The advantages of banking:
1968 |
Nathorst-Böös, Ernst |
L' Archivio Storico del Banco di Napoli:
1968 |
Soldaini, Vittorio |
Avant toute banque...lʹor, ou la vertu? (La banque selon Aristote):
1968 |
Lacombe, Robert |
Le banche popolari nellʹeconomia italiana:
1968 |
Parrillo, Francesco |
Eine Bankgründung in Toledo:
1968 |
Kellenbenz, Hermann |
Les banques et le développement économique avant 1789:
1968 |
Bizaguet, Armand |
Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank:
1968 |
Theiss, Helmut |
Breves reflexions sur le système bancaire en France (XIXe-XXe siècles):
1968 |
Bouvier, Jean |
Il credito ipotecario nel sistema bancario svizzero:
1968 |
Arienti, Alberto |
Le développement économique de la Hongrie de 1936 à 1966:
1968 |
Sulyok, Bela |
La evolucion de los problemas monetarios internacionales durante el 1966-1967:
1968 |
D'Aroma, Antonio |
The first Swedish bank notes:
1968 |
Lindgren, Torgny |
The Greek banking system:
1968 |
Kyrkilitsis, Andreas |
Il Banco di Napoli e le rimesse degli emigrati, 1914-1925:
1968 |
Balletta, Francesco |
Istruzioni per gl'impiegati del Sacro Monte della Pieta' di Napoli del 19. Agosto 1577:
1968 |
Soldaini, Vittorio |
Moneta e credito nel regno di Napoli:
1968 |
Demarco, Domenico |
Notizie tratte dai giornali copiapolizze dell' antico Banco di Santa Maria del Popolo 1589-1590:
1968 |
Soldaini, Vittorio |
Les premières années de la Société Générale:
1968 |
Gille, Bertrand |
The public finances in Byzantium:
1968 |
Choumanidis, Lazaros T. |
Sistemi monetari e circolazione:
1968 |
Bianchi, Tancredi |
Le banche nel fondo delle società allA̕rchivio di Stato di Torino:
1969 |
Cellino, Franco |
Controversy about the adoption of the gold standard in Japan:
1969 |
Watanabe, Sahei |
La croissance quantitative des finances publiques française et l'attitude des économistes (XIXe-XXe siècles):
1969 |
Bouvier, Jean |
La création de la Banque Nationale de Paris:
1969 |
Guenser, Gilbert |
Le développement du Crédit Lyonnais et l'évolution économique de la France:
1969 |
L' histoire de la Banque au Brésil:
1969 |
Lisanti, Luis |
Un instrument de développement économique italien:
1969 |
Petrilli, Giuseppe |
Introduction to the stages of the economy of Greece:
1969 |
Dertilis, Panagiotis B. |
Japanese banks in the capital market after World War I:
1969 |
Shimura, Kaichi |
Die Krise der Österreichischen Creditanstalt:
1969 |
Pressburger, Fritz Georg |
Une lettre de change castillane du début du XVe siècle:
1969 |
Lapeyre, Henri |
Problemi del processo di formazione delle strutture bancarie in Sicilia nel decennio preunitario:
1969 |
Giuffrida, Romualdo |
Quindici anni di esplorazioni nelle fonti statistiche della storia monetaria dell'Italia moderna:
1969 |
Mattia, Renato de |
La raccolta delle rimesse degli emigrati italiani e l'opera del Banco di Napoli:
1969 |
Soldaini, Vittorio |
Recenti contributi di storia bancaria italiana, 1963-1968:
1969 |
Simone, Ennio de |
Swiss investment in England, 1697-1720:
1969 |
Monter, E. William |
Treasury note issues and treasury policy in the United States:
1969 |
Timberlake jr., Richard H. |
About Swedish banknotes:
1970 |
Nathorst-Böös, Ernst |
Un banco genovese a Palermo nel 1570:
1970 |
Trasselli, Carmelo |
Dépots d'épergne et monnaie de Banque en France de 1931 à 1938:
1970 |
Bouvier, Jean |
The early history of banking in Europe and Japan:
1970 |
Otsuka, Hisao |
Les filigranes des Archives Historiques du Banco di Napoli (Contribution à lʹhistoire du papier):
1970 |
Demarco, Domenico |
Genoese commerce and the alleged flow of gold to the East, 1154-1253:
1970 |
Misbach, Henry L. |
Genèse du crédit mutuel:
1970 |
Bizaguet, Armand |
The impact of British monetary policy, 1919-1939:
1970 |
Aldcroft, Derek H. |
A mid-nineteenth century attempt at banking control:
1970 |
Toft, Kenneth Sidney |
La neutralité de la monnaie et lé̕quilibre monétaire dans lo̕ptique de l ̕école monétariste néerlandaise:
1970 |
Krul, Nicolas |
Una nuova filosofia della banca?:
1970 |
Parrillo, Francesco |
The promissory note as a financial and business instrument in the Anglo-Saxon world:
1970 |
Redlich, Fritz |
Public expenditure in the United Kingdom, 1955-1967:
1970 |
Tipping, David G. |
La Société Nationale d'Investissement Belge (S. N. I.):
1970 |
Neuman, Henri |
Il Banco di Prefetia de Trapani:
1971 |
Garrani, Giuseppe |
Behind the throne:
1971 |
Engelbourg, Saul |
Doctrines monétaires et conjoncture aux XIVe et XVe siècle:
1971 |
Piquet-Marchal, Marie-Odile |
Early banking before 1500 and the development of capitalism:
1971 |
Roover, Raymond de |
L' entreprise à participation d'Etat dans l'expérience italienne (Un témoignage du President de l'I.R.I.):
1971 |
Petrilli, Giuseppe |
Inflation and interest rates in early economic thought:
1971 |
Guggenheim, Thomas |
Investment banking in America:
1971 |
Carosso, Vincent P. |
Notes on a ʺBanque Royaleʺ of 1660:
1971 |
Redlich, Fritz |
Le Nusée Bancaire de Stockholm:
1971 |
Nathorst-Böös, Ernst |
Il più antico documento dellʹArchivio Storico del Banco di Napoli:
1971 |
Demarco, Domenico |
Productivité et rentabilité des grandes banques françaises et des grandes banques allemandes:
1971 |
Fournier, Henri |
Quelques aspects historiques de lʹéconomie de lʹor brésilien:
1971 |
Ónody, Oliver |
The role of the banking system in Yugoslav economic planning, 1946-1969:
1971 |
Furubotn, Eirik G. |
La ʺCassa di soccorso perle opere pubblichedelle provincie de Siciliaʺ nelle scritture dellʹArchivio Storico del Banco de Sicilia:
1971 |
Giuffrida, Romualdo |
Une "Histoire monétaire des États-Unis"?:
1972 |
Brunhoff, Suzanne de 1929-2015 |
Il Banco di Sicilia nel sistema creditizio italiano:
1972 |
Giuffrida, Romualdo |
Bank of England foreign exchange operations 19241-1931:
1972 |
Moggridge, D. E. |
British monetary policy and economic activity in the 1920s:
1972 |
Aldcroft, Derek H. |
China houses and the Bank of England:
1972 |
Cheong, W. E. |
La cooperazione economica in America Latina e l'opera del Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latino-americanos:
1972 |
Simone, Ennio de |
The financial aspects of socialist enterprise operations before and after the economic reforms:
1972 |
Szeplaki, Leslie |
Genoese trade and the role of Sicilian coinage in the Mediterranean economy 1154-1253:
1972 |
Misbach, Henry L. |
Il Banco di Napoli e le rimesse degli emigrati, 1914-1925:
1972 |
Balletta, Francesco |
The participation of a financial system in socialist planning:
1972 |
Szeplaki, Leslie |
Problèmes et projets de l'Etat entrepreneur:
1972 |
Petrilli, Giuseppe |
Singapore, ein neues asiatisches Entwicklungsphänomen?:
1972 |
Herrmann, Michael |
Zur Beschaffung des Eisenbahn-Kapitals in Deutschland in den Jahren 1835-1855:
1972 |
Obermann, Karl |
Administration of a thirteenth-century mercantile-banking partnership:
1973 |
Blomquist, Thomas W. |
Las aduanas de Castilla en el siglo XV:
1973 |
Ladero Quesada, Miguel-Angel |
Commercial bank financing of the housing industry in the United States during the sixties and the need for new approaches:
1973 |
Candilis, Wray O. |
Les difficultés financières du gouvernement des Pays-Bas autrichiens au début du XVIIIe siècle (1771-1740):
1973 |
Hasquin, Hervé |
Estimations de tendances de revenu à partir de données monétaires:
1973 |
Leff, Nathaniel H. |
Financial aggregates in a short-term definition of the money stock:
1973 |
McKim, Bruce T. |
Financial crisis in England, 1672:
1973 |
Smart, Eynon |
Milton Friedman and some exponents of the Austrian school:
1973 |
Cesarano, Filippo |
A new stage in the evolution of international banking:
1973 |
Klopstock, Fred H. |
Plundering with purpose:
1973 |
Owen, Gail L. |
The reorganisation of German central banking, 1945-1957:
1973 |
Knauerhase, Ramon |
La révision des droits de tirage au Fonds Monétaire Internationale:
1973 |
Mossé, Robert |
Secteur privé et secteur public dans la perspective d'une politique industrielle européenne:
1973 |
Petrilli, Giuseppe |
La sede succursale del Banco di Napoli in Salerno:
1973 |
Demarco, Domenico |
Il sistema finanziario inglese nella crisi del 1914:
1973 |
Cecco, Marcello de |
Some banking ideas in France in the 1830ʹs:
1973 |
Ratcliffe, Barrie M. |
Thomas Pollard:
1973 |
Abbott, Collamer M. |
Les ʺcent joursʺ de Simon Philippart au crédit mobilier (mars-juin 1875):
1973 |
Kurgan van Hentenryk, Ginette |
A banker in the new deal:
1974 |
Michelman, Irving S. |
China agencies and the Anglo-American financial crisis, 1834-1837:
1974 |
Cheong, W. E. |
The commercial banks and the financial problems of the English cotton industry, 1919-1939:
1974 |
Porter, Jeffrey H. |
Contributions during the 1960s to the history of American business:
1974 |
Becker, William H. |
L' effet d'encaisses réelles dans les modèles d'equilibre néo-classique:
1974 |
Pascallon, Pierre |
Entrepreneurship, management and the growth of firms:
1974 |
Taira, Koji |
Die frühen Bankgeschäfte der fuggerschen Faktorei in Sevilla:
1974 |
Kellenbenz, Hermann |
How public policies affect banking:
1974 |
Adams, E. Sherman |
Interregional canals and manufacturing development in the West of U.S.A. before 1840:
1974 |
Niemi jr., Albert W. |
Introduction aux statistiques monétaires et financières franc̜aises (1807-1970):
1974 |
Saint Marc, Michèle |
Monnaie et information:
1974 |
Longhi, Alain |
Organization and methods of promoting savings in the socialist countries, 1945-1973:
1974 |
Wieczoreck, Edward |
Rates and values of Swedish coins given in foreign exchange manuals and ordinances, 1546-1630:
1974 |
Nathorst-Böös, Ernst |
Le rôle de l'industrie publique:
1974 |
Petrilli, Giuseppe |
Some observations on the institutional development of the Reichsbank, 1875-1910:
1974 |
Knauerhase, Ramon |
State regulation of commercial banking in U.S.A.:
1974 |
White, Roger S. |
U.S. bankers vs. the Department of Justice:
1974 |
Foust, James D. |
The use of flow of funds analysis in the study of Latin American capital market development:
1974 |
Reynolds, Clark W. |