be Resolved?: 2000 Bell, H.
RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - Der gegenwärtige Stand der Personennamenforschung in Ungarn: 2000 Ördög, F.
RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - Form, Meaning and Reference in Natural Language: A Phenomenological Account of Proper Names: 2000 Willems, K.
RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - Tschechische Namenforschung in den Jahren 1993 bis 1999: 2000 Knappová, M.
Foreword: 2001 Kohlheim, Volker
Gibt es eine Südgrenze der Moselromania?: 2001 Schorr, Andreas 1965-
MEMOIRS - Kenneth Cameron (1933-2001): 2001 Gelling, M.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Eigennamen und Sprachkontakt in Osteuropa. Ein Modellfall: Der geographische Name Samara: 2001 Hengst, K.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Kärnten -- deutsche und slowenische Namen: 2001 Pohl, H.D.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Mikrotoponyme im slawisch-deutschen Kontaktgebiet Norddeutschlands: 2001 Debus, F.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Slavisch-deutsche Lautgeschichte im österreichischen Kontaktbereich: 2001 Holzer, G.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Slavisch-deutscher Sprachkontakt in Nordbayern: 2001 Janka, W.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Slavische Ortsnamen im Kreis Gifhorn (Niedersachsen): 2001 Udolph, J.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.1 Names in Contact - Wechselbeziehungen zwischen niederlausitzer Orts- und Personennamen: 2001 Wenzel, W.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 1 GERMANIC-SLAVIC - 1.2 Names in Contrast - A contrastive analysis of contemporary Flemish and Polish bynames: 2001 Kaleta, Z.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Der Name Serfaus und sein Umfeld: 2001 Plangg, G.A.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Genuine Übersetzungspaare primärer Siedlungsnamen an der lothringischen Sprachgrenze. Überlegungen zu ihrem sprach- und siedlungsgeschichtlichen Aussagewert: 2001 Pitz, M.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Gibt es eine Südgrenze der Moselromania? Namengeographische Beobachtungen zum Verhältnis von Romania submersa und Romania continua im Saar-Mosel-Raum: 2001 Schorr, A.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Italienische Ortsnamen langobardischen Ursprungs: 2001 Arcamone, M.G.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Keltische Resistenzgebiete in der Germania und der Romania: 2001 Greule, A.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Vidas paralelas de los toponimos pirenaicos Cregüeña y Bagüeña: 2001 Saura Rami, J.A.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.1 Names in Contact - Wegen seltzamen villen namen". Sprachkontakt in einem historisch zweisprachigen Gebiet: das grosse Walsertal in Vorarlberg: 2001 Berchtold, S.
NAMES IN CONTACT AND CONTRAST - 2 GERMANIC-ROMANCE - 2.2 Names in Mediaeval Sources - Germanische Tieronomastik im Ysengrimus: 2001 Zotto, C.Del
RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - Namenkundliche Projekte an der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig: 2001 Bily, I.
RECENT ONOMASTIC RESEARCH - Personal names in Palestine and Jordan, 1850-1996: 2001 Kayed, I.M.
Wegen seltzamen villen namen: 2001 Berchtold, Simone Maria
Foreword: 2002 Kohlheim, Volker
Kärnten - deutsche und slowenische Namen: 2002 Pohl, Heinz Dieter
Nordic onomastics: 2002
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Cattle names in the Nordic countries: 2002 Leibring, Katharina
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Name treatment and name planning - Personal name planning in the Nordic countries: 2002 Brylla, Eva
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Name treatment and name planning - Place-name care and standardization in the Nordic countries: 2002 Helleland, Botolv
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Onomastics and linguistics: 2002 Bakken, Kristin
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Personal names - Aspects of the development of Faeroese personal names during 1000 years -- A short overview: 2002 Johansen, Amfinnur
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Personal names - Gebrauch von Familiennamen der schwedischsprachigen Bevölkerung Finnlands: 2002 Valtavuo-Pfeifer, Pitva
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Personal names - Icelandic personal names in past and present: 2002 Kvaran, Gudrun
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Personal names - Personal names in North Norway: 2002 Alhaug, Gulbrand
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Personal names - Surnames in Finland on the threshold of the new millennium: 2002 Paikkala, Sirkka
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Finland-Swedish names of fields, meadows and pastures: 2002 Flarling-Kranck, Gunilla
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Finnish names of cultivated lands: 2002 Ainiala, Terhi
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Les noms de lieux scandinaves en Normandie à travers l'exemple des noms en -tuit et en -beuf: 2002 Hansen Wagner, °Ase Kari
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Nordic hyclronymy: 2002 Strandberg, Svante
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Nordische Ortsnamen aus germanischer Perspektive: 2002 Andersson, Thorsten
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Place-names and dialectology: 2002 Stemshaug, Ola
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Place-names at boundaries in Iceland: 2002 Sigmundsson, Svavar
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Sacral place-names in Scandinavia: 2002 Vikstrand, Per
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Place-names - Urban toponymy in Denmark and Scandinavia: 2002 Jørgensen, Bent
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Recent research on personal names and place-names in runic inscriptions: 2002 Larsson, Patrik
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Reflections on some theoretical problems in Scandinavian onomastics: 2002 Dalberg, Vibeke
NORDIC ONOMASTICS - Saami place-names and personal names in the Nordic countries: 2002 Rydving, Håkan
Abstracts: 2003
American Indian placenames in the United States: 2003 Bright, William
Americanization of European Family Names in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century: 2003 Hanks, Patrick W.
An Analysis of the Forenames and Surnames of England and Wales Listed in the UK 1881 Census Data: 2003 Tucker, D.Kenneth
Common American Given Names of the Twentieth Century: 2003 Evans, Cleveland Kent
Corporate Biography: 2003 De Vinne, Christine
Introduction: 2003 Gasque, Thomas J.
Naming in Novelizing the Nation: 2003 Vandersee, Charles (&dagger)
North American onomastics: 2003
On Wisconsin: 2003 Mccafferty, Michael
The Origins and Development of French-Canadian Family Names: 2003 Picard, Marc
Placenames derived from Chinook Jargon in the State of Washington: 2003 Smith, Grant W.
Popularity as Taste: 2003 Lieberson, Stanley & Lynn
Quelques observations sur la toponymie coloniale française aux États-Unis: 2003 Lapierre, Alain
Research on Personal Names in North America, 1990-2003: 2003 Lawson, Edwin D.
Reviews: 2003
The Study of Names in Literature in the United States: 2003 Ashley, Leonard R.N.
Schola Onomastica Lipsiensis - die onomastische Lehre und ihre Entwicklung in Leipzig: 2004 Hengst, Karlheinz 1934-
Une approche interactionniste de l'étude des noms propres: 2006 DE STEFANI, Elwys | PEPIN
A Cognitive Approach to the Semantics of Proper Names: 2006 SJÖBLOM, Paula
Introduction: 2006 COATES, Richard
Meaning and Significance in a Name: 2006 DOJA, Albert
Name Theory and Set Theory: 2006 VAN LANGENDONCK, Willy
Nomematics: 2006 KOHLHEIM, Volker | HENGST
The Old and the New in Onomastic Studies: 2006 LIKOWA, Aleksandra | CZOPEK-KOPCIUCH
Place-Names as Constructions: 2006 LEINO, Antti
Propriétés catégorielles des noms de pays: 2006 CISLARU, Georgeta
Scottish Place-Names as a Lexicographical Resource: 2006 SCOTT, Maggie
A Semiotic Theory of Names: 2006 SMITH, Grant W.
Shibbolethnonyms, Ex-Exonyms and Eco-Ethnonyms in Aboriginal Australia: 2006 McCONVELL, Patrick
Some Consequences and Critiques of 'The Pragmatic Theory of Properhood: 2006 COATES, Richard
Toponymy and Monopoly: One Toponym, Two Parents: 2006 ZUCKERMANN, Ghil'ad
Anna Lindhs Plats 'Anna Lindh Place': 2007 NYSTRÖM, Staffan
Archäologie der Straßennamen: 2007 KOHLHEIM, Rosa | KOHLHEIM
The Change in Planned Nomenclature in Vuosaari, Helsinki: 2007 VUOLTEENAHO, Jani | AINIALA
Foreword: 2007 COATES, Richard
The Intertextual Dimension of Polish Urban Nomenclature: 2007 RUTKIEWICZ-HANCZEWSKA, Ma&#322
Investigating Non-Universal Popular Urban Toponyms: 2007 PIRES, Matthew
Le langage de la toponymie urbaine: 2007 BOUVIER, Jean-Claude
Name User Perspectives on the Street Names of Stockholm: 2007 JOHANSSON, Carina
The Names and the Naming of Durban: 2007 KOOPMAN, Adrian
Odonyms of Buenos Aires and Tarragona: 2007 MORI, Olga
Official Urban Naming: 2007 SÆRHEIM, Inge
Some Semantic and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Latvian Urbanonymy in the 20th Century: 2007 BALODE, Laimute | BUŠS
The Study and Classification of Medieval Urban Toponymy: 2007 VANNIEUWENHUYZE, Bram
Agnelli vs. Elkann: 2008 KUHN, Julia
Alles PICCO BELLI oder was?: 2008 RIEGER, Marie A.
Commercial Names as Indicators of Innovation and Change: 2008 BERGIEN, Angelika | KREMER
Commercial names as indicators of innovation and change: 2008 Bergien, Angelika
Distinctive Names: 2008 SCHACK, Jørgen
Food and Learning: 2008 RONNEBERGER-SIBOLD, Elke
Geography and Touristic Marketing: 2008 TORT-DONADA, Joan
Die historischen Voraussetzungen für den Eigennamenstatus von Produktnamen: 2008 LÖTSCHER, Andreas
It Takes a Village: 2008 SUTTON, Laurel
Kentucky Fried Chicken versus Poulet Frit Kentucky: 2008 LICK, Erhard | WOCHELE
Marken- und Produktnamen der Glamour-Industrie im sozio-ökonomischen Diskurs: 2008 MONTES FERNÁNDEZ, Antonia
Mergers & Acquisitions und Unternehmensnamen: 2008 FISCHER, Fiorenza
Multimodality of Company Names: 2008 SJÖBLOM, Paula
Namen europäischer Fernzüge: 2008 WEYERS, Christian
Naming as a Manifestation of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in Post-1994 South Africa: 2008 NEETHLING, Bertie
Plagiarizing Brand Names: 2008 LEBLANC, Benoît
Russian Advertising Names as a Matter of Linguistic Fashion: 2008 KRYUKOVA, Irina
Territoires symboliques et noms de marque: 2008 MARTIN, Marcienne
Trademarks as Indicators of the Zeitgeist: 2008 TEUTSCH, Andreas
Ungarische Markennamen: 2008 VINCZE, László
African and European Anthroponymic Systems: 2009 SAARELMA, Minna
African Names Bibliography: 2009 KOOPMAN, Adrian
Agreement as a Grammatical Criterion for Proper Name Status in Kirundi: 2009 VAN DE VELDE, Mark
Editorial: 2009 KOOPMAN, Adrian
Family Names among the Xhosa of South Africa: 2009 NEETHLING, Bertie
Hypocoristic and Polemical Aspects of Kabrè Initiation Names: 2009 BATOMA, Atoma
Khoisan Influence Discernible in Sotho Toponyms: 2009 RAPER, Peter E.
Manner and Meaning in Enuani Personal Names: 2009 OKOH, Nkem
Naming Practices in Colonial and Post-Colonial Malawi: 2009 MOYO, Themba
The Positive of the Negative in Enuani Names: 2009 OKOH, Nkem
Talking through One's Dog: 2009 BATOMA, Atoma
The Toponymic Status of Zulu School and Shop Names: 2009 KOOPMAN, Adrian
Uniqueness in the Zulu Anthroponymic System: 2009 KOOPMAN, Adrian
2010: Zimbabwean Onomastics at the Crossroads: 2010 MAKONDO, Livingstone
The American Name Society and International Onomastics: 2010 GASQUE, Thomas J.
The Analysis of Proper Names: 2010 AUSSANT, Émilie
Archéologie et onomastique: 2010 TAVERDET, Gérard
Introduction: 2010 ARCAMONE, Maria Giovanna
The Name in the Law: 2010 MARTINI, Giovanni
Onomastik und Genetik: 2010 UDOLPH, Jürgen
Onomastik und Mentalitätsgeschichte: 2010 KOHLHEIM, Volker
Onomastique et analyse du discours: 2010 AKIN, Salih
Onomastische Motivationsforschung: 2010 ERNST, Peter
Politics and Onomastics in the Basque Country: 2010 SALABERRI, Patxi
Probleme bei der Festlegung der Schreibweise von Lokalnamen auf amtlichen Karten der Schweiz: 2010 GAROVI, Angelo
Some Reflections on the Relation between Toponymy and Geography: 2010 TORT-DONADA, Joan
Sorabistic Name Studies in History and the Present: 2010 HOFFMANN, Edgar
Zur Frage oberschichtlicher Burgnamengebung: 2010 PUHL, Roland
Bilingual Occitan Signage in Conflict: 2011 DIVER, Laura Carmel
Frisian Place-Names and Place-Names in Friesland: 2011 VERSLOOT, Arjen
A German Colony in Jutland: 2011 EGGERT, Birgit
Mixed Signals: 2011 TAN, Peter K.W.
Naming and Transplanted Traditions: 2011 BRAMWELL, Ellen S.
New Research Directions in Toponomastics and Linguistic Landscapes: 2011 PUZEY, Guy
Presence and Persistence of Basque Toponymy in Catalan Pyrenees: 2011 TORT-DONADA, Joan
Projecting the Ethnic Identity of Romanian Gypsies/Roma through Contemporary First Name-giving Practices: 2011 U, Nadia Nicoleta | DRUG&#258
Signs of the Times: 2011 KOSTANSKI, Laura
Three Nineteenth Century Colonial Travellers to Victoria, Australia, and their Preference for Aboriginal Place Names: 2011 CLARK, Ian D.
Toponymy in the Videogame Grand Theft Auto IV: 2011 MARTIN, Paul
Wanganui and Whanganui: 2011 MATTHEWS, Philip W.