Il 'diletto legno', aridità e fioritura mistica nella 'Commedia':
1996 |
Prandi, nStefano |
'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight' and French Arthurian Romance (H.C.):
1996 |
Putter, Ad |
Das 'St. Katharinentaler Schwesternbuch':
1996 |
Meyer, Ruth |
Andreas and the Ambiguity of Courtly Love:
1996 |
Cherchi, Paolo |
Antoine de la Sale "Saintré':
1996 |
Dubuis, Roger |
Antoine de la Sale "Saintré':
1996 |
Dubuis, Roger |
Antoine de la Sale:' Saintré':
1996 |
Eusebi, Mario |
Antoine de la Salle 'Jeban de Saintré':
1996 |
Blanchard, Joe͏̈l |
The Arts of Friendship:
1996 |
Hyatte, Reginald |
Bartholomaeus Anglicus and his Encyclopedia:
1996 |
Seymour, M.C. |
The Biblical Drama of Medieval Europe:
1996 |
Muir, Lynette R. |
Body and Soul:
1996 |
Petroff, Elizabeth Avilda |
The Book of Kells:
1996 |
O'Mahony, Felicity |
Books of Prayer and Healing:
1996 |
Doane, A.N. |
Charlemagne in the North:
1996 |
Bennett, Philip E. |
Chaucer's Ovidian Arts of Love:
1996 |
Calabrese, Michael A. |
Chaucerian Realism:
1996 |
Myles, Robert |
Chivalry in Twelfth-Century Germany:
1996 |
Jackson, W.H. |
Christliche Mystik im Abendland:
1996 |
Dinzelbacher, Peter |
Colonial Ireland in Medieval English Literature:
1996 |
Rambo, Elizabeth L. |
Commentary and Ideology: Dante in the Renaissance:
1996 |
Parker, Deborah |
La Couleur de la mélancolie:
1996 |
Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline |
The Cultura World in 'Beowulf':
1996 |
Hill, John M. |
Dante Alghieri: 'Inferno':
1996 |
Ellis, Steve |
Dante Alighieri: 'Vita nuova':
1996 |
Petrie, Jennifer |
Dante and the Mystical Tradition:
1996 |
Botterill, Steven |
Dante's Christian Astrology:
1996 |
Kay, Richard |
The date of the Owl and the Nightingale:
1996 |
Cartlidge, Neil |
Death and the Prince:
1996 |
Avray, D.L.d' |
Der deutsche 'Lucidarius', I (N. F. P.):
1996 |
Gottschall, Dagmar |
Deutsche Liebesbriefe in spätmittelalterlichen Handschriften:
1996 |
Schulz Grobert, Jürgn |
Deutsche Literatur und Sprache von 1050-1200: Festschrift für Ursula Hennig:
1996 |
Fiebig, Annegret |
di sal man alle radebrechen:
1996 |
Scheel, Friedrich |
The Earliest Irish and English Bookarts:
1996 |
Stevick, Robert D. |
Early Ibero-Romance:
1996 |
Wright, Roger |
Editing Piers Plowman:
1996 |
Brewer, Charlotte |
The English Hospital 1070-1570:
1996 |
Orme, Nicholas |
The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry:
1996 |
Muir, Bernard J. |
The Faces of Time:
1996 |
Blacker, Jean |
The Fall of Kings and Princes (H. C.):
1996 |
Guerin, M.Victoria |
Fortunes Stabilnes: Charles of Orleans's English Book of Love:
1996 |
Arn, Mary-Jo |
François Villon: Complete Poems:
1996 |
Sargent-Baur, Barbara N. |
From 'Pearl' to 'Gaiwan':
1996 |
Blanch, Robert J. |
From exegesis to appropriation: the medieval Solomon:
1996 |
Bose, Mishtooni |
La funzione dell'eroe germanico:
1996 |
Paroli, Teresa |
Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature:
1996 |
Gaunt, Simon |
Gender and Heresy:
1996 |
McSheffrey, Shannon |
Geschichte der abendländischen Mystik, I:
1996 |
Ruh, Kurt |
A Guidebook for the Jerusalem Pilgrimage in the Late Middle Ages:
1996 |
Brefeld, Josephie |
Guillaume de Machaut: 'Lafontaine amoureuse':
1996 |
Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline |
Guillaume de Machaut: 'The Fountain of Love':
1996 |
Barton Palmer, R. |
A Handbook of the Troubadours:
1996 |
Akehurst, F.R.P. |
Heresy and Literacy, 1000-1530:
1996 |
Biller, Peter |
Hugh Primas and the Archpoet:
1996 |
Adcock, Fleur |
The Iconography of the Mouth of Hell:
1996 |
Schmidt, Gary D. |
An Invitation to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England:
1996 |
Mitchell, Bruce |
Ioannis Saresberiensis Policraticus I-IV:
1996 |
Keats-Rohan, K.S.B. |
Jean Froissart: 'La Prison amoureuse':
1996 |
Looze, Laurence de |
JOHANNES DE Tepla, Civis Zacensis: Epistola cum 'Libello ackerman' und 'Das Büchlein ackerman':
1996 |
Flood, John L. |
Julian of Norwich's Showings:
1996 |
Nowakowski Baker, Denise |
Kaiser, Kaufmann und die Macht des Geldes:
1996 |
Zöller, Sonja |
Kleinstformen der Literatur:
1996 |
Haug, Walter |
Lancelot-Grail: The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and post-Vulgate in Translation, III and IV (E.K.):
1996 |
Lacy, Norris J. |
Liebe als universales Prinzip bei Frauenlob:
1996 |
Steinmetz, Ralf-Henning |
Lydgate's Life of Our Lady: a text in transition:
1996 |
Haadman, Phillipa |
Macaronic Sermons:
1996 |
Wenzel, Siegfried |
Male Authors, Female Readers:
1996 |
Bartlett, Anne Clark |
Managing Language in 'Piers Plowman':
1996 |
Rudd, Gillian |
Margery Kempe's Dissenting Fictions:
1996 |
Staley, Lynn |
Mechthild von Magdeburg: 'Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit':
1996 |
Neumann, Hans |
Medieval and Renaissance Letter Treatises and Form Letters:
1996 |
Polak, Emil J. |
Medieval Dutch Literature in its European Context:
1996 |
Kooper, Erik |
The Medieval Saints' Lives:
1996 |
Robertson, Duncan |
Memoria classica e memoria biblica in Dante:
1996 |
Rigo, Paolo |
Merchant Culture in Fourteenth-Century Venice:
1996 |
Dotson, John E. |
The Middle English culinary recipes in MS Harley 5401: an edition and commentary:
1996 |
Hieatt, Constance B. |
The Middle English Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle:
1996 |
Shepherd, Stephen H.A. |
The mirthless content of Skarpheoinn's grin:
1996 |
Ai, Low Soon |
The mother's lament: Wulf and Eadwacer reconsidered:
1996 |
Tasioulas, J.A. |
The Myrour of Recluses:
1996 |
Powell Harley, Marta |
n Textual Critism and Middle English Texts:
1996 |
Machan, Pim William |
Nicholas Love's 'Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ':
1996 |
Sargent, Michael G. |
Nürnberger Prosa-Äsop:
1996 |
Grubmüller, Klaus |
Pero Lopez de Ayala: 'Cronica del Rey don Enrique':
1996 |
Orduna, German |
Peter of Bramham's account of a chaplain's vision of purgatory (c 1343 ?):
1996 |
Easting, Robert |
The Poetics of Personification:
1996 |
Paxson, James J. |
Les Propriétés des choses selon le 'Rosarius':
1996 |
Zetterberg, Anders |
Psalters I:
1996 |
Pulsiano, Phillip |
Reading Dido:
1996 |
Desmond, Marilynn |
Reconstructing Robert Thornton's herbal:
1996 |
Keiser, George R. |
Recueil des repues franches de Maistre François Villon et de ses compagnons:
1996 |
Sargent-Baur, Barbara N. |
Redating the Royal Brut fragment:
1996 |
Damian-Grint, Peter |
The Rise of European Music 1380-1500:
1996 |
Strohm, Reinhard |
Robert de Boron 'Joseph d'Arimathie' (E.K.):
1996 |
O'Gorman, Richard |
The Role of Art in the Late Anglo-Saxon:
1996 |
Gameson, Richard |
Le Roman de Troyle:
1996 |
Bianciotto, Gabriel |
The Saints in Iceland:
1996 |
ormack, Margaret |
Sciences and the Self in Medieval Poetry:
1996 |
Simpson, James |
Scribal whim and miniature allocation in the illustrated manuscripts of the Continuation-Gauvain:
1996 |
Doner, Janet R. |
Seeable Signs:
1996 |
Eljenholm Nichols, Ann |
Serlo of Wilton: biographical notes:
1996 |
Rigg, A.G. |
The Shadow of Ulysses, trans. Anita Weston:
1996 |
Boitani, Piero |
Shorter Notices:
1996 |
1996 |
Signes and Sothe:
1996 |
Barr, Helen |
The Sovereign State and its Competitors:
1996 |
Spruyt, Hendrik |
The Structure of Petrarch's 'Canzoniers':
1996 |
Jones, Frederic J. |
Studies in Troilus:
1996 |
Barney, Stephen A. |
The Tempter's Voice:
1996 |
Jager, Erich |
Textual Decorum:
1996 |
Troyan, Scott D. |
Theophany in the Miller's Tale:
1996 |
Biggs, Frederic M. |
Thinking about 'Beowulf':
1996 |
Earl, James W. |
Three Studies in Medieval Religious and Social Thought:
1996 |
Consuble, Giles |
The Townely Plays:
1996 |
Stevens, Martin |
Tuscan Poetry of the Duecento:
1996 |
Jensen, Frede |
The Two Versions of Malory's 'Morte Dartbur' (H.C.):
1996 |
Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Ingrid |
Untersuchungen zur Funktion der politischen Spruchdichtung Walthers von der Vogelweide:
1996 |
Nix, Matthias |
La Vie de St Alexis:
1996 |
Hemming, T.D. |
Virgil in Medieval:
1996 |
Baswell, Christopher |
The Waltham Chronicle:
1996 |
Watkiss, Leslie |
Weg in der Schriftlichkeit:
1996 |
Holznagel, Franz-Josef |
Wolfger von Erla:
1996 |
Boshof, Egon |
Wolfram von Eschenbach: 'Parzival':
1996 |
Nellmann, Eberhard |
The Worlds of Petrarch:
1996 |
Mazzotta, Giuseppe |
'Beowulf' and the Demise of Germanic Legend in England:
1997 |
Davis, Craig R. |
'Sole nuovo, luce nuova':
1997 |
Baránski, Zygmunt |
Adventures in Speech:, Rhetoric and Narration in Boccaccio's 'Decameron':
1997 |
Massimo Forni, Pier |
Alfred's domboc and the language of rape: a reconsideration of Alfred ch. 11:
1997 |
Hough, Carolf |
Die altokzitanische Version B der 'Legenda aurea':
1997 |
Tausend, Monika |
The Apostolic Hero and Community in Ramon Llulls 'Blanquerna':
1997 |
González-Casanovas, Roberto J. |
Ausgewählte und neue Schriften zur Literaturgeschichte und zur Bedeutungsforschung:
1997 |
Ohly, Friedrich |
La Belle Hélène de Constantinople:
1997 |
Roussel, Claude |
Both One and Many: Essays on Change and Variety in Late Norse Heathenism:
1997 |
McKinnell, John |
The Boundaries of Faith:
1997 |
Hirsh, John C. |
The Cambridge History of ltalian Literature:
1997 |
Brand, Peter |
Changing chere and changing text in the eighth revelation of Julian of Norwich:
1997 |
Glasscoe, Marion |
The Chansons de Geste in the Age of Romance:
1997 |
Kay, Sarah |
Chansons des trouvères: Chanter m'estuet:
1997 |
Rosenberg, Samuel N. |
Chaucer and the Universe of Learning:
1997 |
Astell, Ann W. |
Chaucer's Approach to Gender in the 'Canterbury Tales':
1997 |
Laskaya, Anne |
Chaucer, Boccaccio, and the Debate of Love:
1997 |
Thompson, N.S. |
Christine de Pizan: 'Le Livre du duc des vrais amans':
1997 |
Fenster, Thelma S. |
Chrétien de Troyes:
1997 |
Nykrog, Per |
City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe; John Schofield and Alan Vince, Medieval Towns:
1997 |
Hanawalt, Barbara A. |
Clôtures du cycle arthurien - E. K.):
1997 |
Trachsler, Richard |
Codices Boethiani:
1997 |
Gibson, M.T. |
The compilation of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86:
1997 |
Corrie, Marilyn |
The composition and social context of Oxford, Jesus College, MS 29(II) and London, British Library, MS Cotton Caligula A.ix:
1997 |
Cartlidge, Neil |
Conquering the Reign of Femeny: Gender and Genre in Chaucer's Romance:
1997 |
Weisl, Angela Jane |
Le Conventum (vers 1030):
1997 |
Beech, George |
The Danse Macabré of Women:
1997 |
Tukey Harrison, Ann |
Dante Now:
1997 |
Cachey Jr, Theodore J. |
Dante's 'Inferno':
1997 |
Musa, Mark |
David Aubert, escripvain et clerc:
1997 |
Straub, Richard E.F. |
The Death of the Troubadour:
1997 |
Stone, Gregory B. |
Defamation in the troubadour sirventes: legislation and lyric poetry:
1997 |
Léglu, Catherine |
Deux Lais en langue mixte:
1997 |
Billy, Dominique |
The Devil's Rights:
1997 |
Marx, C.W. |
English Wycliffite Sermons, IV and V:
1997 |
Gradon, Pamela |
Estoire as word and genre: meaning and literary usage in the twelfth century:
1997 |
Damian-Grint, Peter |
Fate, faith and paradox: medieval unlucky days as a context for 'Wytte Hath Wondyr':
1997 |
Hirsh, John C. |
Fortuna, Money and the Sublunar World:
1997 |
Lehtonen, Thomas M.S. |
From Phoenix to Chauntecleer:
1997 |
Honegger, Thomas |
Geoffrey Chaucer: The Wife of Bath's Prologue:
1997 |
Robinson, Peter |
Gerlaci Petri opera omnia:
1997 |
Kors, Mikel M. |
Guillaume de Machaut:
1997 |
Earp, Lawrence |
Henry, Archdeacon of Huntingdon: 'Historia Anglorum':
1997 |
Greenway, Diana |
Images of Adventure: Ywain in the Visual Arts:
1997 |
Rushing Jr, James A. |
Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry:
1997 |
Clemoes, Peter |
Juan Manuel: Ordenamientos dados a la Villa de Peñafiel, 10 de abril de 1345:
1997 |
Kinkade, Richard P. |
Kindly Similitude: Marriage and Family in 'Piers Plowman':
1997 |
Tavormina, M.Teresa |
The Knight on his Quest:
1997 |
Sadowski, Piotr |
Lady with a Mean Cup:
1997 |
Enright, Michael J. |
Late Merovingian France:
1997 |
Fouracre, Paul |
The Latin and German 'Etymachia':
1997 |
Harris, Nigel |
The Legend of Guy of Warwick:
1997 |
Bourgeois Richmond, Velma |
Li anemis meismes: Satan and Synagogue in La Queste del Saint Graal:
1997 |
Arcy, Anne Marie D' |
The Liber Vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester:
1997 |
Keynes, Simon D. |
The Life and Times of John Trevisa:
1997 |
Fowler, David C. |
The Loving Subject:
1997 |
Bond, Gerald A. |
La Légende de Troie en France au moyen âge:
1997 |
Jung, Marc-René |
Making History: The Normans and their Historians in Eleventh-Century Italy:
1997 |
Baxter Rolf, Kenneth |
Manières de langage:
1997 |
Kristol, Andres M. |
Marquard vom Stein, 'Der Ritter vom Turn': Kommentar:
1997 |
Harvey, Ruth |
Mary through the Centuries:
1997 |
Pelikan, Jaroslav |
Medieval Listening and Reading:
1997 |
Green, Dennis H. |
Medieval Venuses and Cupids:
1997 |
Tinkle, Theresa |
Medievalism and the Modernist Temper:
1997 |
Bloch, R.Howard |
Mismapping the Underworld:
1997 |
Kleiner, John |
Mitteleuropäische Schulen:
1997 |
Fingernagel, Andreas |
New Science out of Old Books:
1997 |
Beadle, Richard |
Northern English Books, Owners, and Makers:
1997 |
Friedman, John B. |
Old English Poetic Metre:
1997 |
Hutcheson, B.R. |
Old Norse Images of Women:
1997 |
Jochens, Jenny |
The Origins of Drama in Scandanavia:
1997 |
Gunnell, Terry |
De paleografie van de documentaire bronnen in Holland en Zeeland (N. F. P.):
1997 |
Burgers, J.W.J. |
The parodic sermon in medieval and early modern England:
1997 |
Jones, Malcolm |
Pierre d'Abernon of Fetcham: La Vie de seint Richard evesque de Cycestre:
1997 |
Russell, D.W. |
The Poetic Art of Aldhelm:
1997 |
Orchard, Andy |
The Poetry of Fifteenth-Century France, I and II:
1997 |
Fox, John |
The Power of Women:
1997 |
Smith, Susan L. |
Pre-texts: tables of contents and the reading of John Gower's Confessio Amantis:
1997 |
Echard, Sian |
Pride and Prodigies: Studies in the Monsters of the 'Beowulf'-Manuscript:
1997 |
Orchard, Andy |
Prophetic Song:
1997 |
Kuczynski, Michael P. |
Le Présent de Marie:
1997 |
Mikhai͏̈lova, Milena |
Public Reading and the Reading Public:
1997 |
Coleman, Joyce |
The Resurrection of the Body:
1997 |
Walker Bynum, Caroline |
Rewriting Resemblance in Medieval French Romance:
1997 |
Rockwell, Paul Vincent |
Roger Bacon and the Origins of Perspectiva:
1997 |
Lindberg, David C. |
Romancing the Grail:
1997 |
Groos, Arthur |
Le Récit médiéval XIIe-XIIIe siècles (E. K.):
1997 |
Baumgartner, Emmanuèle |
Saggi di linguistica trovadorica:
1997 |
Perugi, Maurizio |
Scholastic Humanism:
1997 |
Southern, R.W. |
Selected Poems:
1997 |
Bawcutt, Priscilla |
1997 |
1997 |
Some recent editions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles:
1997 |
Hart, Cyril |
Sources of London English:
1997 |
Wright, Laura |
St Oswald of Worcester:
1997 |
Brooks, Nicholas |
The Story of a Stoy across Cultures:
1997 |
Parker, Margaret R. |
Taste and patronage in late medieval England as reflected in versions of Guy of Warwick:
1997 |
Frankis, John |
The Textualiy of Old English Poetry:
1997 |
Pasternack, Carol Braun |
A Thesaurus of Old English:
1997 |
Roberts, Jane |
Thorlac Turville-Petre, England the Nation:
1997 |
Fisher, John H. |
Tristan et Iseut:
1997 |
Chocheyras, Jacques |
Ulrich von Pottenstein: Dekalog-Auslegung:
1997 |
Baptist-Hlawatsch, Gabriele |
The Unholy Grail (E. K.):
1997 |
Cazelles, Brigitte |
Virues of the Will:
1997 |
Kent, Bonnie |
Die Welfen und ihr Braunschweiger Hof:
1997 |
Schneidmüller, Bernd |
Women in Old Norse Society:
1997 |
Jochens, Jenny |
The works of Petrus Alfonsi: questions of authenticity:
1997 |
Burnett, Charles |
Ywain auf Schloss Rodenegg:
1997 |
Schupp, Volker |
'A woman's reply to her lover' and four other new courtly love lyrics in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R.3.19:
1998 |
Mooney, Linne R. |
'A woman's reply to her lover' and four other new courtly love lyrics in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R.3.19:
1998 |
Mooney, Linne R. |
'Bewulf' and the Medieval Proverb Tradition:
1998 |
Deskis, Susan E. |
'Bewulf' and the Medieval Proverb Tradition:
1998 |
Deskis, Susan E. |
'Cleanness': Structure and Meaning:
1998 |
Lecklider, Jane K. |
'Cleanness': Structure and Meaning:
1998 |
Lecklider, Jane K. |
The 'Gesta Guillelmi' of William of Poitiers:
1998 |
Davis, R.H.C. |
The 'Gesta Guillelmi' of William of Poitiers:
1998 |
Davis, R.H.C. |
The 'Geste de Burch': a manuscript:
1998 |
Hunt, Tony |
The 'Geste de Burch': a manuscript:
1998 |
Hunt, Tony |
Il 'Llibre del plant de l'hom':
1998 |
Minervini, Vincenzo |
Ambivalent Conventions: Formula and Parody in Old French:
1998 |
Cobby, Anne Elizabeth |
Antonia Pulci: Florentine Drama for Convent and Festival:
1998 |
Cook, James Wyatt |
Apocalypse of Paul (N.F.P.):
1998 |
Silverstein, Theodore |
The Art of Medieval French Romance:
1998 |
Kelly, Douglas |
Le Bel Inconnu de Renaut de Beaujeu (E.K.):
1998 |
Walter, Philippe |
Benvenutus Grassus; The Wonderful Art of the Eye:
1998 |
Eldredge, L.M. |
Benvenutus Grassus; The Wonderful Art of the Eye:
1998 |
Eldredge, L.M. |
Le Bestiaire le Lapidaire du Rosarius:
1998 |
Sandqvist, Sven |
Le Bestiaire le Lapidaire du Rosarius:
1998 |
Sandqvist, Sven |
Blodeugerdd Barddas o Ganu Crefyddol Cynnar:
1998 |
Haycock, Marged |
Blodeugerdd Barddas o Ganu Crefyddol Cynnar:
1998 |
Haycock, Marged |
Boeces: De Consolacion:
1998 |
Atkinson, J.Keith |
Das Bremer Evangelistar:
1998 |
Bockelmann, Marion |
Calendar and text: Christ's ministry in the York plays and the liturgy:
1998 |
King, Pamela M. |
The Cambridge History of German Literature:
1998 |
Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen |
A Catalogue of Chaucer Manuscripts:
1998 |
Seymour, M.C. |
A Catalogue of Chaucer Manuscripts:
1998 |
Seymour, M.C. |
A Catalogue of Chaucer Manuscripts, volume I:
1998 |
Seymour, M.C. |
A Catalogue of Chaucer Manuscripts, volume I:
1998 |
Seymour, M.C. |
Chaucer and the Politics of Discourse:
1998 |
Grudin, Michaela Paasche |
The Chronicle of Adam Usk 1377-1421:
1998 |
Given-Wilson, C. |
Chrétien de Troyes:
1998 |
Walter, Philippe |
Chrétien de Troyes:
1998 |
Walter, Philippe |
Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages:
1998 |
Nirenberg, David |
A Companion to the Gawain-Poet:
1998 |
Brewer, Derek |
The Composition of Old English Poety:
1998 |
Momma, H. |
The Composition of Old English Poety:
1998 |
Momma, H. |
Dante's Political Purgatory:
1998 |
Scott, John A. |
Death and Purgatory in Middle English Didactic Poetry:
1998 |
Matsuda, Takami |
Death and Purgatory in Middle English Didactic Poetry:
1998 |
Matsuda, Takami |
Deformed Discourse: The Function of the Monster in Mediaeval Thought and Literature:
1998 |
Williams, David |
Dictionary of Old English:
1998 |
Healey, Antonette diPaolo |
Le Dit et sa technique littéraire des origines à 1340:
1998 |
Léonard, Monique |
Les Espaces de la transgression dans le Tristan de Béroul:
1998 |
Zovic, Neda Chernack |
Facsimile of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86:
1998 |
Tschann, Judith |
The Fayre Formez of the Pearl Poet:
1998 |
Prior, Sandra Pierson |
Florus and Diocletian: a crux in Christine de Pizan's, Livre du corps de policie:
1998 |
Kennedy, Angus J. |
Florus and Diocletian: a crux in Christine de Pizan's, Livre du corps de policie:
1998 |
Kennedy, Angus J. |
The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval England:
1998 |
Calin, William |
Garin le Loherenc:
1998 |
Iker-Gittleman, Anne |
Gautier d'Arras: Ille et Galeron (E.K.):
1998 |
Eley, Penny |
Geistliche Prosa im Kloster Tegernsee:
1998 |
Bauer, Christian |
Geistliche Prosa im Kloster Tegernsee:
1998 |
Bauer, Christian |
Gender and Text in the Later Middle Ages:
1998 |
Bullough, Vern L. |
Gottfried's huote excursus (Tristan 17817--18114):
1998 |
Volfing, Annette |
Handbook of Medieval Sexuality:
1998 |
Bullough, Vern L. |
Heaven and Earth in the Middle Ages:
1998 |
Simek, Rudolf |
The Heaven Singing: Music in Early English Religious Drama:
1998 |
Rastall, Richard |
Historical Literature in Medieval Iberia:
1998 |
Deyermond, Alan |
Historical Literature in Medieval Iberia:
1998 |
Deyermond, Alan |
Hugues Capet: chanson de geste du XIVe siècle:
1998 |
Laborderie, Noe͏̈lle |
Hugues Capet: chanson de geste du XIVe siècle:
1998 |
Laborderie, Noe͏̈lle |
Inescapable rose: Jean le Seneschal's Cent Ballades and the art of cheerful paradox:
1998 |
Taylor, Jane H.M. |
Internal Differences and Meanings in the Roman de la Rose:
1998 |
Kelly, Douglas |
Internal Differences and Meanings in the Roman de la Rose:
1998 |
Kelly, Douglas |
An Introduction to the Gawain-Poet:
1998 |
Putter, Ad |
Le Jeu d'Adam:
1998 |
Emden, Wolfgang van |
Johann II. von Simmern; Die Haymonskinder:
1998 |
Wunderlich, Werner |
Johann II. von Simmern; Die Haymonskinder:
1998 |
Wunderlich, Werner |
Johannes Molanus: Traité des saintes images:
1998 |
Boespflug, François |
John Palsgrave as Renaissance Linguist:
1998 |
Stein, Gabriele |
Jonah and genre in Resignation B:
1998 |
Deskis, Susan E. |
Jonah and genre in Resignation B:
1998 |
Deskis, Susan E. |
The Later Versions of Sir Degarre:
1998 |
Jacobs, Nicholas |
The Legend of Mary of Egypt in Medieval Insular Hagiography:
1998 |
Poppe, Erich |
Living and Dying in Medieval Paris: The Household of a Fourteenth-Century French Knight:
1998 |
Crossley-Holland, Nicole |
The Lyrics of the 'Historia Troyana polimétrica':
1998 |
Haywood, Louise M. |
The Lyrics of the 'Historia Troyana polimétrica':
1998 |
Haywood, Louise M. |
Making a cloister of the soul in medieval religious treatises:
1998 |
Whitehead, Christiania |
Malory's Book of Arms: The Narrative of Combat in 'Le Morte Darthur':
1998 |
Lynch, Andrew |
Les Manuscrits de Chrétien de Troyes-The Manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes:
1998 |
Busby, Keith |
Les Manuscrits de Chrétien de Troyes-The Manuscripts of Chrétien de Troyes:
1998 |
Busby, Keith |
Marie de France: An Analytical Bibliography, Supplement No. 2:
1998 |
Burgess, Glyn S. |
Marie de France: An Analytical Bibliography, Supplement No. 2:
1998 |
Burgess, Glyn S. |
1998 |
Haustein, Jens |
The meaning of destral as 'go-between' in the Catalan Facet and in Old Occitan:
1998 |
Cantavella, Rosanna |
The meaning of destral as 'go-between' in the Catalan Facet and in Old Occitan:
1998 |
Cantavella, Rosanna |
Medieval Iberia: Essays on the History and Literature of Medieval Spain:
1998 |
Kagay, Donald J. |
Medieval Iberia: Essays on the History and Literature of Medieval Spain:
1998 |
Kagay, Donald J. |
Medieval Latin: an Introduction and Bibliographical Guide:
1998 |
Mantello, F.A.C. |
Medieval Latin: an Introduction and Bibliographical Guide:
1998 |
Mantello, F.A.C. |
The Medieval Medea:
1998 |
Morse, Ruth |
Medieval Welsh Literature:
1998 |
Breeze, Andrew |
The Minnesinger Heinrich von Morungen:
1998 |
Fisher, Rodney W. |
Le Mystère de Saint Remi:
1998 |
Koopmans, Jelle |
Notes on Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86, The Names of a Hare in English:
1998 |
Laing, Margaret |
Notes on Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 86, The Names of a Hare in English:
1998 |
Laing, Margaret |
Nuns as Artists:
1998 |
Hamburger, Jeffrey F. |
Oidhead Chloinne hUisneach:
1998 |
Léith, Caoimhin Mac Giolla |
Oidhead Chloinne hUisneach:
1998 |
Léith, Caoimhin Mac Giolla |
Old Age in Late Medieval England:
1998 |
Rosenthal, Joel T. |
Old Age in Late Medieval England:
1998 |
Rosenthal, Joel T. |
The Oxford Dictionay of the Christian Church:
1998 |
Cross, F.L. |
Oxford Guides to Chaucer,:
1998 |
Minnis, A.J. |
Oxford Guides to Chaucer,:
1998 |
Minnis, A.J. |
Paris un Wiene: Ein jiddischer Stanzenroman des 16. Jahrhunderts von (oder aus dem Umkreis von) Elia Levita:
1998 |
Timm, Erika |
Pensée mythique et narrations médiévales:
1998 |
Vincensini, Jean-Jacques |
Piers Plowman: The C Version:
1998 |
Russell, George |
The Powers of the Holy: Religion, Politics, and Gender in Late Medieval English Culture:
1998 |
Aers, David |
Poème anglo-normand sur l'Ancien Testament:
1998 |
Nobel, Pierre |
Proverbs in Medieval Occitan Literature:
1998 |
Pfeffer, Wendy |
Proverbs in Medieval Occitan Literature:
1998 |
Pfeffer, Wendy |
Des Rats et des ratières: Anamorphoses d'un champ métaphorique de Saint Augustin à Jean Racine:
1998 |
Berchtold, Jacques |
The Reception of Continental Holy Women in Late-Medieval England:
1998 |
Voaden, Rosalynn |
The Reception of Continental Holy Women in Late-Medieval England:
1998 |
Voaden, Rosalynn |
Representation and Design;:
1998 |
Head, Pauline E. |
Representation and Design;:
1998 |
Head, Pauline E. |
Ricettari medico-farmaceutici medievali nella Francia meridionale:
1998 |
Corradini Bozzi, Maria Sofia |
Richard III's Books (H.C.):
1998 |
Sutton, Anne F. |
Richard III's Books (H.C.):
1998 |
Sutton, Anne F. |
Ritterliche Werte zwischen Tradition und Transformation:
1998 |
Pingel, Regina |
Ritterliche Werte zwischen Tradition und Transformation:
1998 |
Pingel, Regina |
Rittertum zwischen Minne und Gral:
1998 |
Remakel, Michèle |
Rittertum zwischen Minne und Gral:
1998 |
Remakel, Michèle |
Robert Le Chapelain: Corset:
1998 |
Sinclair, K.V. |
Le Roman de Tristan en prose (version du manuscrit fr.757 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris):
1998 |
Blanchard, Joe͏̈l |
Le Roman de Tristan en prose (version du manuscrit fr.757 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris):
1998 |
Blanchard, Joe͏̈l |
A scribal translation of Piers Plowman:
1998 |
Black, Merja |
A scribal translation of Piers Plowman:
1998 |
Black, Merja |
1998 |
SHORTER Notices:
1998 |
SHORTER Notices:
1998 |
Le Somme abregiet de theologie:
1998 |
Michler, Christine |
Le Somme abregiet de theologie:
1998 |
Michler, Christine |
The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry:
1998 |
Gameson, Richard |
The Study of the Bayeux Tapestry:
1998 |
Gameson, Richard |
La Suite du roman de Merlin (E.K.):
1998 |
Roussineau, Gilles |
Trevor Eaton reads Beowulf:
1998 |
Dance, Richard |
Two Medieval Outlaws: Eustace the Monk and Fouke Fitz Waryn:
1998 |
Burgess, Glyn |
Two Medieval Outlaws: Eustace the Monk and Fouke Fitz Waryn:
1998 |
Burgess, Glyn |
Two Middle English carols from an Exeter manuscript:
1998 |
Camargo, Martin |
Understanding the Universe in Seventh-Centuy Ireland:
1998 |
Smyth, Marina |
Understanding the Universe in Seventh-Centuy Ireland:
1998 |
Smyth, Marina |
Die Vermittlung geistlicher Inhalte im deutschen Mittelalter:
1998 |
Jackson, Timothy R. |
Vision in a Trance: a fifteenth-century vision of Purgatory:
1998 |
Youngs, Deborah |
Vision in a Trance: a fifteenth-century vision of Purgatory:
1998 |
Youngs, Deborah |
Women's Monasticism and Medieval Society:
1998 |
Venarde, Bruce L. |
Writing East: The 'Travels' of SirJohn Mandeville:
1998 |
Higgins, Iain Macleod |
Written Work: Langland, Labor, and Authorship:
1998 |
Justice, Steven |
Written Work: Langland, Labor, and Authorship:
1998 |
Justice, Steven |
'Pur vostre cor su jo em paine': the Augustinian subtext of Thomas's Tristan:
1999 |
Adams, Tracy |
'Songs of Rechelesnesse': Langland and the Franciscans (Anne Hudson):
1999 |
Clopper, Lawrence M. |
'The Vivendier': A Fifteenth Century French Cookery Manuscript ( Ann Rycraft ):
1999 |
Scully, Terence |
'Tum'-Studien: zur dichterischen Gestaltung im Marienpreis Heinrichs von Mügeln:
1999 |
Stolz, Michael |
The AB Dialect: A Computer Concordance ( Richard Dance ):
1999 |
Hastings, George |
AElfric's Catholic Homilies: The First Series: Text (M. Bradford Bedingfield):
1999 |
Clemoes, Peter |
Aimeric de Belenoi; Le poesie:
1999 |
Poli, Andrea |
Becoming Male in the Middle Ages (Corinne Saunders):
1999 |
Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome |
The Case for Women in Medieval Culture (Diane Purkiss):
1999 |
Blamires, Alcuin |
Chaucer's Dream Poetry (A. S. G. Edwards):
1999 |
Phillips, Helen |
Chaucer's Gardens and the Language of Convention (Corinne Saunders):
1999 |
Howes, Laura L. |
Children and literature in medieval England:
1999 |
Orme, Nicholas |
Clothes make the man: Female Cross Dressing in Medieval Europe:
1999 |
Hotchkiss, Valerie R. |
Conversing with Angels and Ancients: Literary Myths of Medieval Ireland (Kaarina Hollo):
1999 |
Nagy, Joseph Falaky |
Courtly Letters in the Age of Henry VIII: Literary Culture and the Arts of Deceit (James Simpson):
1999 |
Lerer, Seth |
Culture and Religion in Merovingian Gaul, A.D. 481-751 (Paul Antony Hayward):
1999 |
Hen, Yitzak |
Dante and Governance (John C. Barnes):
1999 |
Woodhouse, John |
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of All Souls College Oxford (Ralph Hanna III):
1999 |
Watson, Andrew G. |
Désordre de l'abjcction et ordre de la courtoisie: le corps abject dans Paris et Vienne de Pierre de La Cépede:
1999 |
Vincensini, Jean-Jacques |
Les Enfances Vivien (Marianne Ailes):
1999 |
Rouquier, Magali |
Four medieval manuscripts with mathematical games:
1999 |
Eldredge, L.M. |
Gawain's practice of piety in Sir Gawain and the Grren Knight:
1999 |
Hardman, Phillipa |
George Chastellain and the Shaping of Valois Burgundy (M.H.Keen):
1999 |
Small, Graeme |
The Germanic Hero: Politics and Pragmatism in Early Medieval Poetry (E.G. Stanley):
1999 |
Murdoch, Brian |
Gower's Vox clamantis and Usk's Testament of Love:
1999 |
Summers, Joanna |
Guillelmi de Conchis: Dragmaticon philosophiae; Summa de philosophiae; summa de philosophia in vulgari ( Lodi Nauta ):
1999 |
Ronca, I. |
A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540 ( N.F.P.):
1999 |
Sharpe, Richard |
Heinrich von Mügeln; 'Der meide kranz': A Commentary (Christian Kiening):
1999 |
Volfing, Annette |
History and Romance in the Chronique des ducs de Normadie:
1999 |
Eley, Penne |
Hystoria ducis Bauarie Ernesti: kritische Edition des 'Herzog Ernst' C (John L. Flood):
1999 |
Ehlen, Thomas |
The identity of Margaret in Thomas Usk's Testament of Love:
1999 |
Lewis, Lucy |
Illuminating the Epic (N.F.P.):
1999 |
Holladay, Joan A. |
Imaging Aristotle: Verbal and Visual Representation in Fourteenth-Century France (Alison Stones):
1999 |
Sherman, Claire Richter |
Inventing a tradition: the Cronica d'Espayña de Garcia de Eugui and the beginning of Navarrese historiography:
1999 |
Ward, Aengus |
Judith (R.F.S. Hamer):
1999 |
Griffith, Mark |
Latin Manuscripts with Anglo-Saxon Glosses (Rohini Jayatilaka):
1999 |
Lucas, P.J. |
Liebe und Herrschaft: Studien zum Altfranzösischen und mittelhochdeutschen Prosa-Lancelot (Almut Suerbaum):
1999 |
Reil, Cornelia |
Lies, Slander and Obscenity in Medieval English Literature: Pastoral Rhetoric and the Deviant Speaker (David Lawton):
1999 |
Craun, Edwin D. |
Love for Sale: Maerialist Readings of the Troubadour Razo Corpus (Ruth E. Harvey):
1999 |
Burgwinkle, William E. |
Magic and Divination at the Courts of Burgundy and France: Text and Context of Laurens Pignon's 'Contre les devineurs' (1411) (Philippe Walter):
1999 |
Veenstra, Jan R. |
Medieval Marriage: Literary Approaches, 1100-1300 ( M. Teresa Tavormina):
1999 |
Cartlidge, Neil |
Le Mystère de la Sainte Résurrection (Graham A. Runnalls):
1999 |
Servet, Pierre |
Nicholas Love at Waseda (E.A. Jones):
1999 |
Oguro, Shoichi |
L'OEuvre Lyrique de Blondel de Nesle: mélodies (Elizabeth Aubrey):
1999 |
Bahat, Avner |
Old Concepts and New Poetics; 'Historia', 'Argumentum', and 'Fabula' in Twelfth-and Early Thirteenth-Century Latin Poetics of Fiction (Monika Otter):
1999 |
Mehtonen, Päiva |
Omne bonum: A Fourteenth-Century Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (A.S.G. Edwards):
1999 |
Sandler, Lucy Freeman |
Page layout and textual autonomy in Harley MS 2253: 'Lenten ys come wib loue to toune":
1999 |
Dane, Joseph A. |
The Past as Text: The Theory and Practice of Medieval Historiography (Paul Strohm):
1999 |
Speigel, Gabrielle M. |
The poetic Edda, II: Mythological Poems (Anthony Faulkes):
1999 |
Dronke, Ursula |
Pseudo-autobiography in the Fourteenth Century ( Philip E. Bennett ):
1999 |
Looze, Laurence de |
Reading Old English:
1999 |
O'Brien O'Keeffe, Katherine |
The Regal Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych (Helen Barr):
1999 |
Gordon, Dillian |
Reinventing the gospel: AElfric and the Liturgy:
1999 |
Bedingfield, M.Bradford |
REVIEWS: 'Beowulf' and Old Germanic Metre:
1999 |
Russom, Geoffrey |
REVIEWS: 'Ich han da inne ungehortu ding gesehen': Die Jenseitsvisionen Mechthilds von Magdeburg in der Tradition der mittelalterlichen Literatur:
1999 |
Bochsler, Katharina |
REVIEWS: A New Introdmuction to Chaucer:
1999 |
Brewer, Derek |
REVIEWS: Aucassin et Nicolette: The Poetry of Gender and Growing up in the French Middle Ages:
1999 |
Pensom, Roger |
REVIEWS: Book for a Simple and Devout Woman: A Late Middle English Adaptation of Peraldus's Summa de vitiis et virtutibus and Friar Laurent's Somme le roi:
1999 |
Diekstra, F.N.M. |
REVIEWS: Cathedral Shrines of Medieval England:
1999 |
Nilson, Ben |
REVIEWS: Chaucer's Open Books: Resistance to Closure in Medieval Discourse:
1999 |
McGerr, Rosemarie P. |
REVIEWS: Chivalry and Exploration 1298-1630:
1999 |
Goodman, Jennifer R. |
REVIEWS: Christine de Pizan; Le Livre du corps de policie:
1999 |
Kennedy, Angus J. |
REVIEWS: Church Reform and Social Change in Eleventh-Century Italy: Dominic of Sora and his Patrons:
1999 |
Howe, John |
REVIEWS: Colmmbanus: Studies on The Latin Writings:
1999 |
Lapidge, Michael |
REVIEWS: Diogenes der Kyniker Exempel, Erzählung, Geschichte in Mittelaller und Früber Neuzeit:
1999 |
Largier, Niklas |
REVIEWS: Entre ficfion et histoire: Troie et Rome au moyen âge:
1999 |
Baumgartner, Emmanuèle |
REVIEWS: Gautier de Coinci; Le Miracle de Théohile ou comment Théopbile vint à la pénitence:
1999 |
Garnier, Annette |
REVIEWS: Gregorian Chant and the Carolingians:
1999 |
Levy, Kenneth |
REVIEWS: Heathen Gods in Old English Literature:
1999 |
North, Richard |
REVIEWS: La Légende d'Alexandre le grand dans la littérature du 12e siècle: une réécriture permamente:
1999 |
Gosman, Martin |
REVIEWS: La Poétique du merveilleux dans le Lancelot en prose (E-K):
1999 |
Valette, Jean-René |
REVIEWS: Language and Stage in Medieval and Renaissance England:
1999 |
Dillon, Janette |
REVIEWS: Le Breviari d'amor de Matfre Ermengaud:
1999 |
Ricketts, Peter T. |
REVIEWS: Le jeu de la Passion: le message chrétien et le théâtre français:
1999 |
Bordier, Jean-Pierre |
REVIEWS: Les Romans d'Alexandre: aux frontières de l'épique et du romanesque:
1999 |
Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine |
REVIEWS: Les Voix du peuple - Verbum Dei: le bilinguisme latin-langue vulgaire au mqyen âge:
1999 |
Cazal, Yvonne |
REVIEWS: Maria Zwischen Kathedrale, Kloster und Welt: hagiographische und historiographische Annäherungen an eine hochmittelalterliche Wunderpredigt:
1999 |
Signori, Gabriela |
REVIEWS: Mittelhocbdeutsche Minne- und Aventiureromane: Fiktion, Geschichte und literarische Tradition im späthöfischen Roman:
1999 |
Ridder, Klaus |
REVIEWS: Names of Body Parts in English, 1400-1550:
1999 |
Norri, juhani |
REVIEWS: Novellistik des Mittelalters: Märendichtung:
1999 |
Grubmüller, Klaus |
REVIEWS: Of The Making of Books: Medieval Manuscripts, their Scriber and Readers:
1999 |
Robinson, P.R. |
REVIEWS: Petri Blesensis carmina:
1999 |
Wollin, C. |
REVIEWS: Poésies de François Villon:
1999 |
Baumgartner, Emmanuèle |
REVIEWS: Reading Myth: Classical Mythology and its Interpretations in Medieval French Literature:
1999 |
Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate |
REVIEWS: Rhyme in Care Brulé's Lyric:
1999 |
Bécam, Susan E. |
REVIEWS: Silk and Religion: An Exploration of Material Life and the Thought of People, AD 600-1200:
1999 |
Liu, Xinru |
REVIEWS: Spielregeln für den Untergang: die Welt des 'Nibelungenliedes':
1999 |
Müller, Jan-Dirk |
REVIEWS: The 'Cursor mundi': Poem, Texts and Contexts:
1999 |
Thompson, John J. |
REVIEWS: The Armburgh Papers: The Brokholes Inheritance in Warwickshire, Hertfordshire and Essex:
1999 |
Carpenter, Christine |
REVIEWS: The Craft of Thought: Meditation, Rhetoric, and the Making of Images, 400-1200:
1999 |
Carruthers, Mary |
REVIEWS: The Hunting Book of Gaston Phébus (H-C):
1999 |
Thomas, Marcel |
REVIEWS: The Imitation of Christ: The First English Translation of the 'Imitatio Cbristi': la Estorie del Evangelie: A Parallel-Text Edition:
1999 |
Biggs, B.J.H. |
REVIEWS: The Life and Text of Julian of Norwich: The Poetics of Enclosure:
1999 |
Krantz, M.Diane F. |
REVIEWS: The Love Debate Poems of Christine de Pizan:
1999 |
Altmann, Barbara K. |
REVIEWS: The Manuscripts of 'Piers Plowman':
1999 |
Benson, C.David |
REVIEWS: The Medieval Siege.- Theme and Image in Medieval Romance:
1999 |
Hebron, Malcolm |
Revising Oral Theory: Formulaic Composition in Old English and Old Icelandic Verse (Carolyne Larrington):
1999 |
Acker, Paul |
Robert Mannyng of Brunne: The Chronicle (Thorlac Turville-Petre):
1999 |
Sullens, Idelle |
Le Roman de Ponthus et Sidoine (Jane H.M. Taylor):
1999 |
Crécy, Marie-Claude de |
Serlo of Wilton and the schools of Oxford:
1999 |
Thomson, R.M. |
Shorter Notices:
1999 |
1999 |
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: a poem for Henry of Grosmont?:
1999 |
Cooke, W.G. |
Texts of the Passion: Latin Devotional Literature and Medieval Society (Michael Sargent):
1999 |
Bestul, Thomas H. |
Thomas de Chohham; Summa de commendatione virtutum et extirpatione vitiorum (H.L. Spencer):
1999 |
Morenzoni, F. |
Two Chaucers:
1999 |
Klassen, Norman |
Two fragments from a newly discovered manuscript of Wace's Brut:
1999 |
Weiss, Judith |
Word-play and political satire: solving the riddle of the text of Jezebel:
1999 |
Galloway, Andrew |
'Chosen to be pi derlyng': the anticipation of heaven in a fifteenth-century Middle English meditation:
2000 |
Whiteford, Peter |
Angelo-Saxon Gestures and the Roman Stage (J. A. Burrow):
2000 |
Dodwell, C.R. |
Anglo-French and Middle English vocabulary in Femina nova:
2000 |
Rothwell, W. |
Anglo-Norman fabliaux and Chaucer's Merchant's Tale:
2000 |
Pearcy, Roy J. |
The Apocrybal Gospels of Mary in Anglo-Saxon England (Richard Marsden):
2000 |
Clayton, Mary |
Barlaam and Josaphat (John C. Hirsh):
2000 |
Ikegami, Keiko |
Bodleian Library Quarto Catalogues IX Digby Manuscripts, rev. R. W. Hunt, A. G. Watson (Ralph Hanna):
2000 |
Macray, W.D. |
The Book of Chivalry of Geoffroi de Charny (Peter Ainsworth):
2000 |
Kaeuper, Richard W. |