Mediaeval studies

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Weitere Verfasser: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Format: Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Toronto, Ontario : Inst., 1939-
Zugriff auf das übergeordnete Werk:Mediaeval studies
Schlagworte:Europa Kultur Geschichte 500-1500 Zeitschrift Kirchengeschichte 500-1500 Mittelalter Mediävistik Kanada
Titel Veröffentlicht von
"Hwyrftum scrithath": 1971 Hill, Thomas D. 1940-
The army of the First Crusade and the crusade vow: 1971 Brundage, James A.
Political wisdom: 1973 Mulvaney, Robert J.
Jean de Ripa O. F. M. and the Oxford Calculators: 1975 Coleman, Janet
Military manuals in the fifteenth-century England: 1975 Bornstein, Diane
Order and right reason in Aquinas' ethics: 1975 Yartz, Frank J.
Robert Fland's "Consequentiae": 1976 Robertus Fland
A hagiographic polemic: 1977 Colker, Marvin L.
Medieval latin poetic anthologies: 1977 Rigg, Arthur G. 1937-2019
Robert Fland's "Insolubilia": 1978 Robertus Fland
The Learning of Servatus Lupus: 1979 Marshall, Peter K. 1934-2001
The Semiotics of Roger Bacon: 1983 Maloney, Thomas S.
Boethius' Theological Tracts and early Byzantine Scholasticism: 1984 Daley, Brian 1940-
Odilo an the "Treuga Dei" in Southern Italy: 1984 Reynolds, Roger E.
Saint Thomas Aquinas and the profession of arms: 1988 Synan, Edward A.
The influence of the "Apology of al-Kindi" and "Contrarietas alfolica" on Ramon Lull's late religious polemics, 1305-1313: 1991 Burman, Thomas E.
"Auctoritas" and "potestas": 1993 Cottrell, Alan
The Influence of the Evangelium Nicodemi on Norse Literature: A Survey: 1993 Wolf, Kirsten 1959-
"Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini": A Thirteenth-Century Sermon for Advent and the Macaronic Style in England: 1994 Fletcher, Alan J.
Beyond the Libri Catoniani: Models of Latin Prose Style at Oxford University ca. 1400: 1994 Camargo, Martin
Did the Medieval Laity Know the Canon Law Rules on Marriage? Some Evidence from Fourteenth-Century York Cause Papers: 1994 Pedersen, Frederik
Eriugena In Priscianum: 1994 Dutton, Paul Edward
Four Unedited Prayers-in London, British Library Cotton Tiberius A.iii: 1994 Pulsiano, Phillip
Henry of Avranches: Vita sancti Oswaldi: 1994 Townsend, David
Hugh Primas's Bilingual Poem 16: 1994 McDonough, C.J.
Laurence Kennedy Shook, C.S.B., O.C. (1909-1993): 1994 Farge, James K.
The Plan of St. Gall: An Argument for a 320-Foot Church Prototype: 1994 Kendall, Calvin B.
A Second New List of Beneventan Manuscripts (III): 1994 Brown, Virginia
The Spousal Relationship: Marital Society and Sexuality in the Letters of Pope Innocent III: 1994 Rousseau, Constance M.
William of Ockham, Juan de Segovia, and Heretical Pertinacity: 1994 Mann, Jesse D.
Bede and the Isidorian Legacy: 1995 McCready, William D.
A Book of the Schismatic Pope Benedict XIII (1423) Clues to the Ownership of a Collection of coram papa Sermons: 1995 Beattie, Blake
English Vowed Women at the End of the Middle Ages: 1995 Erler, Mary C.
Envisioning the cenobium in the Old English Guthlac A: 1995 Jones, Christopher A.
The Errant Morsel in Solomon and Satum II: Liturgy, Lore, and Lexicon: 1995 Schaffner, Paul
Freedom of Choice in Buridan's Moral Psychology: 1995 Zupko, Jack
Local Reality and Papal Policy: Papal Provision and the Church of Arezzo, 1248-1327: 1995 Beattie, Blake
Margaret Frances Nims, I.B.V.M. (1916-1995): 1995 Synan, Edward A.
Marian Devotion in a Carmelite Sermon Collection of the Late Middle Ages: 1995 Edden, Valerie
Pandulf of Capua's De calculatione: An Illustrated Abacus Treatise and Some Evidence for the Hindu-Arabic Numerals in Eleventh-Century South Italy: 1995 Gibson, Craig A.
Some Remarks on the Muckle Translation of Abelard's Adversities: 1995 Synan, Edward A.
A Treatise on Confession from the Secular-Mendicant Dispute: The Casus abstracti a iure of Herman of Saxony, O.F.M.: 1995 Reiter, Eric H.
What the Nuns Read: Literary Evidence from the English Bridgettine House, Syon Abbey: 1995 Hutchison, Ann M.
"I have ordeyned and make my testament and last wylle in this forme": English as a Testamentary Language, 1387-1450: 1996 Haskett, Timothy S.
Ambrogio Traversari's Revision of the Chronicon casinense and the Dialogi de miraculis s. Benedicti: The Oldest Manuscript Rediscovered: 1996
Anselm of Canterbury and Odo of Tournai on the Miraculous Birth of the God-Man: 1996 Resnick, Irven M.
Desire for Beatitude and Love of Friendship in Thomas Aquinas: 1996 Gallagher, David M.
Desire for beatitude and love of friendship in Thomas Aquinas: 1996 Gallagher, David M.
Gratian's Decretum and the Code of Justinian in Beneventan Script: 1996
John Francis Quinn, C.S.B. (1925-1996): 1996 Raftis, Ambrose
Miscellanea beneventana (IX) Juridica: 1996 Reynolds, Roger E.
Mors et vita in manu linguae: Paroles dévastatrices et lénifiantes dans le Livre du Chevalier de la Tour Landry: 1996 Gendt, Anne Marie De
A Neglected Anglo-Norman Version of Le Cuvier (London, British Library Harley 527): 1996 Pearcy, Roy J.
New C.L A. Membra Disiecta in Naples and Rome: 1996
Ockham's Razor and Dialectical Reasoning: 1996 Maurer, Armand
Parerga Beneventana: 1996 Reynolds, Roger E.
A Remarkable Account of the Origin and Spread of Islam Contained in a Fifteenth-Century Redaction of the Gregorian Report: 1996 Vandecasteele, Maurits
The South Italian Collection in Five Books and Its Derivatives: Maastricht Excerpta: 1996
Succession and Inheritance in Rus' before 1054: 1996 Dimnik, Marhn
Utrecht Fragments in Visigothic Script: 1996
Vernacular Argumentation in The Testimony of William Thorpe: 1996 Somerset, Fiona E.
A Visigothic-Script Folio of a Carolingian Collection of Canon Law: 1996
Visigothic-script remains of a pandect Bible and the Collectio Canonum Hispana in Lucca: 1996 Reynolds, Roger E. 1936-2014
Visigothic-Script Remains of a Pandect Bible and the Collectio canonum hispana in Lucca: 1996
Walter Henry Principe, C.S.B. (1922-1996): 1996 Farge, James K.
The Will of Master John de Belvoir, Official of Lincoln (1391): 1996 Haren, Michael J.
Abstinence and Reform at the Council of Basel: Johannes Nider's De abstinencia esus carnium: 1997 Bailey, Michael D.
Bibliographia Gotica: A Bibliography of Writings on the Gothic Language. Fifth Supplement: Corrections and Additions to the Middle of the Nineties: 1997 Petersen, Christian T.
Did Margery Kempe Suffer from Towette's Syndrome?: 1997 Stork, Nancy P.
Hitherto Unedited Medieval and Renaissance Lives of Ovid (II): Humanistic Lives: 1997 Coulson, Frank T.
Holy Man, Supplicant, and Donor: On Representations of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael at Chonae: 1997 Peers, Glenn
Holy man, supplicant, and donor: On representations of the miracle of the archangel Michael at Chonae: 1997 Peers, Glenn 1962-
A Latin Translation of an Arabic Commentary on Book X of Euclid's Elements: 1997 Busard, H.L.L.
The Path to Felicity: Teachings and Tensions in 'Even shetiyyah of Abraham ben Judah, Disciple of Hasdai Crescas: 1997 Lawee, Eric
The path to felicity: Teachings and tensions in 'Even Shetiyyah of Abraham Ben Judah, disciple of Hasdai Crescas: 1997 Lawee, Eric 1963-
Proclamations of Power and Presence: The Setting and Function of Two Eleventh-Century Murals in the Lower Church of San Clemente, Rome: 1997 Osborne, John
Un sermon anonyme sur Ruth 1, 22 pour la Nativité de la Vierge Marie (Cambridge, Gonville and Gaius College 358-585): 1997 Martel, Gérard de
Un sermon anonyme sur Ruth 1,22 pour la nativité de la Vierge Marie (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College 358/585): 1997 Martel, Gérard de
"Quae est ista quae ascendit sicut aurora consurgens?" The Song of Songs as the Historia for the office of the assumption: 1998 Fulton, Rachel 1950-
"Quae est ista quae ascendit sicut aurora consurgens?": The Song of Songs as the historia for the Office of the Assumption: 1998 Fulton, Rachel
Cola di Rienzo, the Lateran Basilica, and the Lex de imperio of Vespasian: 1998 Collins, Amanda
The convenientia in the Early Middle Ages: 1998 Kosto, Adam J.
Four Indices for the Thomistic Principle Quod recipitur in aliquo est in eo per modum recipientis: 1998 Tomarchio, John
From Erfurt and Lyons to the Parish Church of Björkvik: The Friars of Vadstena Abbey as Cultural Transmittors: 1998 Andersson, Roger
Manuscript Contexts of Middle English Proverb Literature: 1998 Louis, Cameron
Miscellanea beneventana (X) - 1 - Early Evidence for the Beneventan Missal: Palimpsest Texts (saec X-XI) in Montecassino 271: 1998 Brown, Virginia
Miscellanea beneventana (X) - 2 - Corpus Christi in Agnone: 1998 Reynolds, Roger E.
The Priority of Sight According to Peter the Venerable: 1998 Appleby, David F.
ARTICLES - A Second New List of Beneventan Manuscripts (IV): 1999 Brown, Virginia
ARTICLES - Education and the Care of Souls: Pope Gregory IX, the Order of St Victor, and the University of Paris in 1237: 1999 Crossnoe, Marshall E.
ARTICLES - Gatehouses and Mother Houses: A Study of the Cistercian Abbey of Zaraka: 1999 Salzer, Kathryn E.
ARTICLES - Herod's Burning of the Jewish Genealogies in Gyöinga saga and in the Second Old Norwegian Epiphany Homily: 1999 Hall, Thomas N.
ARTICLES - Law, Reform, and the Origins of Persecution: Stephen of Tournai and the Order of Grandmont: 1999 Conklin, George
ARTICLES - Mental Existence in Thomas Aquinas and Avicenna: 1999 Black, Deborah L.
ARTICLES - The Circular Palace of Princess Olha in Kyiv (955-59): A Description of the Structure with an Analysis of Its Functions and Its Graphic Reconstruction: 1999 Mezentsev, Volodymyr I.
ARTICLES - The Civic Poetry of Abbot John Whethamstede of St Albans (+ 1465): 1999 Carlson, David R.
ARTICLES - The Origins and Development of the Later canones penitentiales: 1999 Payer, Pierre J.
Herod's burning of the Jewish genealogies in Gydinga Saga and in the second old Norwegian epiphany homily: 1999 Hall, Thomas N.
The origins and development of the later "canones penitentiales": 1999 Payer, Pierre J.
The Politics of Usury in Trecento Florence: The Questio de monte of Francesco da Empoli: 1999 Armstrong, Lawrin
"Dominun regale et politicum": 2000 Osborne, Thomas M.
ARTICLES - Contributions from Parishes in the Archdeaconry of Norfolk to the Shrine of St. Thomas Cantilupe at Hereford, ca. 1320: 2000 Swanson, R.N.
ARTICLES - Dominum regale et politicum: Sir John Fortescue's Response to the Problem of Tyranny as Presented by Thomas Aquinas and Ptolemy of Lucca: 2000 Osborne Jr, Thomas M.
ARTICLES - Leo of Ostia, the Montecassino Chronicle, and the Dialogues of Abbot Desiderius: 2000 McCready, William D.
ARTICLES - New Beneventan Liturgical Fragments in Lanciano, Lucera, and Penne Containing Further Evidence of the Old Beneventan Chant: 2000 Kelly, Thomas Forrest
ARTICLES - Newly Discovered Metrical Arguments to the Thebaid: 2000 Anderson, Harald
ARTICLES - Perichoresis, Deification, and Christological Predication in John of Damascus: 2000 Cross, Richard
ARTICLES - Saintly Scenarios in Christine de Pizan's Livre des trios vertus: 2000 Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate
Edmund (Eric) Colledge, O.S.A. (1910-1999): 2000 Emery Jr, Kent
Leonard E Boyle, O.P. (1923-1999): 2000 Raftis, J.Ambrose
TEXTS - The De modo confitendi of Cadwgan, Bishop of Bangor: 2000 Goering, Joseph
TEXTS - Two Poetic Debates by Henry of Avranches: 2000 Rigg, A.G.
ARTICLES - A Fourteenth-Century Example of an Introitus Sententiarum at Oxford: Richard FitzRalph's Inaugural Speech in Praise of the Sentences of Peter Lombard: 2001 Dunne, Michael
ARTICLES - A Neglected Episode in the Prehistory of Syon Abbey: The Letter of Katillus Thornberni in Uppsala University Library Pappersbrev 1410-1420: 2001 Graff, Eric
ARTICLES - A Treatise on Problem Solving from Early Medieval Latin Europe: 2001 Hughes, Barnabas
ARTICLES - Alexander of Ashby: New Biographical Evidence: 2001 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti
ARTICLES - Alfonso VII of Leon-Casfilla, the House of Trastámara, and the Emergence of the Kingdom of Portugal: 2001 Reilly, Bernard F.
ARTICLES - Chef d'Oire dans Partonopeus de Blois: La ville comme espace de totalisation: 2001 Bermejo, Esperanza
ARTICLES - Francis of Marchia's Commentary on the Sentences: Question List and State of Research: 2001 Friedman, Russell L.
ARTICLES - Igor's Defeat at the Kayala (1185): The Chronicle Evidence: 2001 Dimnik, Martin
ARTICLES - Justifying Deaths: The Chronicler Pierre des Vaux-de-Cemay and the Massacre of Béziers: 2001 Graham-Leigh, Elaine
ARTICLES - Old English fant and Its Compounds in the Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary of Baptism: 2001 Jones, Christopher A.
Joseph Charles Wey, C.S.B. (1910-2000): 2001 Farge, James K.
Miscellanea beneventana - 1 New Documents at Rieti for the Monasteries of San Benedetto ad Xenodochium and Santa Sofia in Ninth-Century Benevento: 2001 Brown, Virginia
Miscellanea beneventana - 2 The South Italian Collection in Five Books and Its Derivatives: A South Italian Appendix to the Collection in Seventy-Four Titles: 2001 Reynolds, Roger E.
Benvenuto da Imola's Literary Approach to Virgil's Eclogues: 2002 Lord, Mary Louise
Henry of Ghent's Teaching on Modes and Its Influence in the Fourteenth Century: 2002 Iribarren, Isabel
Kings, Bishops, and Political Ethics: Bruno of Segni on the Cardinal Virtues: 2002 Bejczy, István
Kings, bishops, and political ethics: 2002 Bejczy, István
Medieval latin poetic anthologies (VII): The biblical anthology from York Minster Library (MS. XVI Q 14): 2002 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti 1963-
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 16483: Contents, Audience, and the Matter of Old French: 2002 McDonough, Christopher J.
Ps.-Albert the Great on the Physiognomy of Jesus and Mary: 2002 Resnick, Irven M.
PS.-Albert the Great on the physiognomy of Jesus and Mary: 2002 Resnick, Irven M. 1952-
Psalm uses in Carolingian prayerbooks: Alcuin and the preface to De psalmorum usu: 2002 Black, Jonathan
TEXTS - Medieval Latin Poetic Anthologies (VII): The Biblical Anthology from York Minster Library (MS. XVI Q 14): 2002 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti
TEXTS - Psalm Uses in Carolingian Prayerbooks: Alcuin and the Preface to De psalmorum usu: 2002 Black, Jonathan
True Presence-False Christ: The Antinomies of Embodiment in Medieval Spirituality: 2002 Elliott, Dyan
Analogy of Names in Bonaventure: 2003 Reynolds, Philip L.
Divine Omnipotence and Moral Theory in Abelard's Theology: 2003 Perkams, Matthias
Divine omnipotence and moral theory in Abelard's theology: 2003 Perkams, Matthias
Gower's Early Latin Poetry: Text-Genetic Hypotheses of an Epistola ad regem (ca. 1377-1380) from the Evidence of John Bale: 2003 Carlson, David R.
Henry of Huntingdon's Herbal: 2003 Rigg, A.G.
Iconographical sources of scribal technology: Select catalogue of non-formulaic depictions of scribes and allied craftsmen (Western Europe, s. VII ex. - XIV in.): 2003 Rosenfeld, Randall A.
Iconographical Sources of Scribal Technology: Select Catalogue of Non-Formulaic Depictions of Scribes and Allied Craftsmen (Western Europe, s. VII ex.-XIV in.): 2003 Rosenfeld, Randall A.
The Princesses of Chernigov (1054-1246): 2003 Dimnik, Martin
Psalm uses in Carolingian prayerbooks: Alcuin's Confessio peccatorum pura and the seven penitential psalms (use 1): 2003 Black, Jonathan
TEXTS - Gilbert of Tournai's Letter to Isabelle of France: An Edition of the Complete Text: 2003 Field, Sean
TEXTS - Psalm Uses in Carolingian Prayerbooks: Alcuin's Confessio peccatorum pura and the Seven Penitential Psalms (Use 1): 2003 Black, Jonathan
Dante in Ecstasy: Paradiso 33 and Bernard of Clairvaux: 2004 Kay, Richard
Fibonacci, Teacher of Algebra: An Analysis of Chapter 15.3 of Liber Abbaci: 2004 Hughes, Barnabas
The Laus Beatissime Virginis and the Canon of Alexander Neckam: 2004 McDonough, Christopher J.
MEDIAEVALIA - John Purvey and John of Gaunt's Third Marriage: 2004 Green, Richard Firth
Passion Devotion, Penitential Reading, and the Manuscript Page: "The Hours of the Cross" in London, British Library Additional 37049: 2004 Hennessy, Marlene Villalobos
TEXTS - "Aliud benitenciale": The Ninth-Century Paenitentiale Vindobonense C: 2004 Meens, Rob
TEXTS - Variations on a Theme Attributed to Robert Holcot: Lessons for Late-Medieval English Preaching from the Castle of Prudence: 2004 Fletcher, Alan J.
The Title "Grand Prince" in Kievan Rus': 2004 Dimnik, Martin
Transcendence, Power, Virtue, Madness, Ecstasy -- Modalities of Excess in Aquinas: 2004 Kwasniewski, Peter A.
A middle English penitential treatise on Job 10:20-22, Dimitte me, Domine ...: 2005 Taguchi, Mayumi 1954-
The Origins of the "Sarum" Chrism Mass at Eleventh-Century Christ Church, Canterbury: 2005 Jones, Christopher A.
TEXTS - A Curial Sermon by Cardinal Bertrand du Poujet: 2005 Beattie, Blake
TEXTS - A Middle English Penitential Treatise on Job 10:20-22, Dimitte me, Domine ...: 2005 Taguchi, Mayumi
TEXTS - A Twelfth-Century Text on the Number Nine and Divine Creation: A New Interpretation of Boethian Cosmology?: 2005 Lampe, Kurt
TEXTS - Hugh Metel and the Floridus aspectus of Peter Riga (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin -- Preussischer Kulturbesitz Phillipps 1694): 2005 McDonough, Christopher J.
TEXTS - Jean Gerson's Authentic Tract on Joan of Arc: Super facto puellae et credulitate sibi praestanda (14 May 1429): 2005 Hobbins, Daniel
Writing Godfrey of Amiens: Guibert of Nogent and Nicholas of Saint-Crépin between Sanctity, Ideology, and Society: 2005 Ott, John S.
"To corecte in any part or alle": Some Problems in the Transmission of the Middle English La Belle Dame sans Mercy: 2006 Kinch, Ashby
Bartolo of Sassoferrato's De tyranno and Sallustio Buonguglielmi's Consilium on Niccolò Fortebracci's Tyranny in Città di Castello: 2006 Kirshner, Julius
Henry of Harclay on the Univocal Concept of Being: 2006 Henninger, Mark
The Infants of Eden: Scholastic Theologians on Early Childhood and Cognitive Development: 2006 Reynolds, Philip L.
Joseph Owens, C.Ss.R. (1908-2005): 2006 Macierowski, E.M.
Marco Polo Milion: An Unknown Source Concerning Marco Polo: 2006 Pozza, Marco
On Reason's Control of the Passions in Aquinas's Theory of Temperance: 2006 Butera, Giuseppe
The Problem of Moral Weakness, the Propositio Magistralis, and the Condemnation of 1277: 2006 Eardley, Peter S.
Pursuing Salvation through a Body of Parchment: Books and Their Significance in the Illustrated Homilies of lakobos of Kokkinobaphos: 2006 Evangelatou, Maria
TEXTS - Henry of Huntingdon's Lapidary Rediscovered and His Anglicanus ortus Reassembled: 2006 Black, Winston
TEXTS - Reflecting the Royal Soul: The Speculum anime Composed for Blanche of Castile: 2006 Field, Sean L.
"Made Exiles for the Love of Knowledge": Students in Late Medieval Italy: 2008 Kirshner, Julius
"Ut sine fine amet summam essentiam": The Eudaemonist Ethics of St. Anselm: 2008 Olsen Sønnesyn, Sigbjørn
2 A Second New List of Beneventan Manuscripts (V): 2008 Brown, Virginia
Armand Augustine Maurer, C.S.B. (1915-2008): 2008 Reilly Jr, James P.
Drogo of Saint-Winnoc and the Innocent Martyrdom of Godeliph of Gistel: 2008 Defries, David J.
James Ambrose Raftis, C.S.B. (1922-2008): 2008 Logan, F.Donald
Meister Eckhart's Specter: Fourteenth-Century Uses of the Bull In agro dominico Including a Newly Discovered Inquisitorial Text of 1337: 2008 Lerner, Robert E.
Miscellanea beneventana - 1 Litaniae sanctorum, Libellus precum, Ordo Missae di S. Vincenzo al Volturno (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Chig. D V 77): 2008 Dell'Omo, Mariano
Mstislav Mstislavich "The Bold" († 1228): A Unique Prince of Kievan Rus': 2008 Dimnik, Martin
Preaching the "Contrary Virtues": 2008 Newhauser, Richard
Avicenna on Meno's Paradox: On "Apprehending" Unknown Things through Known Things: 2009 Marmura, Michael E
Cecily Neville and the Apocryphal Infantia salvatoris in the Middle Ages: 2009 Dzon, Mary
Cecily Neville and the apocryphal Infantia Salvatoris in the Middle Ages: 2009 Dzon, Mary 1972-
Confessor and Penitent: Robert de Sorbon and the Cura animarum: 2009 Diekstra, F N M
Grammatica and the Authenticity of the Psalms-Commentary Attributed to Bruno the Carthusian: 2009 Kraebel, A B
Grammatica and the authenticity of the Psalms-Commentary attributed to Bruno the Carthusian: 2009 Kraebel, A. B. 1983-
Relics at Glastonbury Abbey in the Thirteenth Century: The Relic List in Cambridge, Trinity College R.5.33 (724), fols. 104r-105v: 2009 Howley, Martin
Le salut d'Enfer: A Short Satire Modelled on Raoul de Houdenc's Songe d'Enfer: 2009 Hopkins, Darren
TEXTS Remedia Bodleiana de taxone: Una retractación cristiana de la epístola de Hiparco a Octavio sobre el tejón: 2009 Ferraces Rodríguez, Arsenio
Towards a Stylistic Grouping of the Translations of Gerard of Cremona: 2009 McVaugh, Michael
Virginia Brown (1940-2009): 2009 Reynolds, Roger E
The World of the Archpoet: 2009 Godman, Peter
Albertus Magnus and Hermes Trismegistus: An Update: 2010 Porreca, David
Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas on the Analogy between God and Creatures: 2010 Salas, Victor
Cloistered Lydgate, Commercial Scribe: British Library Harley 2255 Revisited: 2010 Grossi, Joseph
The Influence of the School of Laon on Gratian: The Usage of the Glossa ordinaria and Anselmian Sententiae in De penitentia (Decretum C.33 Q.3): 2010 Larson, Atria A
Joy in Waiting? The History of Gaudete Sunday: 2010 Romano, John F
Learning from the Exemplar: Anselm's Prayers and Meditations and the Charismatic Text: 2010 Agnes Edsall, Mary
The Nature of Princely Rule in Novgorod from 970 to 1136: 2010 Dimnik, Martin
The St. Peter Connection and the Acquisition of a Roman Offertory in Bologna and Benevento: 2010 Nardini, Luisa
TEXT - Rereading Jerome in Spain in the Middle Ages: The Vida de Sant Paulo and the Legend of St. Paul of Thebes: 2010 Beresford, Andrew M
Aegidius of Paris and the seven seals. A prose prologue to the gospels in Peter Riga's Aurora: 2011 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti 1963-
Aegidius of Paris and the Seven Seals: A Prose Prologue to the Gospels in Peter Riga's Aurora: 2011 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti
Anselm of Laon unveiled. The Glossae svper Iohannem and the origins of teh Glossa Ordinaria on the Bible: 2011 Andrée, Alexander 1974-
Anselm of Laon Unveiled: The Glosae super Iohannem and the Origins of the Glossa ordinaria on the Bible: 2011 Andrée, Alexander
Chivalry, Crusade, and Romance on the Baltic Frontier: 2011 Vander Elst, Stefan
Forbidden Memory: The Death of Boethius and the Conspiracy of Silence: 2011 Troncarelli, Fabio
Origins and Development of the Pilgrimage and Cross Blessings in the Roman Pontificals of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: 2011 Gaposchkin, M C
The place of allegory in the Psaler-commentary of Bruno the Carthusian: 2011 Kraebel, A. B. 1983-
The Place of Allegory in the Psalter-Commentary of Bruno the Carthusian: 2011 Kraebel, A B
Sciendum est autem sacerdotibus (Penitens accedens ad confessionem): A Short Thirteenth-Century Treatise on Hearing Confessions: 2011 Rider, Catherine
TEXTS - The Sentence Collection Deus non habet initium uel terminum and Its Reworking, Deus itaque summe atque ineffabiliter bonus: 2011 Wei, John C
"A Prophane or Hethyn Thing": English Lollards on Baptism and Confirmation: 2012 Patrick Hornbeck II, J
"So wol dir gotes wundertal": Thirteenth-Century Song-Poems on the World by Friedrich von Sonnenburg: 2012 McDonald, William C
The Beginning of the Year in the Limousin: The Evidence from the Chronicle and Notes of Bernard Itier: 2012 Lewis, Andrew W
Censorship and Self-Censorship? The Case of Drouart la Vache, Translator of Andreas Capellanus: 2012 Monson, Don A
The Dancers of De la Gardie 11: 2012 Guðmundsdóttir, Aðalheiður
Guido of Collemezzo's Extraccio de dictis Bernardi et quibusdam aliis super Evangelio "Missus est angelus Gabriel": 2012 Field, Sean L
Guido of Collemezzo's Extraccio de dictis Bernardi et quibusdam aliis super evangelio "missus est angelus Gabriel": 2012 Field, Sean L. 1970-
Inextricabilis dissensio: Property, Dispute, and Sanctity in the Vita S. Wilfridi: 2012 Thompson Smith, Scott
James Patrick Reilly, Jr. (1921-2012): 2012 James Long, R
The Quodlibet secundum of Ferrarius Catalanus, O.P., Parisian Master and Successor of St. Thomas Aquinas: 2012 Shwartz, Louis
TEXTS - A Twelfth-Century Treatise on Charity: The Tract "Vt autem hoc euidenter" of the Sentence Collection Deus itaque summe atque ineffabiliter bonus: 2012 Wei, John C
Visions of the other world from the cistercian monastery of Melrose: 2012 Birkett, Helen
Visions of the Other World from the Cistercian Monastery of Melrose: 2012 Birkett, Helen
Was Bartolo da Sassoferrato a Source for Christine de Pizan?: 2012 Kirshner, Julius
"Brutus the Emperor": National and Heraldic Foundations in London, College of Arms L6: 2013 Moll, Richard J
The First Jewish Work on the Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Virtues: 2013 Ben-Shalom, Ram
The first jewish work on the seven deadly sins and the four virtues: 2013 Ben-Shalom, Ram 1959-
Hagiography and Exemption at Medieval Evesham, 1000-1250: The Evidence of the Vitae Ecgwini: 2013 O'Rourke, Samuel
The Imaginative Landscape of an English Monk-Preacher: Robert Rypon and the Court of Memory: 2013 Johnson, Holly
In libro Numerorum scriptum est de Leuitis: Robert Grosseteste on Clerical Orders: 2013 Mantello, F A C
Marguerite Porete, John Baconthorpe, and the Chroniclers of Saint-Denis: 2013 Brown, Elizabeth A R
MEDIAEVALIA - A Fragment of an Anonymous Commentary on Priscian Inserted into a Manuscript of the Glosae super Priscianum of William of Conches: 2013 Jeauneau, Edouard
The Sermon Collection in the Carolingian Clerical Handbook, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 1012: 2013 McCune, James
The Sermon Collection in the Carolingian Clerical Handbook, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France lat. 102: 2013 McCune, James
A Text on Antichrist in St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia Lat.Q.v.IV.3 and the Liber Floridus: 2013 Ivanov, Sergey
Worcester, Cathedral Library Q.29, fols. 133-37: An Early Middle English Sermon and Its Context: 2013 Faulkner, Mark